单词 | 深入人心 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 深入人心—have a real impact on the people [idiom.]less common: enter deeply into people's hearts See also:深入adj—in-depthadj deepadj intensiveadj 深入—thorough penetrate deeply 人心—the will of the people popular feeling 深入n—depthn
然而,另一 份答复则认为,跨学科思想已经 深入人心,行政结构必须适应这类工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Yet, for another respondent, interdisciplinarity was a mindset and the administrative structure needed to be adapted to this kind of work. unesdoc.unesco.org |
危地马拉指 出,公共政策尚未普遍深入人心,这是危地马拉所面临的挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | Guatemala noted that it was challenged by the fact that public [...] policies had yet to fully permeate society. daccess-ods.un.org |
让我们不要忘记一个简单的事实,那就是,一个 饥肠辘辘的人听不到声音,而使民主深入人心很大程 度上取决于基本需要是否得到满足。 daccess-ods.un.org | Let us not forget one simple truth: a hungry stomach [...] has no ears, and implantingdemocracydepends [...]to a large extent on the satisfaction of basic needs. daccess-ods.un.org |
换句话说,尽管从历史的角度来看,享有 和平的权利深入人心的时间远远超过发展权,但是,《各国人民享有和平权利宣 言》尚未实现《发展权利宣言》的重大预期效果。 daccess-ods.un.org | In other words, the Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace had not yet generated a significant projection as did the Declaration on the Right to Development, despite the fact that, in a historical perspective, the right to peace had been deeply rooted in human conscience for a much longer period than the right to development. daccess-ods.un.org |
性别平 等、向妇女赋权、防止和打击性暴力等观念日益深入 人心,有关工作取得了显着的成果。 daccess-ods.un.org | The concepts of gender equality, women’s empowerment and the prevention and suppression of sexual violence have taken hold, and efforts on those issues have produced remarkable results. daccess-ods.un.org |
这其中就包括族群民族主义,这 是由于少数民族希望表达诉求和组织活动,身份认 同政治也开始深入人心——这也是若开邦局势日益 紧张的诱因之一。 crisisgroup.org | This includes aspects of ethno-nationalism, as ethnic communities find their voice, organise, and identity politics starts to take root –somethingthat has contributed to rising tensions in Rakhine State. crisisgroup.org |
在WEB2.0概念深入人心,如 猫游记等AJAX游戏都能够有人去玩的今天,利用JAVA开发的平台无视,且能如RMXP由普通用户即可制作的游戏框架(而且,利用Java特性,完全可以做到由用户通过网页定制游戏并展示,甚至可以考虑提供一个类似于土豆的平台,用以展示用户DIY自己的游戏或相关图形资源。 javakaiyuan.com | WEB2.0 conceptdeeply rooted in, such as cats are able to travel andother AJAX was [...] to play the game today , ignoring the [...]use of JAVA development platform , and can as RMXP by ordinary users to make the game framework (and the use of Java features , completely can be customized by the user through the web and game shows, and even potatoes can be considered to provide a similar platform to showcase their games DIY usersOr related graphics resources. javakaiyuan.com |
Sunbrella 品牌织物的卓越性能,使这类家具从 [...] 当初的默默无闻,发展到今天产品系列完备、深入人心,让 “户外 空间 (Outdoor Room)”也充满舒适与享受。 glenraven.com | The tremendous performance of Sunbrella brand fabrics has helped move the [...] category from its humble beginnings to [...] today’s sophisticated deep-seating collections [...]and the haven called the Outdoor Room. glenraven.com |
它是企业对于未来的看法,为企业提供统一的、深入人心的方 向感。 12manage.com | It should be a view of the future and it should express a sense of direction which unifies and personalizes. 12manage.com |
他 们还赞扬了两个横向专题具有针对性,他们希望 教科文组织各部门在这方面以及所有的目标方面 密切协作,以便使目标的实施及其所取得的成果 更加深入人心,具有更广泛的影响。 unesdoc.unesco.org | They also welcomed the relevance of the two cross-cutting themes, and in that regard – indeed, with regard to the objectives as a whole – hoped that UNESCO’s different sectors would work closely together in order to raise the visibility and maximize the dimension of the activities and outcomes. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他们秉承的理念很快便深入人心:使用Freitag包的人,传达的是旧物利用、标新立异、实用和注重长期实用寿命的精神。 swissworld.org | It reflects the fact that the carrier shares the philosophy and cherished values of Markus and Daniel; values like environmental protection, originality, functionality and durability. swissworld.org |
