

单词 深层

深层 adjective ()

deep-rooted adj

深层 noun ()

deeper level n



deep cleansing


deep orthography (not governed by simple rules)


deep orthography

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 仅危及环境和民众的生计,而且还威胁到对于生存十分重要 深层 文 化底 蕴。
One delegation noted that unsustainable development threatened not only the
environmental and social livelihoods of people
[...] but also the in-depth cultural significance [...]
that is important for survival.
海洋门户网站”与教科文组织驻基多 办事处进行了合作,在需要深层次 信 息的领域,委任了地区专家做编辑人员,从而促进该 [...]
Concerning Portal Oceanico, in cooperation with the UNESCO Office in Quito, regional experts have been
commissioned to serve as editors for subject areas
[...] in which further depth of information was [...]
required, contributing towards achieving
the project’s expected result of increased participation in production of content for the portal.
人们往往将危机视作一次性事件,采取解决方案 时通常不处理许多国家面对的复杂和相互关联 深层 弱 点
Crises are often viewed as one-time events,
and solutions frequently do not address the complex and
[...] interrelated underlying vulnerabilities [...]
that many countries face.
该研究审查了肉豆蔻价 值链、对资金的供需情况作深层分 析 ,明确了筹资方面的空白和瓶颈,并就改 [...]
The study reviewed the nutmeg value chain,
[...] conducted an in-depth analysis of the [...]
supply and demand for finance, identified
gaps and bottlenecks in finance, and provided recommendations on improving the financing of the nutmeg value chain in Grenada.
随着这一进程继续回应市场主导 的“廉价”开采需求,目前一个越来越明显的趋势是,采矿项目的规模越来越大,
[...] 所涉及的区域也越来越广,从而给这些地区造成更大的影响,并使环境和那些依 赖环境的行业受到深层的长期破坏。
As this process continues to respond to market-dominated demands for “cheap” extraction, there is now a growing trend for mining projects to increase in scale and to extend over wider
areas, thus inflicting a greater impact
[...] over these areas and deepening long-term disruption [...]
to the environment and to those who depend upon it.
深层次考虑,低的劳动力成本结合有竞争 力的生产效率预示着每个工时所创造的价值。
Looking deeper, the low labour costs [...]
are combined with competitive productivity, which indicates the created value per working hour.
巴西政府正在实施的与需要加强 对警方使用致命武力的管理和监督有关的政策和方 案不仅包括国家公共安全和公民身份方案,该方案把 传统公共安全战略与旨在解决暴 深层 原 因 的行动 相结合,还包括对警察进行有关使用现代化非致命技 术和调查方法的培训。
The policies and programs being implemented by the Government of Brazil relating to the need to improve control and surveillance of the use of lethal force by the police included the National Public Security and Citizenship Program (PRONASCI), which coupled traditional public-safety strategies with actions aimed at addressing the root causes of violence, and included training of police officers in use of modern non-lethal technologies and investigation methods.
[...] 倍努力制订全球综合战略,以解决该地区不稳定深 层根源,特别是确保更好地协调执行受影响国家、非 [...]
洲联盟、次区域组织以及各双边和多边利益攸关方所 采取的举措;加强国家能力以改善边境管制,解决缺 乏安全和欠发达这两种挑战;调动更多的国际援助支
持西非和萨赫勒地区国家;最后,考虑到目前没有一 个联合国机构拥有涵盖整个萨赫勒广阔地区的全面 授权,加强已经在该地区开展活动的联合国各机构之 间的互动以及它们的实地存在。
In the same context, the international community, with the United Nations in the lead, is also called upon to redouble its efforts to
establish an integrated global strategy to
[...] deal with the deep-rooted causes of [...]
instability in the region, in particular by
ensuring better coordination to implement the initiatives undertaken by affected countries, the African Union, subregional organizations and their various bilateral and multilateral stakeholders; strengthening national capacities in order to ensure better border control and address the challenges of a lack of security and underdevelopment; mobilizing more international aid for West African and Sahel countries; and, lastly, enhancing the interoperability among the various United Nations bodies already in the area and their presence in the field, given the fact that no United Nations body currently has a global mandate to cover the vast Sahel region.
