单词 | 淤血斑 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 淤血斑—bruisepatch of bruisingSee also:淤—silt up choked with silt river sludge 血n—bloodn 斑—spotted striped stripe variegated colored patch
委员会注意到一 些囚犯面部淤青(眼周淤血)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The SPT noticed bruises (black eyes) on the face of some of the inmates. daccess-ods.un.org |
一个恐怖主义武装团伙在 Jisr al-Shughur 的 Dama 村绑架了军士长 Bassam Ibrahim Marwah;他们殴打折磨他,使他严重受伤,多处淤血青肿。 daccess-ods.un.org | An armed terrorist group abducted Chief Warrant Officer Bassam Ibrahim Marwah from the village of Dama, Jisr al-Shughur; they beat and tortured him, causing severe injuries and bruising. daccess-ods.un.org |
锈斑、水垢和淤泥附在盘管管壁上,会影响热的传 导,从而减低了系统制冷能力,引起压力过高而增加 [...] 系统的负载。 container.carrier.com | Rust, scale and slime onthe water-cooling [...] surfaces inside of the coil interfere with the transfer of heat, reduce system [...]capacity, cause higher head pressures and increase the load on the system. container.carrier.com |
典型皮肤损害(红斑、血管可见、丘疹和脓疱)出现在20到50岁的人的面部中央(前额、鼻子和脸颊),但是通常在30岁以上的男女中最常见。 tipschina.gov.cn | The characteristic [...] skin lesions (erythema, visibleblood vessels, papules and [...]pustules) appear in the middle of the face [...](forehead, nose, cheeks) between the ages of 20 and 50, but typically are most common in men and women after 30. tipschina.gov.cn |
由于心跳不规则或者心房纤颤,心脏不能正常收缩,它使血液淤积在心脏 并会形成血栓。 world-heart-federation.org | This can cause blood to pool in the heart and form clots. world-heart-federation.org |
始终在螺母中注满喉管密封 液 (TSL)有助于防止在活塞柱上淤积流体、密封垫过早 磨损以及泵受到腐蚀。 graco.com | Keep TSL in nut to help prevent fluid buildup on piston rod and premature wear of packings and pump corrosion. graco.com |
预防患者出现脱水,并给予治疗,至於出现溶血性尿毒症及栓塞性血小板减少紫斑症的患者可能须进行输血及肾脏透析治疗。 hsbc.com.hk | It is important to prevent and treat dehydration andtransfusions and kidney dialysis might be required in patients with Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). hsbc.com.hk |
Galaxy激光、彩光及电频三合一美肤系统: 混合Aurora彩光电频及Polaris激光电频作治 疗 [...] , 可 有 效 脱 毛 及 改 善色斑、微 丝血管、皱 纹及皮肤松弛等问题。 hksh.com | Galaxy System (Aurora: Radiofrequency plus Intense Pulsed Light and Polaris: [...] Radiofrequency plus laser): For the [...] reduction of pigment, vascular lesion; hair removal [...]and treatment of wrinkles and laxity. hksh.com |
鸸鶓油的渗透性很强,可以渗透到真皮以下,具有较强消炎、皮肤再生、除皱、祛斑、促进血液循环的功能,对风湿性关节炎、湿疹、皮炎、烧伤、创伤等疾病均有良好的作用。 bonjourhk.com | Emu Oil could help reduce inflammation, rejuvenate skin, smooth wrinkle, [...] reduce pigment andboost blood circulation. bonjourhk.com |
取水和分水、发展水电、向湿地排水、土地利用方式导致的淤积和水土流失对内陆渔业资源具有消极影响,无论有多大的开发率。 fao.org | Water abstraction and diversion, hydroelectric development, draining [...] wetlands, and siltation and erosion from [...]land-use patterns can negatively affect [...]inland fishery resources regardless of the rate of exploitation. fao.org |
无论开发强度如何,水的抽取和 [...] 分流、水电开发、湿地变干、土地利用方式带来的淤塞和侵蚀等都会对内陆渔业 资源造成负面影响。 fao.org | Water abstraction and diversion, hydroelectric development, draining [...] wetlands,andsiltation and erosion [...]from landuse patterns can negatively affect [...]inland fishery resources regardless of the rate of exploitation. fao.org |
此外,联合国还通过劳动密集型项目,在龙卷风季节到来之前协助清理城区水道, 水道淤塞往往会加大洪涝风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the United Nations, through labour-intensive projects, [...] supported the cleaning of urban waterways prior to the cyclone [...] season since garbage blockage routinely [...]heightens flood risks. daccess-ods.un.org |
红斑痤疮病人血管舒缩不稳定的病因学还不可知。 tipschina.gov.cn | The etiologyof vasomotor instability in patients withrosacea isunknown. tipschina.gov.cn |
