

单词 清代

External sources (not reviewed)

一个代表团要求清:代表个 人或者群体提出来文之人何时可以无须本人 同意而理所当然地代表他们行事。
One delegation sought clarification as to when the author of a communication submitted on behalf of an individual [...]
or group of individuals
could justify acting on their behalf without their consent.
失去知觉, 恶心, 瞌睡或头晕眼花, 头疼,
[...] 失明或视力下降, 呼吸微弱, 意识清, 代谢酸毒症, 呼吸碱毒症及昏迷.
Intoxication, nausea, drowsiness or dizziness, headache, lost
or impaired vision, shallow breathing,
[...] unconsciousness, metabolic acidosis, respiratory [...]
alkalosis in concert with preceding, coma.
清代初期 妇女之袍,其外部轮廓呈长方形,为圆领口,窄袖,有扣襻、衣襟右掩,两腋部分明显收缩,袍下部开衩,下摆宽大,袍长可掩足,袖口平而大,整件旗袍从上到下由整块衣料裁成,衣领袖口镶边较窄,颜色较素,突出了简约而实用的特点。
In Qing dynasty early women of robe, [...]
its external outlines is rectangular, for round neckline, narrow sleeves, has buckle
loop, and lapel right mask, two axillary part obvious shrink, robe lower SLIT, hem leniency, robe long can mask foot, cuffs flat and large, whole pieces cheongsam from Shang to Xia by whole block material Conference into, collar cuffs chrome more narrow, color more pigment, highlight has simplicity and practical of features.
At the winter solstice
[...] the day before in the Qing dynasty, in the southern [...]
suburbs of Huan mound of heaven ceremony was
held at the Temple of heaven, ceremonies from midnight, located altar, lights, tree days, nearby temples and not Bell drums, resident shall not Fireworks, as a token of sincerity of jingsu.
如果是在头天晚上准备第二天的饮品,那么每天都喝巧克力的人最好为第二天的制作留出一些酵母;第一次撇沫后,可以加入经过搅拌的 清代 替 蛋 黄,取一点咖啡壶中的巧克力放入蛋清中搅拌,再把蛋清放入咖啡壶中,然后像加入蛋黄时一样完成即可。
If prepared the night before, those who drink it every day leave a leaven for the one they make the next day; instead of an egg yolk you may use a whisked egg white after having removed the first mousse, mix it with some of the chocolate from the coffee maker then pour back into the coffee maker and finish the preparation as with the egg yolk.
如果這的想法大體上是對的,如 清代 中 葉 的鼻煙壺一般掏膛完整或者非常完整,而粗糙的掏膛的十九世紀以後才來的趨勢,我們可以結推測,掏膛徹底的石料寶貴扁橢圓形光素煙壺大概是十九世紀前半葉製作的。
If we assume this general progression and link it to the
[...] belief that plain mid-Qing jade bottles tended [...]
to be well if not extremely well hollowed
and that there was a tendency from probably the mid-nineteenth century onwards to more rudimentary hollowing, we can arrive at the tentative suggestion that a very well hollowed plain jade bottle of a precious material but of the flatter oval shape is likely to date from the first half of the nineteenth century.
香港古物古蹟辦事處與中國社會科學院的考古研究部曾於1997年合作挖掘馬灣的考古遺跡,發現了不少珍貴,並具歷史價值的文物,如馬灣 代 灰 窰 、 清代 磚 窰 、新石器時代晚期的馬灣人生活歷史及物件,現放置在前身是馬灣芳園公立學校的芳園書室內展出,讓遊客了解早期馬灣居民的生活狀況。
The Antiquities and Monuments Office and Institute of Archaeology and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences have in 1977 work together in excavating the archeological vestige of Ma Wan, and have discovered numerous
historical valuable cultural
[...] relics such as Tang Dynasty Lime Kiln and Ching Dynasty Brick Kiln [...]
of Ma Wan, and history of life
and items of Ma Wan people at the Late Neolithic, which are now placed at the previous Ma Wan Fong Yuen Public School now known as Heritage Centre for exhibition, so that visitors can understand the living condition of early Ma Wan residents.
