单词 | 清空 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 清空 adjective —empty adjclear adjExamples:空室清野—empty room, clean field (idiom); clean out everything leave nothing for the enemy • scorched earth policy
可以把多个文件添加到上传队列里面,也可以从队列里面移除不需要的文件,或 都 清空 整 个 队列。 javakaiyuan.com | Multiple files can be added to [...] the upload queue, which can also be removed from the queue which does not require [...] the file , or have cleared the queue . javakaiyuan.com |
当选择以上时间范围中的一种时,如果单击 Clean(清空)按 钮,符合以上删除日期时间的已删除的文件将会被彻底删除。 knowledge.seagate.com | When choosing any of the above time frames, deleted files that fit within these time frames by Deleted Date will be deleted when clicking the Clean button. knowledge.seagate.com |
扫描仪决 定需要清空,且没有纸张传输时,它将在设置的间 隔 清空 到 墨 水托盘。 graphics.kodak.com | When the scanner [...] determines that a purge is required and no paper is going through the transport, it will purge into the ink tray [...]at the set interval. graphics.kodak.com |
Optimat高级系统的一个重要组成部分,这种传送带专为快速和耐久性而开发,均匀的饲料流过系统的同 时 清空 搅 拌 机和填充饲喂行车。 delaval.cn | A vital component of the Optimat master system, this [...] conveyor has been developed for speed [...] and durability, to empty the mixer and fill [...]the wagon with an even flow through the system. delaval.com |
当编程软件检测是否已经输入该数字时,其将询问您是否想 要 清空 控制器内存。 cn.rockwellautomation.com | When the Programming Software detects this number has been entered, it asks [...] if you want to clear the memory in the [...]controller. literature.rock...lautomation.com |
这些墨水堆积在墨水托盘 内或在文档传输时,每一份打印的文档将有一 条 清空 条 纹。 graphics.kodak.com | This ink is deposited in the ink trays or when documents are going through the transport, each document that gets [...] printed on will have a purge bar. graphics.kodak.com |
如果您对此提示的回复为 “是”,则编程软件指示控制器清空 程序 内存。 cn.rockwellautomation.com | If you reply “yes” to this prompt, the programming software instructs the [...] controller to clear Program memory. literature.rock...lautomation.com |
打印机缓冲区将被完全清空而不 打印其中的任何数据, 同时将当前的纸张位置调整到页顶位置。 printronix.com | The print buffer is cleared without printing [...] any of the data and the current paper position is set as the top-ofform. printronix.cn |
(b) 应当鼓励各国政府采取积极主动的行动,例如,检查飞机库和维修车 间,以查出座舱清空或装 有带燃料输送软管的额外燃料箱的飞机,或查出那些 [...] 被以其他方式改装的飞机,从而丰富相关知识,扩展对非法使用私用飞机进行 贩毒活动的管制范围 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Governments should be encouraged to be proactive by, for example, carrying out inspections at [...] aeroplane hangars and maintenance workshops [...] to identify aircraft with stripped [...]cabins or extra fuel tanks with fuel transfer [...]hoses, or that have been modified in other ways, so as to enhance their knowledge and extend their control over the illicit use of private aircraft for drug trafficking daccess-ods.un.org |
秘书长要求对提案采取紧急行动,因为如报告第 11 段所示,如果秘书处大 [...] 楼内的一级数据中心没有按计划在 2010 年 3 月底之前清空,则基本建设总计划 项目的实施将会拖延,造成费用高涨,现估计每月约为 [...] 1 400 万美元,因为要支 付与租赁周转空间以及在中断后恢复建筑工程相关的数项费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretary-General is requesting urgent action on the proposal because, as indicated in paragraph 11 of the report, if [...] the primary data centre in the [...] Secretariat Building is not vacated as planned by the end [...]of March 2010, the implementation [...]of the capital master plan project will be delayed, resulting in a cost increase currently estimated at about $14 million per month owing to several costs associated with swing space leases and the resumption of construction activity after an interruption. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们还参考了过去因 为需要清空Trapp es储存区发生的销毁存货的情况。 unesdoc.unesco.org | They also made reference to the destruction of stocks that had taken place in the past because [...] the need to free space in the storage area [...]of Trappes. unesdoc.unesco.org |
清空此框 可禁用前缀列表,但不会删除前缀列表。 glunz-jensen.com | Leave this box empty to disable the prefix [...] list without deleting the list of prefixes. glunz-jensen.com |
[说明] 开启电源时清空打印 机缓冲器内的数据或恢复打印机模式之功能。 bixolon.com | Description] [...] This function purges the data in the [...]buffer when the power is on or recovers the printer mode. bixolon.com |
本产 品收到[:]时,之前收到的编码会全部 清空。 smc.com.cn | This product clears all previously received [...] code when [:] is received. smc.eu |
