

单词 清晰定位

See also:

定位 n

positioning n
position n
location n
orientation n

定位 v

locate v
localize v

External sources (not reviewed)

我亦相信,只要有這清晰定位,政 府每年為公 眾街市營運額外繳付的一億多元,審計署只會視為是政策上的資助,而 [...]
I also believe that with this clear position, the extra [...]
$100-plus million spent by the Government every year on the operation
of public markets will be regarded as policy subsidy instead of loss by the Audit Commission.
2.16 康文署自
[...] 2000 年成立以來,不時統整公共博物館,加強統籌服務和確 清晰 定位。
2.16 Since its establishment in 2000, LCSD has
conducted re-alignments of the public museums from time to time for better co-ordination
[...] of services and clearer identities.
(a) 為每間博物清晰定位,通 過建立管理監察及表現管理制度,增強 每間博物館的公眾問責性和透明度
(a) Building up a clear identity for each museum, and increasing the degree of public [...]
accountability and transparency for
each museum through a management control and performance management system
(b) 以清晰定位和更高透明度履行公共博物館的使命及 任務
(b) Fulfilling missions and roles of
[...] public museums with clearer identity and transparency
下文說明主要博物館為達到 清晰定位而 進行的工作及計劃。
They are reproduced at Annex B. The
[...] efforts and plans by the flagship museums to better position themselves to achieve clarity of identity are set out below.
這是首份由國務院批准就粵港合作所簽訂的綱領 文件,為粵港合清晰定位,同 時亦把《珠江三角洲地區改革發展規劃 綱要》的宏觀政策轉化為具體措施,以期把相關政策納入國家“十二五” 規劃之中。
It also translates the macro policies of the Outline of the Plan for the Reform and Development of the Pearl River Delta (2008-2020) into concrete measures, with a view to incorporating the related initiatives into the FYP.
為了在 提供博物館服務方面作出改善,文化委員會提出多項建議,包括 成立博物館管理委員會負責統籌博物館服務的整體發展、在提供
[...] 博物館服務方面加強資源開拓及民間參與,以及重組博物館館藏 以確清晰定位等。
To enhance the provision of museum services, CHC has recommended, inter alia, the setting up of a Museums Board to coordinate the overall development of museums, strengthening resource development and
community involvement in the provision of museum services, and realigning museums'
[...] collections to build up clearer identities.
所以,早 前粵港兩地政府簽訂的“粵港合作框架協議”(“框架協議”),涵蓋了所有 主要經濟領域,為粵港未來合作的發展,作出 清晰定位 和 分 工,為兩 地經濟融合進一步開拓了合作空間的闊度和深度,大大有利於將珠三角 地區打造為亞太區最具國際競爭力的世界級新經濟區域,這是有很重要 的意義的。
The Framework Agreement expands the width and depth of co-operation in the integration of the economies of the two places, which greatly facilitates the development of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) Region into a world-class new economic region in the Asia-Pacific with the greatest competitive edge on the international front.
在多媒体一统传媒江湖的时代,传统媒体只 清晰定位 , 盯 住目标读者就可以保住自己的一片河山:付费读者总是忠实于传统媒体,并乐于支付阅读的费用;而在小众市场上,传统媒体还是继续保持增长势头,其中盈利的关键来自于品牌投入和创新的能力。
While multimedia dominates today's world, [...]
traditional media could still keep its own market share by preserving its target
readers: paid readers are always loyal to traditional media, and take delight to pay to read; in niche markets, traditional media still manage to maintain growth momentum.
德勤中国税务主管合伙人–声誉及业务拓展罗盛慕娴表示:「我们欢迎政府计划将香 清晰 地 定位 为 区内物流枢纽及资产管理中心之一。
We should give the government a
[...] warm applause for positioning Hong Kong as one [...]
of the pivotal logistics and asset management centres in the region.
德勤欢迎财政预算案务实 推动特定行业,为香港清晰地定位
Deloitte welcomes pragmatic
[...] budget, with clearer industry positioning for Hong Kong
鑒於行政長官 於 今 年 初 發 表 的 施 政 報告中 ,
宣 布 成 立扶貧委員會(下 稱 ‘委 員會’),而委員會由醞釀到現時 成 立 初
[...] 期,無論從扶貧方向 , 以 至 運 作 模式等, 均缺清晰定位及具體計 劃 , 本會促請政府在 委 員會 的方向、運作及推動社會參與方面,積極採納以下建議
That, as the Chief Executive announced in his Policy Address delivered early this year the establishment of the Commission on Poverty ('the Commission'), and the Commission,
from its incubation to its present
