

单词 淘气的

See also:

淘气 adj

childish adj

clean out

External sources (not reviewed)

一个是俄尼沙,部队淘气的小鬼 ,谁一直以来最喜欢的崇拜对象,并在每一个承诺,确保成功的开始调用主。
One was Ganesha, lord of troops
[...] and mischievous imps, who has remained ever since a favorite [...]
object of worship and is invoked
at the beginning of every undertaking to ensure success.
小狗的混乱将新婚的吉娃娃父母帕皮和克洛伊颠倒的生活时,他们的粗 的 , 淘气的 小 狗 陆续目前面临的一个挑战。
Puppy mayhem turns the lives of newlywed Chihuahua [...]
parents Papi and Chloe upside down when their rambunctious, mischievous
puppies present one challenge after another.
被称为--巨大的模型赛车道上每天都举办着各种的模型赛车比赛,适合孩子以及和孩 子一淘气的你, 可以让你爱上或者重新发现小型赛车的世界。
Great for children and the child in you, this is an ideal opportunity to discover – or rediscover – the world of miniature racing up close.
大气层——空间相互作用监测器旨在研究 地球大气高空称作红色精灵、喷流 淘气 精 灵 的 神 秘 闪电现象。
ASIM is designed to study the mysterious lightning phenomena high in the Earth’s atmosphere, called “sprites”, “jets” and “elves”.
马克思和莫里茨》是一本以两淘气 小 男 孩为主 的 图 画 故事书,也是德国最受欢迎的儿童读物。
Max and Moritz, a picture story about two mischievous little boys, is one of the most popular German children’s books.
在项目审查过程中虽然没有确定有新的政策问题,但根据第 67/16 号决定,秘书处 在其项目审查期间确定问题概览中纳入了一项最大限度地扩大制冷维修行 淘 汰 氟氯 烃的 气候惠益的订正提案。
Although no new policy issues had been identified during the project review process, pursuant to decision 67/16 the Secretariat had included a revised proposal on
maximizing climate benefits
[...] from the phase-out of HCFCs in the refrigeration servicing sector in its overview of issues [...]
identified during project review.
当Sid不小心破坏了Manny的传家宝圣诞岩,结束了圣诞老 的淘气 名 单上,他带领一个令人捧腹的追求北极做出正确的事情,并最终使事情变得更糟。
When Sid accidentally destroys Manny's heirloom Christmas rock and ends up on Santa's naughty list, he leads a hilarious quest to the North Pole to make things right and ends up making things much worse.
秘书的代表表示,印度尼西气雾 剂行 业 淘 汰 使用 CFC 国家计划是在加淘汰窗 口下提的,因为印度尼西亚不需要额外援助来执行 2005 年和 2007 年 CFC 控制措施,因 此将其没有列入多边基的 2003-2005 年淘汰计划。
The representative of the Secretariat indicated that the national plan for phasing out the use of CFCs in the aerosol sector in Indonesia had been submitted under the window for accelerated phase-out because Indonesia did not require additional assistance to meet the 2005 [...]
and 2007 control
measures for CFCs and had not therefore been included in the 2003-2005 phase-out plan of the Multilateral Fund.
制冷和空调生产行业投资活动中淘 汰的 HCFC-22 的气候影响计算如下:通过将 喀麦隆制冷和空调机构生产中的 HCFC-22 [...]
替换成 HFC-410A,商用机构中生命周期中每 个单位的气候影响平均增加 5.7 % ,空调机构则每个单位平均增加 6.2 %(表 7)。
A calculation of the
[...] impact on the climate of the HCFC-22 to be phased out from the [...]
investment activity in the refrigeration
and air-conditioning manufacturing sector is as follows: by replacing HCFC-22 with HFC-410A in the manufacturing of refrigeration and air-conditioning units in Cameroon, climate impact per unit over life time increases an average of 5.7 per cent in commercial refrigeration units and an average of 6.2 per cent per unit in air-conditioning units (Table 7).
在随后的讨论中,一位代表提及了关于对《蒙特利尔议定书》有关氟氯烃 内容的调整的第 XIX/6 号决定,并指出该决定中无论是关于为按第 5 条第 1 款 行事的缔约方提供资金以使其遵守加速逐 淘 汰 氟 氯烃时间 的第 5 条,还是 关于项目和方案供资标的第 11(b)条,均未提及尽量扩气候惠 益或为多边 基金增加供资的事宜。
In the ensuing discussion, one representative, referring to decision XIX/6 on adjustments to the Montreal Protocol with regard to HCFCs, said that neither paragraph 5 nor paragraph 11 (b) of that decision, on the funding for parties operating under paragraph 1 of
article 5 to comply with