本年藝博館繼續與故宮博物院攜手,聯同澳門基金會、澳門特別行政區政府旅遊局、澳門日報合辦“君子比德──故宮珍 清代 玉 器 精品展”,展出故宮珍 清代 宮 廷 玉器一百三十四件。
Jointly organised by the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau, Macao Museum of Art, Palace Museum, Macao Foundation, Macau Government Tourist Office and Macao Daily News, the exhibition
entitled Noble Virtuosity:
[...] Imperial Jades of the Qing Dynasty from the Palace Museum is the major highlight of the annual MAM series of exhibitions, showcasing 134 items of imperial jade from the Qing Dynasty housed in the Palace Museum.
清代咸豐 、道光年間,廣東本地班在演出中以“梆簧”(西皮、二簧)作為基本曲調,兼收高腔、昆腔及廣東民間樂曲和時調,用“戲棚官話”為基本語言,間雜以粵方言,逐漸形成粵劇。
The Xipeng Guanhua (official language of opera bamboo sheds) was the major language employed and was sometimes mixed with the Cantonese dialect, which gradually gave rise to the formation of Yueju Opera.
在接到通知三个月后未能清欠款 的常 代 表 团 将不能再享有教科文组织提供的服务 (使用展览、会议和招待会场地)。
Permanent Delegations failing to settle their debts [...]
within a period of three months following notification have been denied
access to UNESCO’s services (use of premises for their exhibitions, conferences and receptions).
雖然政府表示會向其餘私營投保公司徵收特別費用,以填補供款㆟的 損失,可是,政 府仍未代清楚額外徵費的形式。
Although the Government indicates that there will be a special levy on other private insurance companies to
compensate for the losses, if any, of the contribution, yet the
[...] Government has not spelt out the details [...]
of the special levy.
我希望以上述原則和原因代清 楚, 我和陳偉業議員的投票意向雖然一致,但原因卻不相同。
With the principles and reasons set out above, I hope
[...] I have made it clear that though my [...]
voting inclination is the same as that of
Mr Albert CHAN, my reasons are different.
政府为在国家和区域两级推广代清 洁 能源而建立金融、体制和技术框架 的能力需要加强,以在 [...]
2015 年底前实现消除贫穷的目标。
The capacity of Governments to develop financial, institutional and
technological frameworks in order to
[...] scale up access to modern clean energy at both [...]
the national and subregional levels needs
to be improved in order to achieve the goal of eradicating poverty by 2015.
必须采用代、清洁、 绿色和可再生能源,同 时不能影响最不发达国家的发展需求,这应是全球 可持续发展议程的一部分。
The need to adopt alternative, clean, green and renewable [...]
energy without compromising the development needs of the least
developed countries should be part of the global sustainable development agenda.
获取代清洁能 源,对于成功确保环境保护、绿化工业,乃至实现包括千年 发展目标在内所有发展目标至关重要。
Access to clean and modern sources of energy [...]
is key to successfully ensuring environmental protection, to greening industry
and, indeed, to achieving all developmental objectives, including the Millennium Development Goals.
将根据以下 标准挑选代清洁剂 :低全球升温潜能值的非消耗臭氧层物质,可从当地市 场购买,费用低廉,安全性高
The selection of alternative cleaning agents will be based [...]
on the following criteria: non-ODS with low global warming potential
(GWP), availability on the local market, cost and safety
科威特呼吁国际社会采取行动对付气候变化,为 此要在各部门使用代清洁能源,编制低度排放技术 限制清单,并通过国家和区域工作计划。
Kuwait called on the international community to take
action to combat climate change
[...] through the use of alternative clean energy in all [...]
sectors, the listing of restrictions
on low-level emission technologies and the adoption of natural and regional work plans.
