

单词 淘选

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

换言之,在中国为氟氯淘汰选择企 业将基 于上述因素,而非这些企业是否属于第二阶段转产企业。证明第二次转产项目和非第二次 转产项目的供资需求的理由将包括所有上述因素。
Justification for the funding necessity for both second conversion projects and non-second conversion projects will include all the above factors.
但有时评审委员会选择初选被淘汰 的 候 选 人。
Nonetheless, there have been cases where the Evaluation Panel has chosen a candidate that the first selection had eliminated.
为了避免这种现象,谨建议执行委员会在未来审议为那 选 择 早 期 淘 汰 的 车间提供 选 择 在淘汰的车间更多的奖励。
To avoid this, the Executive Committee might consider in its future deliberations incentives for those that choose to phase out earlier than those that choose to phase out later.
秘书处检查了优先进行氟氯淘汰 项目 的 选 择, 这将对环境、特别是气候的其他影响减至最小。
The Secretariat had examined options for giving priority to HCFC phase-out projects [...]
that minimized other impacts on the
environment, particularly with respect to climate.
氟氯烃淘汰管理计划认为,由于这些企业的消费 水平和吸收技术的能力,在第一阶段他们成为 HCFC-141b 淘汰活动的选企业是合理 的。
The HPMP argues that it is reasonable they become first-choice enterprises for HCFC-141b phase-out activities during stage I because of their level of consumption and ability to absorb the technology.
秘书处选了氟氯烃淘汰管 理计划中的下列关键数据以方便查阅。
The Secretariat has extracted the following key data contained in the HPMP for ease of reference.
执行委员会第六十六次会议请“基金秘书处与各执行机构合作,根据会议期间所提的任何 建议,为氟氯烃淘汰管理计划第二阶段的编制工作编写指导方针,包括用以实现 2020 年 管制目标所规定的淘汰和根据《蒙特利尔议定书》计划实现全 淘 汰 的 备 选 方 案,并向执 行委员会第六十九次会议提交此类指导方针的草案初稿”(第 66/5(c)号决定)。
At its 66th meeting, the Executive Committee requested “the Fund Secretariat, in cooperation with the implementing agencies, to prepare guidelines for stage II of HCFC 7 phase-out management plan preparation in the light of any comments raised during the meeting, including options for phase-out up to the 2020 control target and for total phase-out in accordance with the Montreal Protocol schedule, and to present a first draft of such guidelines to the 69th meeting of the Executive Committee” (decision 66/5(c)).
审议了根据增量成本范畴提示性清单 选 择 ,发 现 淘 汰 氟 氯烃化工生产问题可以根据停产 的费用而进行供资,氟氯化碳问题是如此进行的。
Options under the Indicative List of Categories [...]
of Incremental Costs were considered and it was found that the HCFC production sector phase-out could be funded on the basis
of production closure costs as was done for the CFC sector.
印度尼西亚政府高级别代表团(环境部和产业部)、日本经济产业省和开发计划署 在 2011 年 6
[...] 月初访问了日本松下和大金的大阪总部,目的是说服这些主要的日本空调设 备制造商的高级管理人员/决策者淘汰 HCFC-22 时选用全球升温潜能值低的节能技术 (代表团和成果摘要作为附件一附在本文件之后)。
A high-level delegation of Indonesia government (Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Industry), METI-Japan and UNDP visited the headquarters of Panasonic and Daikin in Osaka, Japan, in early June 2011, with the aim of persuading the senior managements/decision-makers in these key Japanese air
conditioning equipment
[...] manufacturers, to select low-GWP and energy-efficient technologies when phasing out HCFC-22 (the [...]
summary of the mission
and outcomes is attached as Annex-I).
如果在第一轮投票中所得票数居第二的若干名候选人票数相等,则应就这些 候选人举行一次特别投票,以便使他们的人数减到两人;同样,得票最多的三名 或三名以上候选人的票数相等时,也应举行一次特别投票;如果在特别投票中票 数再次相等,则主席应通过抽淘汰 一名 候 选 人 , 然后按第
In the case of a tie in the first ballot among the candidates obtaining the second largest number of votes, a special ballot shall be held among such candidates for the purpose of reducing their number to two; similarly, in the case of a tie among three or more candidates obtaining the largest number of votes, a special ballot shall be held, if a tie again results in the special ballot, the President shall eliminate one candidate by drawing lots and thereafter another ballot shall be held in accordance with paragraph 1.
东帝汶将按照《蒙特利尔议定书》时间 淘 汰 氟 氯烃, 选 择 在 氟氯 淘 汰 管理计 划第一阶段内实现在 2015 年前削减 10%的目标,因为该国在淘汰消耗臭氧层物质方面缺 [...]
