单词 | 混在一起 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 混在一起 verb—lump vSee also:在一起 adv—together adv 一起 prep—with prep 一起 adv—together adv • along adv 一起—in the same place • altogether (in total) 混一—amalgamate • mix together as one
关于普遍定期审议, 阿联酋 注意到 , 必须建 立 一 个可信的、建设性的程序,而 不 是 将 人权与纯粹政治 性的事务混在一起。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to the UPR, the UAE noted that it [...] is essential to build a credible and constructive process without merging human rights with pure political [...]matters. daccess-ods.un.org |
如某選區有超過一個投票站,來自兩個或多於兩個投票站 的選票,必須在點票前混在一起。 legco.gov.hk | If more than one polling station was used for a constituency, ballot papers from two or more [...] polling stations must be mixed before counting. legco.gov.hk |
不過,兩個畸胎混在一起,最 後弄出 這項法案,即使我們否決,也不會變成畸胎的,因為兩者是完全可以並存的。 legco.gov.hk | The two deformed foetuses are mixed together and this [...] Bill is finally produced. Even if it is negatived, no deformed foetus [...]will be resulted, because it is entirely possible for both mechanisms to co-exist. legco.gov.hk |
这使人们难以识别非法出口并与其他国家开采的毛坯宝 石 混在一起 的 科 特迪瓦 钻石。 daccess-ods.un.org | This makes it difficult to identify Ivorian diamonds that have been [...] exported illicitly and mixed with rough stones [...]mined in other countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这一期间,据说托尔蒂亚的毛坯钻石品质高,以至于将其与加纳出产的毛 坯钻石混在一起,以 便降低包裹的价值(并将其出手)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this period, rough diamonds were reportedly of [...] such high quality in [...] Tortiya that they were mixed with rough diamonds of Ghanaian origin in order [...]to devalue (and sell) the parcels. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 在進行點票前,兩個不同票箱所載的選票會徹 底 混在 一起。 legco.gov.hk | (c) the ballot papers from two different ballot boxes [...] would be thoroughly mixed together before counting. legco.gov.hk |
此外,该代表称,虽然这些做法和其他一些 做法经常被混在一起,统称为减少危害措施,但是对某一特定术语的支持并不 重要,而是应当对拟实施的方案和政策作出明白无误的说明。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, it was stated that, although those and other practices were frequently lumped together [...] as harm reduction measures, [...]it was not the support for a particular term that was important, but rather a clear and precise description of the programmes and policies to be undertaken. daccess-ods.un.org |
穆加贝的政 党将对津巴布韦的各种制裁措施 混在一起 — —其中 包括多边机构实施的限制措施,指出“制裁”是导致 糟糕经济的核心原因。 crisisgroup.org | Mugabe’s party conflates the various measures, including restrictions from multilateral institutions, arguing “sanctions” are centrally responsible for the poor economy. crisisgroup.org |
目前每个工作重点后所列的双年度末的“预期结果”把活动和短 期与长期的结果都混在一起,而 这些结果的意义又没有说清楚。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The current list of “results expected” at the end of the biennium for each Main Line of Action (MLA) is a mix of activities, short- and longer-term results, the significance of which are not obvious. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(l) 審裁官、調查主任和其他職 員 應該有通往他 們 內 庭 和 辦 事處的獨立通 道 ,以免 和訴訟人和市民大 眾 混 在一起。 legco.gov.hk | (l) POs, TOs and staff should have separate access to their chambers and offices, avoiding mingling with litigants and the public. legco.gov.hk |
审议组同意俄罗斯联邦提出的一项请求,即把放有亚洲国家组和东欧 国家组名签的箱子混在一起进行 抽签选出其在同一地理区域的审议缔约国。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group agreed to a request by the Russian Federation to mix the boxes containing the lots of the Group of Asian States and the Group of Eastern European States in drawing its reviewing State party from the same geographical region. daccess-ods.un.org |
