单词 | 渊博 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 渊博 —learnedless common: erudite • extremely knowledgeable Examples:知识渊博的 adj—knowledgeable adj (知识的)渊博 n—depth n See also:渊—deep pool
核查小组的两名成员在化工行业拥 有广泛的经验,而另两人在财务会计领域拥 有 渊博 的 知 识。 multilateralfund.org | Two of the members of the verification team have extensive experience in the chemical industry while the other two are knowledgeable in financial accounting. multilateralfund.org |
计划管理人员和计划官员具有某一专业领域 的 渊博 知 识 ,以及项目 管理、网络联络、倡议和协调的技能。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Programme managers and programme officers are those who possess substantive knowledge of the field of expertise, as well as project management, networking, advocacy, and facilitation skills. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们的能力中心可提供经验丰富、知 识 渊博 的 专家网络,他们致力于创新和改进,确保满足您在监管日益严格的环境下的需求。 sgsgroup.com.cn | Our competence centers offer a highly experienced and knowledgeable network of experts, committed to innovation and improvement, giving you the assurance you need in our increasingly regulated world. sgsgroup.com.cn |
他们和法院所有其他法官都具备 成功履行法院任务所需的丰富经验和 渊博 知 识。 daccess-ods.un.org | They — and all the Court’s judges — possess a breadth of experience and depth of expertise that is crucial in the exercise of the Court’s mandate. daccess-ods.un.org |
纽卡斯尔商业学院配备尖端的教学设施以及经验丰富、产业知 识 渊博 的 学 术人员,开设MBA、商业硕士和专业会计硕士课程。 australiachina.com.au | The Faculty of Business and Law also offers a range of postgraduate business programs, including the MBA, in its purpose-built location in the heart of Sydney’s central business district. australiachina.com.au |
为每次全会部长级论坛选定的主持人应当是享有国际声誉的知 识 渊博 之 士 ,他/她因公 正和善于主持并能够活跃高层领导人和部长们进行积极和卓有成效的讨论而闻名。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Moderator chosen for each Plenary Ministerial Forum shall be an international and knowledgeable personality, known for his or her impartiality and capable of conducting and animating a dynamic and constructive debate among the senior leaders and ministers. unesdoc.unesco.org |
她在男女平等和妇女权利方面的领导 [...] 和管理发展工作的实际经验及其有关《消除对妇女歧视公约》 的 渊博 知 识 可能成 为该委员会的宝贵资产。 daccess-ods.un.org | She would be a most valuable asset to the Committee, as she has the practical experience of leading and [...] managing development work in the area of gender equality and women’s rights [...] along with her in-depth knowledge of the CEDAW. daccess-ods.un.org |
一位前志愿者将来还会继续在他/她的新工作中给为您的组织做广告,让人看到您 的组织在该领域培养了一位聪明、能力强并且知 识 渊博 的 领 导者。 asiacatalyst.org | That former volunteer will also continue to be an advertisement for your organization in her or his new job, by showing others that your organization produces smart, highly-skilled and knowledgeable leaders in the field. asiacatalyst.org |
Martin先生说:“Kantar Health的肿瘤学团队成员在这个复杂的疾病领域、市场和影响客户为提高治疗效果而采取的措施的大量问题上公认具有 最 渊博 的 知 识。 tipschina.gov.cn | Kantar Health's oncology team members are recognized as second to none in their knowledge of this [...] complex disease area, [...] markets and the myriad issues that impact our clients' efforts to improve treatment," Mr. Martin says. tipschina.gov.cn |
这种工作重点的安排,加上我们投入的工作激情,使我们能够在为B2C和B2B领域的数字和传统直接面对客户的业务平台招聘领导人才时发挥我们的专业特长 和 渊博 知 识 ,并取得竞争对手难望项背的业绩。 spencerstuart.cn | This focus and passion allows us to bring deep expertise, knowledge, and unmatched results in recruiting leadership for both digital and more traditional direct-to-customer business platforms in both the B2C and B2B arenas. spencerstuart.co.uk |
副总裁和总经理都是普通人,他们的丰富经验和 渊博知识可以帮助您更好地完成工作。 anixter.com | Vice presidents and managing directors are regular people who have experience and knowledge that you can use to help do your job better. anixter.com |
在众多利益相关方之间协调和解释这些复杂的要求需要一个经验丰富、知 识 渊博 的 合作伙伴的支持,从而避免产生误解,并确保满足所有必需的要求。 tuv-sud.cn | Coordinating and interpreting these complex requirements among so many stakeholders requires the support of an experienced and knowledgeable partner to avoid misinterpretation and ensure that all necessary requirements are met. tuv-sud.com |
从这幅地图中,可以看出库辛具备 渊博 的 数 学知识,但是海员们却没有什么兴趣使用它。 wdl.org | The map reflects its maker’s considerable knowledge of mathematics, but it was of limited practical interest or use for sailors. wdl.org |
克里姆博士是一位经验丰富的外交官、经济学家、学者和商人,拥有国际政治和经济事务方面 的 渊博 经 验,对联合国系统也有广泛了解。 un.org | A seasoned diplomat, economist, scholar and businessman, Dr. Kerim brings with him a wealth of experience in international political and economic affairs and extensive knowledge of the United Nations system. un.org |
利用多样化的测量流程和福伊特专家 们 渊博 的 专业知识能快速准确地分析导致纸病的根本原因。 voith.com | The combination of the most varied measurement procedures and the well-founded know-how of Voith experts allows a quick analysis of the underlying reasons for paper problems. voith.com |