Timor-Leste will follow the Montreal Protocol
[...] schedule to phase out HCFCs and chooses the 10 per cent reduction target [...]
by 2015 in stage I
of the HPMP, as the country has little experience in ODS phase-out.
(d) 还请秘书处同各执行机构合作编制一份工作文件 在其中为记录已撤消项 目淘汰量提出选办法 以便提交执行委员会第三十九次会议 在编制 [...]
工作中应考虑到执委会成员在第三十七次会议上讨论这个问题时所发表的 评论 并应在本次会议之后邀请各方面提供更多意见 (第 38/6 号决定)
(d) Also to request the Secretariat, in cooperation with the
implementing agencies, to prepare a
[...] working paper providing options on how phase-out from [...]
cancelled projects should be recorded,
for presentation to the 39th Meeting of the Executive Committee, taking into account the comments made by members during their discussion of this issue at the 37th Meeting, and inviting further input subsequent to the Meeting.
人力资源管理局应根据网络(Recrutweb)上提交的信息或邮寄的 选 材 料 确定 选人 名单,然淘汰其中一部分人。
HRM draws up the list of applications received online (Recrutweb) or by mail, then eliminates a certain number.
(c) 秘书处被要求与各执行机构合作,制定氟氯烃淘汰管理计划第二阶段编制准
[...] 则,包括编制实现直至 2020 年管制目标的淘汰以及整淘汰的备 选 办 法, 提交第六十九次会议 (第 66/5(c)号决定)。
(c) The Secretariat, in cooperation with the implementing agencies, has been requested to prepare
guidelines for the preparation of stage II
[...] HPMPs, including options for phase-out up [...]
to the 2020 control target as well as total
phase-out, for submission to the 69th meeting (decision 66/5(c)).
如果成功验证,这项优化技术将有助于提供所需的经济实 惠选择方案,用淘汰氟 氯烃,特别是在中小型企业。
If successfully validated, the optimized technology will contribute
to the availability of
[...] cost-effective options that are needed to implement HCFC phase-out, particularly [...]
at small and medium size enterprises (SMEs).
(f) 秘书处讨论了涉及三种选办法的国 淘 汰 计 划给予商业制冷次级行业中泡 沫塑料发泡的供资额:最初要求的HCFC-141b使用有一定量的削减,并进行 成本审查;HFC-245fa的使用,包括新的高压发泡机,加强监测、检测并建 立系统厂商;戊烷技术的使用。
(f) The Secretariat discussed the level of funding for foam blowing in the commercial refrigeration sub-sector under the NPP covering three options: The use of HCFC141b as originally requested with certain reductions subsequent to a review of the cost; the use of HFC-245fa, including new high pressure foaming machines, with increased monitoring, testing and establishment of a system house; and the use of pentane (HC) technology.
从技术研究-转让过程推断,示范项目期间试验的成功替代品将 选 择 用 于 淘 汰项 目。
The logic of the technology research-transfer
process indicates that successful alternatives tested during demonstration
[...] projects would be selected for phase-out projects.
墨西哥政府的总战略以按照缔约方第 XIX/6 号决定的规定加速淘汰;满足气候、 安全、经济和可持续性要求的替代技 选 择 ; 以及优 淘汰 ODP 值最高的氟氯烃为基 础。
The Government of Mexico’s overarching strategy is based on accelerated phase-out in accordance with decision XIX/6 of
the Parties;
[...] alternative technology choices that meet climate, safety, economic and sustainability requirements; and the phasing out of the HCFC [...]
with the highest ODP value first.
选过程中淘汰了 许多参数,要么 是因为它们是其它全球观测系统今后将测量的部分参数(那些系统最终会 把这些参数转到全球沿岸系统中来);要么是因为对它们的观测需要由各区 域负责,各国和各区域在设计各自的观测系统时将考虑这些参数(框图 IV.1; 表 IV.3b)。
However, data assimilation poses a number of problems that are particularly acute in the coastal zone including (1) the high space-time variability of the coastal and nearshore physical environment (e.g. tides, river outflows), (2) the multidisciplinary aspects of ecosystem models, (3) the practical difficulties of making observations on the appropriate scales, and (4) developing observing, modelling and assimilation strategies to deal with highly episodic and extreme events.
因此,对那些已达到其自然寿命终点或其他组织更 有条件开展的活动应当实行“自淘 汰 ” 的法则。
Sunset clauses should therefore be introduced for those activities that have reached the end of their natural life or which other organizations are better equipped to deal with.
(b) 同相关多边环境协定协调,选用 替代 品 淘 汰 氟氯烃过程中,最大程度实现 气候惠益,并在实施氟氯烃淘汰管理计划时,考虑到确保进口的氟氯烃设备 [...]
