

单词 混亂

See also:


mix v

External sources (not reviewed)

採用這項新措施的目的是為了減少在派 發每個界別分組的選票時出混亂, 方 便編製有關發出選票的統計數 字,以及更有效地監察投票的進行。
The new measure was
[...] introduced to reduce confusion on the issue of ballot [...]
papers for each subsector and to facilitate the
efficient compilation of statistics on the issue of ballot papers and effective supervision of the conduct of poll.
另 一類重性精神病是器質性精神病,常見的病徵 如意識明顯地陷混亂和痴 呆狀態,後者通常 發生在老人身上。
The other group of psychoses is the organic psychoses which includes common conditions such as acute confusional states and dementia, with the latter occurring mainly in the elderly.
選管會認為,從公眾的角度來看,只維持中央平台作為一站 式平台供公眾查閱選舉廣告更為方便,亦可減少出 混亂的 情況。
The EAC considers that, from the public point of view,
maintaining only the Central Platform as a one-stop shop for public inspection of EAs would be
[...] more convenient and less confusing.
[...] 有關人員,對於要求提取的器材,以及已予發出的器材,須 分頁列出,以混亂。
The LEA stated that officers had since been advised to use separate attached sheets for devices requested and
[...] devices issued to avoid confusion.
我 們亦認同過早公開我們的構思或研究細節只會在社會上產混 亂,及對成員造成不必要的壓力。
It was also unanimously recognised that any premature
disclosure of information on our thinking or
[...] deliberation would create confusion in the community [...]
and undue pressure on members.
三)有否瞭解資歷架構如何能與本港其他相關的專業資格認可制度互通 和銜接,以避免造成不同制度間的重疊 混亂?
(c) whether it has looked into how QF can interoperate and interface with the other
relevant professional accreditation systems in Hong Kong, so as to
[...] avoid duplication and confusion among different systems?
(b) 即使投票站的面積足以放置兩套點票枱,同步點算兩類 選票會令點票站工作人員感混亂, 而投票站主任亦難 以有效監察兩類選票的點票情況。
(b) for polling stations with enough space to set up two sets of counting tables, the
counting of two types of ballot papers
[...] concurrently will cause confusion to the counting staff [...]
and it is difficult for the Presiding
Officers ("PROs") to monitor the counting of both types of votes effectively, not to mention if re-counting of votes are required.
我們將繼續聽取社會各界的意見,並在提出法例修訂建議前 仔細審視所收集到的意見,其中亦會顧及如果採用不同的機 制規管收集及使用個人資料作直接促銷和在未經授權下出售 個人資料所可能引致混亂。
We will continue to listen to the views of the community and examine carefully the views received before putting forward legislative amendments, bearing in mind that confusion may result if different mechanisms are adopted for regulating the collection and use of personal data for direct marketing and unauthorised sale of personal data.
有幾名成員認為,只在個別地區實施停車熄匙的規定會為駕駛 者和執法人員造混亂。
A few members opined that applying the ban only in selected
[...] area would be confusing for drivers and [...]
enforcing agents.
為避混亂,本行建議你於使用完此服務後,刪除有關 訊息。
In order to prevent confusion, it is recommended [...]
that you should delete the message after using the service.
因此,電子投票能加快以投票方式表決的程序,包括就程序上的事宜及會議 期間提呈的議決事項進行表決的程序,因而減少會議期間可能出現 混亂情 況
Electronic voting can therefore provide a speedy solution to voting by poll, including voting on procedural issues and resolutions proposed during the course of meetings, thereby minimising any disruptive effect they may have on the meeting.
採納嶄新但不全面的 標準,只會令巿民更混亂,且 無助於檢視和改善公共政策。
Adopting a brand new but incomprehensive
[...] standard would only confuse the public further [...]
and would not be conducive to the effective