工作组还似宜注意到,评注将清: (a )对于转让 代 位 权 或排序居次,可以对 已登记通知加以修订,以便指明新的有担保债权人的身份识别特征和地址,但 并未照此修订的通知仍然有效(见建议 [...]
75);(b)“修订”系指修改输入登记处 记录中通知的信息以及修改的结果;及(c)使用“修订通知”所作的修订。
The Working Group may also wish to note that the
[...] commentary will clarify that: (a) in the case of an assignment, subrogation or subordination, [...]
the registered notice
may be amended to indicate the identifier and address of the new secured creditor, but a notice not so amended remains effective (see recommendation 75); (b) “amendment” means the change and the result of the change of the information in a notice entered in the registry record; and (c) an amendment is made with an “amendment notice”.
所有廢棄物均透過當地合格代清運機 構處理,完全不運輸至其他國家。
All waste generated by Wistron is handled by qualified waste management organizations from the local community and has never been exported to other countries.
无论发生什么变化,一定要代清楚 , 别不告而别。
No matter what are the
[...] changes, inform clearly before leaving 2.
(a) 根据第 41/75(b)号决议的限制性条款(即要求工发组织保证只向经核查符合资助 条件的小型企业提供转产设备),向 14 家符合资助条件的小型企业提供了直接投 资(代清洁设 备)和技术援助; (b) 向几家未领到转产设备的小公司提供了技术援助计划并举办了提高认识讲习班
(a) Direct investment (alternative cleaning equipment) and technical assistance has been provided to 14 eligible small industries according to the proviso of Decision 41/75(b) (i.e., UNIDO was requested to ensure equipment for conversion was provided only to small enterprises whose eligibility had been verified)
該 委 員 會 的 意 見 是 , 對 證 人 的 陳 述
[...] 進 行 更 多 的 互 換 , 不 可 能代 清 晰 表 明 倚 賴 傳 聞 證 據 的 意 圖 [...]
, 尤 其 是 在 涉 及 文 件 數 目 頗 多 而 案 情 較 複 雜 的 個 案 中 。
In their opinion, the move towards
greater exchange of witness
[...] statements cannot be a substitute for the clear identification [...]
of the intention to rely on hearsay
evidence, particularly in more complex cases which involve substantial numbers of documents.
在与主要赞助者(会员国、联合国和学术界)围绕编制一 份关于气候变化的全球伦理原则宣言进行磋商的过程中,人 清 楚 地 认识到,需要做大量的 工作,上游需要清基本 的伦理原则(包括但不限于气候变化问题的伦理原则),而下游则 需要制定实际的政策工具。
In the course of consultations with key constituencies (Member States, United Nations and academia) around the desirability of preparing a draft universal declaration of ethical principles in
relation to climate
[...] change, it became clear that significant work is needed on the upstream clarification of basic ethical [...]
principles, including
but not limited to climate change issues, along with downstream development of practical policy tools.
有鑒於廣深港高鐵涉及公帑達669億元, 而在近期公布的港大民意調查中,卻顯示 59%市民自稱對整個高鐵項目認識'好少'或 '幾少',顯示大部分市民均不瞭解廣深港高
鐵的內容及對社會影響,本人現按照《財 務委員會會議程序》第37A段,動議要求政 府擱置廣深港高速鐵路撥款,並以獨立機 構的民調評估市民對廣深港高速鐵路的認
[...] 知程度,在確定大部分香港市民清 楚明 白廣深港高鐵的內容及對社會構成的影響 [...]
As the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) involves $66.9 billion of public funds and the findings of the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong published recently show that 59% of the respondents said they knew 'very little' or 'quite little' about the entire XRL project, indicating that most people do not understand the substance and social impact of the XRL, I now move under paragraph 37A of the FC Procedure to demand that the Government shelve the funding proposals of the XRL and assess the public awareness of the XRL with an opinion poll conducted by an independent organization, and re-submit the funding proposals after having
ascertained that the majority of the people
[...] of Hong Kong clearly understand [...]
the substance of the XRL and its impact on the society.
