单词 | 淄博市 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 淄博市—Zibo prefecture level city in ShandongSee also:淄博—Zibo, prefecture level city in Shandong 淄—name of a river
具体地说,阿富汗南部地区的安全形势极 [...] 大地限制了联合国系统在该区域的工作,也延误了教科文组织保护加兹尼市博物馆的计划活 动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In particular, the security situation in the southern regions of Afghanistan has greatly limited the operations of the [...] United Nations system in this area, and has delayed UNESCO planned activities for the [...] safeguarding ofthe museums in Ghazni. unesdoc.unesco.org |
姆茨赫塔城市博物馆保护区由于具有杰出的普遍价值而在 1994 年被列入《世界遗产名 [...] 录》。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The City-Museum Reserveof Mtskheta [...] was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1994 for its outstanding universal value. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在同一时期,大约 30 名中非人民民主阵线战斗员联系 纳纳-格里比齐省卡博市的军事分队指挥官,请求协助他们返回平民生活。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the same period, some 30 FDPC combatants contacted the commanding officer of the army contingent inKabo,Nana-Gribizi, requesting assistance to return to civilian life. daccess-ods.un.org |
总的来说 ,各省市博物馆的 艺术品管理 和保护工作在一定 程 度上有所 进 步 , 虽 然 有些省市还未 建 立 博 物 馆 。 daccess-ods.un.org | Generally, the museumwork in the provinces/municipalitieshas been seen improved [...] at some extent on the management and conservation [...]of artefacts, even though some provinces/municipalities have not had the Museum. daccess-ods.un.org |
该项目的取得,有助於提升集团在山东地区天然气市场的影响力,亦可与集团在山东济 南、淄博等地的管道燃气业务产生协同效益。 towngaschina.com | Not only will this project reinforce the [...] Group’s presence in [...] the natural gas market ofShandong, it will also benefit from the synergies gained between this project and our other piped gas operations in the province, including those in Jinanand Zibo. towngaschina.com |
二是针对外环线及天津大道的突出问题进行集中整治:外环线重点对白色垃圾严重的路段进行清整,完成津淄桥至津港桥及友谊路路口等点位,清运垃圾渣土488吨;天津大道针对主线跨河桥和支线上跨桥土护坡未护砌硬化造成的养护界限模糊、坡面环境脏乱、雨水冲刷土护坡造成变形、隔音板擦洗等情况进行桥区综合整治,(清运垃圾渣土48吨,冲洗隔音板1110米,擦洗栏杆3.4万米,擦洗公里牌70个,清洗防抛网2660延米,擦洗波形钢护栏5000米,冲洗侧石20万米,清理伸缩缝3382延米,清理收水井1863个)。 sdgxsz.com | The two is directed to the outer ring and Tianjin Avenue problems undertake centralized punish: link key on white trash serious road cleaning, complete Jin Bridge to Hong Kong bridge and friendship road crossing point, garbage removal slag488 tons; Tianjin avenue to main line and branch line bridge bridge soil without lining hardening caused by maintenance fuzzy boundaries, slope environment dirty, rain erosion soil deformation caused by scrub, sound insulation board of Bridge District comprehensive improvement, ( removal of waste residue48 tons, flushing sound insulation board of 1110 meters,34000 meters scrub scrub railings, KM70 brand, cleaning and polishing net 2660Yanmi, scrubbing the corrugated steel guardrail5000 meters, flushing side stone200000 meters, clean joints3382Yanmi, clean water collecting well1863). sdgxsz.com |
