单词 | 深厚 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 深厚 adjective —deep adjprofound adjExamples:深呼吸 n—deep breathing n 深情厚谊—deep friendship 深厚的 adj—deep adj 深情厚意—profound love, generous friendship [idiom.] See also:厚 adj—thick adj • thicker adj • generous adj 厚—kind • stress • rich or strong in flavor • deep or profound 厚 n—favorAE n • thickness n
這塊有深厚關係 的經濟基石,主要是奠基於互相尊重、互惠互利的 大原則㆘逐漸形成的。 legco.gov.hk | This economic cornerstone with a well-founded relationship behind it is the result of a gradual development based upon the principle of mutual respect and reciprocity. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 有關地區是否擁 有一個根基深厚的金融 體 系 ,能有效 地 繳付款項及避免出現技術故障? legco.gov.hk | (b) Does the [...] jurisdiction have a deep financial system [...]which is effective in making payments and avoiding technical breakdowns? legco.gov.hk |
第三个基本要素是培养 和重塑热爱我们地球母亲这一价值观 和 深厚 情 感。 daccess-ods.un.org | The third fundamental factor is to cultivate and [...] reshape this value and deep feeling of love for [...]our Mother Earth. daccess-ods.un.org |
而且,从 PM 9 项目开始,Saica 和 Voith 之间就建立了极其深厚的合 作关系,两个技术团队都给予了高度公开赞赏。 voith.com | Besides, since the PM 9 project, we have established a very high cooperation level between Saica and Voith, with a high and open commitment of the two technical teams. voith.com |
从1932年研发出世界第一款真正的专业潜水表,到赞助拍摄备受好评的环保影片,八十多年来欧米茄与海洋 的 深厚 渊 源 已经成了品牌的标志性基因。 wthejournal.com | From the development of the first true dive watch in 1932 to our sponsorship of an [...] acclaimed environmental film, OMEGA’s connection to Earth’s [...] watery surface is deeply-rooted and a defining [...]element of our brand. wthejournal.com |
因此,在使用“武 [...] 装冲突中武装部队的活动”或“武装冲突中各方的活动”用语时,必须铭记国际 人道主义法的深厚历史。 daccess-ods.un.org | Accordingly, when the terms “the activities of armed forces during an armed conflict” or “the activities [...] of the parties during an armed conflict” [...] were used, the rich history in international [...]humanitarian law had to be borne in mind. daccess-ods.un.org |
北京多国办事处覆盖东亚分地区五个国家,即朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、日本、蒙 古、中华人民共和国和大韩民国,这一分地区有 着 深厚 而 丰富的历史和文化。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Beijing Office, which covers five countries of the East Asian subregion, namely, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Japan, Mongolia, the People’s [...] Republic of China and the Republic of Korea, deals with a [...] subregion that shares a profound and rich history [...]and culture. unesdoc.unesco.org |
Mercuria凭借深厚的专 业知识和广泛的全球网络为全世界的客户和合作伙伴解决能源需求问题。 tipschina.gov.cn | Mercuria has the expertise and global reach to solve the energy needs of clients and partners throughout the world. tipschina.gov.cn |
国际人 权案件中所使用的家庭概念是指强迫失踪受害人同其共同生活的人或者与受害人 感情深厚的家庭成员之间实际存在的“感情维系”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The notion of family in international human rights cases refers to the presence of an actual “emotional bond” between the victim of the enforced disappearance and the persons with whom the victim lived or family members with whom the victim had close emotional ties. daccess-ods.un.org |
圣卢西亚补充指出,该国有着社会成员互相帮助 的 深厚 传 统 ,这一传统已 使若干问题和争议在其中得到了解决。 daccess-ods.un.org | Saint Lucia added that the country has a strong tradition of members of the community helping each other and this tradition has enabled a number of issues and problems to be solved within it. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过前往中国各地,接触中国领导层,了解中国文化和风土人情,与中国青年建 立 深厚 的 联 系,苏世民学者项目的参与者在未来几十年必将大有作为。 china.blackstone.com | Through travel to all corners of the country, access to China’s leadership, exposure to the culture and way of life, and the lifetime bonds they will forge with their peers, Schwarzman Scholars will be poised to make their mark in the decades to come. blackstone.com |
