

单词 淑人君子

See also:


son of man


person of noble character

External sources (not reviewed)

士指,公众关注纳米技术康的影响,当中包括纳米间接 的食物污染源、改变体内的吸收和代谢情况、纳米粒子的未知毒性,以及缺乏评估纳米 粒子安全性的有效分析方法和预测模式。
Among these were NPs as indirect sources of food contaminants, the alteration of absorption profile and body metabolism, unknown toxicity of NPs and the lack of effective analytical methods and predictive model to evaluate safety of NPs.
此次活动,特别感谢外交部与驻奥克兰台北经济文化办事处的赞助;王彦岚、何刘文莉、江沧梁、陈闽雄等常务理事,张百城、潘以明、郭明雯、杨经南等理事,王乾元、陈荣辉、周明政监事和前常务理事 程美梁等多位理监事及心帮忙,以及许瑛娟、李冰玲等多位乡亲义务帮忙,让这次活动热闹且圆满的结束。
THHSNZ would like to give special thanks to the sponsorships from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Auckland, Mr. Bert Jiang, THHSNZ Vice-Chairman Ms. Yen-Lan Wang, Executive Director Mr. Min-Hsiung Chen, Ms. Wendy Ho, Eva Chang,
Benjamin Pan, Director Andy Lu, Ms. Nancy Kuo, Supervisor Mr. Chien-Yuan Wang, Mr. Jung-Hui Chen, Mr. James Chou, and former executive director Mei-Liang Cheng, as well as a number of other directors, supervisors and their family members who were eager to help out with the festivities.
虽然在两批受害人之间分配这笔赔偿金遇到 一些困难,但该案已得到最高法院审理,受害人就这笔资金的分享达成了一君 子,因此受了适当的赔偿。
Although there had been difficulties in sharing the money between two groups of
victims and this case was heard by the Supreme Court,
[...] the victims had reached agentleman’s agreement to share this money.
展览之开幕典礼於今晚(12月11日)成功举行,出席嘉宾包括香港特别行政区政务司司长林郑月娥女士, GBS, JP、西九文化区管理局行政总裁连纳智先生, CBE,
[...] BBS、香港艺术中心监督团主席梁国辉先生、The FRIENDS of the Hong Kong Arts Centre主席李士、客席策德先生、香港艺术中心总干事士,及部份参与是次展览的艺术家/代表:N‧S‧哈夏先生、刘建华先生、阿迪提亚‧诺瓦里先生、「垂直潜水艇」创团成员许文绮小姐、草间弥生代表日本东京大田艺廊总监高仓功高仓功先生、吴铤灏先生。
Mrs. Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, GBS, JP, The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr. Michael Lynch, CBE, AM, Chief Executive Officer, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, Mr. Bernard Rennell, CEO North Asia, Global Private Banking, Global Head, Private Wealth Solutions, HSBC Private Bank, Ms. Cissy Pao Pui Lai, BBS, Honorary President and Chairman, Arts Programme Committee, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Mr. Nelson Leong, Chairman, Board of Governors, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Mrs. Cathy
Lee, Chairperson, The FRIENDS ofthe Hong Kong Arts
[...] Centre, Guest Curator Mr. Eugene Tan, Ms. ConnieLam,Executive Director, Hong Kong Arts Centre, as well as some [...]
of the participating artists Mr. NS Harsha, Mr. Liu Jianhua, Mr. Aditya Novali, Ms. Fiona Koh of Vertical Submarine, Representative of Ms. Yayoi Kusama Mr. Isao Takakura, Chief Director of Kusama Studio and Mr. Roy Ng Ting-ho.
简介 首播日期: 2012.08.27 息影电视红星商映虹(汪明荃)和缪星河()本属同门师姊妹,但二女为争一日之长短,闹至决裂长达三十年之久,若不是师父冯恨晚(锺景辉)经常居中拉拢,上老死不相往还,但讽刺的是星河的朗(钱嘉乐)原来是映虹的女婿,而映虹女儿为家朗冒生命危险诞子,後更难产去世,令映虹一直痛在心嵌。
Synopsis Release Date: 2012.08.27 Striving for temporary superiority over one another, retired TV actresses SHEUNG YING-HUNG (Liza Wang) and MIU SING-HO (Gigi Wong) have had ruptures in their relationship as fellow students for thirty years.
根 据 组 织 章程细 则 第 112 条 , 所 有 董 事( 即 开 成 连 先 生 、 开 晓 江 先 生 、士 、 韩 丽 萍 女 士 、 杨 静 女 士 、 李 福 荣 先 生 及 孙)将 於 股 东 周 年 大 会 上 退 任 董 事 职 务 , 并 符 合 资 格 及 愿 意 膺 选连任 董 事 。
