

单词 淮南市

See also:


Huainan prefecture level city in Anhui

name of a river

南南 adj

triangular adj

External sources (not reviewed)

从2010年开始,我公司开始积极参与国内水务市场的开拓,目前,我公司已经成功与淮安开发区水厂、济南鹊华水厂、济南玉清水厂、嘉兴石臼漾水厂、大同市黄河供水有限责任公司口泉水厂、连云港市城市饮用水安全保障工程、福建东南区水厂、嘉兴贯泾港水厂、上海闵行自来水公司第二水厂 淮南市 第 一水厂、吴江市区域供水第二水厂、太仓市第三水厂、郑州市白庙水厂、桐乡凤栖运河水厂等水厂签署了供货服务协议,并得到了客户的一致好评。
Beginning in 2010, the company began to actively participate in the domestic water market development, the present, our company has been successful with Huaian Development Zone, waterworks, Jinan magpie China Water Plant, Jinan Yuqing waterworks Jiaxing Shijiuyang, waterworks, Datong Yellow River water supply mouth springs plant in a limited liability company, Lianyungang City drinking water safety engineering, Fujian southeast waterworks, Jiaxing the consistent Jing waterworks, the Shanghai Minhang water
company, water treatment plant, the first
[...] water plant, Huainan City, Wujiang City, regional water [...]
supply second waterworks, Taicang
City waterworks the Zhengzhou City Baimiao waterworks, Tongxiang Fengqi Canal Water Plant Water Plant signed a supply agreement, and got the praise of customers.
航天信息股份有限公司(以下简称航天信息)日前成功中标安徽省宣州市宣州区教体局教学用多媒体设备项目,以及安徽 淮南市 田 家 庵区中小学“班班通”设备采购项目增补,为相关教学单位提供多媒体短焦投影机教室的设备采购、搭建以及后期维护服务,将有效提高两地义务教育阶段教学水平,为学生提供更轻松的学习氛围和更生动的课堂教学环境,中标后连同前期项目金额已超1500万元。
Aisino Corporation (Aisino) recently won the bid for the multimedia teaching equipment project of The
Education and Sports Bureau of Xuanzhou
[...] District, Xuanzhou City, Anhui and the “Class [...]
Access to ICTs” equipment procurement
project (supplement) for middle and primary schools in Tianjia'an District, Huainan, Anhui, providing equipment procurement, installation, and maintenance services for relevant multimedia short-focus projector classrooms, and this is expected to effectively improve the two places’ teaching level in the stage of compulsory education and provide the students there with a more comfortable learning atmosphere and a more vivid classroom teaching environment.
上海著名的购物街包淮海路商业街 南 京 路步行街、福州路文化街、东台路古玩街和许多其他众多的购物街。
The numerous retail avenues include Shopping Street on Huaihai Road, Pedestrian-only Nanjing Road, Cultural Street on Fuzhou Road, Curio Street on Dongtai Road and a host of other options.
这是一个位于上市中心淮海路 上一个老弄堂里的公寓。
This is a flat located in an
[...] old lane on Huaihai road in Shanghai center.
本次會議的登記地點為:深市南山 區 高新技術產業園科技南路中興通訊大廈A座 [...]
Registration for the AGM will be conducted at: 6/F, A Wing, ZTE
[...] Building, Keji Road South, Hi-Tech Industrial [...]
Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, the PRC (postal code: 518057).
此后上海焦化厂、陕西渭河煤化工公司、安淮南化工总厂、浩良河化肥厂和中石化金陵石化公司又相继引进了Texaco水煤 [...]
Then Shanghai Coke Plant, Shanxi Weihe coal chemical
[...] group, Anhui Huainan Chemical Plant, [...]
Haolianghe fertilizer factory and Sinopec
Jinling Petrochemical Corporation all introduced Texaco technology successively.