国民教育将 [...] 是非宗教式的教育,并且将建立在民主的根本原则之上,国民教育能够使受教育 者牢记并弘扬对洪都拉斯的深厚感情 ,并且与国家经济社会发展进程息息相 [...]关”。 daccess-ods.un.org | It shall instil and promote in [...] all students a deep feeling of Honduran [...]patriotism and shall be directly connected with the [...]country’s economic and social development process”. daccess-ods.un.org |
你代表着友好兄弟国家加蓬,摩纳哥与其一 直享有各级友好、深厚的特殊关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | You represent Gabon, a friendly and brotherly country with which Morocco has [...] historic warm, deep-rooted and special [...]relations at all levels. daccess-ods.un.org |
还有的房间,有着深厚的, 飞扬的海啸;另一个房间为特色的Dalil炎热的沙漠;第三个房间,提供了一个神秘而放松卡利普索艾兰维尤;或房间,描绘神圣的,奥林巴斯和强大的山其神和女神。 instantworldbooking.com | There’s the [...] room which has the deep, swirling Tsunami; another [...]room which features the scorching desert of Dalil; a third [...]room which offers a view of the mysterious and relaxing Calypso island; or the room that depicts the holy, powerful mountain of Olympus and its gods and goddesses. instantworldbooking.com |
你可以在夜间安眠听森林的声音,并采取在早晨新鲜的空 气 深 呼 吸。 instantworldbooking.com | You can sleep peacefully at night listening to the sounds of [...] the forest and take a deep breath of fresh air [...]in the morning. instantworldbooking.com |
該模型和海岸的長島是可重複的,因為它是不符合在夏天的波羅的海,甚至所有的世界裡,富裕的家庭做一 次 深 呼 吸,氣海的海灘。 zh.horloger-paris.com | This model and the coast of Long Island is reproducible as it is not incompatible with [...] that of the Baltic in summer, and even all the beaches of the world where wealthy [...] families will take a breath of sea air. en.horloger-paris.com |
尽管如此,教科文组织仍然根基深厚 : 可 调动其广泛的知识网络;可依赖与非政府组 [...] 织历史悠久的关系;可利用教科文组织在私营部门的强大品牌优势。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO nonetheless has [...] strong foundations to build on: mobilizing [...]its extensive knowledge networks; building on a long history [...]of NGO relations; and taking advantage of UNESCO’s strong brand in the private sector. unesdoc.unesco.org |
展望未来,中美两国和世界其他国家需要努力创造相互依赖的基 础,建立更强大、更深厚的关 系,培养下一代商业和政治领袖对彼此文化的真实、全面了解。 china.blackstone.com | Looking to the future, it is crucial that both countries and others around the world work hard to build on [...] a foundation of interdependence, to [...] foster stronger and deeper relationships, [...]and to develop a real and full understanding [...]of each other’s cultures among the next generations of business and political leaders. blackstone.com |
我们的新合作可以将JacWin在广播监控方面的技术知识和丰富经验与Audible Magic在各领域内容识别方面的深厚专 业知识结合在一起。 tipschina.gov.cn | China represents a huge opportunity for our services," says Audible Magic CEO Vance Ikezoye"Our new partnership combines JacWin's technical expertise and [...] extensive experience in broadcast monitoring with [...] Audible Magic's deep expertise in content [...]identification across a wide range of domains. tipschina.gov.cn |
艾默生网络能源,凭借其在数据中心领域 的 深厚 经 验 和出色表现,荣获由中国数据中心产业发展联盟颁发的 “2011年度数据中心基础设施优秀管理解决方案奖”。 emerson.com | Emerson Network Power earned the 2011 Excellent Data Center Infrastructure Management Solution Award from the China Data Center Industry Development Federation in recognition of its outstanding contribution of technologies and service in the data center marketplace. emerson.com |