货物已与油类混在一起,因 而难以估算出所泄漏 油类的真实体积。 itopf.com | The cargo has mixed with the oil making [...] realistic estimations of the volume of spilled oil difficult to determine. itopf.com |
另外,目 前,未消耗食物或膳食损失与已消耗食 物 混在一起 , 将 前者在账目中单独列出也应该值得考 虑,因为其所占比例不小。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It would also be of interest to recognize losses on unconsumed foodstuff and meals separately, as they are currently combined with consumed foodstuff and so erode margins. unesdoc.unesco.org |
所以,我们赞成在实地工作中与业务机构开 展互动,并始终避免与任何将不同性质的目 标 混在一 起的做法产生牵连。 daccess-ods.un.org | That is why we favour interaction with operational agencies in our field work and have always refrained from being associated with any approach that combines objectives of a different nature. daccess-ods.un.org |
當遺體或骸骨轉往下一層後,職員會在確保上層沒有任何骸骨留 下,才會在該層開始處理新的遺體,所以並不會有不同先人骸骨 混在一起的情況出現。 legco.gov.hk | After the transfer of dead body or skeleton from a chamber to a lower chamber, staff will ensure that there is no skeleton left in that chamber before handling a new dead body or skeleton. legco.gov.hk |
舉 例 來 說 , 舊 街 市 的 生環境較 差 , 可否將 雞 檔 的 擺 賣 位 置 獨 立 分 區 , 不 要 與 賣 衣 服或其他東 西 的 檔位混 在一起 ? legco.gov.hk | For example, on the issue of poor sanitary conditions in the old markets, can poultry stalls be segregated from [...] other stalls and put in an area of [...] their own, so that they will not mix with other stalls selling clothes or other things? legco.gov.hk |
未成年人审前羁押时间延长仍然引人关注,戈纳伊夫监狱(在那里未成年人 与成年人混在一起)以及戴尔马斯的 33 个过度拥挤情况十分严重的监狱(大太子 [...] 港地区)情况尤甚。 daccess-ods.un.org | Prolonged pretrial detention of minors remained a [...] concern, in particular in the Gonaïves prison, [...] where minors are mixed with adults, and [...]in the Delmas 33 prison (in greater Port-au-Prince), where overcrowding is severe. daccess-ods.un.org |
相反的报告提到,一些按照土著传统 实施的正式司法与私刑混在一起,私 刑是对犯罪嫌疑人实施的任意的报复性攻 击。 daccess-ods.un.org | Reporting to the contrary confuses formal justice carried out in accordance with indigenous traditions, with lynchings, which are arbitrary or vengeful attacks against a suspected criminal. daccess-ods.un.org |
要落 實這些權 利 ,第一 , 運 送 雞 隻 的 [...] 車輛內不應 過 分 擠迫, 要設空 調 和 經 快 速 通 道過關 , 更要經 過 嚴 格 的檢疫 ; 第 二 , 在批發 巿 場 , 不 要 [...] 把 來 自 不同農 場 的 雞 隻 混 在一起 , 且 雞 隻 不 應在批發 巿 [...]場 內 久 留;第 三 , 很多人 建 議 應有獨 立的屠宰室 , 即 街巿賣 雞 的 檔 鋪 應集中在某 一 角落, 與 其他攤 檔 [...]分 隔開, 每檔貯 存 雞 隻 的 數 目 也 要嚴格 限 制,不 可 讓 環境過 於 擠迫, 以 及 要有 足夠的 通 風 或可抑 制 病 毒 擴 散 的空調 設 施;及第四 , 雞 檔 要嚴格 遵 從 行 業 守 則,要 定 時 消 毒 、 清 洗和進行病 毒 抽樣檢 查 。 legco.gov.hk | Second, chickens from different [...] farms must not be mixed up at wholesale markets, [...]and chickens should not be kept for a long time at wholesale markets. Third, many people have suggested independent [...]slaughter rooms and that is, all stalls selling chickens in a market should be grouped together at a certain part of the market, separated from other stalls. legco.gov.hk |
基督一性往往分为两大类:Julianists,谁举行的不朽和身体廉洁基督的化身,越正统Severians,谁拒绝Eutychian认为,人类和神圣的化身完 全 混在一起 了。 mb-soft.com | Monophysites tended to divide into two main groups: Julianists, who held to the immortality and incorruptibility of Christ's incarnate body, and the more [...] orthodox Severians, who rejected the Eutychian view that the human and divine [...] were completely mingled in the incarnation. mb-soft.com |
當然, 我用個“莠”字,並不是說法官是“衰人”,我的意思是,你把兩種不同的 東西混在一起而事後想再分隔開,是不可能的,再回頭已是百年身。 legco.gov.hk | What I mean is that if you mix two different things together and then want to separate them afterwards, this will not be possible because it will already be too late to come back to it. legco.gov.hk |
