单词 | 淤 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 淤—silt upless common: choked with silt river sludge Examples:淤泥n—mudn 淤泥n—sludgen 淤泥v—siltv
始终在螺母中注满喉管密封 液 (TSL)有助于防止在活塞柱上淤积流体、密封垫过早 磨损以及泵受到腐蚀。 graco.com | Keep TSL in nut to help prevent fluid buildup on piston rod and premature wear of packings and pump corrosion. graco.com |
无论开发强度如何,水的抽取和 [...] 分流、水电开发、湿地变干、土地利用方式带来的淤塞和侵蚀等都会对内陆渔业 资源造成负面影响。 fao.org | Water abstraction and diversion, hydroelectric development, draining [...] wetlands,andsiltation and erosion [...]from landuse patterns can negatively affect [...]inland fishery resources regardless of the rate of exploitation. fao.org |
取水和分水、发展水电、向湿地排水、土地利用方式导致的淤积和水土流失对内陆渔业资源具有消极影响,无论有多大的开发率。 fao.org | Water abstraction and diversion, hydroelectric development, draining [...] wetlands, and siltation and erosion from [...]land-use patterns can negatively affect [...]inland fishery resources regardless of the rate of exploitation. fao.org |
使用细菌而不是采用清淤,这是 OASE 为已经淤塞的人工湖和池塘提供的解决方案。 oase-livingwater.com | Use bacteria instead of dredging, this is the solution OASE [...] offers for artificial lakes and ponds that are silted up. oase-livingwater.com |
一个恐怖主义武装团伙在 Jisr al-Shughur 的 Dama 村绑架了军士长 Bassam Ibrahim Marwah;他们殴打折磨他,使他严重受伤,多处淤血青肿。 daccess-ods.un.org | An armed terrorist group abducted Chief Warrant Officer Bassam Ibrahim Marwah from the village of Dama, Jisr al-Shughur; they beat and tortured him, causing severe injuries and bruising. daccess-ods.un.org |
这是一个每年的约50.000吨淤泥处理厂,从安特卫普港的航道疏浚。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | It is a plant for the processing of [...] approximately 50.000 tsilt per year which [...]result from the dredging of the shipping lanes of the Antwerp port. en.developmentscout.com |
实际上,由于区 域中越来越严重的威胁——海平面上升、荒漠化、森 [...] 林退化、土壤流失、作物多样性和生产力的丧失、淤积、干旱、暴雨、旋风、反常降雨、水灾、冰川融化 [...]和因此造成的冰川湖溃决以及城市污染,气候变化已 变得更加重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | In fact, climate change has become even more relevant in the context of the increasingly severe threats in the region — from sealevel rise, deforestation, forest degradation, [...] soil erosion, loss of crop diversity and [...] productivity, siltation, droughts, storms, [...]cyclones, unseasonal rains, floods, [...]glacier melt and the resulting glacier lake outburst, and urban pollution. daccess-ods.un.org |
这导致输沙量和淤积增加,给下游用户的生计带来了负面影响。 teebweb.org | This led to increased [...] sediment load andsiltation with negative consequences [...]for the livelihood of downstream users. teebweb.org |
但是,这并不能解决淤积的问题。 teebweb.org | This, however, did not [...] solve theproblem of siltation. teebweb.org |
