

单词 深耕细作

See also:


deep plowing
thorough development (of a market segment etc)
thorough penetration



耕作 n

cultivation n
tillage n


secret agent
police spy

External sources (not reviewed)

区域层面深入细致的军备管制作 是 执行源自关于波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维 那的《代顿和平协定》附件 1B 第四条规定的《次区域军备控制协定》。
The most intensive cooperation regarding arms control at the [...]
regional level is in compliance with the Agreement on Sub-Regional
Arms Control stemming from annex 1B, article IV, of the Dayton Peace Agreement for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
七八十年代是农场管理、 劳动者工作量、健康、经济问题的年代,农场安全开 始成为耕细作和系统化研究的主题。
The 70s and 80s were years in which the problems of farm management, human workload, health, ergonomics, and farm safety began to become subject of intensive and systematic studies.
这些技术有:土地平整,旱季不耕种,多雨 深耕 , 提高土壤肥力, 有机物覆盖和塑料膜覆盖,种子改良和开发抗旱品种,平衡施肥,种植 耕作 技术改进,改变种植模式,可以降低风速的防护林带,从而减少蒸发。
These include land levelling, non-tillage in the dry season, deep ploughing in the rainy season, soil fertility improvements, organic and plastic mulching, seed [...]
improvements and development of drought
resistant varieties, balanced fertilization, improvements to planting and cultivation techniques, changes in cropping patterns, forestry shelterbelts to reduce wind velocity and hence evaporation.
该论文的深作者Mi chael Laflamme说:“这些结果提供了强而有力的证据,证明人类心脏肌 细 胞 移 植满足了真正心脏再生的生理标准。
The paper’s senior author, Michael Laflamme, says, “These results provide strong evidence that human cardiac muscle cell grafts meet [...]
physiological criteria for true heart regeneration.
作为“ 人的安 全之友”成员,我国代表团感谢秘书长立即回应我们 的要求,就这个受到各方关切的重要问题提出了一份细而深入的报告。
As a member of the Friends of
[...] Human Security, our delegation would like to thank the Secretary-General for his immediate response to our request for a detailed and in-depth report on this critical issue of concern.
(s) 在勘探细致工作阶段 ,承包者应考虑使用先进技术编绘 细 的 测深 图, 并准确地估计结核丰度,例如远程操作车辆和自动水下车辆。
(s) In the detailed phase of exploration work, the contractors should consider using advanced techniques such as remotely operated vehicles and autonomous underwater vehicles for producing detailed bathymetric charts and estimating [...]
nodule abundances accurately.
(6) 收購、開發、管理、特許使用、租賃、出租、出售、交換及以其他方式利用 任何土地及/或樓宇,尤其為建築目的透過設計及平整而建設、改建、拆卸、 裝飾、管理、維護、裝修、裝置及改善各類樓宇,栽種、鋪平、排污、養殖耕作、根 據樓宇租約或建築協議出租或出售,及就上述任何項目向建築商、 租戶及其他人士墊付款項及與彼等訂立各類合約及安排。
(6) To acquire, develop, manage, license, hire, let, sell, exchange and otherwise howsoever turn to account any land and/or building and, in particular, by laying out and preparing the same for building purposes, constructing, altering, demolishing, pulling down, decorating, administering, maintaining, furnishing, fitting up, and improving buildings of all kinds, and by planting, paving, draining, farming, cultivating, letting on building lease or building agreement or for sale, and by advancing money to and entering into contracts and arrangement of all kinds with builders, tenants and others in connection with any of the foregoing.
農 業方面 ,政府 一 直支持 業 界 發展有耕 作、致力發展有耕 作 的技 術 、加強培訓 , 並推行有耕 作轉型 計 劃,為有意 轉 型 及 從 事 有耕 作 的 農 民提供 技 術 支 援 。
Regarding agriculture, the Government has always supported the sector in developing organic farming and organic farming techniques, boosting training and it introduced the Organic Farming Conversion Scheme to provide technical support to farmers who wish to convert to and who are engaging in organic farming.
这项错综复深入细致的实质性作 必 须 在区域层面开展,在各区域联合 开展工作的联合国系统各组织需要在总体的与伙伴组织和利益攸关方接触战略框架内协调其 [...]
This elaborate and in-depth substantive work will have to be [...]
developed at the regional level where the UN system organizations
working together in each region need to coordinate their interventions within an overarching collective strategy of engagement with the partner organizations and stakeholders, bearing in mind regional priorities and specificity.
更好的技术和更好的现 代农业投入管理办法也可提高雨 耕作 的 可 持续性。
Better technologies and better ways of managing modern farm inputs can also make rain-fed farming more sustainable.
目前我們已成功將自行研發的藥品推進歐盟、亞太地區、中東地區、非洲及南美洲多個國家,並已成為該區域裡強於藥品業務行銷公司之最佳 作 伙 伴 ;未來,我們將持 深耕 亞 洲 目標市場(Home market),建立在地實力,成為國際生技創新公司在華人市場的最佳藥品開發與市場行銷合作伙伴,期望能以低度資本投入開發創新型,具高度競爭障礙及高度藥品經濟價值之藥品、生物製劑、全新成份新藥,創造最佳獲益,與國際合作伙伴一同長期穩健發展、共好。