[...] inception, lacks a clear positioning and specific plans [...]
in regard to the direction for
alleviating poverty as well as its mode of operation, this Council urges the Government to vigorously adopt the following proposals regarding the Commission's direction, operation and efforts to promote community engagement
成立法定博物館管理委員會的好處有:為每所博物館建清晰定位、達 到在博物館管理上具備靈活的機構自主權,以及加 強公眾參與、增加問責及透明度。
There are merits in
[...] having a statutory Museums Board to build up a clear identity for [...]
each museum, achieve institutional
autonomy with flexibility in museum management, and increase the degree of public involvement, accountability and transparency.
[...] 政府當局是否銳意履行承諾,把兩個前市政局的權力下放給區 議會,並要求就區議會的角色及職責進行公眾諮詢,以期在地 區事務方面為區議清晰定位。
They also queried the Administration's commitment to honour its undertaking to delegate the powers of the two former Municipal Councils to DCs, and called for a public
consultation on DCs' role and responsibilities with a view to
[...] establishing a clear positioning for DCs in district [...]
為中醫 藥 業的發展 尋清 晰 的定位,不但使 我 們能朝着具體的 目標邁 進 , [...]
而 且 令我們對政府增加信心 , 對 其 角色的 看 法,也 大 為改觀 。
Having a clearly identified position on developing [...]
our Chinese medicine sector would not only give us a specific goal to
work towards, but would also greatly affect our trust and perception of the Government and its role.
醫管 局成立醫院聯網的目的,是為聯網內各醫院訂 清晰 的 定位 ,令 醫院間能互相配合、互補不足及互相支援,以令各地區的市民都 [...]
The objective of the cluster
[...] arrangement is to clearly delineate the roles [...]
of different hospitals within each cluster and
enable collaboration and complementary support among hospitals, so that a full range of health care services can be provided to residents of different districts through the overall service network of the HA.
这三个委员会将协助制订策略以实践公共博物馆的使 命,及加强其完成有关使命的能力,令博物馆有 清晰 的 定位 和 目 标,以及加强 博物馆在教育方面的角色。
They help formulate strategies to pursue the missions of public museums and enhance their ability to fulfil them, sharpen the identity and focus of museums, and enhance their educational role.
然而,联合计划的重点为联合国机 构提供了一清晰的认识和定位:“设计、实施、监督与评估并举”。
However, the emphasis on joint programmes gave United
[...] Nations agencies a clear sense and position to “design, [...]
implement, monitor and evaluate together”.
議員促請政府當局採用全位 的策略,為人口政策定清晰的方向和目標,並在施政報告和 財政預算案中制訂適當措施以達致這些目標。
Members urged the Administration
[...] to adopt a holistic approach, set clear directions and goals for the population [...]
policy and map out
appropriate measures in the Policy Address and the Budget to achieve the goals.
鑒於第三次整體運輸研究只制訂直至2016年的運輸策略,當局會否於本年度或明年初展開第四次整體運輸研究,為隨後10多年的運輸系統發展作前瞻性規劃,並為各種公共交通工具訂立 清晰 明 確 的 定位 , 以 促進其健康發展;如會,研究的詳情(包括展開日期、內容、方法,以及何時能完成有關研究並向運輸業界及公眾匯報)為何;如否,當局基於甚麼數據或原因決定現階段不進行該研究,以及當局在何種情況下才會考慮展開該研究?
given that the Third CTS has formulated a transport strategy up to 2016 only, whether the authorities will commence the Fourth CTS within this year or early next year to make forward planning for the development of the transport system in the 10-odd years thereafter,
and to position various modes of
[...] public transport in a clearer and more specific way, so [...]
as to facilitate their healthy development;
if they will, of the details of the study (including the commencement date, contents and methodology, when the study can be completed and when the transport sector and the public will be briefed on the outcome); if not, of the data or reasons based on which the authorities decide not to conduct such study at this stage, and under what circumstances the authorities will consider commencing the study?
该曼富图KLYP套件提供了改善您视频通话、网络电话或视频群聊质量所需的一切装置——ML120袖珍型LED灯在您通话过程中可以保证您面部适当的柔和光照度,而袖珍型三脚架将对您的手机进行固定,这样您的对话伙伴就可以看到 清晰 的 、良 好 定位 和 免于晃动的照片。