1995年,MWM燃气发电机组开始进入中 市 场 。公司先后为中国国内40多个大型项目提供了近百台燃气发电机组,其中包括北京、上海、厦门等地的垃圾填埋气发电项目;北京、西安、青岛等地的污水沼气发电项目;蒙牛牧场生物沼气发电项目,青海格尔木、胜利油田和新疆塔里木油田的天然气供能项目;山西兰花大宁、西山煤电 淮南 煤 矿 等的煤气供能项目。
MWM gas genset
[...] entered into China market starting from 1995, it has served for more than 40 large scale projects, totally about hundred gas gensets in China,such as Beijing, Shanghai and Xiamen etc. landfill gas projects; Beijing,Xian and Qingdao etc. sewage projects; Mengniu farming biogas project; Qinghai Germu, Shengli Oil Field and Xinjiang Talimu Oil Field for natural gas projects; Lanhua Daning, Xishan Coal Power and Huainan Coal Mine coal [...]
gas projects.
2007年,中华人民共和国安徽淮南煤 矿 集团有限公司的丁集煤矿在合肥设计院的支持下完成了集井下降温、供热和发电系统为一体的设计工作。
Anhui Province, P.R. China, with the support by the Hefei Design Institute, accomplished the design of the Combined Cooling, Heating, and Power Generation System.
楊 森 議員: 代 理主席,民主黨 在 《 2004 至 05 財政年度 民主黨
[...] 預算案建議》 的 封 面 , 採用了 秦 漢淮 南 子 》 內 的《詮 言 訓 》的其中兩 [...]
句 , “ 安民之 本、 在於足 用", 大 家 看到這數個字 是 出自司徒華議員的手
筆 , 這 亦 是民主黨 本 年提出 的財政預算案建議的主要 理 念 。
DR YEUNG SUM (in Cantonese): Madam Deputy, in the cover of its booklet, Proposals for the 2004-05 Budget,
the Democratic Party uses two lines from
[...] Quan Yan Xun in Huai Nan Zi of the Qin-Han [...]
dynasties which are to this effect: "The
key to security in the people is to give them enough of what they need.
在胡志市南部13 0公里外,湄公河三角洲上一条名叫Vinh Kim的小村庄,每逢十一月便会长出大量越南奶果。
Around the small village of Vinh Kim, located in the Mekong delta 130 km south of Hô-Chi-Minh City, [...]
the vu sua tree produces
a large quantity of fruits in the month of November.
此外, 根據豁免項目第6項,如果包裝在並無載有其他配料的容器內和並無添加其他配料,下 列食品會視作蔬菜:靈芝(原個或切片)、甘草 淮 山 、 百合、菊花、金銀花、玫瑰花, 而下列食品會視作水果:陳皮、海底椰、羅漢果 南 棗 、 紅棗、杞子、圓肉/龍眼肉、 無花果。
Besides, Exemption item No. 6 regarded these foods as vegetable, if they were packed in a container which
contained no other ingredient and to
[...] which no other ingredient had been added: Lingzhi (in whole or slice), Licorice (root), Chinese yam, Lily bulb, Chrysanthemum, Honey suckle, Rose flower.
发展中国家目前经历的制造业增值减缓的情况可能会持续下去, 直到欧洲的经济和财政状况好转,或者直到国 市 场 或 “ 南南 ” 市 场 出 现足够强 劲的需求。
The current slowdown of MVA in developing countries may continue until the economic and financial conditions
in Europe have improved, or until sufficiently strong levels of
[...] demand are reached in domestic or “South-South” markets.
The oldest city in Taiwan, Tainan is well known [...]
for its numerous temples and significant historical sites, more than 50
of which are officially listed as national treasures.
市长 HENRY 在讲话中谈及将于江苏省淮安 市建立 姐妹城市,他去年的中国之行,以及他致力 [...]
Mayor Henry talked about his work on the sister city
[...] initiative with the city of Huai’an in Jiangsu, [...]
China, his trip to China last
year, and his commitment to making Fort Wayne a melting pot of cultural diversity.
5046CG「九龍西、九龍東及港島綠化總綱圖市區餘下地區工程」的淮項目 預算 是 4.66 億元,由於工程合約的標書價較低及出現其他減省(例如應急準備金和合約 價格波動等均相應地較少),本工程項目因而大幅節省了 1.882 億元;至於餘下的 2.778 億元,我們預算在 2009-10 及 2010-11 年度會支出共 1.702 億元,2011-12 年度 則會支出 2,100 萬元。
