

单词 添麻烦

See also:


trouble or bother sb
put sb to trouble

麻烦 n

hassle n
trial n
bother n

superfluous and confusing
feel vexed

External sources (not reviewed)

添油站较远距离 - 有些加油站和另外一家的加油站距离偏远, 添 油 会比 较 麻烦。
Distance between petrol station - Some petrol stations are quite far from each other.
为了避免任何透麻烦,应每日了解所有银行余额的水平,用一个 账户的盈余来填补另一个赤字账户,规划出账日期,如有必要则推迟出账。
To avoid any inadvertent
[...] overdraft, the level of all bank balances should [...]
be tracked daily, the surplus of one account should
be used to finance the deficit in another account and disbursement dates should be scheduled – and delayed if possible.
提交人选择的离境方式表明,他估计不会遇到 当局制造麻烦。
The author’s chosen method of leaving the country suggests that he did not
[...] anticipate any trouble with the [...]
但由于每个人的目的各有不同,对于一些想直接下载资料的朋友来说,IE的这种“霸权主义”毕竟还是 添 了 不 少 麻烦 , 而 且,由于每个文件的大小各有不同,服务器的带宽也不一样,在线浏览的速度一般也不如那些用多线程下载工具下载完后再浏览的速度快。
However, the purpose of each person are different, some would like to download data
directly to a friend who, IE this
[...] "hegemony", after all, added to a lot of trouble, and, because [...]
the size of each file are different,
the server not the same bandwidth, the speed of online browsing, such as those who are generally not multi-threaded downloading tool with a downloaded after browsing speed.
由於不少消費者添麻煩,即使被騙也只當買教訓而不提出投訴,所以上述數字只反 映現實的冰山一角。
Since many
[...] consumers are afraid of getting into even greater trouble, they would [...]
not lodge any complaint even though they
have been deceived, merely considering themselves to have learnt a lesson, so the foregoing figures only represent the tip of the iceberg in real life.
通过免提,您可以确切地选择:什么时候想要自己动手管理您的智能手机,什么时候想要快速轻松地访问电话、歌曲和多媒体;不用任何线缆,没有任 麻烦。
By going hands free, you choose exactly when you want to manage your smartphone hands-on and when you want quick and easy access to your calls, songs and media without any wires or hassle.
政府要在這已經有先天缺陷的法例上再 添麻 煩 , 堅持在條例草案中加 入中央人民政府(“中央”)可以將行政長官免職的條文。
The Government
[...] intends to add more trouble to this piece [...]
of defective legislation by insisting on adding to the Bill a provision
enabling the Central People's Government to remove the Chief Executive.
这样就形成了一麻烦 的先 例,造成了广泛的影响,致使在这种情况下接受审议国家的报告的义务以及 通过报告的有效性都不清楚。
This had set a difficult precedent, with wide-ranging implications to the extent that the obligations of the report on the State under review and the validity of the adoption of the report in such circumstances were unclear.
推荐进行多个备份的另一个理由:当开始恢复时,Seagate DiscWizard 会删除目标分区(或磁盘),所以如果只有一个备份,那么在进行恢复的计算机上 的系统分区被删除时,您就会面临很大风险 —
[...] 唯一的备份就是正在进行恢复的映像,如果该 映像被破坏,那么您麻烦就大了。
One more argument in favor of several backups: when starting recovery, Seagate DiscWizard deletes the target partition (or disc), so when you have just a single backup, the moment the system partition is deleted on the computer being recovered you
are at great risk - the only thing you have is the image being recovered and if it is
[...] corrupted you are in big trouble.
這樣的安排 大大增 加行程 所 需 的時間 , 亦為過 關 旅 客添 不少麻 煩 , 更 會 令不少希望在 短 時 間 內 往 返 兩 地 的 外 國商務人士或 旅 客卻步 。
This will greatly increase the time of their journey and cause a lot of troubles, and may even discourage those foreign businessmen or travellers who wish to travel between the two places within a short time.
这是一个高度可靠的排屑器,可减 少屑片所引起的各麻烦。
