

单词 混水摸鱼

See also:


catch fish
be slack
take it easy
(fig.) loaf on the job


fish and water (metaphor for an intimate relationship or inseparability)

External sources (not reviewed)

虽然我注意到有必要维持安全和秩序并防止反对伊拉克民主过渡的各种势 力在这种局势混水摸鱼,但 我关注伊拉克安全部队使用武力处理一些抗议活动 并导致人员死亡的情况。
While mindful of the need to maintain security and order, and prevent forces opposed to Iraq’s democratic transition from exploiting the situation, I am concerned at the use of force by Iraq’s security forces in handling some of these protests and the consequent loss of life.
对于那些想要阻碍索马里实现和平的人,我们必 须采取坚定的立场,其中包括那些想 水摸鱼 , 要 把 我国重新拉回到死亡和战争年代去的破坏分子。
We must take a firm stand against those who would hinder the achievement of peace in Somalia,
including those destructive
[...] individuals who would fish in troubled waters and act to return the [...]
country to the years of loss and fighting.
挑战是巩固 近年来已经取得的成就,不让武装团伙和其他破坏者 水摸鱼。
The challenge is to consolidate the gains that have been made in recent years and not allow armed groups and other spoilers to exploit the situation.
任 何 涉 及 增 加 功 能 界 別
[...] 席 位 的 建 議,很 明 顯 都 是 偷 換 概念混 水 摸魚的 行 徑。
It is apparent that any proposal on an increase in the number of FC seats is a secret replacement of
[...] concept and fishing in troubled waters.
就今次梁先生的事件,他如此高薪,在退 休後還可以收取長俸,正所謂是“有排歎”,但他為何依然想盡辦法隱 瞞事實混水摸魚?
He should have enjoyed a "long and happy retirement", yet why did he still try by all means to conceal the facts and seize the opportunity to gain benefit?
在南大西洋,建 立了深水海洋保护区以保护水鱼类 物 种及其生境不受捕捞影响。
In the South Atlantic, deepwater MPAs were established
[...] to shield deep-water fish species and their habitats from fishing.
(c) 上述證據支持下述假設:倘若私立資助學校所取錄 的學生的家長教育程度較低及/或社會經濟背景較 差,這些學校便只混水摸魚, 也就是說,他們向 學生提供的教育質素低於公立學校。
(c) The evidence supported the hypothesis that private-subsidized schools behaved opportunistically when they enrolled students whose parents had little education and/or with poorer socioeconomic backgrounds, i.e. providing them with a lower-quality education than public schools.
尽管达尔富尔全体公民完全选择和平,接受《多 哈和平文件》,但有人继续与和平为敌,企图利用达 尔富尔地区人民的状况水摸鱼。
Despite the fact that all the citizens of Darfur fully opted in favour of peace and agreed to the Doha Peace Document, peace continues to have enemies among those who prefer to profit from the situation of their people in Darfur.
尽管与全球渔业上岸量相比,水鱼 上 岸量较小,但是深海捕捞有可能造 成很大影响。
Compared with global landings from fisheries, deepwater landings are small, but the
[...] impacts of deep-sea fishing can be significant.
陳議員 擔心若某些較為被動的村民並不知悉賠償安排的 所有細節,或許會有第三混水摸魚 從 村民身上 漁利。
Mr CHAN was concerned that if some of the more passive villagers were not aware of the full details of the compensation package, some third parties might take advantage of the situation to gain benefits from the villagers.
代 理主席,希望大 家 能夠看清楚這 類 問題,也 看 清楚這些機構,不 要讓它 們在黑暗混 水 摸 魚。
Madam Deputy, I hope Members can look at all these problems and organizations very clearly.
黃定光議員: 主席,據報,四川大地震激發香港市民慷慨解囊,紛紛捐 獻善款賑災,但可能有不法之徒從 混水摸 魚。
MR WONG TING-KWONG (in Cantonese): President, it has been reported that the earthquake in Sichuan has prompted the people of Hong Kong to donate money generously for relief work, but there may be lawless elements taking advantage of the situation.
它们需要援助的领域除其他外,还有拟定渔业管理计划; 用现代化方法管理渔业;建造人工礁和实 鱼 种 放 养方案,以增加野 鱼 种 、管 理和监督海洋保护区促水产养 殖,并更好地利用副渔获物。