这些进展表明民主文 化在塞拉利昂进一步深入人心。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such progress indicates that a democratic [...] culture isnow taking furtherroot in Sierra Leone. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前LED发光技术的优势已经深入人心,节能、低温、无辐射、长寿命等特性使得LED发光技术被大量应用于液晶显示器的制造,以美国优派(ViewSonic)为代表的一线显示器厂商纷纷推出多款色彩表现优异、亮度均衡、低能耗的LED显示器产品,展开了自LCD之后又一轮新的竞争。 sbjlcd.cn | At present the advantages of LED light technology has gained, energy saving, low temperature, no radiation, long life andother features make the LED light technology been used in the manufacture of liquid crystal displays, the United States ViewSonic (ViewSonic) represented the first line of display manufacturers have been offering a variety of outstanding color performance and brightness balanced, low-power LED display products, from LCD and later launched a new round of competition. sbjlcd.cn |
其企业精神不仅体现在所有 Fossil 珠宝和 Fossil 手表中,更体现在深入人心的Fossil 生活方式中。 hk.ashford.com | This entrepreneurial spirit is evident in the complete line of Fossil Jewelry and Fossil Watches and is all in the spirit of the Fossil lifestyle that makes them so irresistible. ashford.com |
以大家生活中司空见惯的交通灯为例,“红灯停,绿灯行,黄灯亮了等一等”的观念早就深入人心,因此把这种颜色所包含的特殊寓意借喻到GUI设计中并加以合理利用,有时就会显得很贴切,让用户可以不假思索、得心应手的使用。 peopeo.de | The concept of “Red for stop, green [...] for go and yellow for [...] wait” isalreadydeeply rooted in people’s minds, so implantingthe special meaning [...]of the different colors [...]of the traffic lights in the GUI design is just a case in point and users can utilize them readily and instinctively. peopeo.de |
不论什么原因,7-Eleven这一新计划看上去很有趣,电子商务将便利店的概念带给大众,并且日益深入人心, 7-Eleven旨在利用这一良机。 youngchinabiz.com | Whatever the reason, this new plan by 7 Eleven looks intriguing, aiming to draw on China’s growing fascination with anything e-commerce to bring the convenience store concept to the masses. youngchinabiz.com |
自2009年起,艺术北京成为思源•爱心火炬基金的支持单位,在其举办的各个活动中,都会有一个角落被醒目的红色爱心和玫瑰花点亮,以宣传思源•爱心火炬基金灾后重建的扶贫项目“爱心玫瑰谷”,借助艺术北京的平台,思源•爱心火炬基金的公益形象更为深入人心。 artbeijing.net | In every activity held by Art Beijing, there is a corner decorated with red roses to help raise awareness for the “Rose of Love Valley” poverty alleviation program and post-disaster reconstruction efforts by the Siyuan Torch of Love Fund. artbeijing.net |
中国移动巴基斯坦公司的CEO Zafar Usmani 先生表示,新品牌ZONG将深入人心,改变每个人的生活,让人们过上想要去很难实现的生活。 labbrand.com | Mr Zafar Usmani, CEO of CMPak Ltd said that “ZONG will [...] become a part of people’s hearts, their minds and [...]will bring about a change in their lives [...]that every one desired but few thought would be possible”. labbrand.com |
虽然中国拥有若干新品牌 的硫化鞋,但该等鞋履供应商已在中国树立较国内品牌更深入人心的品牌及形象。 cre8ir.com | Although there are several new brands of vulcanized shoes from the PRC, the footwear suppliers had developed enduring brands and images over the domestic brands in the PRC. cre8ir.com |
质量年活动以一线员工质量献言献策座谈会、QCC小组提案改善和成果发布、重大质量问题项目改善立项、质量知识竞赛、评选质量标兵等活动形式,让质量改善的浪潮贯穿于2013年,让一线员工百分之百地参与,让质量意识真正深入人心,实实在在地提高质量管理水平,提升亚新科安徽的质量品牌形象和核心竞争力。 asimco.com | The Year of Quality will involve a series of activities like the quality seminar among ordinary employees, the QCC team's proposal improvement and result release, the initiation of improvement project for significant quality problems, the quality knowledge contest, and the appraisal and selection of quality pacesetter. All these activities are intended to set quality improvement as a dominant theme in 2013, involve all the [...] ordinary employees in quality improvement [...] efforts, developthedeep-rooted quality awareness [...]with every employee, increase quality [...]management level effectively and raise the company's quality brand image and core competitiveness. asimco.com |
多纳 太罗创造了深入人心的马头,根据 瓦萨里的描述,“实在是太美了以 至于人们都认为是古物来的。 fondazionepalazzostrozzi.it | Games and activities will help us discover the details which hold the cluesto understanding this “grand [...] home” of the Strozzi family. fondazionepalazzostrozzi.it |
Reverso翻转腕表从此倍受追捧,而个性化特色则可为其设计提供无限可能,千面腕表的形象深入人心。 wthejournal.com | The Reverso then drew a huge following, further attracted by its versatility and infinite possibilities of personalization. wthejournal.com |