强大的应用编程接口(API),提供了大 深层 的 选 项,可以在运行时修改它们。
The powerful Application Programming Interface offers an amount of further options that can be modified at run time.
这些挑战深层是, 需要不断推进结构改革议程,保证积 极加入全球市场,符合长期有力的经济增长途径,同时保持古巴社会保障制度的 成就和社会成果,同时保持可持续的财政状况。
Underneath these challenges lies a need to keep moving forward with an agenda of structural reforms to guarantee a dynamic insertion into global markets consistent with a long-term path of robust economic expansion, while preserving the achievements and social conquests of the Cuban social security system with a sustainable fiscal position.
确实,这两个问 题反映的是更大、深层的社会过程(例如 家庭、学校和工作场所中的社会化),这些 过程强化了性别歧视,赋予人们社会期望的 性别角色。
Indeed, these two issues are manifestations of much larger underlying social processes (such as socialization in the family, at school, and in the workplace) that reinforce gender stereotypes and assign expected gender roles.
在这些情况下,法院很可能尤为有困难管理知识产权法,因为法官和律师需要具备复 杂技术和法律概念深层知识
In these circumstances, administration of IP laws in the courts is
likely to be especially difficult, as judges and
[...] lawyers require in-depth knowledge of [...]
complex technical and legal concepts.
[...] 解决办法是,在被视为地质稳定和“防水”的地 深层 储 存 设施中长期保留,从 而确保放射性粒子从其原址到生物圈有足够长的移徙时间,使放射性衰减到大大 [...]
The available technological solution for the disposal of intermediate-level waste with long-lived isotopes and
high-level waste is
[...] long-term containment in deep subsurface storage facilities [...]
considered geologically stable and “watertight”,
making sure that the migration time of the radioactive particles from their original site to the biosphere will be long enough for the radioactivity to have decayed to far below acceptable limits or that the particles will stay fully confined in their deposit location.
通过这些活 动,特别报告员试图确认哪些是特殊情况下 深层 次 事 件,并推动政府和土著人 民之间的合作精神,寻求对现有问题的建设性解决办法。
By this practice, the Special Rapporteur endeavours to identify the substantive issues in specific cases and to encourage cooperation between States and indigenous peoples in the search for constructive solutions to those problems.
通过将注意力集中到弱势儿童面临的不平等现象 深层 原 因,联合国儿童基金会报告认为“落后”不仅关系到数以百万儿童的个体,而且还与他们国家的经济以及社会未来发展息息相关。
By drawing
[...] attention to the depth of disparities [...]
facing disadvantaged children, UNICEF’s report argues that ‘falling behind’
is a critical issue not only for millions of individual children, but for the economic and social future of their nations.
为 了处理暴力冲突深层原因 ,必须找到新的和有创意 的方法,以便为预防冲突和建设和平筹措资源。
In order to address the deep-rooted causes of violent [...]
conflicts, new and innovative approaches must be found to generate
resources for conflict prevention and peacebuilding.
儿基会副执行主任萨阿德·乌里先生说,东欧防治艾滋病的斗争需要把重 点放在该地区的吸毒和儿童没有父母照顾等各 深层 原 因 上。
UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Mr. Saad Houry said that the fight against AIDS in Eastern Europe needed to focus on the underlying causes in that region, which include drug use and children without parental care.
世界各地的商务人士和教育工作者均使用Prezi,让人们进行 深层 次 的 思想交流,确保这些思想能产生持久的影响。
Business people and educators around the world are using Prezi to
[...] engage people in a deeper exchange of ideas [...]
and to ensure that those ideas have a lasting impact.
这种暴力持续存在可归因于许多因素,包括执 行禁止这类行为的法律和法规存在困难,对现有规章和机制缺乏认识和了解,缺 乏有效措施应对这个问题深层原因
The persistence of violence can be attributed to many factors, including difficulties in the implementation of laws and regulations which prohibit such acts, the lack of awareness and of knowledge on existing regulations and mechanisms, the lack of effective measures to deal with the underlying causes of the problem.
在营,,Oogway最终发现,鳄鱼和牛动机自恋和贪婪分别,的犀牛有一 深层 次 的需求,赢得他的父亲主飞行犀牛(大卫Cowgill)的尊重。
At camp, Oogway eventually discovers that while Croc and Ox are
motivated by narcissism and greed
[...] respectively, Rhino has a deep-seated need to win [...]