在此过程中可能需要不时清空排水 收集盒。 vzug.com | From time to time [...] the drain tray may have to emptied. vzug.com |
在本产品电源切断时 RAM 中记忆的设定值被 清空。 smc.com.cn | Set values stored [...] in RAM are deleted when the [...]power supplied to the product is cut. smc.eu |
购物车在同一个客户会话中有效,也就是说同一个会话的所有浏览器都共享一个购物车,而在该会话的所有浏览器都关闭时,购物车 将 清空。 fuyuanrc.com | That is, all the browsers in one session share one shopping cart, and when all the browsers in the session close, the [...] shopping cart will be emptied. fuyuanrc.com |
清空所有赋值”将清空表格 左侧的全部项目。 dmx512.ch | Clear all assignments“ will clear all entries [...] in the left side of the table. dmx512.ch |
如果设置平均值存储器取值间隔,则在确认更改后 会 清空 整 个 存储器。 highvolt.de | When you set the average value memory interval, the [...] complete memory is cleared once the change [...]is confirmed. highvolt.de |
SWIFT 每年一 [...] 次模拟其运行中心数据全部丢失情景,并在灾难恢复基础架构 (DRI) 中从清空或归零状 态冷启动我们的 FIN 和 [...]SWIFTNet 服务(所有客户配置信息都保留,但所有未送达的报 文/文件丢失了)。 swift.com | Once per year, SWIFT simulates the loss of all its [...] Operating Centres We also execute a Cold Start of our FIN and SWIFTNet [...] services from an empty or zeroised state [...]in the DRI. swift.com |
当 CSB 引脚变成”H”电 平时,SCK 引脚的 Clock 计数清空,回到初始状态。 staging.lierda.com | Driving the CSB pin at a “H” level returns the count of the SCK clock pulses to the initial state. staging.lierda.com |
用弯曲抹刀清空带土 样的半圆凿钻, 使用抹刀手柄的尖削端或锤子手柄的底端。 eijkelkamp.com | Empty the auger with sample using the bent spatula. use the whetted end [...] of the handle or the bottom end of the hammer’s handle. eijkelkamp.com |
在美國,肉眼沒法看到小行星掠過地球的景象,因為是在地球的另一端,但在澳洲,天文學家可以用望遠鏡,看 到 清空 上 一 點光。 ktsf.com | But in Australia, astronomers used binoculars and telescopes to watch the point of light [...] speed across the clear night sky. ktsf.com |
当一个命令被执行而无法撤销时,这一列表将 被 清空。 evget.com | This list will be cleared when a command [...] gets executed that can not be undone. evget.com |
真正优良的挤奶机从不停止,即使 清空 和 清 洗 储奶罐时也如此。 delaval.cn | A real top milker never stops; not even when the [...] milk tank is being emptied and cleaned. delaval.ca |
如果 UDP 資料 可以正常周遊網路,教師將能夠廣播自己的螢幕或 者 清空 學 生 螢幕。 lanschool.com.hk | If UDP data is traversing the network properly, the teacher will be able to broadcast his [...] or her screen or blank student screens. lanschool.com.hk |
清空整个 画布会大幅降低系统性能,因此更为高效的方法是 只 清空 我 们要绘制的区域。 html5rocks.com | Clearing the whole canvas comes at a big performance expense and it would be much more effecient to clear only the regions [...] that we are drawing on. html5rocks.com |
如果必须更换压缩机中损失的油,通常在将油从接口中 倒出,完全清空后, 假设还有大约50ccm的油残留在压缩机中。 secop.com | If a lost oil charge in a compressor must be replaced, it must generally be assumed that approx. 50 [...] ccm of the oil charge will be left in the [...] compressor when it is emptied completely by draining oil [...]off from a connector. secop.com |
特点:(1)系统完全没有电器部件,因此决不会因为电火花而引起爆燃;(2)系统没有任何旋转零部件,如轴承等,因此,也没有摩擦,所以不存在由于摩擦生热引起爆燃爆烧的情况;(3)可增设专用惰性气体(如氮气)保护装置,以满足不适合使用标准真空负压的输送设备;(4)运输系统和原料 桶 清空 系 统 组合(包含CIP),使原料的装卸与周围环境完全隔离;(5)上料系统模块式结构设计,能使用户按需选择并达到最佳配置,防止污染、保障安全。 secespol.cn | Features: (1) no electrical system components, so will never spark caused by deflagration; (2) there is no rotation system parts, such as bearings, etc., so there is no friction, so there is no heat caused by friction deflagration explosive burning conditions; (3) additional dedicated inert gas (eg nitrogen) protection device, in order to meet the standard vacuum is not suitable for the delivery of [...] equipment; (4) transport systems and material [...] combinations barrel emptying systems (including [...]CIP) , so that loading and unloading [...]of raw materials with the surrounding environment is completely isolated; (5) feeding system modular design, enabling the user to select and achieve the best configuration as needed to prevent pollution, protect the safety. secespol.cn |
清空選定頻道:使用者可於【新聞訂閱】、【Podcast 訂閱】之【頻道列表】 畫面中,按壓不放任一頻道,將會開啟頻道功能選單,選擇“清除內容”, 或於【新聞列表】畫面中點選右下角功能表開啟功能選單,並選擇“清除內 容”,即可清空該頻 道內所有新聞及相關檔案。 esobi.com | Clear selected channels: In [News Reader] and [Podcast Reader] – [Channel List],, press and hold down any channel to open function list and select “Remove All”; or from [Channel List], click on Menu at the lower-right hand corner to open function list, and select “Remove All” to clear channel contents. esobi.com |