单词 | 淤泥 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 淤泥verb—siltv淤泥noun—sludgen淤泥noun—mudn淤泥—oozeSee also:淤—silt up choked with silt river sludge 泥n—sludgen mudn clayn puttyn pasten 泥—pulp restrained
虽 然未必有鱼类因海事工程而死亡,但鱼获的鱼鳃发现淤泥的事实,足 以证明海事工程可能对鱼类造成不良影响,例如增加鱼类染病的风 险。 legco.gov.hk | While there may not be fish kill due to marine works as such, the fact that [...] the gills of the fish caught were found to [...] be soiled with mud was an indication [...]of the potential adverse impact of marine [...]works on fish such as an increased susceptibility to disease. legco.gov.hk |
日後检讨有关卸置淤泥服务的收费时,我们 将把这项增加开支的因素纳入考虑。 legco.gov.hk | The cost increase would be taken into account in fee [...] review exercise formud disposal service. legco.gov.hk |
天然微生物和细菌催熟剂能够产生一个所谓的强力增速效应,从而能够极大地提高大量淤泥和死亡生物质的分解速度。 oase-livingwater.com | The natural micro organisms and growth promotors for the bacteria [...] generate a so-called turbo effect, and thus are able to much more quickly break down large [...] quantities ofsilt and dead biomass. oase-livingwater.com |
环境专家声称,目前这种发掘淤泥的做法对珊瑚礁的破坏很大。 daccess-ods.un.org | Environmentalists claim [...] that the ongoing dredging was having devastating [...]effects on the coral reefs. daccess-ods.un.org |
锈斑、水垢和淤泥附在盘管管壁上,会影响热的传 导,从而减低了系统制冷能力,引起压力过高而增加 [...] 系统的负载。 container.carrier.com | Rust, scaleand slime on the water-cooling [...] surfaces inside of the coil interfere with the transfer of heat, reduce system [...]capacity, cause higher head pressures and increase the load on the system. container.carrier.com |
促使他们离开的是气候变化,因为气候变化导致 [...] 肥沃的土地变得贫瘠,引起成群牲畜死亡,致使水源被淤泥堵塞。 daccess-ods.un.org | What makes them leave is climate change, which drains the nourishing soil, [...] decimates herdsor silts up water sources. daccess-ods.un.org |
因为淤泥不正常沉积而导致污水处理厂出现淤泥溢流现象。 reports.wacker.com | Sludge overflow in the wastewater treatment plant due to a sedimentation problem. reports.wacker.com |
你是否进行季节性和预防性维护以防止藻类、淤泥、矿物质堆积在干、支渠? wrdmap.org | Do you undertake seasonal and preventative maintenance to [...] preventalgae, silt or mineral build-up [...]in mains and laterals? wrdmap.org |
位于曝气巷道内的Sanitaire Silver 系列膜式曝气头,是主动式淤泥处理工厂的组成部分,提供二级生物处理。 impeller.xyleminc.com | Sanitaire Silver Series membrane diffusers are [...] situated within aeration lanes as part [...] of the activated sludgeplants,providing [...]secondary biological treatment at the site. impeller.xyleminc.com |
这是一个每年的约50.000吨淤泥处理厂,从安特卫普港的航道疏浚。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | It is a plant for the processing of [...] approximately 50.000 tsilt per year which [...]result from the dredging of the shipping lanes of the Antwerp port. en.developmentscout.com |
这个家庭搭建的临时帐篷被淤泥与垃圾堆(儿童唯一的玩耍区)包围,生活状况极差,这加深了阿德南的身心创伤。 unicef.org | Sheltering in a makeshift tent [...] pitched inasea of mudand rubbish – [...]the only playing area for children – the family are [...]living in extremely tough conditions, which exacerbates Adnan’s trauma. unicef.org |
