

单词 深深吸一口气

See also:


a bite
a mouthful
flatly (deny, admit and so on)

口气 n

breath n
tone n
sigh n


manner of expression
tone of voice
the way one speaks

External sources (not reviewed)

你可以在夜间安眠听森林的声音,并采取在早晨新鲜的 气深 呼 吸。
You can sleep peacefully at night listening to the sounds of
[...] the forest and take a deep breath of fresh air [...]
in the morning.
至于古巴出口商品的目的地,拉丁美洲和加勒比区域在 2008 年成为古巴商品的最大市场吸收了 古巴 口 总 量 的四分 一。
As to the destination of Cuba’s exports, the Latin
America and Caribbean region became the largest market for
[...] Cuban goods in 2008, absorbing one quarter of Cuba’s total exports.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海深海港口以及 平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天气管道,这将建一 个 缅 甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 [...]
铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade [...]
corridor to China’s
landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
汽车的外形轮廓也经过深入的空气 动 力 学研究,从而打造出与众不同的侧通 口 , 并 与新型门下侧梁相连。
The car’s profile has also been the
[...] subject of in-depth aerodynamic analysis, leading to the introduction of unusual side air vents, linked to the [...]
new under-door side sills.
实际上,农村地区从事经济活动人口 2007 年占总人口的 55.1%,他们可以 在两种机会之间做出选择:――接受可以带来一定收入、但工作条件非常恶劣而 且有患职业病的风险较高的工作和贫穷的生活或移居城市、找 一 份 更 有 吸引 力、报酬更高的工作,或是出国一 份 可 以养家 口 的 工 作。
Practically, the economically active population from the rural areas, the share of which in 2007 constituted 55.1% is given the choice between two opportunities: – to accept work that brings a modest income, performed under unfavourable employment conditions and with a high risk of illness and a poor life, or
immigrate in the urban areas
[...] and find a more attractive and more motivated job or leave the country in search for a job that would ensure sufficient income to [...]
sustain the family.
吸一口新鲜空气,带 着花草以及海的香气。
Breathe fresh air and taste flavors [...]
of flowers or the sea.
以气态烃转化催化剂与工艺、低压合成甲醇工艺与催化剂、甲醇羰基合成醋酸、甲醇脱水制二甲醚工艺与催化剂、甲醇裂解制氢工艺与催化剂、变 吸 附 气体分离技术、焦炉气甲烷化制天然气、煤矿瓦斯综合利用、黄磷尾气/电石炉 气深 度 净 化与利用、醋酸加氢制乙醇、焦化苯加氢精制、硫磷专用分析仪、N-甲酰吗啉等为代表的成果达到国内领先水平,这些技术与产品应用于全国近2000家化工、石化、冶金、机械、食品、军工企业并 口 , 创 造了显著的经济效益,并为节能环保战略性新兴产业发展和传统产业升级发挥着重要的示范与带动作用。
A number of its research findings have been industrialized -- for example low-pressure synthesis of methanol and catalyst, hydrocarbon conversion process and catalyst, PSA gas separation, carbonyl synthesis of acetic acid from methanol, methanol-to-dimethyl ether, methanol-to-hydrogen, refining of crude benzene, and the synthesis of NFM by methyl formate process -- all of which are at the international level, [...]
and play an important role in technologically
supporting the sector and generate a large amount of economic and social benefits.
吸油管放气一定要彻底,否则会显 著减弱分接开关对地的绝缘能力。
The insulation capability of the on-load tap-changer to ground is otherwise significantly impaired.
正如上文第 10--13 段所说明的,确定气候变化伦理原则是一项紧迫的工作,因此,总 干事将向执行局第一八二届会议提交委员会的报告(第 182 EX/INF.16 号文件)供审议,并 建议探讨如何一步深入思考与气候 变 化有关的伦理问题(第 182 EX/56 号文件)。
Due to the urgency of determining universal ethical principles in relation to climate change as set out above in paragraphs 10-13, the Director-General presented the COMEST report for
review by the
[...] Executive Board at its 182nd session (182 EX/INF.16) and proposed consideration of how to take forward reflection on ethical principles in relation to climate change (182 EX/56).