Of the approved project estimate of $466 million for 5046CG “Greening master plans for Kowloon West, Kowloon East and Hong Kong Island - works for remaining urban areas”, lower tender prices and miscellaneous reductions (e.g. corresponding reduction in provisions in contingency and contract price fluctuations, etc.) have resulted in a substantial saving of $188.2 million.
相傳因淮南王劉安想升天,雞犬也隨他升天去,雞犬升天這成語便是這樣的 由來。
According to legend, LIU An, King of Huainan, wanted to ascend to heaven and his pets had followed him.
继中国首条1000kV交流项目之后,又一条同塔双回线路2x656千米的特高压工程——皖电东送:1 00 0 k V 淮南 — 上 海特高压交流输电示范工程项目投入建设。
Construction work is underway - following the first 1000 kV AC line in China, another ultra high voltage project will supply power from Anhui to the east of the country using a looped circuit, 2 x 656 kilometers in length.
本月早些时候,他们从加沙向以色列发射了 20 枚迫 击炮弹与火箭弹,包括一枚落在阿什凯隆这座有逾 10 万以色列公民居住的市南部的 喀秋莎火箭弹。
Earlier this month 20 mortars and rockets were fired from Gaza
towards Israel, including a Katyusha
[...] rocket that landed south of Ashkelon, a city with a population [...]
of over 100,000 Israeli citizens.
计划在“贸易透明化”举措下为南 非 共 市 、 南 共 体 和非洲经委会举办非 关税措施数据收集和分析能力建设研讨会。
Capacity building workshops for NTM data collection and analysis under the TNT initiative is planned for COMESA, SADC and EAC.
与传统照明产业相比,LED照明市场 需 求方面仍处于弱势地位,如何普及应用到家庭成为业内关注的焦点,在4月25日开幕的北京国际照明展览会上,中国照明学会理事长 淮 认 为 产业未来发展在于绿色、节能、环保三个关键要点。
Compared with the traditional lighting industry, LED lighting is
still in the weak
[...] position in terms of market demand, has become the focus of the industry how to popularize and apply to the family, on April 25, the opening of the Beijing international lighting fair, China lighting association director Xu Huai think industry future [...]
development lies in
the green, energy-saving and environmental protection are three key points.
飯店位於南市中心 ,是商務與旅遊賓客最理想的選擇。
Located in downtown Tainan, Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Tainan offers an ideal base for both business and leisure travellers.
澳中间的合作项目包括从中国科学院动物研究所与澳大利亚国家昆虫采集组织(Australian National Insect Collection)共建的虚拟分类实验室,到澳大利亚气候变化与能源效率部(Australian Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency)、上海交通大学淮南煤炭开采集团联合建造测试的首台半工业规模通风瓦斯催化汽轮机在内的多个项目。
Project collaborations range from a virtual taxonomy laboratory between the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Zoology and the Australian National Insect Collection through to construction and testing of the first pilot-scale ventilation air methane catalytic turbine in partnership with the Australian Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Shanghai Jiaotong University and Huainan Coal Mining Group.
本 公 司 之 註 冊 辦 事 處 為 中
[...] 華 人 民 共 和 國 深市 南 山 區 高 新 中 四 道31號 [...]
研 祥 科 技 大 廈。
The registered office and principal place of business
of the Company is located at EVOC Technology Building, No 31 Gaoxingzhongsi Avenue,
[...] Nanshan District, Shenzhen, the PRC.
山東太古飛機工程公司位於山東省首府 南市 , 為 窄體 / 短途飛機 (包括波音737型、空中客車 A320 型、SAAB 340型及 Bombardier CRJ 200 / 700 型飛機)提供外勤及機身維修與改裝工程。