review and improvement of public policies.
將兩類仲裁分開 處理可以避混亂,亦較能 迎 合 使 用 者 的 需要。
It would be more user-friendly to keep the regimes
[...] separate so as to prevent confusion.
[...] 映,指每逢上、下班的繁忙時間,車站內、外(包括由港鐵站到隧道巴 士站的天橋)都出現擁擠混亂情況
Some members of the public have relayed to me that during peak hours when people go to work and get off work, the situation inside and outside the Station
(including the footbridge leading from the MTR station to the cross-harbour tunnel bus
[...] stops) is congested and chaotic.
政府堅信,私人住宅的買賣一定要公平和透明,絕不容許任 何製造虛假交易、發混亂的樓 宇銷售情況資訊,以及提供 不詳盡的物業資料等行為。
The Government firmly believes that transactions involving private residential properties should be fair and transparent, and will not tolerate
any forged non-bona fide transactions,
[...] dissemination of confusing information on [...]
the sale of properties and disclosure of
incomplete property information.
有論據指出,保留普通法衍生訴訟不會造 成任混亂,訴訟人可選擇切合其情況的適當程序。
There are arguments that there
[...] would not be any confusion arising from the [...]
retention and litigants could select the appropriate route that suits their case.
(一 ) 有否研究及分析公共政策予人有偏幫地產商感覺的原因,以
[...] 及地產發展商有否囤積土地及住宅單位、控制住宅落成量及 供應量、製造虛假交易、發混亂的 樓 宇銷情資料和提供資 料不詳的售樓書;如果有,詳情為何;如果沒有,原因為何
(a) whether they had studied and analysed the reasons why public policies had given people the impression that they were in the favour of real estate developers, and whether real estate developers had hoarded land and residential flats, controlled the completions and supply of residential
flats, forged non-bona fide
[...] transactions, disseminated confusing information on the [...]
sale of properties and provided sales
brochures without detailed information; if they had conducted such a study and analysis, of the details; if not, the reasons for that
[...] 變計劃作出安排,但向受阻乘客傳遞信息時產生混淆,而乘客 在咸美頓街登上緊急接駁巴士時亦出 混亂。
Although planned contingency arrangements were implemented by MTRCL, there was confusion
in the information conveyed to the
[...] stranded passengers and chaos in the boarding [...]
activities for e-buses at Hamilton Street.
[...] 費者及分銷商就新的銷售環境作出調整,這可能導致市場出現若干短 混亂。
This is likely to lead to some
[...] short-term dislocation in the market [...]
as consumers and distributors adjust to the new sales environment.
正如需要安靜獨處一樣,這種情感距 離只是一種需要,以減少引致思 混亂 的 刺 激。
In the same way as the need for quiet withdrawal, this emotional distance is simply the need to cut
[...] down on all the confusing stimulation.
由於客戶及顧問公司因應新規定,紛紛調整顧問費用的支付及採納業務模式,這可能會 導致市場出現短混亂。
This is likely to lead to some short-term disruption in the market as consumers adjust to paying fees for advice and adviser firms adapt their business models for the new rules.
y 為了避免因改變保險徵款率可能出現 混亂 情 況 , 新的保險徵款率的生效日期應訂於一個“有關期 [...]
y To avoid any confusion that may arise, [...]
the date on which the new Levy rate takes effect should be the first day of a relevant period.
2.3.29 管制未成年人契約的法例,不但已陷 混亂 境 地 ,且似已忽 略其本身目標。
2.3.29 The law regulating minors' contracts has not
[...] only reached a confused state but appears [...]
to have lost sight of its objectives.
1.1 香港經濟在第三季仍表現強勁,並未受全球信貸市場在八月和 九月混亂情況所影響。
1.1 The Hong Kong economy stayed vibrant in the third quarter, despite the global credit market turbulence in August and September.