[...] the accelerated HCFC phase-out schedule and the funding criteria for projects and programmes, referred to maximization of climate benefits or additional funding [...]
for the Multilateral Fund.
秘书处代表告知,世界银行代表中国政府重新提交了一份在中 的 药 用 气 雾 剂淘汰氟 氯化碳消费的行业计划,需要多边基金提供的资金总额为 12,302,994 美元,外加机 构支助费用 [...]
922,725 美元。
The representative of the Secretariat advised that the World Bank had re-submitted a sector plan on
behalf of the Government of
[...] China, for phase-out of CFC consumption in China’s pharmaceutical aerosol sector, at a total [...]
cost to the Multilateral
Fund of US $12,302,994, plus agency support costs of US $922,725.
因此,对那些已达到其自然寿命终点或其他组织更 有条件开展的活动应当实行“自淘 汰 ” 的 法 则
Sunset clauses should therefore be introduced for those activities that have reached the end of their natural life or which other organizations are better equipped to deal with.
一些成员该国实现加淘汰的良好 意愿。 一位成员指出,氟氯烃淘汰管理计划规定加 淘 汰 , 以获 气 候 惠 益,但过 淘 汰 可 能无 法实现这样的惠益,因为目前使用氟氯烃的设备仍在全球范围内分发和使用。
A member noted that the HPMP provided for accelerated phase-out in order to achieve climate benefits, but phasing out too rapidly could fail to secure such benefits [...]
because, currently, HCFC-based
equipment was still being distributed and used worldwide.
委员会还请工发组织千方百计以高效方 19
式重新部署为前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国已取消的气溶胶项目(MDN/ARS/32/ INV/17)
[...] 购置的设备,以免再购置新设备;如果不能把前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国的部分或分部设 备重新调配给科特迪的 COPACI 气溶胶淘汰项目,也要继续努力把这些设备重新调配 [...]
The Committee also requested UNIDO to make all attempts to redeploy the equipment purchased for a cancelled aerosol project in the FYR Macedonia (MDN/ARS/32/INV/17) in a cost effective manner in order to offset the need to purchase additional new equipment; and in the event that some or all of the equipment
from the FYR Macedonia cannot be
[...] redeployed to the COPACI aerosol project in Côte d’Ivoire, [...]
to continue to attempt to redeploy
the equipment elsewhere and to report back to a future Meeting of the Executive Committee.
应秘书处要求,工发组织提交了阿比让 COPACI 在化妆气溶胶的生产中通过转 化成气溶胶喷射淘汰 CFC-12 项目执行情况的进度报告,供执行委员会第五十二次会 议审议。
As requested by the Secretariat, UNIDO has submitted a progress report on the
implementation of the
[...] project for the phase-out of CFC-12 in the manufacture of cosmetics aerosols by conversion to hydrocarbon aerosol propellant [...]
at COPACI, Abidjan for
consideration by the Executive Committee at its 52nd Meeting.
本协定是对执行委员会与中国之间的下列三份 协定的补充: (1)第二十三次会议上关于淘汰哈龙行业的哈龙的协定; (2)第二十七 次会议上关于淘汰中国的氟氯化碳生产的协定;以及(3)第三十五次会议上关于淘汰中国 聚氨酯泡沫塑料行业中的各类氟氯化碳的协定,但仍在编制中的两个剩余行业、即计量吸 入器生产淘汰氟氯化碳和药气雾剂 淘 汰 氟 氯化 的 计 划 不在其例。
This Agreement supplements the Agreements between the Executive Committee and China entered into (1) at the 23rd Meeting for phase-out of halons in the halon sector, (2) at the 27th Meeting for the phase-out of CFC production in China, and (3) at the 35th Meeting for the phase-out of CFCs in the polyurethane foam sector in China.
(三) 一项包括在制冷行业淘汰 CFC 的国家淘汰 CFC
协定草案(按照执行委员 会在第三十七次会议上核准的在印度尼西亚的制冷部门淘汰 CFC 的协
[...] 定),外加提交给执行委员会第四十二次会议的在泡沫塑料行业淘汰剩余 CFC 的项目提案以及经过修的在气雾 剂行 业 淘 汰 使用 CFC 的国家计 划(第 42/38 号决定)。
(iii) A draft national CFC phase-out agreement covering CFC phase-out in the refrigeration sector (in accordance with the agreement for phase-out of CFCs in the refrigeration sector in Indonesia, approved by the Executive Committee at its 37th Meeting), plus the project proposal for the phase-out of residual CFCs in the foam sector approved, in principle, at the 42nd Meeting of the
Executive Committee and the revised