(b) Coordinate with relevant multilateral environmental
agreements to maximize climate
[...] benefit in the phase-out of HCFCs during selection of alternatives, [...]
and to ensure that the energy
efficiency of imported HCFC equipment and alternative products would be taken into consideration during the HPMP implementation
由於符合舊設計標準的車輛比新型號的車輛排放更多廢氣,要改善路 邊空氣質素,關鍵淘汰老 舊的商業車輛。
As emissions from vehicles with old design
standards are substantially higher than that of
[...] new models, phasing out aged commercial [...]
vehicles holds the key to better roadside air quality.
[...] 使用 HCFC-141b 基本上是一个无法避免选择,目的 淘 汰 其 他具有更大臭氧消耗潜能 的消耗臭氧层物质,特别是 [...]
The document stresses that, in the Chinese solvent sector, the use of HCFC-141b
was from the onset essentially an
[...] unavoidable option in order to phase out other ODS [...]
with a higher ozone depletion potential, especially CFC-113.
因此,很难将这些付款看作“无意识激励”; (d)
[...] 假设第 5 条国家企业根据预计的高额增支经营成本付款 选 择 淘 汰 消 耗臭氧 层物质的技术,这是没有确实依据的,并对多边基金审查程序提出了质疑。
(d) The assumption that Article 5
[...] enterprises selected technologies to phase out ODS on [...]
the basis of an expected payment
of high IOC is unsubstantiated, and questions the review process of the Multilateral Fund.
环境规划署指出,已经在没有多边基金资助的情况下成功地对经理人员和技师进行 了培训,使其了解各种可选择的淘 汰 方 式,并积极传播了关于设备改装的个案研究报 [...]
UNEP suggested that the training of managers and
[...] technicians on phase-out options and the active dissemination [...]
of case studies on retrofitting
which had been successfully carried out without support from the Multilateral Fund could be beneficial for the Fund.
谨建议执行委员会注意到关于阿根廷国家氟氯化 淘 汰 计 划(国 淘 汰 计划)执行 情况的核查报告和进度报告,批准 2008-2009 年的年度执行方案,条件是要求阿根廷政府 和工发组织确保未来的核查工作将包括该国通过协议附录 5-A 中定义的监测机构对其协议 项下各项活动的监测。
The Executive Committee may wish to take note of the verification and progress reports on the implementation of the national CFC phase-out plan (NPP) for Argentina, and approve the annual implementation programme for 2008-2009 with a proviso requesting the Government of Argentina and UNIDO to ensure that future verification will include the country’s monitoring of its activities under the Agreement through the monitoring institutions defined in Appendix 5-A of the Agreement.
加拿大的包括圣卢西亚制冷和空调行业的消耗臭氧层物质的最 淘 汰 管 理计划和乌拉 圭附件 A 第一类物质最淘汰管 理计划,意大利的是刚果民主共和国最 淘 汰 溶 剂行业的 消耗臭氧层物质总体项目,摩洛淘 汰 用 作土壤熏蒸剂的甲基溴,在塞尔维亚最 淘 汰四 氯化碳项目;西班牙的是阿拉伯利比亚民众 淘 汰 园艺中的甲基溴。
For Canada, those covered
[...] the terminal phase-out management plan for ODS in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector in Saint Lucia and the terminal phase-out management plan for Annex A Group I substances in Uruguay; for Italy, the umbrella project for terminal phase-out of ODS in the solvent sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the phase-out of methyl bromide as a soil fumigant in Morocco, and the terminal CTC phase-out project in Serbia; and for Spain, the phase-out of methyl [...]
bromide in horticulture in Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
年工㆟在經濟轉型、製造 業面淘汰的情況㆘,不但無辦法分享他們以往辛勤工作換取得來的「繁榮」果實, [...]
Under the impact of economic transformation
and the decline of the manufacturing
[...] industry, the middle-age workers are not [...]
only deprived of the "prosperous fruits" of
their hard work, but they are also worried all the time about losing their jobs, about the poor prospect of changing jobs and even more about their retirement life.
在介绍该提案时,印度代表称,缔约方在第 XIX/6 号决定中商定,通过多 边基金提供的资金应该是稳定和充足的,以满足所有商定的增量成本,从而使 按第 5 条第
[...] 1 款行事的缔约方遵守加速逐淘汰氟 氯烃生产和消费的时间表。
Introducing the proposal, the representative of India said that by decision XIX/6 the parties had agreed that funding available through the Multilateral Fund should be stable and sufficient to meet all agreed incremental costs to enable parties operating under
paragraph 1 of article 5 to comply with the
[...] accelerated phase-out schedule for [...]
both consumption and production of HCFCs.




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