董志华女士(中华人民共和国)说,1992 年里约环 发大会以来,可持续发展理念深入人心,众 多国际 条约机制应运而生,形式多样的环发合作不断走向 深入。 daccess-ods.un.org | (People’s Republic of China) said that since the 1992 Conference on Environment and Development, the idea of sustainable development had been widely embraced; many international treaty mechanisms had been created; and various forms of cooperation on environment and development had been going on. daccess-ods.un.org |
开工建造第一幢员工宿舍楼,同时也为员工购置了多幢住宅 – 这是日后颁布的、深入人心的公司员工住房政策的起点。 georgfischer.com | Construction of the first living quarters for employees and purchase of several other residential buildings. georgfischer.com |
同样,我在两所大学教授的法律 [...] 课程的主要内容也涉及在《法治下的权利法案》深入人心的宪政民主国家日常实 行和坚持个人公民权利和政治权利以及经济和社会权利的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Likewise, a major portion of the Law Module which I teach at the two [...] Universities concerns the day-to-day [...] application of, and adherence to,the civil and [...]political rights as well as the economic [...]and social rights of the individual in a constitutional democracy with an entrenched Bill of Rights under the Rule of Law. daccess-ods.un.org |
新加坡青少年奥组委顾问Teo Ser Luck表示,青少年奥运会将在赛会举办的两周内以及赛后的很长一段时间内使体育的精神价值和运动的独特魅力深入人心。 tipschina.gov.cn | Teo Ser Luck, advisor to the Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organizing Committee, said that the Youth Olympics have tremendous potential to instill the values of sportsmanship and athletic excellence not only during the two weeks that the Games last, but on a sustained basis after theGames. tipschina.gov.cn |
有人指出,今后进行的试验性 会议可重点讨论少数几个领域,以便促进更为 深入的交流,确保讨论取得有意义 的成果。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was noted that any future experimentation sessions would benefitfrom focusing on a small number of areas to promote more detailed exchange and to ensure a meaningful outcome from the discussions. daccess-ods.un.org |
工作组建议的一些具体措施,包括通过关于不歧视的具体立法;开展全国促 进多文化和尊重非裔厄瓜多尔人尊严的运动;采取各项措施缩小非裔厄瓜多尔人 与更广泛民众之间的现行教育差距;开展对非洲人后裔的民族教育;增强非裔厄 [...] 瓜多尔人的民间社会;采取措施消除传媒中的种族主义和种族歧视现象;进一步 [...] 鼓励非裔人参与公共行政事务;建立一个非裔厄瓜多尔人研究中心; 深入开展免 费法律援助服务;在监察专员署内设立一个主管与非洲人后裔相关问题的分支单 [...]位,并建立一个促进非裔妇女教育的专门方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | The concrete measures recommended by the Working Group include the adoption of specific legislation on non-discrimination; the development of a national campaign to promote multiculturalism and respect for the dignity of the Afro-Ecuadorian people; the adoption of measures to reduce the educational gap that exists between Afro-Ecuadorians and the wider population; the introduction of ethno-education for people of African descent; the strengthening of Afro-Ecuadorian civil society; measures to eliminate racism and discrimination in the media; further efforts to encourage participation of persons of African [...] descent in public administration; [...] the establishment of acentre forAfro-Ecuadorian studies; [...]the further development of [...]free legal aid services; the creation within the office of the Ombudsman of a sub-unit dedicated to issues related to people of African descent and the creation of special programmes to promote the education of women of African descent. daccess-ods.un.org |
在该项目范围内所开展的活动(科研工作、开展有关这一悲剧的教育、 编制纪念遗址和场所清单、收集口头传说方面的资料、建立奴隶博物馆及科研和教育网站和中心网络等)旨在阐明这场悲剧引发的多种文化间关系(如在音乐、舞蹈、艺术、烹饪、药 典、宗教传统等领域),从而增进相互了解和 深入开展文化间对话。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Activities carried out under this project (scientific research, the development of education on the tragedy, inventories of sites and places of memory, collection of data on the oral [...] tradition, [...] establishment of museums on slavery and the networking of scientific, educational and other researchsites andcentres)aim to highlight the numerous cultural interactions (in music, dance, the arts, gastronomy, pharmacopoeia [...]and spiritual [...]traditions) generated by that tragedy, in order to improve mutual knowledge and increase intercultural dialogue. unesdoc.unesco.org |