例如 Silt Remover 去淤剂有助于柔水净化,并有助于防止淤泥和长期浑浊。 oase-livingwater.com | For exampleSilt Remover contributes to gentle water cleaning and helps prevent silt-up and long-term turbidity. oase-livingwater.com |
根据圣卡洛斯大学对 Murcillagos 湾的研究,矿 [...] 山废物即使稀释后流入大海也会在接触到珊瑚时将其漂白和杀死,淤泥也会使珊 瑚窒息,导致鱼类死亡和迁移。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to a San Carlos University study on Murcillagos Bay, upon reaching the sea, mine chemicals, even in [...] dilute form, bleach and kill corals upon contact, [...] smothering them with siltand resulting [...]in the death and migration of fish. daccess-ods.un.org |
LDH STAFF在宫城县石卷市帮忙除去淤泥并煮饭分发给大家。 ldh.co.jp | LDH staff [...] helped cleanupsludge andprovide food [...]in Ishinomaki city, Miyagi prefecture. ldh.co.jp |
z 随着更多的汞从更多来源——包括气体过滤产品、氯-碱行业的淤泥、灰烬、炉渣及失活的矿物残渣、 还有使用过的荧光灯管、电池及通常不能回收的其它产品中收集到,汞废物处理就已经变得更复杂了。 zeromercury.org | z Mercury waste management has become more complex as more mercury is collected from a greater variety [...] of sources, including gas [...] filtering products,sludges from the chlor-alkali industry, ashes, [...]slags, and inert mineral residues, [...]as well as used fluorescent tubes, batteries and other products that are often not recycled. zeromercury.org |
在澳大利亚,由于渠道防渗不经济,农民一般不愿投资,有些地方采用 低成本方法,如采用膨润土、淤泥、稻壳灰衬砌,可减少水量损失 50-80%。 wrdmap.org | In Australia farmers are reluctant to invest in this as it is usually [...] uneconomic. Where adopted, low cost methods such as [...] bentonite,water sludgeor rice hull [...]ash lining can save 50-80% of losses. wrdmap.org |
它们还可用作淤泥和氧化铁的分散剂以及腐蚀控制剂。 cn.lubrizol.com | They also can be used as [...] dispersants for silt and ironoxides [...]and corrosion control. lubrizol.com |
淤 泥屏障: 为 避 免 悬 浮 固 体 在 进 行 海 事 工 程 期 间 漂 回 水 体 而 再 次 悬 浮 四 散 , 可 围 绕 施 工 范 围 或 在 操 作 设 备 的 周 围 按 需 要 局 部 设置淤 泥屏障。 threerunwaysystem.com | Silt Curtains: To avoid the spread of suspended solids which will be re-suspended back into the water column during marine works, silt curtains can be usedaround work areas or locally around the operating equipment wherever necessary. threerunwaysystem.com |
采矿活动导致沉 重的淤泥流入河床和溪流,使鱼类种群减少,对家庭粮食安全造成了压力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mining activities cause heavy silttoflowinto river [...] beds and creeks, reducing fish populations and placing strains on household food security. daccess-ods.un.org |
当淤泥占据化粪池三分之一容积时必须用泵抽空。 icrc.org | The tank must be pumped out when one-third of it is filled with sludge. icrc.org |
淤泥 cosdna.com | Silt cosdna.com |
从垃圾和废物、处理厂淤泥和工业废水 这 样 的 东 西 中 生 产 沼 气 [...] ,提 供 绿 色 可 再 生 能 源 ,与 此 同 时 ,废 物 被 转 变 成 有 用 的 东 西 ,不 再 是社会的负担,”Jonas Fack 说 。 swedenvirotech.se | The production of biogas from things like [...] refuse andwaste, sludgefrom treatment [...]plants and industrial wastewater gives you [...]green, renewable energy while at the same waste is being turned into something beneficial instead of being a burden on society,” says Jonas Fack. swedenvirotech.se |
