

单词 清廉



upright and honest

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

香港雖然沒有民主,但大 家都說香港有優良的制度,清廉、 公平及公正的制度。
Although we have no democracy, we agree that Hong Kong has an
[...] excellent system, an uncorrupted, fair and impartial system.
他并希望国际社会同意总理提出的设想,帮他 成为该国政府希望建立的财清廉局 成 员。
He would like to see the international community take up the offer of the Prime Minister to be a member of the Financial Integrity Board that the Government intends to set up.
[...] 卫参加监狱内贩毒团伙的案件被曝光,但由于问题根 深蒂固,因此需要系统化的努力来根除腐败官员,并 提清廉称职的人员。
A few high-profile cases of wardens involved in prison-based narcotics rings have come to light, but the problem is so entrenched that it needs
more systematic attention to root out corrupt
[...] officials and ensure that cleaner and more qualified [...]
people take their place.
於是,11 年來的工夫便化為烏有,打回原形,行政長官繼續凌駕於絕
[...] 大部分的防止賄賂的條例之上!我們香 清廉 的 聲 譽便是這樣繼續進行 了。
We will continue to
[...] maintain the clean reputation of Hong [...]
Kong in this way.
除了香港公務員隊伍仍清廉、言 論和資訊仍 有一定自由空間之外,其他的穩定人心因素是否仍然存在?
Other than the Civil Service which could
[...] still be considered as clean and the limited degree [...]
of free speech and free flow of information,
do we still have in place those confidenceboosting factors?
主席,香港的公務員隊伍, 向 來 享清 廉 精 幹 和高效 率 的 美 譽 , 是香港 管 治 的 支 柱 。
Madam President, the Civil Service of Hong Kong has always been reputed for their corruption-free and high-efficiency attributes, they are the pillars of the governance of Hong Kong.
我覺得當局是故意裝作不明白,或是不想瞭解市民希望有一 清廉 的 制 度, 其中設有一個獨立機制調查所有的貪污案件,包括涉及政府最高層的個案, [...]
而這個機制運作時,是不應該受到壓力或影響的,那麼,機構便可以很獨立 地進行調查。
I believe that the Administration either deliberately pretends not to understand, or
does not wish to know that the public
[...] has a desire for a clean system, in which [...]
an independent mechanism is put in place
to investigate all corruption cases, including those that involve the highest level of the Government.
[...] 我當然覺得我們要好好對 待 公務員,但 也 希望香 港有一清 廉 的 公務員隊 伍 。
Therefore, I certainly feel that we
should accord good treatment to our civil servants, but we also hope
[...] that we can have a clean Civil Service in Hong Kong.
我當然很希望馬英九先生真的 可以成功地把台灣的政治變得清廉 , 希 望他真的可以建立法治,希望他們 真的可以有獨立的司法機關和獨立的法律制度。
Of course, I very much hope that Mr MA Ying-jeou can succeed in transforming Taiwan into a place free of corruption and I hope that he can really establish the rule of law, and that they can really have an independent judiciary and an independent legal system.
完成这一工作应能确保个人和机构 清廉 和 问 责,并有利于提高国内安全机 构在公众中的形象,并因此提高武装部队的公众形象,从而增加人民对他们的信 任和信心。
Completion of the process should ensure individual and institutional integrity and accountability and help to improve the public image of the internal security institutions and armed forces, thus increasing the population’s trust and confidence in them.
Integrity的意思是品格上清廉,亦即 清 楚 要求公職人員不得在 私交上受惠於人,欠下別人的人情,以免被認為會在決策之時受到這 [...]
Integrity" refers to a clean and uncorrupted personality, [...]
hence public servants are explicitly demanded not to accept advantages
offered by others in their private social lives, so as to avoid being suspected of making decisions under the influence of those they are obliged to.
溫家寶 ⎯⎯ 這個全世界其
[...] 中一個貪污情況很嚴重的國家的總理,他本身可能很廉潔,但他可能 是全世界最貪污的國家的總理 ⎯⎯ 竟然要香港注清廉,香港人的 頭真的不知躲到哪裏去好了。
WEN Jiabao ― this Premier in one of the countries with serious corruption in the world, who may be very clean himself, but he is the Premier of a country that may be the most
corrupt in the world ― said that Hong
[...] Kong people must pay attention to integrity, so [...]
Hong Kong people really do not know where to bury their heads.
就今次事件,我們真的要反思,我們的公務員是否真的全部 也是如清廉及守 法,還是今次事件只是冰山一角,所謂族大有乞 [...]
From this incident, we must think deeply, are all our civil
[...] servants really so clean and law-abiding, or [...]
is this incident just the tip of an iceberg,
as there are bound to be black sheep in the midst, or is this incident just an isolated case?
我其實也分析過,我所認識的公務員、官員,幾乎我所理解的, 均清廉、能幹。
As far as I understand, almost all civil servants and officials
[...] whom I know are clean and capable.
廉 署應善用“公職人員行為不當”罪來杜絕以權謀私、打擊貪污腐敗,以 及阻止延後報酬,從而守清廉的官 場,建立廉潔的香港。
It should make good use of the offence of "misconduct in public office" to eliminate the incidence of abusing powers for personal gains, combat
corruption and eliminate deferred benefits,
[...] thereby upholding a clean Civil Service with [...]
a view to building a corruption-free Hong Kong.
9.16 至於近期有報道指廉署宣布已對行政長官展開調 查,廉政專員清,廉署的 既定政策是不評論個別案件。
9.16 With reference to recent reports that ICAC had announced it had commenced an
investigation on the CE,
[...] Commissioner of ICAC clarified that it was the established policy of ICAC not to comment [...]
on individual cases.
根 據 國 際 反 貪 機 構 「 透 明 國 際 」 於 二 零 零 七 年 發 表 的 周 年 報 告 , 在 1 7 9 個 國 家 / 城 市清 廉 指 數 排 名 中 , 香 港 位 列 全 球 最 廉 潔 地 方 的 第 十 四 位 , 較 二 零 零 六 年 上 升 一 位 。