当孙膑在魏国作官的,受到同学庞涓的迫害,被削去了膝盖骨,被齐国使臣救出后,就住在齐国的国都临淄。 chinesestoryonline.com | It was said that Sun Bin was circumvented in the state of Wei by his fellow student Pang Juan, and thus was sentenced to face-tattooing (criminal branding) and had his kneecaps removed, rendering him a handicap for the rest of his life. chinesestoryonline.com |
这里还有赫尔辛基城市博物馆地址:码头市场和市政厅 广场间 visithelsinki.fi | Helsinki City Museum canalso be found [...] in the Tori Quarter. visithelsinki.fi |
这 个 事 件 十 分 重 要 ﹐ 因 为 它 削 弱 了 右 派 的 实 力 和 气 焰 。 hkahe.com | This episode was important because it weakened and demoralized the right. hkahe.com |
M873U游戏专用滑鼠颜色一共有四款—钢铁灰 /火焰红 / 宝蓝 / 碧玺绿提供玩家级鼠迷的选择;如果您现在正要找一款专业级的线上游戏滑鼠英群M873U会是让你能够在最快的时间内作出反应,在精确度和敏捷度上更胜一筹,在瞬息间帮助你做出最快的反击成为击败对手最佳的秘密武器。 btc.com.tw | Therefore, if you are looking for a highly precise, extremely agile, professional gaming class mouse with killer looks, then look no further than the BTC M873U! btc.com.tw |
没有办法,韩娥只好去齐国临淄城西南门卖唱求食。 chinesestoryonline.com | Having no choice, she had to sing for money atthe city gate of Qi' captital. chinesestoryonline.com |
同时,监察组 [...] 注意到青年党战士从索马里南部源源不断地涌入,青年党在邦特兰的行动扩大, 特别是南至港口城市博萨索(见附件 2.3)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Meanwhile, the Monitoring Group observed a steady influx of Al-Shabaab fighters from southern Somalia [...] and the expansion of Al-Shabaab operations in Puntland, notably to the [...] south ofthe port townof Bosaaso(see annex 2.3.). daccess-ods.un.org |
也就是说,旅舍坐落在马里博尔在对马里博尔,经济学和商业,自然科学院,法学院学部大学Rectorate近似中心,也是附近的大学图书馆,市博物馆,城市大教堂,城市公园和街上购物区中心。 instantworldbooking.com | Namely, the hostel is situated in the centre of Maribor in the approximate vicinity of the Rectorate of the University of Maribor, the Faculty of Economics and Business, the Faculty of Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Law and also the University Library, city museum, city cathedrals, citypark and to theshoping centers area. instantworldbooking.com |
东莞市博康五金制品有限公司是一家专注于金属锻造与冲压的企业,公司拥有各种专业的锻压及其设备与检测设备,主要的生产工艺有:金属冷锻压、冷墩、温锻、冲压、CNC车削加工,产品涉及:LED灯饰照明、通讯产品、电器、机械、汽车配件等行业,公司已经通过ISO/TS16949国际认证。 borkarm.com | Dongguan Hong Hardware Products [...] Limited is a company specializing in metal forging and stamping company, the company has [...]various professional forging and its equipment and testing equipment, the main production process are: metal cold forging, cold pier, warm forging, stamping, machining products related to: CNC, LED lighting, communications products, electrical appliances auto parts, machinery, and other industries, the company has passed ISO/TS16949 international certification. borkarm.com |
这枚1849年双鹰(面值US$20) 是采用加州淘金潮早期矿产并由费城铸币局铸造的,目前是史密森历市博物馆国家钱币系列的永久收藏品。 pcgsasia.com | That coin is the unique 1849 Double Eagle ($20 denomination) coinstruck at the Philadelphia Mint from ore obtained during the early days of the California Gold Rush. pcgsasia.com |
促进工艺转让是指对创造, 寻找工艺转让机会; 提供 [...] 广告服务, 展示, 工艺介绍, 组织工艺市, 博览会, 工艺展览会, 工艺交易会的各促进活动。 nistpass.gov.vn | Technology transfer promotion means activities to promote, create and seek opportunities for technology transfer; provide technology [...] advertisement, display and introduction services; and [...] organize technologymarketplaces,fairs,exhibitions [...]or exchanges. nistpass.gov.vn |