In accordance with article 112 of the Articles of Association, all the Directors being Mr. Kai Chenglian, Mr. Kai Xiaojiang, Ms. Jiang Shuxia, Ms. Han Liping, Ms. Yang Jing, Mr. Li Fook Wing and Ms. Sun Huijunshall retire from office as Directors and being eligible, have offered themselves for re-election as Directors at the Annual General Meeting.
In terms of relative
[...] rankings, Regina Ipre-enters the list and occupies the first place, Audrey Eu drops one position to become second, Lee Cheuk-yangoes up one [...]
place to take the
third place, Albert Ho remains on the fifth, Emily Lau drops three places to become the sixth, Jasper Tsang drops one place to become the seventh, Tam Yiu-chung drops one place to become the eighth, while others were not on the list last year.
However, this hotel is run by a
[...] group of incompetent staff including OK (Ronald Cheng) the Assistant Manager, Pacino (Chapman To) the Chief Bartender, Peach (Sandra Ng) the Head of Housekeeping and Sammy (Janelle Sing) the Receptionist.
宗旨、目标和主要行动方案:君子中心是希腊国内专门致力于毒瘾治疗、 预防、研究和教育的规模最大的非营利性非政府组织,下属 90 多个分支机构, 遍布希腊各地,每年为超过 9000提供服务,其中包括吸毒者及其上一份四年期报告相比,增加了 40%)。
The Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals is the largestGreeknon-profit, non-governmental organization to specialize in drug-addiction treatment, prevention, research and education. It comprises a nationwide network of more than 90 units throughout Greece, which provide their services free [...]
of charge to more than 9,000 people annually, including drug users and their families(anincrease of 40 per cent compared
with its previous quadrennial report).
d) 检测纳米器 –士說,常見的普通显微镜不能清楚检测纳米 粒子,有一种特制显微镜可检测纳米粒子,但如纳米粒子加入食物中,这种 特制显微镜亦派不上用场。
There was one type of special microscope that might be able to detect them but it might not be able to do so when NPs were added to food.
My parentswerein the street on drugs [...]
and they weren’t fit to be parents, so I had to come and live with my grandmother,” he says.
7月19日,董事局成立,成员主要由4个创会成员组成,包括:汤宏华(主席),罗锦文(副主席)林衍堂,李德志,郑慧筠,John BOWDEN,
[...] 张启秀及俞俪轩。随後更成立导委员会,监督设计中心之发展方向,成员包括:罗仲荣(主席)、周(副主席) 、何宣威、邓观瑶、翁尔登、林添福、刘小康、叶智荣、鲍敦义、何周礼及杨棋彬。
Until 11 May, Hong Kong Design Centre Limited was officially incorporated, the Board of Directors instituted in July, members appointed by the 4 founding member associations including Annie TONG (Chairman), Pierre LO (Vice Chairman), Yanta LAM, Tak LEE, Vivian CHENG, John BOWDEN, Janet CHEUNG and Rowena U. The Board of Governors was established accordingly to provide advice and control the development director, members
include: Victor LO
[...] (Chairman); SelinaCHOW (Vice Chairman), Francis HO, Andrew LEUNG, Eden WOON, Thomas [...]
TANg, Freeman LAU,
Tony PRICE, Alan YIP, Barrie HO and Kevin YEUNG.
然 而 , 没 有 人 能 够 保 证 该 结 果 会 一 致 地 应 用 到 不 同 的 实 况 中 , 因 为 即 使 同 属人 君 子各 自 有 不 同 的 想 法 , 所 以 我 们 总 结 认 为 , 在 Maytex 案 中 所 达 致 的 合 乎 常 理 [...][...]
的 结 果 , 应 透 过 立 法 加 予 确 认 。
Since the noblest of minds may differ, we have concluded that the common sense result reached in Maytex should be accorded statutory recognition.




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