Located in Jinan, the provincial capital of Shandong, STAECO provides line and airframe maintenance and modifications on narrow-body/regional aircraft, including Boeing 737, Airbus 320, SAAB 340 and Bombardier CRJ 200/700 aircraft.
联黎部队和黎巴嫩武装部队通过安置在联黎部队部队总部和区一级的黎巴 嫩武装部队联络官和联黎部队安置在蒂 市南 利 塔尼区黎巴嫩武装部队总部的 联黎部队联络官进行日常联络,继续保持在业务和战术层级上的经常性互动。
UNIFIL and the Lebanese Armed Forces continued their regular interaction at operational and tactical levels through daily liaison by the Lebanese Armed Forces liaison officers located at the UNIFIL Force headquarters and at the sector level, as well as a UNIFIL liaison officer placed at Lebanese Armed Forces headquarters for the South Litani Sector in Tyre.
根據 貴公司間接全資附屬公司中部樹脂(廣州)有限公司(下文簡稱「中部樹脂廣州」)於 二零一零年一月二十八日與廣市南 沙 區房地產交易中心訂立的授予國有土地使用權確認 [...]
Pursuant to a Confirmation for the Grant of the State-owned Land Use Rights signed between Zhong Bu Centresin (Guangzhou) Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Zhong Bu Centresin (GZ)”), an
indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the
[...] Company, and Guangzhou Nansha Real Estate Trading [...]
Centre ( ) and dated 28 January 2010,
a parcel of land known as Lot No. 09NGY-20 having a site area of approximately 34,172 sq.m. were sold to Zhong Bu Centresin (GZ) at a consideration of RMB13,670,000.
財務委員會在 2007 年 7 月淮把 811TH 號工程計劃「屏廈路改善工程 [...]
-餘下工程(廈村段)」的一部分提升為甲級,編定為 824TH 號工程計劃「屏 廈路改善工程-餘下工程(介乎天華路與沙洲里的廈村段)」,按付款當日價 格計算,估計所需費用為
1 億 7,000 萬元,用以改善屏廈路介乎天華路與沙 洲里的廈村段,以及進行相關的渠務、環境美化和紓減環境影響工程。
In July 2007, the Finance
[...] Committee approved the part upgrading [...]
of 811TH “Ping Ha Road Improvement – remaining works (Ha
Tsuen Section)” to Category A as 824TH “Ping Ha Road Improvement – remaining works (Ha Tsuen Section between Tin Wah Road and Sha Chau Lei)” at an estimated cost of $170.0 million in MOD prices to improve the Ha Tsuen Section of Ping Ha Road (PHR) from Tin Wah Road to Sha Chau Lei and carry out associated drainage, landscaping and environmental impact abatement works.
(vi) 我們會就“一般藥駕罪行"訂定下述免責辯護–如 某人不知道及在合理情況下不可能知道,在其體內 發現淮許非 處方藥物或處方藥物或有關藥物的混 合,如按醫療指示服用或使用會對駕駛能力。
(vi) The following defence will be provided for this offence – if the person does not know and could not reasonably have known the permissible non-prescription drug or the prescription drug, or the combination of those drugs, so found in his body would adversely affect driving if consumed or used in accordance with medical advice.
余若薇議員: 主席,據報,廣東省當局、中國石油化工股份有限公
[...] 司和科威特國家石油公司正計劃合作在廣 市南 沙 區推動“廣東南沙煉 油化工一體化項目”,該項目或會對珠江三角洲地區帶來區域性的環境 [...]
MS AUDREY EU (in Chinese): President, it has been reported that the Guangdong provincial authorities, the China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, and the Kuwait National Petroleum Company
are planning to co-operate in implementing
[...] the Guangdong Nansha Petrochemical [...]
Integration Project, and the Project may bring
about regional environmental and social impact on the Pearl River Delta (PRD) Region.




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