电磁阀 (K)必须一个快速排气口,因 此 当螺线管切断时,残留的空气将在电磁阀和 喷枪之间被排除。
The solenoid valves (K)
[...] must have a quick exhaust port so trapped air will [...]
be relieved between the valve and gun when the solenoids are shut off.
教科文组织科学计划的项目也涉及 一 些 重大科学问题,如 深 海 、 地核、 气 层 外围等方面的探索。
[...] projects also take on some of the big questions of science, elucidating aspects of the deep oceans, the Earth’s inaccessible interior, and the processes at the outer limits of our atmosphere.
微 觀 層 面 , 隨 著 競 爭 對 手口 漢 陽 港 計 劃 於 二 零 一一年年中 關閉並 搬 遷 至 陽 邏( 即 武 漢 陽 邏 港 所 在地), 董 事 認 為 此 乃 極 佳 機 遇 , 可 令 武 漢 陽 邏 港 首 次 與 漢 陽 港 於 陸 路 運 輸 成 本 方 面 處 於 同 等 競 爭 地 位 , 及 於 二一一年 吸 引 更 多 費 率 較 高 的 武 漢 本 地 集 裝 箱 業 務 , 從 而 增 加 本 集 團 武 漢 本 地 貨 運 業 務 的 收 入 及 市 場 份 額 。
On the micro front, with the closure and
[...] relocation of the competitor port, Hangyang Port to the Yanglou area, where the WIT Port is located, planned to take place in mid 2011, the Directors welcome the opportunity for the WIT Port to compete on an equal footing with the Hangyang Port in terms of the land side transportation costs for the first time and to attract more Wuhan sourced containers [...]
higher tariff rates to the port thereby increasing the Group’s Wuhan sourced cargo revenue and market share in 2011.
大多数笔记本电脑散热垫都从底部通 口吸 入 空 气 , 如 果将其放在沙发或被子等软面上,可能会妨碍通风口进气。
Most laptop cooling pads pull in air from a single bottom vent, which can get blocked when placed on a soft surface like a couch or comforter.
虽然计量吸入器用途氯氟化碳消费为 零,哥伦比亚政府和卫生当局对计量吸入器次级行业非常担忧,并申请资金来制 一 个计 量吸入器过渡战略,该战略将会确 一 个 清晰的氯氟化碳计 吸 入 器 进 口 取 代 时间表、促 进和支持淘汰这些产品的条例及提高医师意识和患者对氯氟化碳计量吸入器替代物的接受 度的方案。
Although CFC consumption for MDIs was nil, the Government of Colombia and the health authorities were concerned about the MDI sub-sector and
requested funding for
[...] the development of an MDI transition strategy that will establish a clear schedule for import substitution of CFC-MDIs, regulations that [...]
will promote and support
the phase-out of these products, and a programme that will raise physician awareness and patient acceptance of alternatives to CFC-MDIs.
[...] 量吸入器,而本地则不生产,均衡价格的唯一解决办法是修改立法,以推广替代的 计吸入器,并与口商一道解释未来的政府定价。
Furthermore, the country fully depends on imports of MDIs with no local production, and the only solution to equalize the prices
was to amend legislation to
[...] promote alternative MDIs and work with importers to explain the coming [...]
governmental policies.
国际社会也对环境的威胁有了深入 的 了解,气 候变 化、可持续能力以及信通技术对社会和经济变化的影响。
The international community
[...] has also gained a deeper understanding of environmental threats such as climate change, [...]
sustainability and the
impact of ICTs on social and economic change.
我最早的童年回忆一,就是深受祖 父配备计时码表功能的腕 深深吸 引 , 无法自拔。
One of my earliest childhood memories is of being completely fascinated and absorbed by my grandfather’s [...]
chronograph watch.
如果運載有貨物的貨車在北上路程中於香港關口完成了ROCARS的清關手續及離境後, 深 圳 口 岸 被 中國海關截查並原車帶貨遣返回港,貨車上的貨物是否需要 一 次 向 道路貨物資料系統申報及作出捆綁才能回港?
In the course of northbound trip, if a laden goods vehicle is repatriated by the Mainland Customs after going through the ROCARS and immigration departure clearance at Hong Kong land boundary control point, should the goods onboard be declared via the ROCARS and then bundled with the vehicle before it can enter Hong Kong again?
