单词 | 淊 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 燊—vigorous (of fire)less common: brisk
(ii) 信德船务有限公司是何鸿燊博士控制的公司(「控制」定义見《公司收购及合并守则》)。 ifn.com.hk | (ii) Shun Tak Shipping Company, Limited is a company controlled (within the meaning attributed to it under the Code on Takeovers and Mergers) by Dr. Stanley Ho. ifn.com.hk |
养和医院及其陈荫燊视力矫正中心於2012年再获殊荣,分别夺得《读者文摘》信誉品牌2012「医院」及「眼科手术中心(LASIK)」组别金奬。 hksh.com | Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital and its Guy Hugh Chan Refractive Surgery Centre received awards in 2012, namely the Reader's Digest Trusted Brands in Hospital Category and Eye Surgery Centre (LASIK) Category. hksh.com |
於本公布日期,本公司之董事会成员为七名执行董事陈瑞球先生、陈永奎先生、陈永燊 先生、周陈淑玲女士、傅承荫先生、陈永棋先生及陈永滔先生及三名独立非执行董事梁 学濂先生、王霖先生及林克平先生。 ygmtrading.com | As at the date of this announcement, board of Directors consists of seven executive Directors, namely, Chan Sui Kau, Chan Wing Fui Peter, Chan Wing Sun Samuel, Chan Suk Ling Shirley, Fu Sing Yam William, Chan Wing Kee, Chan Wing To; and three independent non-executive Directors, namely, Leung Hok Lim, Wong Lam and Lin Keping. ygmtrading.com |
何鸿燊博士持有卖方 14.2%的表决权,而何超琼女士、何超凤女士及何超蕸女士则透过 Ranillo 公司於卖方持有间接权益(何超琼女士、何超凤女士及何超蕸女士合共持有 Ranillo 公司 60% 权益,余下 40%权益由彼等的胞弟妹何超仪女士及何猷龙先生持有),Ranillo 公司持有卖方 71.5%的表决权。 ifn.com.hk | Dr. Stanley Ho has 14.2% voting rights of the Vendor while Ms. Pansy Ho, Ms. Daisy Ho and Ms. Maisy Ho have indirect interest in the Vendor held through Ranillo (a company in which Ms. Pansy Ho, Ms. Daisy Ho and Ms. Maisy Ho in aggregate hold 60% interest with the remaining 40% interest held by their siblings, Ms. Josephine Ho and Mr. Lawrence Ho) which holds 71.5% voting rights of the Vendor. ifn.com.hk |
郑经燊先生的背景涵盖亚洲的法律,企业咨询,并购及企业融资,风险投资和科技产业。 netrove.com | Mr. Teh’s background spans the legal, corporate advisory, M&A and corporate finance, venture capital and technology industries in Asia. netrove.com |
於本公告日期,林家名先生、林嘉丰先生、林惠海先生及林慧莲女士为执行董事﹔李毓铨先生、王伟玲 小姐及马绍燊先生为独立非执行董事。 sisinternational.com.hk | As at the date of this announcement, the executive directors are Mr. Lim Kiah Meng, Mr. Lim Kia Hong, Mr. Lim Hwee Hai, Madam Lim Hwee Noi. The independent non-executive directors are Mr. Lee Hiok Chuan, Ms. Ong Wui Leng and Mr.Ma Shiu Sun Michael. sisinternational.com.hk |
其中一位是陈荫燊教授,他於1996年加入眼科部,在同年成立之视力矫正中心出任总监。 hksh.com | One of them was Professor Guy Hugh Chan, who joined the Department in 1996 as Director of the newly established Refractive Surgery Centre at that time. hksh.com |
马绍燊,四十三岁,二零一二年加入本集团,持有英国伦敦大学伦敦经济学院之理学学士(经济学)、悉尼大学之法 律学士及香港大学之法律深造证书(P.C.LL)。 sisinternational.com.hk | MA Shiu Sun, Michael, aged 43, joined the Group in 2012 and holds a Bachelor of Science (Economics) from London School of Economics, University of London, a Bachelor of Laws from University of Sydney and a Postgraduate Certificate of Laws (P.C.LL) from University of Hong Kong. sisinternational.com.hk |
为隆重其事,行政长官何厚铧、立法会主席曹其真、经济财政司司长谭伯源、社会文化司司长崔世安及何鸿燊博士将会为「澳门日」宣传活动主持醒狮的点睛仪式。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | To mark the occasion, Chief Executive Edmund Ho Hau Wah, Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Fernando Chui Sai On, Secretary for Economy and Finance Francis Tam Pak Yuen, President of the Legislative Assembly Susana Chou and Chairman of STDM Dr. Stanley Ho is going to hold the eye-dotting ceremony at the "Macau Day" Promotion Campaign. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
於一九七零至八零年代,多位地质学家,其中最着名的包括李作明、 Atherton 及钮栢燊,作了大量古生物化石的采集监定工作和地层层序的研究,他们的研究成果大多发表在历年的香港地质学会的通讯上。 hkss.cedd.gov.hk | Most of these findings were published in the newsletters of the Geological Society of Hong Kong. hkss.cedd.gov.hk |
现有主要股东 指何鸿燊博士、信德船务有限公司、何超琼女士、何超凤女士、何 超蕸女士及莫何婉颖女士各人,及/或其任何聯系人,及/或任何 以各人及/或其直系亲属为受益人而设立的信托(「关連信 托」),及/或受各人、其直系亲属或关連信托所控制的公司及该 等公司的间接或直接附属公司,及/或其遗嘱执行人,及/或受同 一控制权控制的任何後继公司 ifn.com.hk | Existing Major Shareholders each of Dr. Stanley Ho, Shun Tak Shipping Company, Limited, Ms. Pansy Ho, Ms. Daisy Ho, Ms. Maisy Ho and Mrs. Louise Mok and/or any of their associates and/or any trusts established for the benefit of them and/or their immediate family members (“related trusts”) and/or companies controlled by them, their immediate family members or related trusts and such companies’ direct or indirect subsidiaries and/or any of their executors and/or any successor corporations under the same Control ifn.com.hk |
本院自2008年起,四度於《读者文摘》的「信誉品牌」荣获医院组别金奖,其陈荫燊中心视力矫正中心亦至今连续两年获颁「眼科手术中心(LASIK)」组别金奬。 hksh.com | The Hospital is honoured to receive the Reader's Digest Trusted Brands (Hospital Category) for the fourth time since 2008. hksh.com |
(i) 何鸿燊博士持有的股份包括:由Sharikat Investments Limited 持有的 11,446,536 股股份, Dareset Limited持有的24,838,987股股份,Lanceford Company Limited 持有的 2,736,067股股 份。 ifn.com.hk | (i) The Shares held by Dr. Stanley Ho include 11,446,536 Shares held by Sharikat Investments Limited, 24,838,987 Shares held by Dareset Limited and 2,736,067 Shares held by Lanceford Company Limited, all are wholly owned by Dr. Stanley Ho. ifn.com.hk |