his dad Master Flying Rhino’s (David Cowgill) respect.
她还问,是否可以 认为,朝鲜领导人即将放弃以军事利益为核心的政策
[...] 而优先考虑人民利益;政府应采取哪些措施来消除民 众流离失所深层原因;国际社会,特别是联合国难 [...]
民事务高级专员办事处和相邻各国,可以发挥什么作 用来确保不驱回原则得到遵守。
She also asked whether there was any reason to think that the country’s leadership was on the point of renouncing its military-first policy in order to favour the interests of the people,
and what measures the Government should take
[...] to tackle the root causes of displacements, [...]
and what role the international
community, in particular the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and neighbouring countries, could play in guaranteeing observance of the principle of non-refoulement.
美利坚合众国希望,朝鲜参加普遍定期审议进程,能够成为就人权问题开 始进深层次对话的机会。
The United States of America hoped that the State’s engagement
in the universal periodic review process represented an opportunity
[...] to begin an in-depth dialogue on human [...]
rights issues.
委员会还注意到,毛利人在被控犯罪者和犯罪 行为受害者中所占比例大大高于他们在总人口中的比例,这表明 深层 的 社 会原 因,并使人关注是否存在司法歧视。
It is also concerned that the proportion of Māori among persons accused of a crime as well as among victims of a crime is substantially higher than their proportion within the general population, which points to underlying social causes and raises concerns regarding the possibility of discrimination in the administration of justice.
整改 进程要求在分析用户需要和本组织外联目标的基础上,对网站结构和布局进深 层调整
The process has entailed a profound revision of the structure and layout of the site, based on an analysis of users’ needs and of the institution’s outreach objectives.
我们获得成功的定价参与门户(PEP),加上我 深层 次 的 商业智能分析和决策支持报告工具,可以让我们的客户全面了解如何利用用户信息优化业务决策,最大限度地提高收入机会和市场影响力。
Our success with PEP, in
[...] conjunction with our deep business intelligence [...]
analytics and Decision Support Reporting tools,
bring our clients a comprehensive view of how to use their customer information to optimize their business decisions so they can maximize their revenue opportunities and market presence.
大多数北亚和中亚国家是内陆国,北亚和中亚次区域办事处已 准备就绪,以通过支持《阿拉木图行动纲领》,向它们提供协助,而
[...] 这一《行动纲领》的目的正是改善本区域内陆国之间的贸易和运输连 接,以此作为实现北亚和中亚经济体 深层 次 的 一体化,创造一个更 加统一的市场和一个有利的投资环境的一个有效途径。
Most of the North and Central Asian countries are landlocked and the Subregional Office for North and Central Asia is well positioned to assist them by supporting the Almaty Programme of Action, which is aimed at improving trade and transport links between landlocked
countries within the region as an
[...] effective way to achieve deeper integration of the economies [...]
of North and Central Asia, create
a more unified market and a favourable environment for investments.
何塞·卡洛斯·马蒂纳德提案的雕塑想要发掘利马新城里那些复杂的层面;不是和全球主导混杂的拼贴,而是基于传统和集体实践的不常见但是仍坚持存在 深层 文 化现象,其来自于利马以外地区,但仍作为一种强有力的独特文化、社会和政治身份在利马保留。
The installation proposed by José Carlos Martinat explores these complex layers that exist in the new city of Lima; not the ones that blur and mix into a collage of global
domination, but the ones that are less visible
[...] and persist as a deep cultural phenomena [...]
built upon traditions and collective practices
that came from other places of Peru and maintain in Lima a strong unique cultural, social and political identity.
这次飞行任务的主要目的是:(a)绘制月壳和岩石圈的结 构;(b)了解月球不对称的热演化;(c)确定月球撞击盆地的地表下结构和月球质
[...] 量密集的来源;(d)确定月壳角砾岩和岩浆活动的时空演化;(e)确定月 深层的 内 部结构;(f)确定月球内核的大小极限。
The main objectives of the mission are to: (a) map the structure of the lunar crust and lithosphere; (b) understand the asymmetric thermal evolution of the Moon; (c) determine the subsurface structure of impact basins and the origin of lunar mascons; (d) ascertain the temporal
evolution of crustal brecciation and
[...] magmatism; (e) constrain the deep interior structure [...]
of the Moon; and (f) place limits on the
size of the Moon’s inner core.




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