红斑痤疮令血管在皮肤之下扩张,并且同时使其他皮肤异常(严重暗疮皮脂溢)或眼睛疾患(眼睑炎,角膜炎)。 lavedo.com | Rosacea involves enlargement of the bloodvessels justunder [...] the skin and may be associated with other skin disorders (Acne [...]Vulgaris, Seborrhea) or eye disorders (Blepharitis, Keratitis). lavedo.com |
正如秘书长在其 报告(S/2012/421)中指出的那样,人们依然担 心,在缺乏透明、合法、参与性和包容性进程的情 阿里亚办法会议上,听取了了对这些暴行血泪斑斑 daccess-ods.un.org | As noted by the Secretary-General (S/2012/421), the concern remains that elections-related violence could be a source of instability in the absence of transparent, legal, participatory and inclusive processes. daccess-ods.un.org |
当我国力行法 治时,我们要告诉安理会,我们承受了多年的苦难, 其中有些伤痕现在还血迹斑斑。 daccess-ods.un.org | While our country ensures the rule of law, we want to tell the Council that we suffered for many years, and in some cases the wounds are still fresh. daccess-ods.un.org |
感染O157:H7型後可引起严重腹泻及肾脏受损的并发症,并可能增加患溶血性尿毒症(hemolytic uremic syndrome)及栓塞性血小板减少紫斑症(thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura)的机会。 hsbc.com.hk | O157:H7 infection can be complicated by severe diarrhea and kidney damage and is associated with hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). hsbc.com.hk |
沉积物运移对沿岸水域的深度有直接的影响,包括由于码头的填淤、海滩的消失以及人造水道和自然水道的移动而造成的海岸线快速变化。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some elements of planned redundancy could be used to develop capacity off site, in partnership with institutions or countries where the local circumstances do not currently favour a full membership in any of the clusters. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在这种意义上,这个装置可以被诠释为“跌倒者纪念碑”,它不是在卖弄淤积的悔恨,而是一出不断反复上演的残酷数码戏剧,每个观众都是里面的演员,因此贝克特式的“更好”可以无止尽地被预演和排演——作为一种改善的策略? shanghaibiennale.org | While in this sense the installation may be interpreted as a ‘monument to the fallen’, it is not en-crypting the stasis of remorse, but rather a cruel digital theater of continuous re-enactment, where each viewer is an inter-actor, and whereby a Beckettian ‘betterment’ may be endlessly previewed and rehearsed – as a strategy of improvement? shanghaibiennale.org |
使用细菌而不是采用清淤,这是 OASE 为已经淤塞的人工湖和池塘提供的解决方案。 oase-livingwater.com | Use bacteria instead of dredging, this is the solution OASE [...] offers for artificial lakes and ponds that are silted up. oase-livingwater.com |
壳牌公司在1985到1987年之间对Gum Flat残积/淤积矿床进行了钻探,主要采用了RAB钻井,以及一些反循环钻探和少量的岩心钻探。 goldencross.com.au | The Gum Flat eluvial/alluvial deposits were drilled by Shell Metals between 1985 and 1987 using mostly RAB drilling with some RC and limited core drilling. goldencross.com.au |
实际上,由于区 域中越来越严重的威胁——海平面上升、荒漠化、森 [...] 林退化、土壤流失、作物多样性和生产力的丧失、淤积、干旱、暴雨、旋风、反常降雨、水灾、冰川融化 [...]和因此造成的冰川湖溃决以及城市污染,气候变化已 变得更加重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | In fact, climate change has become even more relevant in the context of the increasingly severe threats in the region — from sealevel rise, deforestation, forest degradation, [...] soil erosion, loss of crop diversity and [...] productivity, siltation, droughts, storms, [...]cyclones, unseasonal rains, floods, [...]glacier melt and the resulting glacier lake outburst, and urban pollution. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如我在其他场合所指出,以上情况所引致的一个後果,便是令这个「房屋泵」淤塞:整个制度欠缺弹性;选择受到限制;而且跟公开市场不同,几乎是毫无流动量。 housingauthority.gov.hk | One of the consequences of this, as I have noted on other occasions, [...] is thatthe pump hasclogged: the system [...]is inflexible, choice is constrained, [...]and, unlike the open market, mobility is almost non-existent. housingauthority.gov.hk |