国际文凭组织的目标是培养勤学好问、知 识 渊博 、 富 有爱心的年轻人,他们通过对多元文化 的理解和尊重,为开创更美好、更和平的世界贡献力量。 olive.mea-international.com | The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. olive.mea-international.com |
我们非常荣幸地邀请到六位主讲嘉宾,既有成就非凡的企业家,也有学 识 渊博 的 学者,他们分别是曾宪相先生、翁瑥钊先生、承立平博士、许恩明先生、陈义红博士和林福星先生。 sccci.org.sg | Among our six speakers, Mr Chan Hian Siang, Mr Edward Ang, Dr Alfred Cheng, Mr Edwin Koh, Dr James Chen, and Mr Lim Hock Chee, we have a panel of successful local and overseas entrepreneurs and academics. english.sccci.org.sg |
研究生教育的最 终目标就是要培养知识渊博、有 效率和富有创新精神的工作者。 fgereport.org | The ultimate product of graduate education is a knowledgeable, productive, and innovative worker. fgereport.org |
国民经济学博士格里克·亚历山大·冯·格莱夫尼茨是创建者和执行股东,自1999年起他就在生物统计工业领域中有了非常丰富的经验,自1991年起在IT和软件开发行业中拥 有 渊博 精 深 的知识技能。 appliedbiometrics.com | Dr. Gerik Alexander v.Graevenitz (CEO) has 11 years experience [...] in the biometric industry and over 15 years in IT business. appliedbiometrics.com |
陶朗加青年旅舍设施一流,工作人员友好热情、知 识 渊博 , 保 证你在游览美丽的丰盛湾同时享受完美的住宿体验。 cn.yha.co.nz | All of these great amenities and our knowledgeable and friendly staff makes YHA Tauranga the perfect accommodation for your exploration of our beautiful Bay of Plenty. yha.co.nz |
该委员会由宪 法和议会事务国务秘书担任主席,其成员除了总统府事务部的代表之外,还包括 由致力于推进和保护人权工作的非政府组织和人权方面的高校研究机构提名的、 在这方面具有渊博知识 和丰富经验的人士。 daccess-ods.un.org | This commission is chaired by the Secretary of State for Constitutional and Parliamentary Affairs, and includes, in addition to representatives of the Ministry of the Presidency, persons with proven knowledge and experience in the promotion and protection of human rights, on the proposal of non-governmental organizations dedicated to the protection and promotion of human rights and of university human rights institutes. daccess-ods.un.org |
成为全球最关注客户、知识渊博、最具创新精神的水力解决方案公司。 tahydronics.com | To be the most customer-focused, knowledgeable and innovative hydronic solutions company in the world. tahydronics.com |
迈克尔营养-LINK有限公司(灰,整骨,自然疗法,营养治疗师)给了一个知 识 渊博 的 讨 论怀孕,免疫力,预防过敏:自然干预措施的作用,在管理当前和未来的健康问题“。 zh-cn.mccarrisonsociety.org.uk | Michael Ash, Nutri-Link Ltd (Osteopath, Naturopath, Nutritional Therapist) gave an erudite paper discussing ‘Pregnancy, immunity and allergy prevention: the role of natural interventions in managing current and future health problems’. mccarrisonsociety.org.uk |
奥克兰市青年旅舍的工作人员知识 渊博 , 将 一天24小时以灿烂的笑容欢迎你的到来。 cn.yha.co.nz | Knowledgeable staff are on hand 24 hours a day to welcome you with a big smile! yha.co.nz |
这些训练有素、知识渊博的专 业人员会找出任何潜在的问题,确保 CDC 提供的压力安全产品功能正常。 contdisc.com | These trained, knowledgeable personnel identify any potential problems and assure the pressure safety products provided by Continental Disc are functioning properly. contdisc.com |
Har-Tru 产品团队知识渊博成员都拥有网球教学和教练、构建和维护球场、管理网球设施以及制定结构规范方面的广泛经验。 cn.hartru.com | Members of the highly knowledgeable Har-Tru products team have experience teaching and coaching tennis, building and maintaining courts, managing tennis facilities and developing construction specifications. hartru.com |
置于全球背景当中的教学与学习支撑国际文凭组织的使命宣言:“培养 勤学好问、知识渊博、富 有爱心的年轻人,他们通过对多元文化的理解和尊重,为开创更美 好、更和平的世界贡献力量。 olive.mea-international.com | Teaching and learning in global contexts supports the IB’s mission “to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect”. olive.mea-international.com |
Carmona博士在二手烟不良影响的研究方面学 识 渊博 , 而 这一点在他具有里程碑意义的2006年卫生局长报告中得到了体现。 businesswirechina.com | Dr. Carmona comes to NJOY with a wealth of knowledge on the harmful effects of second-hand tobacco smoke, as outlined in his landmark 2006 Surgeon General's Report on the health effects of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. businesswirechina.com |
Datastream渊博的图像处理知识和数字成像平台结合在一起,使Datastream公司成理想的OEM开发商,为领先的成像平台提供商和制药公司完成临床试验。 moderntech.com.hk | DataStream's in-depth knowledge of image processing and digital imaging platform integration positions the Company as a ideal OEM developer for leading imaging platform providers and pharmaceutical firms performing clinical trials. moderntech.com.hk |
任何一般图表都包含无数不同的样式,有些是持续样式,有些则是反向样式,要对它做出精准的 分析就必须不断学习、具备丰富的经验 和 渊博 的 技术及基本知识,最重要的是,必须具备使相反的迹象对立起来,根据最细微、混杂的细节对整个景象做出评价,同 时识别任何特定公式和记住的公式。 scgfx.com | Any general diagram contains countless different style, some are continuous style, and some are reverse style, which makes the sophisticated investors must keep learning, have rich experience and profound technology and basic knowledge, what is the most important, must have made the opposite sign up opposition, according to the most subtle, the details of the whole scene of mixed make evaluation, when any specific formula with recognition and remember formula. scgfx.com |