单词 | 清脆 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 清脆adjective—crispadj清脆—ringing fragile tinkling sharp and clear frail melodious silvery (of sound) See also:脆adj—crispadj brittleadj tenuousadj weakadj 脆—fragile neat crunchy clear and loud voice
当与 JSC 板安装同轴连接器 (MM5829-2700) 配接时,该电缆连接器也可发出清脆的咔 嗒声。 digikey.cn | The cable connectors also emit an audible click when mated to the JSC coaxial board mounted connector (MM5829-2700). digikey.be |
Avocent EMS系列产品一直是专门用来向距离信号源以外达1000英尺的广告牌提供亮丽、准确的视频图像配以饱满、 清脆声音的产品。 tipschina.gov.cn | The Avocent EMS series of products have been specifically [...] designed to deliver bright, accurate video with full [...] saturation and crisp digital audio [...]up to 1000ft from the signal source. tipschina.gov.cn |
体验清脆悦耳的音效: 利用两个5瓦扬声器提供的立体声音效,聆听丰富多样的电影原声带。 accessories.ap.dell.com | Experience crisp audio:Relish rich [...] movie soundtracks with stereo sound enabled by two powerful 5W speakers. accessories.ap.dell.com |
宝玑总裁Marc A. Hayek呈现的是一款镶满钻石和蓝色蓝宝石的顺时报时表,这项复杂功能保证每到整点都有重复三次的两声 清脆报时,提醒时间的流逝。 wthejournal.com | Paved with hundreds of diamonds and blue sapphires, the watch by Marc A. Hayek also contains a striking mechanism, i.e. a complication that sounds every hour, with two chimes repeated three times. wthejournal.com |
现在它在全世界广为种植,成酒清脆凉爽,在澳大利亚,南非,美国及南美都有很好的生长,尤其是新西兰,几乎成了新西兰白葡萄酒的代名词。 emw-wines.com | It is now planted in many of the world's wine [...] regions, producing a crisp, dry,and refreshing [...]white varietal wine. en.emw-wines.com |
由Oris技术团队精心研发的“声响音簧”,使Artelier艺术家闹铃表得以呈现 清脆美妙的铃声。 oris.ch | The 'sound spring' was developed by Oris’ technical [...] team to make theclear ringingtone of [...]the Artelier Alarm possible. oris.ch |
防水型游戏键盘,有着清脆俐落的打字触感。 geniusnetusa.com | Water-resistant [...] gaming keyboard withcrisp typing geniusnetusa.com |
您将获得理想的均衡音乐、清脆的对话和流畅的音频传播。 jbl.com | You get ideally [...] balancedmusic,crisp dialogue and smooth [...]audio distribution. jbl.com |
无论经过多少次配接操作,这种闩锁机构都会产生清晰的咔哒接触感、 清脆的咔 哒声。 digikey.cn | The latch provides a clear, tactile click sensation as well as a distinct audible click, regardless of the number of repetitive cycles. digikey.be |
您将可拥有任何希望获得的音乐聆听效果 - [...] 宽阔、前排正中位置的声场、令人屏息的深度与清晰度、如钢琴般 清脆的音质、以及准确音色的低音与高音。 ue.logitech.com | The result is nothing short of a revelation in music listening- a wide, [...] front-row-center soundstage, [...] take-your-breath-away depth and clarity, piano-like timbre, [...]and just the right amount of color on the bass and treble. ue.logitech.com |
一般而言,声响来自于极微小的音槌敲击锣或铃所产生的声音,其发出的 清脆美妙音色取代了原先乏味的卡嗒声。 oris.ch | Usually, the sound is produced by a hammer hitting a gong or bell and this can produce a rather dull sound. oris.ch |
2 寸高效能喇叭涵盖全音域,而一寸高音喇叭则赋予 SP-HF800A清脆响亮的高音。 geniusnetusa.com | The 2-inch high-performance speaker units cover the full-spectrum of sound and the one-inch tweeter gives the [...] SP-HF800A crystal clear treble sound. geniusnetusa.com |
这时,大芒宋的葡萄变成了非常理想的金黄色,散发出一系列柔和清爽的芳香,融合了 清脆的柑橘香,热带水果香及异国情调的果香,口感细腻,圆润. plaimont.com | The perfectly golden Gros Manseng grape offers a palette of sweet and [...] fresh flavours, a crisp marriage of citrus [...]notes and exotic fruit, softened by the finesse of white fruit. plaimont.com |
天星码头那边传来原始的非洲鼓乐声;推门走进文化中心大堂,又传来 清脆的手铃、管乐及电子琴声;再走到文化中心露天广场,即听到节奏强劲的band sound,电结他、鼓声此起彼落,简直是一步一惊喜。 tomleemusic.com.hk | You could find different types of music in this kingdom, including strong rhythms of African drums, sweet sound of handbell, wind instrument and digital piano, and also band sound. tomleemusic.com.hk |
有时候人们会误认为白比诺是霞多丽,酒厂会用对待霞多丽的方法将它在木桶中发酵以增加其复杂性,同样 清脆的塑造方式也适合白比诺,并且这样做会使酒有一定的陈年能力。 emw-wines.com | Pinot blanc is sometimes confused with Chardonnay, and wineries often vinify it in a similar style, using barrel fermentation, new oak and malolactic fermentation. en.emw-wines.com |
在品牌积淀的传奇缔造中,Zippo不断与音乐碰撞出产品设计的创意火花,其大量以摇滚文化为主题的产品系列更是经久不衰,从冰冷硬朗的金属外观到摇滚文化的壳面印花,从 清脆响亮的拨盖声音到打磨火石燃起的炙烈火焰,无一不显露出Zippo与摇滚音乐的无间渊源;而Zippo品牌理念中所倡导的率真、随性和前卫独特的生活态度,又与摇滚音乐所表达的精神不谋而合,从而深受众多时尚年轻人士的追捧,成为引领当今潮流生活及消费的风向标。 yugongyishan.com | People can never get tired of Rock N’ Roll themedlighter designs, and Zippo has become the leading trend for trendy consumers and youngsters because of its strong symbol of freedom and independence combined with the edgy lifestyle that rock music signifies. yugongyishan.com |
曜越Tt eSPORTS [...] CONSOLE One 电视游戏机版 电竞专用耳机拥有令玩家惊艳的40mm钕磁铁发声单体,全罩式复合材质蛋白皮革耳套,给予长时间絶佳透气度,加上阻抗功率32ohm,让高音 清脆,低音浑厚,完美呈现各类游戏平台音质。 ttesports.com.tw | CONSOLE One offers amazing 40mm driver unit with Impedance of 32Ω to enhance you r gaming bass effect. ttesports.fr |