They may also require assistance, inter alia, in the preparation of fisheries management plans, the implementation of a modern approach to fisheries management,
the development of
[...] artificial reefs and fish-releasing programmes to enhance wild stocks, the management and monitoring of marine protected areas for fish nurseries and better [...]
utilization of by-catches.
本人 認為,政府 與 其 推 動 經 濟 環境不 太 好
[...] 的人士置 業,倒 不如投 放更 多 資 源 , 阻 止 上述人混 水 摸 魚 。
I am of the view that instead of inducing those who are less well-off
to buy their own homes, the Government should spend more resources on
[...] preventing people from fishing in troubled waters.
投喂的超过67.7%养殖鱼类产量为 水鱼 , 包 括鲤鱼和其他鲤科鱼、 罗非鱼、鲶鱼和其他水鱼。
More than 67.7 percent of farmed fed fish
production is contributed by
[...] freshwater fishes, including carps and other cyprinids, tilapias, catfishes and miscellaneous freshwater fishes.
因 此,我覺得在建立共識之餘,更必須提防那些魚目混珠 混水摸 魚 的 人,為 了個人或小社 的利益而犧牲香港大眾的利益,特別是勞工的利益。
As such, besides building a consensus, we must guard against those people who are prepared to sacrifice the interests of the general public, particularly those of workers, in the interest of individuals or a small group of people by passing off fish eyes as pearls or fishing in troubled waters.
尽管易腐烂,2010年鱼、新 鲜和冰水产品在世水产品 贸易的份额为10%,从1980年的7%增长,反映了后勤 的改善以及对未加工水产品的需求增加。
Notwithstanding their
[...] perishability, trade in live, fresh and chilled fish represented 10 percent of world fish trade in 2010, [...]
up from 7 percent
in 1980, reflecting improved logistics and increased demand for unprocessed fish.
我已說 過 很 多 次 , 並 非 所有從 政的人也 是政客 , 只 有 那 些 從 政混 水 摸魚以 取 得利益 、 欺 騙 市 民的人,才 應 被 稱 為 政 客 。
They even label these people as "the political men". I have said many times before, not all those who take part in politics are "the political men"; only those taking part in politics with the intention of obtaining advantages by improper means and deceiving the people should be labelled as "the political men".
The fish are moving into the troubled waters of the bag.
应用例子包括:减小草料、干食品或化学品的尺寸;均质肉 鱼 、 水 果 、 蔬菜、预制食品(如匹萨、肉饼和冻肉)和化学和药剂配方。
Application examples include: size reduction of forage
and dry food and chemical products;
[...] homogenization of meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, [...]
prepared foods (such as pizza, meat pies
and frozen meals) and chemical and pharmaceutical formulations.
主席,最 近 , 我在報章 看 到 , ㆗ 央 政 策
組在研究方 面 做 了㆒些問卷 調查, 給 ㆟的感 覺 是 有 引 導性及 抹黑了㆒些 民 主 派 的㆟,例如 提 到 七 ㆒ 遊 行
[...] 時,說 可 能 出 現動亂 , 美 國 可 能混 水 摸魚, 還 問 及 民 主 派 應 否 負責等問題。
Madam President, recently I read from the newspapers that the CPU had conducted some opinion surveys which gave people an impression that the questions asked were leading questions that served to smear the reputation of some people from the democratic camp such as when mention was made of the 1 July march, there was reference that
disorder might erupt and the United
[...] States might fish in muddled waters and questions were also [...]
asked on whether or not the democratic
camp should be held responsible, and so on.
[...] Khab Krub Kroeung,这是一种使用蔬菜与油、肉 鱼 或 蛋 混 在 一 起煮的浓粥。
They are making Bobor Khab Krub Kroeung, a thick rice porridge made with
[...] vegetables and oil and meat, fish or eggs.
本來這 種激烈的競爭可提供誘因,使強積金的服務收費有機會下降,“打工 仔 ”可能會得益,但另一方面,中介人的熱情推銷難免會讓一些害羣 之馬有機混水摸魚, 哄騙“打工仔”。