This Manfrotto KLYP kit provides everything you need to improve your videocalls, skype chats or hangouts - the ML120 POCKET light provides the little bit of flattering extra light on your face as you talk, and the
POCKET tripod hold your phone steady so your conversation
[...] partners see your picture clearly, well-framed and shake-free.
[...] LED产品,市场需要什么或者不需要什么都竭尽全力盲目跟风生产,只会导致企业自身生产管理混乱,找不到市场发展定位,由此,正如刘俊所言,LED照明企业只 清晰 自 身发 展 定位 , 瞄 准某个细分领域市场,才能更靠近成功。
As a result, you can see, LED lighting industry today, whether it is "pointing country" or integrated media experts and scholars in the industry media organizations, or the pursuit of green GDP, officials at all levels should be clearly aware of the blind launched LED product, market and what do not need anything or make every effort to blindly follow the trend of production, will only lead to confusion in their own production management, market development can not find the position, which, as Liu
said, LED lighting company
[...] has only a clear positioning of their own development, targeting a particular [...]
market segments, can be more close to success.
第三,就租金與入息比例位數的本 身 定 義 而 言, 定有 5 0%住戶的租 金與入息比例會超逾中位數,而任何中位數的上限只規限租金調整後租金與 入息比例位數不 能超過該上限,並沒有為調整幅度提 清晰 的 指 引。
Third, in
[...] terms of the definition of MRIR itself, there will definitely be 50% of the tenants whose rent-to-income ratio will exceed the median; and any cap on the median only seeks to regulate that the post-adjustment MRIR cannot exceed that cap, without providing a clear guideline on the [...]
rate of adjustment.
为回应这一问题,美国的代表和若干其它代表称 位 代 表 的观点令他们很 失望,认为他在阻碍决定草案的通过。由于他没有参加非正式小组,因此没有 机会听取定缘由的清晰解释 ,也不能像其它持保留意见的与会者一样,表达 自己的关切并一起探讨解决问题的办法。
Responding, the representative of the United States and several other representatives expressed disappointment that the representative was blocking
adoption of the draft
[...] decision, given that he had not participated in the informal group, where clear explanations of the rationale for the decision had been given and where he could have voiced his concerns and joined [...]
discussions on ways
to address them, as other participants with reservations had done.
机构间常设委员会负责人 2011 年 12
[...] 月商定的 2012 年改革议程体现了这些 努力,其主要行动包括:(a) 商定在负责人认为必要时,在“3 级”反应 72 小时 内部署一名高级/紧急人道主义协调员,并“授以领导权”,任期最长 3 个月,负 责定优先事项和作出必要定;(b) 建立一个机构间快速反应机制,以确保各 业务机构及群组的有能力和有经验的领导人在必要时能尽快部署 位 ; (c) 根据 一清晰、简 明、有时限和以成果为导向的交付战略,加强人道主义协调员、人 道主义国家工作队、群组协调员和其他群组合作伙伴之间的相互问责。
The Transformative Agenda 2012 agreed by principals of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee in December 2011 reflects these efforts; its key actions include: (a) agreement to deploy where deemed necessary by the principals a senior/emergency
humanitarian coordinator
[...] within 72 hours of a “Level 3” response, with “empowered leadership” for up to three months to determine priorities and make the necessary decisions; (b) development of an inter-agency rapid response mechanism to ensure that capable and experienced [...]
leaders of operational
agencies and clusters are deployed rapidly as necessary; and (c) enhancement of mutual accountability between the humanitarian coordinator, humanitarian country team, cluster coordinators and other cluster partners, based on a clear, concise, time-bound and results-oriented strategy to deliver.
書面」或「印刷」指包括以書面、印刷、平版印刷、 攝影、打字及任何其清晰及非臨時性文字或數字顯示 方式,並包括以電子顯示方式作出的陳述,惟有關陳述 可在用戶的電腦下載或可透過傳統小型辦公室設備列印 或載入本公司網站,而無論哪一方式,有關股東(按本 細則條文定須向其傳遞或發放任何文件或通告的股 東)已選擇以電子方式收取有關下載或通告,而發放有 關文件或通告的方式及股東的選擇均符合所有適用法律 及法規以及相關地區證券交易所的規定。
writing” or “printing” shall include writing, printing, lithography,