In the future, we will sustain the cultivation of Asian target markets (home market) to build up local strength to become the best partner for best drug development and marketing in the Chinese market as an innovative international biotech company, expecting to put in low level investment in developing innovative, highly competitive barrier and high economic drugs, biological agents, brand new constituent drugs, creating the best profit and cooperate with international partners to establish long term stable development and share the common good.
永信藥品秉持穩健踏實和誠信守法的精 深耕 於 製 藥領域多年,於2008年更投入鉅資完成全台首座符合PIC/S GMP國際品質規範的針劑製劑廠,更引進全球最先進BOSCH高速全自動隧道式針劑生產設備,從洗瓶、滅菌、充填、封口、…一貫化的自 作 業 流 程,不僅可大幅提升產能,更可進一步確保針劑產品品質。
In 2008 we invested heavily to complete the first PIC/S GMP-certified injection-products plant in Taiwan, and we are also the first to introduce the advanced Bosch high-speed, fully-automated tunnel-styled injection production equipment.
他指出,会议是为了给第四 届会议做准备而听取大家意见的活动,这些议题届时将得到 深 入 更 细 致 的讨 论。
He stated that the meeting was intended to be a listening
exercise in order to prepare for the fourth session, where the topic would be
[...] discussed in greater depth and at greater length.
这些报告也包括对新奇研究的特殊要求和对发展中国家 专利申请能力的细深入审 核,以及非洲知识产权组织提交的搜索及审核某些专利申请的特殊要 求。
These reports also covered special requests for novelty search and substantive examination as to the patentability of patent applications in developing countries as well as special requests for search and examination of patent applications submitted by ARIPO.
发言人强调,目前已采取保障措施的处理厂需要 细 的 深 入 审 查、单独制 定方针、作人员 的配合、核查人员的专门知识、采取额外措施以达到满意的结 果、时间和资源,以及不断改进工作。
The speaker stressed that existing
[...] plants under safeguards require detailed in-depth review, individual development [...]
of an approach, cooperation
from the operator, expert knowledge inspectors, additional measures for satisfactory conclusions, time and resources, and continuous work on improvements.
耕作引 进 现代科学技术应该考虑到这些特点,并且立足于农作知识网、比较完善的基础 设施以及一种将作物轮作、综合作物和原料生产结合起来的系统途径。
Introductions of modern science and technology to smallholder farming should take into account these characteristics and be based on farmer knowledge networks, better infrastructure, and a system approach involving crop rotation and integrated crop and feedstock production.
一项有益的做法也许是让安理会保护平民问题 非正式专家组就此问题进行细的 分析 和 深 入 的现 况调查。
It might be useful for the Council’s informal experts group on the protection of
civilians to take this matter up with a view to providing a
[...] thorough analysis and in-depth reflection of the state [...]
of play.
需要对区域和国家一级的农业和渔业研究及农村基础设施提供新投资,推广 良好耕种和捕捞作业及 创新的可持续技术,还需要营销指导、有序和有效的融 [...]
资及更大程度的土地保有权保障,包括女性农民对土地的获取和控制,不论她们 婚姻状况如何。
New investments are required in regional and national agricultural and fishery research and rural
infrastructure, extension of better
[...] farming and fishing practices and innovative and [...]
sustainable technologies, as well as
marketing advice, structured and effective finance and greater tenure security, including access to and control over land by female farmers irrespective of their marital status.
要支持开展以种子多样化和社会文 耕作 法 为基础的 农业研究,并调动新的和额外的财政资源来支持适应与气候变化有关的影响和加 强复原力。
Agricultural research that builds on seed diversity and sociocultural farming practices needs to be supported, and new and additional financial resources must be mobilized to support adaptation and strengthened resilience to climate change-related impacts.
代表们在四届会议期间在170 次作会议和小组讨论会上进行深 入 细 致 的 讨论。
During the four sessions they worked intensively in 170 workshops and panels.
(i) 將本公司所獲取或持有權益的任何土地發展和加以利用,尤其是將該等土地整理和準備作建 築用途,建造、改動、清拆、裝飾、保養、布置、裝備和改善建築物,以及進行種植、鋪 路、排水、種植耕作、以 租地建築契或建築協議出租,並向各類建造商、租客及其他人墊 付款項,以及與他們訂立各種合同和安排。
(i) To develop and turn to account any land acquired by the Company or in which the Company is interested, and in particular by laying out and preparing the same for building purposes, constructing, altering, pulling down, decorating, maintaining, furnishing, fitting up, and improving buildings, and by planting, paving, draining, farming, cultivating, letting on building lease or building agreement, and by advancing money to and entering into contracts and arrangements of all kinds with builders, tenants and others.