This is a highly reliable chip conveyor that reduces various troubles caused by chips.
[...] 是一個普通人,而一般人也對殘疾人士存有一種誤解,認為他們的工作能力 應該差一些;和他們一同工作會添 不 少 麻 煩 , 亦可能要用上大量的金錢為 這些殘疾人士提供合適的設備和改變工作環境。
Employers are just normal people, so they also have a misunderstanding about persons with disabilities, thinking that they must
be less competent, that working with
[...] them will be very troublesome, and that huge [...]
sums of money must be spent on providing
them with suitable equipment and altering the workplace.
因此备份整个系统盘(创建磁盘映像)不仅能在计算机遭遇重大灾难时为您节约大 量宝贵时间,也可保护您免受其 麻烦。
So making a backup of your entire system disc (making a disc image) will save you a lot of valuable time in case of a disaster, as well as safeguard you against other possible problems.
由于基本纳米微粒专利 与使用纳米微粒的工艺专利最终都可能具备 极其精微的特性,故谁能生产一种新奇材料 (如利用碳纳米管生产清洁饮用水的水过滤
[...] 系统),谁就有可能在专利主张的竞争和互相 重叠的专利方面面临无穷麻烦。
Patents on basic nanoparticles and processes using nanoparticles could end up being so finely and acutely propertized that the ability to create a novel material – for instance a water filtration system that uses carbon
nanotubes to produce clean drinking water – could
[...] face nearly unnavigable complexity [...]
in terms of competing and overlapping patent claims.
由於市民並非經常進食這些食品,而且通常只會進食 小量,或在烹調中菜時添作調 味,相信對健康構成的風險不大。
Considering that these food items are
usually consumed infrequently and in small
[...] amounts or are added only as seasoning [...]
in Chinese cooking, they would unlikely
be a cause of significant health concern for the general population.
我們三朝兩日便收到不少投訴,要求約見政 府官員,以調解或解決有關欠薪、尅扣假期及欠供強積金等問題,其實反而 令官員做多了工夫和添麻煩。
We have received complaints this day or the other for requests to meet with government officials to mediate in or to resolve problems of employers withholding wages or vacation, or failing to make MPF contributions.
至於其他物質(例添加劑、雜質、反應產物和分解 產物),亦可能從即食杯麪容器的食物接觸層或非食物接觸層遷移到食物。
Other substances such as additives, impurities, reaction [...]
product and decomposed product might also be migrated from the
contact or non-contact surface of instant noodle cup container to food.
在 訴 訟 程 序 中 加 入 先 取 得 律 政 司 同 意 的 規 定 , 事 實 上 只 會添 不 必麻 煩 而 收 效 不 大 。
Adding the additional procedural stage of requiring the Attorney General's consent is, in reality, a needless complication which would achieve very little.
最近,她在一次集会中,分享了有关童工、女孩面临的性别歧视以及部分学生在去学校的途中遭遇到 麻烦。
Standing before the State Assembly recently, she shared her concerns about child labour, discrimination faced by young girls and the troubles that some students encounter when they’re simply trying to attend school.
一方面加重罰則,讓可能犯例的人在犯例前先想一想因此而 添的 麻煩。
On the one hand, the heavier penalties would make potential offenders think before breaching the law about the additional trouble so caused.
到 那时,我们期望已经克服了现时广泛存在于人们意识中的负面形象,建立起一个 民主制度,在这个制度下,人民自由地推选自己的政府,不用历 麻烦 就 能得到 政府的服务,过上免于恐惧和不容忍、有尊严的生活;每个公民都能获得社会公 正、环境保护、人权和平等机会;法治和良政蓬勃发展。
By that time, overcoming the prevailing negative images, we envision a democratic system where people choose their government freely and get services from it without hassle, enjoy freedom from fear and intolerance, live with dignity; where every citizen is assured of social justice, environmental protection, human rights and equal opportunities; and where the rule of law and good governance flourish.
[...] 种变化、问题和事件,针对潜在 麻烦 点 作 出预警,提请组长注意相关事项并提 [...]