曜越Tt eSPORTS [...] Console One 电视游戏机版 电竞专用耳机拥有令玩家惊艳的40mm钕磁铁发声单体,全罩式复合材质蛋白皮革耳套,给予长时间絶佳透气度,加上阻抗功率32ohm,让高音 清脆,低音浑厚,完美呈现各类游戏平台音质。 ttesports.com.cn | CONSOLE One offers amazing 40mm driver unit with Impedance of 32Ω to enhance you r gaming bass effect. ttesports.es |
特使还告知安全理事会,鉴于 局势的脆弱性,仍需密切监察,因此,特使在内罗毕的办公室不仅在一 [...] 段有限时间内需要一些能力以继续监察进一步进展,而且需要有某种机 制来继续开展其后的监察及后续工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Envoy also informed the Security Council that [...] owing to its fragility, the situation [...]would continue to require close monitoring [...]and that his office in Nairobi would therefore require not only some capacity to continue monitoring further progress for a limited period, but also some form of mechanism to carry forward the monitoring and follow-up thereafter. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个新的职能 范围要求委员会一方面要更好地定义它与其合作伙伴共同开展的专题辩论,以提高效率和促 [...] 进公民社会新成员参与它的工作;另一方面要本着开放的精神去推动新《指示》的落实,尤 其是在世界上那些公民社会仍处于隔绝或脆弱状 况的地方的落实。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The new terms of reference include, on the one hand, improvement in the Committee’s thematic debates with its partners in order to increase efficiency and the participation of new civil society stakeholders in the Committee’s work and, on the other hand, the implementation of the new [...] Directives in a spirit of openness, in particular, in those parts of the world where civil [...] society remains isolated or fragile. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在摩洛哥王国政府出台的 e-摩洛哥国家战略的框架内,办事处支持经济和一般事 务部在电子政务领域实施的计划,并且资助了一张摩洛哥地方电子政务的路线图,目 的是清查摩洛哥的地方电子政务倡议,研究和分析其他国家的类似建议以及分析和概 括所清查的倡议的优点和缺点。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As part of the e-Morocco national strategy, drawn up by the Government of Morocco, the Rabat Office is providing support to the programmes being implemented by the Minister of Economic and General Affairs in the field of e-government, and has funded a roadmap on local governance in Morocco with a view to collecting information on all local e-govenance initiatives in the country, identifying and analysing similar programmes in other countries, and analysing and summarizing the strengths and weaknesses of those initiatives. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在与主要赞助者(会员国、联合国和学术界)围绕编制一 份关于气候变化的全球伦理原则宣言进行磋商的过程中,人们清楚地认识到,需要做大量的 工作,上游需要澄清基本的伦理原则(包括但不限于气候变化问题的伦理原则),而下游则 需要制定实际的政策工具。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the course of consultations with key constituencies (Member States, United Nations and academia) around the desirability of preparing a draft universal declaration of ethical principles in [...] relation to climate [...] change, it becameclear thatsignificant work is needed on the upstream clarification of basic ethical [...]principles, including [...]but not limited to climate change issues, along with downstream development of practical policy tools. unesdoc.unesco.org |
阿塞拜疆共和国一再指出,虽然各方不断作出政治努力,促进在普遍接受 [...] 的国际法准则和原则基础上尽早解决冲突,但占领国亚美尼亚共和国通过在被 [...] 占领阿塞拜疆领土上开展各种非法活动等途径推行的政策和表现的行径清楚地证明,其意图是吞并这些领土(例如,见阿塞拜疆最近散发的文件:A/64/760S/2010/211)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that, despite ongoing political efforts towards the earliest resolution of the conflict on the basis of the generally accepted norms and principles of international law, the policy and practice of the Republic of Armenia, the occupying Power, implemented inter alia through various [...] illegal activities in the occupied territories of [...] Azerbaijan, clearly testify to [...]its intention to secure the annexation of these [...]territories (see, for example, the most recent document circulated by Azerbaijan: A/64/760-S/2010/211). daccess-ods.un.org |
新《宪法》引进或加强了经济、社会和文化权利和基本自由。除其他外, [...] 这特别包括:获得足够营养丰富的食物和清洁水的权利;适足住房权;获得良好 卫生标准的权利;充足使用排污系统和电力的权利;结婚和家庭权利;受教育的 [...]权利;工作权;罢工权;享有退休金的权利;参加文化生活的权利;以及拥有财 产的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Economic, social and cultural rights and fundamental freedoms introduced or strengthened under the new Constitution [...] include, inter alia: the right to adequate, [...] nutritious food andclean water; theright [...]to adequate housing; the right to a good [...]standard of health; adequate access to sewerage and electricity; the right to marriage and family; the right to education; the right to work; the right to strike; the right to enjoy a pension; the right to take part in cultural life; and the right to enjoy property. daccess-ods.un.org |