[...] national plan for phasing out the use of CFCs in the aerosol sector (see Decision 42/38).
由於符合舊設計標準的車輛比新型號的車輛排放更多廢氣,要改善路 邊空氣質素,關鍵淘汰老舊的商業 車輛。
As emissions from vehicles with old design standards are
substantially higher than that of
[...] new models, phasing out aged commercial vehicles holds the key to better roadside [...]
air quality.
但是,还可以采取其他的行动加强所实 的淘 汰 , 例如采取有 利环境的生产做法、降低进口替代品价格的新奖励措施和正确地查明影响作物的具体害虫 [...]
However, other actions could also be taken to
[...] strengthen the phase-out achieved, [...]
such as the adoption of environment-friendly
production practices, new incentives to reduce the price of imported alternatives and the correct identification of the specific pests or diseases affecting crops.
日本代表回顾说,缔约方大会第十六届会议在一项决定中请执行委员会考虑“(a) 资 助举办更多的示范项目,以根据执行委员会的有关决定帮助显示更换冷风机的好处;(b) 提 供资金,以采取行动来使根据第 5 条第 1 款行事的国家内的用户更多地认识到即将进的 淘汰活 动,并认识到可针对其冷风机选择的各种办法,并向各国政府和决策者提供协助; (c) 请那些正在编制或执行制冷剂管理计划的国家考虑制定措施,以切实使用从冷风机回 收的消耗臭氧层物质来满足该行业的维修需要。
The representative of Japan recalled that a decision by the Sixteenth Meeting of the Parties had requested the Executive Committee to consider “(a) Funding additional demonstration projects to help demonstrate the value of replacement of CFC-based chillers, pursuant to relevant decisions of the Executive Committee; (b) Funding actions to increase awareness of users in countries operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5, of the impending phase-out and options that may be available for dealing with their chillers and to assist Governments and decision makers; (c) Requesting those countries preparing or implementing refrigerant management plans to consider developing measures for the effective use of the ozone-depleting substances recovered from the chillers to meet servicing needs in the sector.
另一会员国指出,自淘汰的想法 还不知道如何运用到 C/5 中, 因为迄今还没有关于某个具体的计划只能存在一段时间的建议。
Another Member State noted that the sunset clause idea had not yet found its way into the C/5 document, as there were no suggestions as yet that a particular programme had only a limited duration.
谨建议执行委员会注意到关于阿根廷国家氟氯化 淘 汰 计 划(国 淘 汰 计 划)执行 情的核查 报告和进度报告,批准 2008-2009 年的年度执行方案,条件是要求阿根廷政府 和工发组织确保未来的核查工作将包括该国通过协议附录 5-A 中定义的监测机构对其协议 项下各项活动的监测。
The Executive Committee may wish to take note of the verification and progress reports on the implementation of the national CFC phase-out plan (NPP) for Argentina, and approve the annual implementation programme for 2008-2009 with a proviso requesting the Government of Argentina and UNIDO to ensure that future verification will include the country’s monitoring of its activities under the Agreement through the monitoring institutions defined in Appendix 5-A of the Agreement.
加拿大的包括圣卢西亚制冷和空调行业的消耗臭氧层物 的 最 终 淘 汰 管 理计划和乌拉 圭附件 A 第一类物质最终淘汰管理计划,意大利的是刚果民主共和国最 淘 汰 溶 剂行的 消耗 臭氧层物质总体项目,摩洛哥淘汰用作土壤熏蒸剂的甲基溴,在塞尔维亚最终淘汰四 氯化碳项目;西班牙的是阿拉伯利比亚民众 淘 汰 园艺 中 的 甲 基 溴。
For Canada, those covered
[...] the terminal phase-out management plan for ODS in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector in Saint Lucia and the terminal phase-out management plan for Annex A Group I substances in Uruguay; for Italy, the umbrella project for terminal phase-out of ODS in the solvent sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the phase-out of methyl bromide as a soil fumigant in Morocco, and the terminal CTC phase-out project in Serbia; and for Spain, the phase-out of methyl bromide [...]
in horticulture in Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
其他与会者建议关的优先领域包括 气 候 变 化、防灾备灾、通过资源可持续 管理减少生物多样性的损失、可再生能源、国家科学与技术战略的制定、促进地方和本地知识系 统,以及改进科学家与决策者的联系。