从拍摄自市博物馆的照片可以看出,博物馆房间装饰得十分精致,里面陈列着波兰国王斯坦尼斯瓦夫·奥古斯特(Stanisław [...] August,1764–1795 年)的肖像、其他艺术品、家具、瓷器和雕像,以及给房间供暖的陶瓷火炉。 wdl.org | Photographs taken at theCity Museum show its fine [...] rooms, with a portrait of Stanisław August (king of Poland 1764–95); [...]other art, furniture, and porcelain; ceramic stoves to heat the rooms; and sculpture. wdl.org |
我们聚会的地点有时会有变动, 但大都是在圣盖博市的健康教育活动中心地址。 cpad.org | The locations of our meeting change, but usually, we are located at the Community Health Education Center (CHEC) in San Gabriel, California. cpad.org |
博世起动机和发电机事业部中国区总裁孙国忠补充道,"长沙是中西部地区的窗口城市,博世在长沙拓展生产基地、进行战略投资与中西部经济崛起的大趋势相契合。 bosch.com.cn | As the latest [...] investment in the window cityof Chinese central [...]and western region, the expansion of this production base [...]is an upfront step that goes in line with the government agenda of accelerating west region's development. bosch.com.cn |
由基金赞助的展览及教育项目包括:「蔡国强:我想要相信」,是古根汉美术馆首次为当代中国艺术家举行的个人回顾展览; 「The Dragon’s Gift – The Sacred Art of Bhutan」是一个专注保存及纪录金刚乘佛教艺术文化的跨年项目; 而最近在三藩市亚洲艺术博物馆开幕的「明代宫廷艺术」展览,更是美国亚洲艺术博物馆与北京故宫博物院、上海博物馆及南京市博物馆有史以来的首次合作;不但将明代的艺术成就活现于观众眼前,更标志着中国与美国博物馆之间的一次艺术外交。 rhfamilyfoundation.org | Major exhibitions and education programs supported by the Foundation include Cai Guo-Qiang: I Want to Believe, the Solomon R. Guggenheim New York’s first solo retrospective dedicated to a Chinese artist; The Dragon’s Gift – The Sacred Art of Bhutan, a multi-year project to preserve and document the living Vajrayana Buddhist culture of Bhutan; and The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Gallery, the first gallery of Buddhist sculpture in London’s Victoria and Albert Museum, which will open in April 2009. rhfamilyfoundation.org |
为消除人们从 索马里港市博沙索坐船偷 渡并进行 人口贩运的根源 , 难民署及 国际移徙组织也 [...] 可 以 考虑在索马里相对和平 的地区开办 分 支办公室。 daccess-ods.un.org | To address the root causes of smuggling and trafficking of [...] boat-people from theport cityBossasso in Somalia, UNHCR [...]and IOM could also consider opening [...]sub-offices in the relatively peaceful parts of Somalia. daccess-ods.un.org |
安哥拉万博6月1日电-安哥拉国家电力公司(安国电)的一位高管Job Vilinga周一在此间称,安哥拉万博省的万博市和卡阿拉市的公共照明系统将在18个月内建成并投入使用。 angolahub.com | Huambo, Angola, 1 June – The [...] public lighting systems in the cities [...] of Huambo and Cála,, in Angola’s Huambo province, are [...]due to start working again within [...]18 months, an executive of electricity company Empresa Nacional de Electricidade (ENE) Job Vilinga said Monday in Huambo. angolahub.com |
作为庆典的一部分,我们正与中国国家博物馆以及大英博物馆合作,计划于2012年进行一次中国瓷器对欧洲陶瓷发展的影响的展览,该展览会也将在其它中国场馆进行巡展;此外,我们将于2012年在深圳市博物馆举行V&A藏品-英国水彩画展。 vamuseum.cn | As part of the festival we are showing exhibition of China's ceramic interactions with Europe, in collaboration with the National Museum of China and the British Museum, planned for 2012, which will also tour to other [...] venues in China; and an exhibition of British watercolours from the V&A collection, to be [...] shown at ShenzhenMuseum in 2012. vamuseum.cn |