单词 | 清水 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 清水—clear waterless common: fresh water drinking water Qingshui (place name) 清水noun—clean watern abundant watern Examples:清洁水n—clean watern 清水墙—unplastered masonry wall 水清无鱼—Don't be too picky! clear water, so few fish (idiom); You cannot expect everyone be squeaky clean.
每天喝8杯清水可有 效排出毒素,带来洁净无瑕的肤色。 clarinsusa.com | Drinking 8glasses ofwater a day flushes [...] out toxins to clearyour complexion. clarinsusa.com |
如果手表浸到海水中,请用清水冲洗乾净,然後用乾布擦乾。 citizen.com.hk | If your watch is [...] immersed insea water, rinse thoroughly with fresh waterand wipe with [...]a dry cloth. citizen.com.hk |
用清水再次清洗这些零部件,然后使其彻底干燥。 graco.com | Rinse these partsagainwith waterand allowparts to [...] completely dry. graco.com |
同样,万一液体进入了您的口中,请 立即用足量的清水冲洗并咨询医生。 biz.maxell.com | Likewise, if the liquid gets in your mouth, rinse [...] immediately with plenty of water and consulta physician. biz.maxell.com |
由于复杂的清水混凝土要求,这里使用了大面积模板 Top 50 以及钢模板。 doka.com | Owing to the complex fair-faced concrete requirements, Large-area formwork Top 50 was used here in conjunction with a steel formwork. doka.com |
本公司使用清水进行产品检查 为了避免在移送液剂中混入垃圾和水,请在全部安装结束之前对泵的内部进 行清洗。 yamadacorp.co.jp | In our product inspection,clean wateris used. To prevent mixture of dirty water into the fluid [...] to be pumped, clean the [...]inside of the pump before finishing installation work. yamadacorp.co.jp |
然后用清水冲洗 ,并通过排水管排空水箱。 icrc.org | Rinse withclean waterandempty the [...] tank through the dewatering pipe. icrc.org |
若发现割伤或抓伤,用清水及温和肥皂清洗伤 口,并用适合敏感皮肤的乾纱布处理伤口。 centraleastlhin.on.ca | Clean cuts andscratches with mild soap andwater,and coverwith [...] a dry dressing suitable for sensitive skin. centraleastlhin.on.ca |
纤维,能源和清水的成本压力上涨在浆料制备阶段日益明显。 voith.com | A large percentage of the costs for fiber, [...] energy and fresh waterariseduring the [...]stock preparation stage. voith.com |
B & T(建筑与技术)公司利用瓦克的ETONIS®对 清水混凝土构件进行改性处理,倾力打造由扎哈•哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)设计的气势恢宏的乐家伦敦展厅。 wacker.com | Via modification of the exposed concrete elements with ETONIS® from WACKER, the company B & T (Bau & Technologie) was able to create the spectacular Roca Gallery designed by Zaha Hadid in London. wacker.com |
把一杯清水放进微波爐加热会使水变得极热( 水即使极热但表面看 來仍未煮沸)。 cfs.gov.hk | Heating of only water in a clean cup using microwaves may result in superheated water, i.e. [...] water reached temperature higher [...]than the boiling point without appearing to boil. cfs.gov.hk |
特别是清水制备、滤液和污水的高级净化、喷淋水制备以及清除颜料。 voith.com | It is especially [...] suitable for fresh waterpreparation, advanced cleaning offiltrates and[...]effluent,preparation of spray water, and removal of color. voith.com |
换尿布之後用肥皂和清水洗你的手。 care1st.com | Wash your hands with soap and waterafterchanging diapers. care1st.com |
这是推荐使用的配套组件,能够保证深度至少一米的 清水。 oase-livingwater.com | Different components matched together in such a manner that with recommended [...] use theyensure clear water to adepth of at least [...]one metre. oase-livingwater.com |
用饮用水品质的清水充份冲洗所有组件,在避光处风乾。 resmed.com | Rinse all components [...] well with drinking qualitywater and allow to [...]air dry out of direct sunlight. resmed.com |
如果皮肤或衣服 沾上该液体,应立即用大量清水冲洗。 biz.maxell.com | If the liquid adheres to the skin or clothes, immediately [...] flush it with plentyof water. biz.maxell.com |
以喝饮品来充电的被访者,首选饮品是茶 (47%),其次是清水(36%) 及咖啡 (33%)。 hkupop.hku.hk | As for drinks, tea topped the list with 47%, with the other [...] two popular drinks- water(36%) andcoffee [...](33%) trailing behind. hkupop.hku.hk |