Other suggested areas of priority attention included: climate change, disaster prevention and preparedness, [...]
minimizing biodiversity
loss through sustainable management of resources, renewable energies, the formulation of national strategies in science and technology, the promotion of local and indigenous knowledge systems as well as improving the links between scientists and decision-makers.
各位部长强调,海洋和海岸提供支助人类的宝贵资源和服务,可持续利用 海洋生物资源也将增强全球的粮食安全以及提高今世后代适应气候变化的能
[...] 力;他们进一步强调必须制定全面的适应措施,以应对海洋和海岸造 的气候 相 关影响,包括通过加强能力建设、促进科学监测活动以及宣传实现海岸和海 [...]
The Ministers emphasized that oceans and coasts provide valuable resources and services to support humankind and that the sustainable use of marine living resource will enhance global food security and increase resilience to climate change for present and future generations; they further emphasized the
need to develop comprehensive adaption
[...] measure to address climate related impacts [...]
on oceans and coasts, including through
greater capacity building, enhanced scientific monitoring activities and to promote environmentally sound policies for integrated coastal and ocean management.
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法 索、刚果、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比
亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、新西兰、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、波兰、 葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭;共同提案国:巴巴多
[...] 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛、苏里南和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独 的 跨 学科背景,加强教科 文组织气候变化问题的专业能力。
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands,
Suriname, and Zambia),
[...] requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building [...]
upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.
年工㆟在經濟轉型、製造 業面淘汰的情況㆘,不但無辦法分享他們以往辛勤工作換取得來的「繁榮」果實, [...]
Under the impact of economic transformation
and the decline of the manufacturing
[...] industry, the middle-age workers are not [...]
only deprived of the "prosperous fruits" of
their hard work, but they are also worried all the time about losing their jobs, about the poor prospect of changing jobs and even more about their retirement life.
[...] XIX/6 号决定中商定,通过多 边基金提供的资金应该是稳定和充足的,以满足所有商定的增量成本,从而使 按第 5 条第 1 款行的缔约方遵守加速逐淘汰氟氯烃生产和消 的 时 间 表。
Introducing the proposal, the representative of India said that by decision XIX/6 the parties had agreed that funding available through the Multilateral Fund should be stable and sufficient to meet all agreed incremental costs to enable parties operating under
paragraph 1 of
[...] article 5 to comply with the accelerated phase-out schedule for both consumption and production [...]
of HCFCs.
审计委员 会在审查 2008/09 年度战略部署物资储存的运作情况后,建议加强对流动缓的 战略部署物资储的监测 ,以避免物资变质和因陈旧而 淘 汰。
After reviewing the operations of strategic deployment stocks for the 2008/09 period, the Board of Auditors recommended that the monitoring of slow-moving strategic deployment stocks should be strengthened to avoid deterioration and obsolescence.
其中能想的有适用的国际 协议(比如,逐 淘 汰 消 耗臭氧层物质)、联合国 内部准则和规则、相应的东道国法律和法规,以及非政府组织的标准(例如国际 标准组织和国际电工委员会颁发的标准)(见附件一)。
Among these, applicable international
[...] agreements (e.g. phase-out of ozonedepleting substances), internal United Nations guidelines and rules, compatible [...]
host government
laws and regulations, and non-governmental international standards such as those issued by ISO and the IEC come to mind (see annex I).




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