事实上,市长企图掩盖卡赞勒市污水淤泥的影响,这些污水淤泥通过灌溉渠的同一出口排入 大海,从网站上可以获得包括屠宰场废物在内的卡赞勒市废物排放照片。 sodakrom.com | In fact, The Mayor tried [...] to cover the effect of sewage sludge ofKazanli Municipality, which [...]was discharged from the same [...]outlet point of the irrigation water channel to the sea. sodakrom.com |
环境署的项目也将清除 170 万立方米淤泥,提高入湖流水量,恢复濒危生 [...] 态系统的平衡。 daccess-ods.un.org | The UNEP project will also restore [...] balance to the endangered ecosystem by clearing 1.7 million [...] cubic metres of siltto improve the [...]flow of water into the lake. daccess-ods.un.org |
Flo-Dry节能王是一种双阶段的干燥机,第一阶段为直接加热的热空气旋转式干燥机,该机器可将淤泥干燥成含水量40-45%的干燥固体,第一阶段干燥机生产出的部分干燥的产品传送至第二阶段干燥机进行最终干燥处理;第二阶段为具有多条传送带和干燥箱的带式干燥机。 haarslev.com | Flo-Dry Enersaver is a two-stage dryer system where the first stage is a direct fired hot air rotary [...] dryer whichdries sludgeto 40-45 % dry solids. haarslev.com |
第一级、(1微米高精度)PPF棉滤芯(聚丙烯熔喷滤芯):高精度1微米,孔径致密,均匀,可去除水中大於1微米的泥沙、铁锈、悬浮物、胶质、铜锈、淤泥、磷污、渣质等及各种杂质。 kincle.net | The first level, (1 micron accuracy) PPF cotton filter (polypropylene meltblown filter): 1 micron accuracy, aperture compact and uniform, [...] can remove greater than 1 [...] micron sediment, rust, suspended solids, gum, rust,silt,phosphorus pollution, [...]slag, etc., and various impurities. kincle.net |
Carbosperse [...] K-700聚合物为多功能阴离子聚电解质,可分散微粒(如淤泥、粘土、铁锈、颜料等)、在广泛的pH值范围内阻止结垢(如碳酸钙、硫酸钙、草酸钙、硫酸钡、磷酸钙、磷钙等),并隔绝二价和三价阳离子(如钙、镁、铁、铜、铬、锌)。 cn.lubrizol.com | The Carbosperse K-700 polymers are multi-functional [...] anionic polyelectrolytes that disperse [...] particulates (e.g., silt, clay,iron oxide, [...]pigments), and inhibit scale formation [...](e.g., calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, calcium oxalate, barium sulfate, calcium phosphate, calcium phosphonate) over a broad pH range, and sequester di- and trivalent cations (e.g., calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, chromium, zinc). lubrizol.com |
始终在螺母中注满喉管密封 液 (TSL)有助于防止在活塞柱上淤积流体、密封垫过早 磨损以及泵受到腐蚀。 graco.com | Keep TSL in nut to help prevent fluid buildup on piston rod and premature wear of packings and pump corrosion. graco.com |
(b) 液体油类废物或任何其他含油类的混合物、油类淤渣及有毒 液体物质或任何其他含任何有毒液体物质残余的混合物的处 [...] 置费。 legco.gov.hk | (b) disposal charge for liquid oil waste or any other mixtures which [...] contain oil, sludge andnoxious [...]liquid substance or any other mixtures which [...]contain residue of any noxious liquid substance. legco.gov.hk |
无论开发强度如何,水的抽取和 [...] 分流、水电开发、湿地变干、土地利用方式带来的淤塞和侵蚀等都会对内陆渔业 资源造成负面影响。 fao.org | Water abstraction and diversion, hydroelectric development, draining [...] wetlands,andsiltation and erosion [...]from landuse patterns can negatively affect [...]inland fishery resources regardless of the rate of exploitation. fao.org |