沉积物运移对沿岸水域的深度有直接的影响,包括由于码头的填淤、海滩的消失以及人造水道和自然水道的移动而造成的海岸线快速变化。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some elements of planned redundancy could be used to develop capacity off site, in partnership with institutions or countries where the local circumstances do not currently favour a full membership in any of the clusters. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,联合国还通过劳动密集型项目,在龙卷风季节到来之前协助清理城区水道, 水道淤塞往往会加大洪涝风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the United Nations, through labour-intensive projects, [...] supported the cleaning of urban waterways prior to the cyclone [...] season since garbage blockage routinely [...]heightens flood risks. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个家庭搭建的临时帐篷被淤泥与垃圾堆(儿童唯一的玩耍区)包围,生活状况极差,这加深了阿德南的身心创伤。 unicef.org | Sheltering in a makeshift tent pitched in a sea of mud and rubbish – the only playing area for children – the family are living in extremely tough conditions, which exacerbates Adnan’s trauma. unicef.org |
应该定期检查系统,并根据生物发酵槽的使用情况,每隔一段时间清淤一次。 icrc.org | Inspections should be carried out [...] regularly and the biodigestermust be desludged [...]at intervals depending on its performance [...](roughly once every five years). icrc.org |
在露天矿方面,主要的环境问题是:土地的大规模使用;覆盖层的剥离和处 [...] 理;土壤的流失和侵蚀;水文的干扰;河流的淤积和水源的污染;酸性矿井排水; 逸出灰尘和修复。 daccess-ods.un.org | For surface mines, the main environmental problems are large-scale land use, overburden removal and [...] disposal, soil loss and erosion, disturbance [...] of hydrology,siltation of rivers and [...]pollution of water sources, acid mine drainage, [...]fugitive dust, and reclamation. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据圣卡洛斯大学对 Murcillagos 湾的研究,矿 [...] 山废物即使稀释后流入大海也会在接触到珊瑚时将其漂白和杀死,淤泥也会使珊 瑚窒息,导致鱼类死亡和迁移。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to a San Carlos University study on Murcillagos Bay, upon reaching the sea, mine chemicals, even in [...] dilute form, bleach and kill corals upon contact, [...] smothering themwith silt and resulting [...]in the death and migration of fish. daccess-ods.un.org |
戈壁沙漠,干旱的含盐碱的斜坡和淤积的平原。 flora.ac.cn | Gobi desert, arid saline-alkaline slopes and alluvial plains. flora.ac.cn |
在这种意义上,这个装置可以被诠释为“跌倒者纪念碑”,它不是在卖弄淤积的悔恨,而是一出不断反复上演的残酷数码戏剧,每个观众都是里面的演员,因此贝克特式的“更好”可以无止尽地被预演和排演——作为一种改善的策略? shanghaibiennale.org | While in this sense the installation may be interpreted as a ‘monument to the fallen’, it is not en-crypting the stasis of remorse, but rather a cruel digital theater of continuous re-enactment, where each viewer is an inter-actor, and whereby a Beckettian ‘betterment’ may be endlessly previewed and rehearsed – as a strategy of improvement? shanghaibiennale.org |
他还有与橡胶子弹冲击吻合的淤伤。 daccess-ods.un.org | Healsoreceived bruisesconsistent [...] with plastic bullet impact daccess-ods.un.org |
公元991年(宋淳化二年)因松江上游不断淤浅,海岸线东移,大船出入不便,外来船舶只得停泊在松江的一条支流“上海浦”(其位置在今外滩以东至十六铺附近的黄浦江中)上,公元1267年(南宋咸淳三年)在上海浦西岸设置市镇,定名为上海镇。 shanghaibiennale.org | In 991 (2nd year of Song Emperor [...] Chunhua’reign), because the upstream [...] Songjiang was continuously siltingup, the seacoast moved [...]to the East. Boats could not easily [...]enter anymore, big ships arriving had to moor in a tributary of the Song river called “Shanghaipu” (situated between the current Bund and the 16th dock of Huangpu River). shanghaibiennale.org |
不得让此类油漆积聚或淤结在管道或管件表面。 cn.lubrizol.com | These paints should not be allowed to puddle or pool on the surface of the pipe and/or fitting. lubrizol.com |