贾拉 拉指出,寻找科威特受害者遗骸的任务不应当同伊拉克与科威特之间政治关系的 发展“混在一起”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The latter noted that the task of finding [...] the mortal remains of the Kuwaiti [...] victims should not be “mixed” with the developments [...]in political relations between Iraq and Kuwait. daccess-ods.un.org |
第一,我希望這筆錢不會與旅發局的資 金 混在一起 , 因 為旅發局本 身已有很多資源,所以該筆錢應盡量用作資助民間組織搞盛事,以吸引 [...] 旅客來港。 legco.gov.hk | Firstly, I [...] hope this sum of money will not be mixed with HKTB's funds [...]because HKTB already has many resources itself. legco.gov.hk |
还有, 将原本混在一起的商 业逻辑和技术代码完全分离,为应对逻辑变化的现有生成、测试、发布的阶段仅通过一次点击即可处理,可迅速快捷地应对业务变动。 smartfactory.lgcns.com | It also separates business logics from technical codes completely and processes creation, testing, and distribution with just a click of a mouse, which allows users to respond to the changes in their tasks in a timely manner. smartfactory.lgcns.com |
有委員認為把來自同一選區兩個或多於兩個投票站的選 票 混在一起的 安 排,是重要的原則,不應為了要加快點票程序而損害這項原則,亦有委員 認為,應在確保投票保密與更早宣布選舉結果兩者之間求取平衡,並建議把 來自同一選區各個小投票站的選票混 合 在一起 , 然 後進行點票。 legco.gov.hk | It was considered by a member that the arrangement for mixing ballot papers from two or more polling stations within a constituency is an important principle which should not be compromised for the efficiency of the vote counting process. legco.gov.hk |
我從 報 章 得 知 政 府和家 禽 零 售 業 界 已達 成 協 議,每 月 的 25 日 休 業,以 便能徹 底 消 毒 和 清 洗 雞籠, 使 舊 雞 不 會 和 新 雞混在一起 , 對此我是 非 常 支 持 的 。 legco.gov.hk | From the newspapers, I learn that the Government and the poultry trade have reached an agreement for a suspension of business on the 25th of each month for sterilizing and cleaning chicken cages thoroughly. legco.gov.hk |
(e) 将单个企业人为地划整为零,分成几个不同的实体,目的是把单一企 [...] 业隔开,使其免受潜在负债的影响;未照例将集团各成员当作独立的法律实 [...] 体,包括无视集团成员的有限责任或者把个人资产与公司资 产 混在一起 ; 企 业 集团结构纯属伪装或幌子,例如,以公司的形式为手段,逃避法定义务或合同 [...] 义务; (f) 实体的资本投入不足,因而无法以足够的资本作为其经营的基础。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) Artificial fragmentation of a single enterprise into several different entities for the purposes of insulating the single enterprise from potential liabilities; failure to follow the formalities of treating group members as separate legal entities, including disregarding the [...] limited liability of [...] group members or confusing personal and corporate [...]assets; or where the enterprise group structure is [...]a mere sham or facade, such as where the corporate form is used as a device to circumvent statutory or contractual obligations daccess-ods.un.org |
一等和二等残疾人、拥有 3 至 6 岁子女的妇女(残疾子女――16 岁或以 下)、将育儿假与工作混在一起的人员和照顾生病的家庭成员(依据医疗证明)的雇 员,只有经其书面同意,才能提供加班。 daccess-ods.un.org | Persons with disabilities of 1st and 2nd grade, women with children between 3 and 6 years [...] (children with [...] disabilities – up to 16 years), persons that combine childcare leave with work and employees that take care of an ill family [...]member in accordance with [...]the medical certificate may deliver supplementary work only with their written consent. daccess-ods.un.org |
為研究上述修訂規例而成立的小組委員會有部分委員認為, [...] 在進行點票前把來自同一選區不同投票站的選 票 混在一起 的 安排是重 要原則,不應為了加快點票程序而放棄這項原則。 legco.gov.hk | A few members of the Subcommittee set up to study the Amendment [...] Regulation considered the [...] arrangement for mixing ballot papers from [...]different polling stations within a constituency before counting was an important principle which should [...]not be compromised for the efficiency of the vote counting process. legco.gov.hk |
政府每次觸及綜援、“生果金”、強積金,皆以世界銀行的3根支柱 來 “過骨”,把綜援和“生果金” 混在一起 , 列 為第一支柱,強積金則為第 二支柱,這是非常混淆視聽的說法。 legco.gov.hk | Every time when the Government mentions CSSA, the "fruit grant" and MPF, it invariably tries to get way by referring to the World Bank's three pillars. legco.gov.hk |