定位锥 15.0 5cm能使对拉杆孔洞和悬挂点孔洞尺寸统一,这尤其适用于 清水混凝土项目。 doka.com | The Fair-faced concrete positioning cone 15.0 5cm is particularly suitable for fair-faced concreteprojects where the form-tie points and suspension points are required to make a uniform hole-pattern. doka.com |
要减少 这 个 问 题 , 需 排 乾或清除积水、清洁水沟、倒 空 提桶、清理旧轮胎和金属容器,并确保水槽和落水管是清洁及能够正常排水。 essa.ca | To reduce the problem, [...] drain or remove standing water, cleanditches, empty barrels, old tires and cans, and make sure gutters and downspouts are cleanand candrain properly. essa.ca |
一个严格的礼仪纯度方面,甚至超越的犹太法利赛人,产生了一个purifactory仪式,如洗澡,用 清水洒无 尽的继承,与骨灰或牛粪,水sippings,呼吸镇压抹黑 - 所有圣事的性质和罪恶的有效缓解。 mb-soft.com | A scrupulous regard for ceremonial purity, surpassing even that of the Jewish Pharisee, gave rise to an endless succession of purifactory [...] rites, such as baths, [...] sprinkling with water, smearing with ashes or cow-dung, sippings ofwater,suppressions [...]of breath--all sacramental [...]in character and efficacious for the remission of sin. mb-soft.com |
本栏目公布的是小川英治教职研究员和 清水顺子 女士测定的“亚洲货币单位(AMU)与东亚货币的AMU乖离指标”结果,是2005年伊藤隆敏教职研究员开始主持的“亚洲最佳汇率制度”研究项目的一部分。 rieti.go.jp | The purpose of this site is to publish the results of the AMU (Asian Monetary Unit) and AMU Deviation Indicators calculated by RIETI Faculty Fellow OGAWA Eiji and SHIMIZU Junko as a part of the RIETI project, "The Optimal Exchange Rate Regime for East Asia," headed by Faculty Fellow ITO Takatoshi. rieti.go.jp |
为了研究在上一个冰河时期里人类的适应情况,Li Liu及其同事研究了来自中国清水河流 域的柿子滩考古遗址的3块磨石,这些磨石的年代被测出是来自于19500年到23000年前,那时地球的冰原在末次冰盛期达到了顶峰。 chinese.eurekalert.org | To investigate human adaptation during the last Ice Age, Li Liu and colleagues examined three grinding stones from Shizitan, an archaeological site in theQingshui River valley, China, that have been dated to between 19,500 and 23,000 years ago when Earth's ice sheets peaked during the Last Glacial Maximum. chinese.eurekalert.org |
新《宪法》引进或加强了经济、社会和文化权利和基本自由。除其他外, 这特别包括:获得足够营养丰富的食物和清洁水的权利;适足住房权;获得良好 卫生标准的权利;充足使用排污系统和电力的权利;结婚和家庭权利;受教育的 [...] 权利;工作权;罢工权;享有退休金的权利;参加文化生活的权利;以及拥有财 产的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Economic, social and cultural rights and fundamental freedoms introduced or strengthened under the new Constitution include, [...] inter alia: the right to adequate, [...] nutritious food andclean water; the right to adequate [...]housing; the right to a good standard [...]of health; adequate access to sewerage and electricity; the right to marriage and family; the right to education; the right to work; the right to strike; the right to enjoy a pension; the right to take part in cultural life; and the right to enjoy property. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前,巴拿马在住房保 障方面制定并实施了很多方案,如:设置休闲区、建造雨水收集利用系统、提供 可饮用水(直饮水)、清洁下水道和生活用水等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Several projects are under way to provide fully serviced housing with recreation areas, storm-drain systems, drinking water and sewerage connections, watertreatment facilities and so forth. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们根据 Triple-Acceleration 技术所设计的创新解决方案,结合了吸尘清洁、湿水拖地 和抹乾的功能,可轻松搭配湿 水清洁所有硬地板。 philips.com.hk | Our innovative solutions, based on [...] Triple-Acceleration Technology, combines [...] vacuuming, wet mopping, anddrying, cleaning all hardfloors effortlessly, with thehelpofwater. philips.com.hk |
小心可能用受污染的水清洗的水果和 蔬菜。 nyc.gov | Beware of fruits and vegetables that [...] may have been washed in contaminated water. nyc.gov |
在美国,我们也相信,中国有巨大的需求,无论是养活其人民,到清理其河流与溪水,清理其空气,还是医疗技术。 embassyusa.cn | We also believe in America that China has enormous [...] needs, whether it’s feeding [...] its people tocleaning up itsrivers and streams and cleaning up the air, to [...]medical technology. eng.embassyusa.cn |