憑借在大中華區豐富的投資經驗和紮根當地 的 深厚 知 識 , 我們為各類基金提供卓越的投資顧問服務。 htisec.com | With our extensive investment [...] experiences and in-depth local knowledge [...]in Greater China, we provide excellent investment [...]advisory service to a variety of funds. htisec.com |
可以说,神谷茂先生始终关注并亲眼见证了中国照明的发展壮大,也建立了对中国照明的特殊 而 深厚 的 感 情。 cn.lvd.cc | We can say that Mr. Shen always cared about and witnessed the [...] development and prosperity of China’s lighting industry and [...] built a special and profound feeling for China’s [...]lighting industry. en.lvd.cc |
荣誉守则和深厚的友 谊会阻碍这两个运动之间任 何明确的断绝。 daccess-ods.un.org | Codes of honour and deep friendships will impede [...] any clear break between the two movements. daccess-ods.un.org |
的力的人翻閱網頁,你幾乎忘記了這個偉大的船舶腕錶 的 深厚 歷 史,與內部能力,以生產自己的口徑,如51011,而且,最重要的是,掌握最成功的製表藝術。 zh.horloger-paris.com | A force people flip through the pages, you [...] almost forget the deep history of this [...]great ship watch, with internal capacity [...]to produce its own calibres, such as 51011, and, most importantly, mastering the arts of watchmaking most successful. en.horloger-paris.com |
深呼吸 、放松运动和按摩可以帮助改善血液循环,放松紧张的肌肉并排泄体内的废物,使 [...] 思维恢复活力并促进大脑功能。 hongfook.ca | Deep breathing, relaxation [...] exercises and massage help improve blood circulation, relax tense muscles and remove body wastes, [...]rejuvenate the mind and improve brain function. hongfook.ca |
今天 是我作为以色列常驻联合国大使的第一次发言,我要 [...] 在你面前表示,我国有与巴勒斯坦实现和平 的 深厚而 持久的愿望,基于安全和相互承认的和平,确保我们 [...]两国人民繁荣的和平。 daccess-ods.un.org | In my first speech as Israel’s Ambassador to the [...] United Nations, I appear before you today [...] and state the profound and enduring [...]wish of my nation to establish peace with [...]the Palestinians: a peace based on security and mutual recognition; a peace that will ensure prosperity for our two peoples. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国医疗器械公司在寻找律师或律师事务所时应考虑他们是否拥有专利案件的庭审经验、在美国专利商标局的注册从业资格、有关科学技术 的 深厚 知 识 、ITC程序经验以及能就任何相关问题在短期内沟通和行动的能力。 archive.cmdm.com | Qualities that a CMDC should look for in an attorney and the attorney’s firm include trial experience in patent cases; [...] registration to practice before the Patent and [...] Trademark Office; in-depth knowledge about [...]science and technology; experience with ITC [...]procedures; and the ability to communicate and act within a short timeframe on any relevant issues. archive.cmdm.com |
诗歌作者很可能是加布里埃罗·扎兹·达·沃特拉 (Gabriello Zacchi da Volterra),他是大教堂的主牧师(代理院长、主教代理),有 着 深厚 的 文 化背景,卒于 1467 年,当时年仅 33 岁。 wdl.org | The author was in all likelihood Gabriello Zacchi da Volterra, the archpriest (acting dean, vicar to the bishop) of the cathedral, who was from a culturally sophisticated background and died in 1467 at the age of 33. wdl.org |
路博润拥有深厚的知 识、卓越的技术设施和人才,提供的烯烃硫化物可以满足全球工业需求,从而提高运营效率和多种设备的使用寿命。 cn.lubrizol.com | Because of its exceptional knowledge, technical facilities, and people, Lubrizol is able to provide olefin sulfides that support the needs of global industries by improving the operating efficiency and the useful life of many types of equipment. lubrizol.com |
另為協助開發中國家提升人民素質及加強整體能 力建構,我國除以貸款、出資及技術協助之方式提供 合作國家教育訓練機會外,並邀請學員來我國參訓, 而學員於研習過程與我建立深厚情誼,往往成為日後 推動合作計畫之助力。 mofa.gov.tw | To help developing countries improve the average level of education and strengthen the skillsets of their citizens, Taiwan not only provided educational opportunities in the form of loans, funding, and technical assistance to partner nations, but also brought students to Taiwan for training. mofa.gov.tw |