[...] 占领阿塞拜疆领土上开展各种非法活动等途径推行的政策和表现的行 清 楚地证明,其意图是吞并这些领土(例如,见阿塞拜疆最近散发的文件:A/64/760S/2010/211)。
The Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that, despite ongoing political efforts towards the earliest resolution of the conflict on the basis of the generally accepted norms and principles of international law, the policy and practice of the Republic of Armenia, the occupying Power, implemented inter alia through various
illegal activities in the occupied territories of
[...] Azerbaijan, clearly testify to [...]
its intention to secure the annexation of these
territories (see, for example, the most recent document circulated by Azerbaijan: A/64/760-S/2010/211).
在访问期间,工作组发现,非洲人后裔在葡萄牙面临的挑战主要涉及他们 作为一个特定群体在葡萄牙国家政策和立法框架中得不到承认;其在历史上对 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和
[...] 和司法制度运作方面的歧视,形成恶性循环;存在种族貌相和警察暴力;在政 治和体制决策进程代表不 足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 [...]
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of the country; the lack of qualitative and quantitative disaggregated data by racial or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system;
existence of racial profiling and
[...] police violence; underrepresentation in political [...]
and institutional decision-making processes,
as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
(B) 倘任何股東交代表其 所持股份之一張股票予以註銷,並要求本 公司按該股東可能指定之有關比例另發兩張或以 代 表 該等股份之股票 代 , 則 董事 會可於就首張股票以外每張股票支付董事會不時釐定的有關費用(倘為任何於香港證 券交易所上市的股本,則該費用不得超過有關證券交易所不時規定或准許的最高金 額,而倘為任何其他股本,則為董事會就有關股東名冊所在地區而言屬合理而可能不 時釐定的以有關貨幣計值的有關款項,或否則於各情況下董事會可能不時釐定的有關 [...] [...]
(B) If any member shall
[...] surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions [...]
as he may specify,
the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
(F) 在公司法及本公司細則下一段之規限下,任何董事或候任或擬委 任董事不得因其擔任任何職務或受薪職位,或因其賣方或買方身份或其他原因,而喪 失與本公司訂約之資格;
任何董事亦毋須避免訂立以任何方式涉及利益之任何有關 合約或任何其他合約或安排,而訂立有關合約或涉及上述利益之任何董事亦毋須純粹
[...] 因為擁有上述職務或因此建立之受信關係,就有關合約或安排所收取之任何報酬、收 益或其他利益向本公司或其股東代。
(F) Subject to the Companies Act and to the next paragraph of this Bye-law, no Director or proposed or intended Director shall be disqualified by his office from contracting with the Company, either with regard to his tenure of any office or place of profit or as vendor, purchaser or in any other manner whatever, nor shall any such contract or any other contract or arrangement in which any Director is in any way interested by liable to be avoided, nor shall any Director so contracting or being so interested be liable to account to the Company or the shareholders for any remuneration, profit or other benefits realised by any such
contract or arrangement, by reason only of such Director holding
[...] that office or the fiduciary relationship thereby [...]
[...] 员;请秘书长确保平等对待所有语文事务处,并确保会员 代 表 之 间有效地用多 种语文进行沟通,包括通过以所有正式语文同时分发文件;请新闻部改进所采取 [...]
届会议提交一份综合报告,说明充分执行大会有关使用多种语文的各项决议的情 况(第 63/306 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly took note of the appointment by the Secretary-General of a new Coordinator for Multilingualism; requested the Secretary-General to ensure equal treatment for all language
services and effective multilingual
[...] communication among representatives of Member States, [...]
including through simultaneous distribution
of documents in all official languages; requested the Department of Public Information to improve actions taken to achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-fifth session a comprehensive report on the full implementation of its resolutions on multilingualism (resolution 63/306).




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