He or she will identify matters for follow-up and need for action, identify and respond to changes,
problems and incidents, providing early warning
[...] of potential trouble spots, and bringing [...]
to the attention of the Team Leader
relevant issues with recommendations for appropriate action.
由于诸如解麻烦问题 以及进一步协调和培训的需要等没有估计到的情况, 差旅费和其他管理开支似乎有所增加。
Due to unexpected circumstances like the need for trouble shooting and further coordination and training, travel and other overhead costs seem to be on the rise.
如果被遣返,他将被押解在刚果民主共 和国机场降落,这种情况将更加容易使其陷入面对刚果当局 麻烦。
If he were to be sent back, he would arrive at the airport in the Democratic Republic of the Congo under a deportation order, a situation which would be much more likely to lead to problems with the Congolese authorities.
经询问,咨询委员会获悉,主管安全和安保事务副秘书 长不主张在安全和安保部结构中添 加 一个管理层,而且在预算紧张之 际,这一项目所需资源应当更好地用于优先度更高的领域。
Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was informed that the Under-Secretary-General for Safety and Security was not in favour of adding a further management layer to the structure of the Department and that, at a time of budgetary restraint, the resources needed for such a project would be put to better use in areas of higher priority.
不仅 X-射线 会带来损害,同时安检和海关有时会打开载有未冲洗胶片的集装箱,这 麻烦 了 , 会毁了 你好几周的辛苦工作。
Not only is there danger from x-rays, but security and customs agents may open containers of unprocessed film, ruining weeks of work.
在政府未能清楚交代現時政府總部未來的安排與規劃、添 馬艦 發展計劃重新進行具公信力的環境影響評估,以及清楚 解釋添馬艦 舊址興建政府總部的迫切性及需要之前,本小 組委員會並不支持添馬艦 舊址興建新政府總部。
That, as the Government has yet to give a clear account of the future arrangements and planning for the existing central government offices, conduct afresh an environmental
impact assessment of
[...] credibility for the Tamar development project and explain in clear terms the urgency and need for a new central government complex at the Tamar site, the Subcommittee does not support the development of a new central government complex at the Tamar site.
该理事会决定后经 2011/178/CFSP 号理事会决定修订添加了 禁止在利比亚 空域飞行、禁止利比亚飞机在欧洲联盟空域飞行、以及要求欧洲联盟成员国国民、 受欧洲联盟成员国管辖者、在欧洲联盟成员国境内成立或受欧洲联盟成员国管辖 的公司在与利比亚实体做生意时保持警惕的规定。
The Council decision was later amended by Council decision 2011/178/CFSP by adding a ban on flights in the airspace of Libya, a ban on flights of Libyan aircraft in the airspace of the European Union and a requirement that nationals of European Union member States, persons subject to their jurisdiction and firms incorporated in their territories or subject to their jurisdiction should exercise vigilance when doing business with Libyan entities.
尽管这些可能麻烦问题 ,但对迄今的实际做法作 出了积极评估:政治干预有限,特别是尽管受影响国家竭力想获得第十六条推迟 调查或起诉,但安理会对援引第十六条作出明智的克制。
Despite these possible problematic issues, there was a positive assessment of actual practice to date: political interference had been limited and, in particular, the Council had exercised judicious restraint from making article 16 deferrals, despite the endeavours of affected States to obtain them.
然而,登记证和车号牌中仍然普遍使用本国语言字母,从而给边境 口岸工作人员为车辆清关带来麻烦 , 也给交通警察造成了困难,而且在采 用了电子清关系统之后还会带来更多 麻烦。
This causes difficulties when border crossing officials attempt to clear vehicles for entry. It also causes difficulties for traffic police and will cause further difficulties when electronic clearance systems are introduced.




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