photography, typewriting and
[...] every other mode of representing words or figures in a legible and nontransitory form, and including where the representation takes the form of electronic display, provided that the same is available for download onto a user’s computer or for printing through conventional small office equipment or is placed on the Company's website and, in each case, the shareholder concerned (where the relevant provision of these Articles require the [...]
delivery or service
of any document or notice on him in his capacity as shareholder) has elected for the receipt of the relevant download or notice through electronic means and both the mode of service of the relevant document or notice and the shareholder’s election comply with all applicable laws and regulations and the requirements of the stock exchange of the Relevant Territory.
支持丰富的功能/表现定制:拥有表现和数据分离,单页面可以应用多个无限级菜单树,多达4种展开模式,风格样 定 义 结 构 清晰 、 灵 活又精细等等特性。
Support the rich functionality/performance of the custom : with performance and data separation can be applied to multiple single- page menu
unlimited level tree , up to 4 flat pattern
[...] , style, style definitions clear structure , and [...]
so flexible and fine features .
本 公 司 審 計 部 依 據 境 內 外 證 券 監 管 機 構 對 上 市 公 司 內 部 控 制 的 要 求,結 合 本 公 司 經 營 特 點,對 本 公 司'007年 度 內 控 情 況 進 行 了 檢 測,認 為:本 公
司 股 東 大 會、董 事 會、監 事 會 之 間 權 責 分 明,董 事 會 與 管 理 層 相 對 獨 立;管 理 層 保 持 穩
[...] 定,並 重 視 內 部 控 制 的 管 理 工 作;公 司 各 部定 位 明 確、職清 晰。
The Audit Department is of the view that: there was a clear definition of duties and delegations among the general meeting, Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee of the Company and the Board of Directors and the management were independent from each other; the management team was stable with a strong
emphasis on internal control, and the roles and duties for each department
[...] of the Company were specific and clearly defined.
综合报告应包括以下内容:(a) 对 为期三年的试点项目,包括所得经验教训进行完整的质量分析;(b) 以清晰透明的方式介绍现有结构和试点项目结构及其覆盖的外地特派团;(c) 全面的成本效 益分析,包括以精确定为基 础的试点项目结构的效力和效率,并对外地特派团 调查工作的长期趋势进行分析;(d) 全面说明调查员和调查资源的部署理由,以 及监督厅应对不断变化的案件要求的能力;(e) 关于目前人员编制、空缺率和案 件量的完整和最新资料(见第 63/287 号决议,第 37-40 段)。
The comprehensive report was to include: (a) a complete qualitative analysis of the implementation of the three-year pilot project,
including the lessons
[...] learned; (b) a clear and transparent presentation of the existing structure and the pilot project structure and their respective coverage of field missions; (c) a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis, including of the effectiveness and efficiency of the structure of the pilot project based on accurate assumptions, including an analysis of the [...]
long-term trend of
investigations in field missions; (d) fully justified rationale for all deployments of investigations staff and resources and the ability of OIOS to respond to changing caseload requirements; and (e) complete and updated information on the current staffing, vacancy rate and caseload (see resolution 63/287, paras. 37-40).
所有形式的私营企业,无论是从事国内市场、对外投资还是国际贸易,都需 要一个有利于增长和发展的作业环境,包括和平、 定 、 法 治、附有问责和透明 制度的善治、无腐败、适足基础设施、有素质的劳动力队伍 清晰 产 权 、以及可 强制执行的合同。
All forms of private enterprise — domestic markets, foreign investment and international trade — require an operating environment conducive to growth and
development, including:
[...] peace and stability, the rule of law, good governance with accountability and transparency, the absence of corruption, adequate infrastructure, an educated workforce, clear property rights [...]
and enforceable contracts.




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