According to the annual report of the Transparency International released in 2007, Hong Kong ranked the 14th least corrupt place among 179 countries/cities in the Corruption Perception Index, one place up as compared with 2006.
經過梁振英的“黑金事件”,全香港的人均會明白,一個自稱最清廉、民調顯示最有機會當選特首的人,遇到這樣一件小事,也會前 言不對後語。
After LEUNG Chun-ying's "black gold" incident, all the people of Hong Kong have come to realize that a person who claims himself to be most honest and stands the highest chance of becoming the Chief Executive as shown in opinion polls will become self-contradictory in the face of such a minor issue.
由于我们的警察部队、 海关、税务部门以及官僚结构的根本性变化,由于人
[...] 们普遍感到自己必须掌握对这些转型的主导权,从 2003 年至今,我们在透明国清廉指数 排名上跃进的 步伐比世界上其他任何国家都要大。
Thanks to radical changes in our police force, customs, tax service and bureaucratic structures, and thanks to the widespread feeling among people that they own these transformations, we have made
greater progress on Transparency
[...] International’s Corruption Perceptions Index since [...]
2003 than any other State in the world.
项目还在联邦一级和尼日利亚 10 个州协助尼日 利亚司法机关和司法部门其他利益关系方加强司法系统 清廉 和 能 力。
The project also assisted the Nigerian judiciary and other justice sector stakeholders in strengthening the integrity and capacity of the justice system at the federal level and in 10 Nigerian states.
過去 經常也有人說,祖國改革開放30年,經濟騰飛,但卻經常被人批評, 內地政府做事也是人治、貪污、官商勾結、向錢看、拉關係,而香港 便不是這樣,香港的官員清廉,做事依法辦事,很公平公正,也很 有能力。
In the past, people often said that in the 30 years of the reform and opening up of the Mainland, while China's economy had taken off, the Mainland Government has always been criticized for the rule of man, corruption, collusion between business and the Government, as well as the practices of being money-minded and using influence to gain advantages.
该司借助创新和技术协助联合国会员国促进 高效率、有成效、包容、透明、负责 清廉 和 以 公民为中心的公共治理、行政和 服务,以实现国际商定的各项发展目标,包括千年发展目标。
It assists the Member States of the United Nations in fostering
efficient, effective, inclusive,
[...] transparent, accountable, clean and citizen-centred [...]
public governance, administration and
services through innovation and technology to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.
要有效管治,便須維持公眾的信任, 清廉 自 持是公職人員的基 本操守。
It is important to secure the trust of the public to ensure effective governance.
新加坡相信清廉透明 的政府对于实现良好治理及人民享有基本人权至关 重要。
Singapore believes that a clean and transparent government [...]
is essential for good governance and the enjoyment of fundamental human rights.
朱利安认为,有些原因显示,该塞维鲁学说的性质有必要入场2,他是不公正和善恶二元指责幻影说,因为他教导基督现实的人性,并使其 清廉 条 件 人类formaliter ,但团结的话。
Julian considered, with some show of reason, that the doctrine of Severus necessitated the admission of two natures, and he was unjustly accused of Docetism and Manichæanism, for he
taught the reality of the Humanity of
[...] Christ, and made it incorruptible not formaliter [...]
quâ human, but as united to the Word.
在联苏特派团和捐助方 6 月对解除武 装、复员和重返社会方案是否公 清廉 表 示关注后,特派团对复员工作的登记和 核查程序进行了独立评估;评估是由外聘顾问同南方和北方解除武装、复员和重 返社会委员会、联苏特派团解除武装、复员和重返社会股和全国解除武装、复员 和重返社会方案捐助方的代表合作,在本报告所述期间进行的。
Following concerns raised in June by UNMIS and donors over the integrity of the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme, the Mission initiated an independent assessment of the registration and verification procedures of the demobilization process, which was conducted during the reporting period by external consultants in cooperation with the representatives of the Northern and Southern Sudan Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Commissions, the UNMIS Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Unit and donors to the national disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme.
我 们正在采取步骤加强法治、提高透明度和善治、维护 司法独立清廉以及提倡新闻自由。
We are taking steps to expand our adherence to the rule of law, the promotion of transparency and good governance, the maintenance of the independence and integrity of the judiciary, and the promotion of a free media.
[...] 至今,香港一直擁有所有其他民主制度所保障和維護的價值觀,包括法 治清廉的體制和言論自由,更重要的新聞自由等。
I believe that many Honourable colleagues would not disagree that one advantage about Hong Kong is that ever since the era of British-Hong Kong colonial rule, Hong Kong has all along upheld the values protected and
safeguarded by other democracies, such as the
[...] rule of law, a probity system, the freedom [...]
of speech and more importantly, the freedom of the press.
本會現即休會待續,以就下述事項進行辯論:行政長官的誠信清廉操守 及維護3月 25日來屆行政長官選舉公平、公正的責任。
That this Council do now adjourn for the purpose of debating the following issue: the integrity and probity of the Chief Executive and his responsibility for upholding the fairness and impartiality of the next Chief Executive Election to be held on 25 March.




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