代表们敦促贸发会深入地气候变 化对农业生产的影响以便找出解决 一 问 题 的有用办法。
Delegates urged UNCTAD to conduct an in-depth analysis of the impact of climate change on agricultural production [...]
in order to identify
relevant solutions to address the issue.
DNV长期以一直致力于深水油气行业的 研发和经验积累,并在开发业界广泛认同的技术标准方 面一直处于领先地位。
Yang Zupei,
[...] Secretary General of CNPC Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation [...]
Standardization Committee, has accepted DNV’s
invitation to be the Chairman of the Committee.
最后, 我们将石油天气的例子更深入一步 分 析,假定在这个折现现金流收益线下不存在其它的市 场风险,计算此时的收益波动率仍就是正当的,因为这个公司可能拥有国际业务,其税率水 平和金融杠杠都不同(不同的融资方式)。
Finally, taking the oil and gas example a step further, computing the volatility of revenues assuming no other market risks exist below this revenue line in the DCF, is justified because this firm may have global operations with different tax conditions and financial leverages (different ways of funding projects).
例如,口可樂 的消費者就是被該品牌 所代表的熱情、活潑、樂天和美國文化 深深吸 引。
For instance, consumers of Coca Cola have found the passion, vitality, optimism and American culture as represented by the [...]
brand particularly appealing.
同 16 世纪接受科学培训的学一样, 拉泽斯被当时逐渐兴起的制图艺 深深吸 引。
Like many 16th century scholars trained in the sciences, Lazius was drawn to the emerging art of cartography.
民研計劃今日在《民意網站》發放第三輪有關新特首人選的調查,主要沿用首兩輪調查的問題,詢問市民就新特首人選是否適合出任特首作出評分,0分代表絕對不適合出任特首,100分代表絕對適合,50分代 一 半 半,並按照各項 口 變 項 深 入 分 析。
The third round of survey released by POP today via the POP Site is similar to the first two rounds, in that respondents were asked to rate the suitability of the candidates to the post of CE, with 0 indicating absolutely not suitable, 100 indicating absolutely suitable and 50 indicating half-half.
The air catch sensor can malfunction if
[...] the air vent port is blocked.
农业对 GDP
[...] 的贡献率只有 18.3%,但农业所吸纳的就业人口占全国就业人 口总数的 43.1%,工业对 GDP 的贡献率为 17.6%,但工业吸纳的就业口仅 占全国就业口总数的百分之十一 点 (1 2.1%)。
Agriculture generates 18.3% of the GDP, with 43.1% of the employees
being involved there,
[...] industry has 17.6% of the GDP and a bit more than one tenth of the total number of employees (12.1%).
吸一口煙,轉眼間便已被 風吹走了。
A puff of smoke will be blown [...]
away by wind in a wink.
如果法德 里所说为实,那每个人都可以 一口气 , 因 为主 谋已经被关在牢里了,无论他在逃跑时还曾想过 [...]
If Fadly’s version is correct, then everyone [...]
should breathe easier: the mastermind is already behind bars, and whatever
larger plans he may have had after escaping have now been scuttled.
[...] 象进行全球监测,协助合并共同知识并发展必要的预报能力以改进空间资产的 安全,深对空间气象事 件的了解并提高对其的预测能力。
The Committee noted the importance of continuing international efforts to coordinate the global monitoring of space weather using space - and ground-based assets, assist in consolidating common knowledge and develop essential forecast capabilities to
improve the safety of space-based assets and to increase
[...] understanding and enhance predictions of space weather events.
透 過 以身作則的方式 , 我們可給 予 鄰 近 地 區 正面的 壓 力,鼓勵他們作出相應配 合 , 共 同合作,提升 空 氣 質 素,讓 大家也 可吸 一 口新鮮 空 氣 。
Through setting ourselves as an example, we can apply some positive pressure on our neighbouring areas, so as to encourage them to take corresponding measures to work together with us to enhance the air quality, thereby enabling everyone to take a good breath of fresh air.




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