天然微生物和细菌催熟剂能够产生一个所谓的强力增速效应,从而能够极大地提高大量淤泥和死亡生物质的分解速度。 oase-livingwater.com | The natural micro organisms and growth promotors for the bacteria [...] generate a so-called turbo effect, and thus are able to much more quickly break down large [...] quantities of siltand dead biomass. oase-livingwater.com |
委员会注意到一 些囚犯面部淤青(眼周淤血)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The SPT noticed bruises (black eyes) on the face of some of the inmates. daccess-ods.un.org |
在稍上也有时,山腰,田野边缘,路旁在干燥沙土上含盐淤积土地在漫滩上; 800-5000米甘肃, 河北, 黑龙江, [阿富汗,不丹,西北部的印度,克什米尔,尼泊尔,巴基斯坦,塔吉克斯坦; 亚洲西南部(伊朗) ]. flora.ac.cn | Hillsides, field margins, roadsides on dry sandy soils, sometimes also on slightly saline alluvial soils on flood plains; 800–5000 m. Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan [Afghanistan, Bhutan, NW India, Kashmir, Nepal, Pakistan, Tajikistan; SW Asia (Iran)]. flora.ac.cn |
在此情况下,手铐可 造成擦伤,损害软组织,造成皮肤淤伤甚至骨折。 daccess-ods.un.org | In such conditions the handcuffs can cause abrasions and damage to soft tissues, skin bruises and even bone fractures. daccess-ods.un.org |
较好的钻探结果出现在Gum Flat的北部地区,包括:18米金品味@1.48克/吨,13米金品味@2.41克/吨,13米金品位@1.81克/吨,17米金品味@1.42克/吨和9米金品味@1.47克/吨,12米金品味@1.14克/吨,17米金品味@1.42克/吨。在接触到地底蚀变的安山岩时,钻井截获7米金品味@1.79克/吨和26米金品味@1.06克/吨,这些结果证实了在Gum Flat的地区残积岩/淤积岩以及硬岩石区域极有可能存在金矿资源。 goldencross.com.au | Better results included 18m @ 1.48g/t Au, 13m @ 2.41g/t Au, 13m @ 1.81g/t Au, 17m @ 1.42g/t Au, 9m @ 1.47g/t Au, 12m @ 1.14g/t Au, and 17m @ 1.42g/t Au At the northern end of Gum Flat, drilling into the underlying altered andesitic basement rocks intersected 7m @ 1.09g/t Au and 26m @ 1.06g/t Au confirming the potential for both eluvial/alluvial and hard rock gold deposits at Gum Flat. goldencross.com.au |
虽然官方尚未公布水灾主因,《Clarín》报纸刊载文章,直指是河中大量垃圾在桥下堵住水流酿祸,就我在桥上所见,此话并不令人意外,纵然没有暴雨,河中垃圾也足以淤积,再沿着河边前行,也证明问题十分严重。 thisbigcity.net | Though the official cause of the flooding hasn’t been established, [...] an article published in [...] Argentina’s Clarín newspapertheorizes that the likely cause [...]was high levels of debris creating [...]an “accidental dam” where bridges cross the Arroyo El Gato. thisbigcity.net |
b. 规定在海床或河床上开展活动的国家当局、部委和部门,如海岸警卫 队、海军、清淤部门、研究部门、渔业监管部门等,有义务向国家主管 [...] 当局秘密通报有关发现的水下文化遗产的信息或者与文化遗产相关或对 其产生影响的活动信息(《公约》第 22.1 条 unesdoc.unesco.org | b. The obligation of national [...] authorities, ministries and departments undertaking [...]activities on t he seabed or riverbed, [...]as for instance coast guards, the navy, dredging services, research services, fisheries monitoring, etc, to confidentially communicate information on underwater cultural heritage found or on activities concerning or affecting such heritage to the competent national authorities (Article 22.1 of the Convention) unesdoc.unesco.org |
正如我在其他场合所指出,以上情况所引致的一个後果,便是令这个「房屋泵」淤塞:整个制度欠缺弹性;选择受到限制;而且跟公开市场不同,几乎是毫无流动量。 housingauthority.gov.hk | One of the consequences of this, as I have noted on other occasions, [...] is thatthe pump hasclogged: the system [...]is inflexible, choice is constrained, [...]and, unlike the open market, mobility is almost non-existent. housingauthority.gov.hk |