其中一名回應者指,過往曾有發行人因其中一小撮股東在股東大會上不停發 問,以致造混亂並拖 慢了會議進度;此外亦曾有股東在大會上建議修訂議 決事項,但動機明顯是要擾亂及妨礙會議程序的進行。
One respondent cited situations where an issuer is faced with prolonged and disruptive questioning from a small group of shareholders or where amendments to resolutions are proposed at the meeting which are clearly aimed at disrupting and frustrating the proceedings.
第 16 條 臨 時裁決 據 推 測
會 廢 除,因為 委員會建議 採 納 英國《1996 年仲裁法令 》第 47(1)條 ( 建基於《 1950 年仲裁法 令 》第 14 條 ),並 應使用 “ 部分最 終 裁 決 ”
[...] 及 “ 最 終 裁 決 ” 的字眼 以 免 產混亂。
Presumably would be repealed because the Committee has recommended that section 47(1) of the UK Arbitration Act 1996 (based on section 14 of the
1950 Act) should be adopted and that the term “partial final award” and “final award” should
[...] be used to avoid confusion.
(a) 在 2006-2007 年度至 2008-2009 年度三年期間,分別有多少宗工程因地下設 施 (例如:水渠、電纜等)的資混亂而 致 地下設施在工程中受損?
(a) the number of cases in which underground facilities (e.g. drains and cables) were damaged during construction works as a result of disorganised information about such facilities in 2006-2007, 2007-2008 and 2008-2009, and
本公司可透過預付郵資、信封或封套方式向因股東身故、精神 亂 或 破產而有權 享有股份的人士發出通告,郵件可以已故者的姓名或其遺產代理人的稱衍或破產 受託人或委員會、接管人、財產保佐人或其他性質為委員會、接管人、法院指派 的財產保佐人或任何類似描述為收件人,並寄往聲稱有權享有股份的人士就此提 供之位於百慕達或香港的地址(如有),或(於獲提供有關地址前)如並無身故、 精神亂或破 產,本公司可以任何方式發出通告。
A notice may be given by the Company to the persons entitled to a share in
consequence of the
[...] death, mental disorder or bankruptcy of a member by sending it through the post in a prepaid envelope or wrapper addressed to them by name or by the title of representatives of the deceased or trustee of the bankrupt or committee, receiver, curator bonis or other person in the nature of a committee, receiver or curator bonis appointed by the court or by any like description at the address, if any, within Bermuda or Hong Kong supplied for the purpose by the persons claiming to be so entitled or, until such an address has been so supplied, by giving the notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy [...]
had not occurred.
即使委託人身故或精神亂,或已撤銷代表委任文件或藉以簽立委任文件 的授權書,惟本公司辦事處或過戶登記處(或該等其他於召開大會的通告內所載或隨附寄 發的其他文件中指明的委任代表文件送達地點)於委任代表文件適用的大會或續會舉行時 間不少於兩(2)小時前無收到有關該死亡、精神 亂 或 撤銷的書面通知,則根據委任代表 文件條款的投票仍將有效。
valid notwithstanding the
[...] previous death or insanity of the principal, or revocation of the instrument of proxy or of the authority under which it was executed, provided that no intimation in writing of such death, insanity or revocation shall have been received by the Company at the Office or the Registration Office (or such other place as may be specified for the delivery of instruments of proxy in the notice convening the meeting or other document sent therewith) two (2) hours at least before the commencement of the meeting or adjourned [...]
meeting, at which
the instrument of proxy is used.
當然,如果現場環境和情況許可,警方在作出干預行動前,會先向涉 事人發出警告,但如果有關人士採取不合作態度,而其持續行為可亂公共 秩序或公共安全的話,警方必會採取果斷和適當行動,制止有 關人士繼續其行為或行動,防止情況進一步惡化。
However, if the person adopted an unco-operative attitude, and his continuous acts might involve disruption to public order, or even endanger public safety, the police will stop his behaviour or acts by taking prompt and appropriate actions to avoid further deterioration of the situation.




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