Such intense competition should originally provide incentive to lower MPF service charges, possibly benefitting wage earners. However, on the other hand, enthusiastic sales activities of intermediaries will inevitably offer an opportunity for some black sheep in the industry to take advantage of the circumstances and deceive wage earners with tricks.
There is no hope for the legislature to pass through. As to whether they did it in order to
hamper the smooth transition of Hong
[...] Kong, to fish in troubled waters or to further their [...]
own interests, I dare not speculate.
最後,我個㆟想提㆒提的,就是政務總署將會提出的㆒項新條例草案,在草擬階 段提出政務司可派員檢視及查察有關公司的某些帳項等的情況,我想在這裏再次提出 警告,在過渡時期,很多小型管理公司很容易會 混水摸 魚 的 情況,希望政務總署在 這方面準備增加㆟手去運用權力,監察有關公司在過渡期的安排,以免㆒些小業主, 尤其是㆒些所謂「單頭樓」的小公司出現嚴重混亂的情況。
I wish to issue a warning again on this occasion that in the transitional period many small management companies will this occasion that in the transitional period many small management companies will this occasion that in the transitional period many small management companies will this occasion that in the transitional period many small management companies will seek to take advantage of the chaotic situation.
植物 蛋白是低营养层鱼类物种饲料的主要蛋白来源,以及海水对虾和欧洲高营养层鱼 类物种(例如鲑鱼、鱼、海水鱼和 鳗 鱼)蛋白和脂质的第二主要来源(在鱼粉 和鱼油之后)。
Plant proteins represent the major dietary protein source used within feeds for lower-trophic-level fish species and the second major source of dietary protein and lipids (after fishmeal and fish oil) for marine shrimps and European high-trophic-level fish species (e.g. salmons, trouts, marine fishes, and eels).
要知道,香港的商譽是一個十分重要但又極之脆弱的資產,少 數人混水摸魚,足以摧毀旅客在香港購物的信心。
We should know that the goodwill of Hong Kong is a very important but extremely
delicate asset and a small number of people
[...] fishing in troubled waters are sufficient to [...]
wreck tourists' confidence in shopping here.
美国表示,大多数公海渔获量已经报告给区域渔业管理组 织,并正在努力在大西洋、太平洋、北冰洋和南部海洋建立新的区域渔业管理 组织,收集过去和目前的深海捕鱼活动信息,提供 水鱼 类 清单,评估捕捞对 深海鱼类及其生态系统的影响。
The United States indicated that most catches on the high seas were reported to regional fisheries management organizations, and it was working to create new regional fisheries management organizations in the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic and Southern Oceans to collect information
concerning past and
[...] present deep-water fishing activities and to provide an inventory of deep-water stocks and conduct assessments of the effects of fishing on deep-water stocks and their [...]
主席,我希望即 使 有 新 概 念 時 亦 要 照 顧 到 這些憂 慮 , 否 則,這些新 概 念 只 會 令 某 部分人 、 某 一 小 撮 人,利用 經 濟低迷 , 失 業 高 企 的 情況, 從混 水 摸 魚 , 謀 取 暴 利 。
Madam President, I hope such worries could be properly addressed even if we have some new concepts. Otherwise, such new concepts will only benefit some people, a certain small group of people who would make use of the economic downturn and the high unemployment rate to reap huge profits for themselves.
龍頭企業帶頭裁員,不少盈利甚豐的公司亦緊隨其後 混水摸 魚, 以金融海嘯為名,乘機裁減員工,扣減薪酬,動搖了社會整體迎戰經濟 衰退的決心。
With leading enterprises taking the lead in effecting layoffs, a number of corporations with handsome profits also follow suit by using the financial tsunami as the pretext to effect layoffs and reduce wages, thereby shaking the determination of the community as a whole in weathering the economic recession.




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