我们呼吁推动经济上可行、可为社会接受和生态上可持续 耕作 法 , 以加强 最不发达国家的粮食主权。
We call for the promotion of economically viable, socially acceptable and ecologically sustainable farming practices so that food sovereignty of LDC people is strengthened.
现有农业技术和方 法包括:具有成本效益的小农灌溉系统;注重雨水 灌溉农业耕作方法 ;集水系统;高品质基因材料; 增值农业生产;向青年传授农业技术;植树造林; 防治水土流失;以及改善牧场。
Existing agricultural technologies and techniques included cost-effective smallholder irrigation systems, production practices that emphasized rain-fed agriculture, water harvesting systems, high-quality genetic materials, value-added agricultural production, agro-technological awareness among young people, forestation, prevention of soil erosion and improvements to pastures.
正如本报告稍后部分以及所附单个报告中 细 、 深 入 的分析所明确的那样,教科文组 织的大会拥有巨大的吸引力,因此有很大的可能向公众、政府、民间社会和媒体等描述本组 [...]
As becomes clear in the detailed and in-depth analysis appearing [...]
in later parts of this report, as well as in the individual
reports annexed hereto, a UNESCO General Conference has huge appeal and therefore enormous untapped potential to portray to the public, to governments, to civil society and to the media alike the value of the Organization, its ideals and main lines of action.
k 这些调查机制所采取的形式取决于具体情况,有些是针对具体事件进行细 深入审 查,有些则是开展范围较广的实况评估和摸底活动。
Areas for further engagement by the Security Council that would help to strengthen the efficacy of those mechanisms Commissions of inquiry and fact-finding missions have been established by the Secretary-General upon request by States ore other intergovernmental organizations such as ECOWAS.f They have also been established by the Human Rights Council,g its predecessor, the Commission on Human Rightsh the General Assemblyi and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsjIn some cases, the High Commissioner has acted at the request of United Nations offices or peace missions.k The forms that they have taken are situation-specific, ranging from detailed and in-depth examinations of specific events to broader fact-finding assessment and mapping activities.
上诉法院事实上认为,关于“工商业就业协会”传 票的实质无效,“如果J.O. 能够深知底细的情况下准备其辩护,这不只是一个 [...]
The Court of Appeal had indeed held that, with regard to the substantive nullity of the ASSEDIC summons, it was “not
just a purely factual error, but a matter
[...] which went to the very heart of the definition [...]
of the offence, insofar as J. O.
should have been given the opportunity to prepare his defence on an informed basis”.
极致的闪耀夺目!娇韵诗调和身体磨砂霜——蕴含迷迭香精华油、紫檀、薄荷、糖盐结晶体——感受老废角质、皮屑和污垢被清除时的奢华惊喜,重焕肌 深 层 细 胞。
Clarins’ spa-fresh body polisher — with essential oils of Rosemary, Rosewood, Mint, Sugar and Salt
Crystals — feels ooh la la luxurious as it
[...] smoothes away dry cells, flakes and impurities to reveal the glowing skin beneath.
妇女并每天对农耕作 和选 择作物作出重要的决定,并且就养家活口的问题作出决定,据此对家庭和社 区的日常生活作出贡献。
Women also make important decisions daily with respect to farming and the choice of crops, as well as on the daily supply of food for the family, thus contributing to the livelihoods of families and communities.
2013-14 年度已 計劃的相關工作包括透過有耕作支 援 服務計劃,繼續向本地農民提供技術協 助、與蔬菜統營處及新界蔬菜產銷合作社有限責任聯合總社合作,推廣本地有機 農產品的生產及銷售,以及向香港有機資源中心提供支援,以推動有機教育及認 證方面的工作。
Relevant work planned for 2013-14 includes continued provision of technical assistance to local farmers under the Organic Farming Support Service Scheme, joint efforts with the Vegetable Marketing Organization and the Federation of Vegetable Marketing Cooperative Societies in promoting the production and marketing of local organic produce, as well as giving support to the Hong Kong Organic Resource Centre for the promotion of organic education and certification.
渔民、养殖渔民和其社区也经常暴露在更为长期危害中,例如鱼病传播、外 来物种入侵增加,陆源和水体污染、水生生态系统 耕作 、 采矿、工业和城市化 而退化。
Fishers, fish farmers and their communities are also often exposed to more prolonged hazards such as the spread of fish disease, the increase in invasive
undesirable alien species,
[...] pollution from land and aquatic sources, and aquatic ecosystem degradation from farming, mining, industry [...]
and urbanization.




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