单词 | 液压传动 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 液压传动 —hydraulic transmissionless common: hydraulic drive See also:液压 pl—hydraulics pl 液压 adv—hydraulically adv 传动 n—transmission n 传动 pl—transmissions pl 传动—drive (transmission in an engine)
高粘度指数的液压油可以避免设备损坏或损毁,降低运行成本,并且增 加 液压传动 元件的使用寿命。 sauer-danfoss.com | The high durability of a hydraulic fluid with a high viscosity index [...] avoids damage and machine breakdown, lowers the operating cost and [...] increases the life of hydrostatic transmissions and units. sauer-danfoss.com |
专业制造陆上、海上油井井口以上安全、钻探、配送、 储存使用的高质量气动和液压传动器。 array.com | Manufacturers of high quality [...] pneumatic and hydraulic actuators for on and off-shore [...]wellhead surface safety, drilling, [...]distribution and storage applications. array.com |
该方案基于一项上活塞机械液压传动 系 统 的专利技术,与CPA技术共同作用,使机械的快速和液压的准确得以最佳的结合利用。 sms-meer.com | It is based on a [...] patented mechanical-hydraulic drive system for [...]the upper ram – thus enabling the benefits of rapid mechanical [...]components with precision hydraulics to be utilized extremely effectively – in combination with CPA technology. sms-meer.com |
根据UNI-EN [...] ISO 9001标准,通过DNV认证机构关于设计和制 造 液压传动 ( 固 定和/或可调缸体式轴向柱塞马达),液压系统控制开关,以及流量分配变速马达的认证。 bondioli-pavesi.com | Certified by DNV to UNI-EN ISO 9001: 2000 [...] standards for the design, development and [...] manufacture of hydrostatic transmissions (variable [...]and/or fixed displacement axial-piston [...]pumps and motors) servo-controls for hydraulic systems; gear pumps, motors e flow dividers. bondioli-pavesi.com |
我公司研制的XZPS30湿喷台车是国内第一台具有自主知识产权,采用 全 液压传动 及 全 智能自动控制的混凝土喷射施工设备,先进的可视化操作模式,灵活的喷射机械手系统可实现9个自由度的操作动作,施工范围大,最大喷射高度为16m、水平喷射宽度为28m,其最大生产率达30m3/h,各项性能指标居国内领先、国际先进水平,打破国外设备在中国的垄断地位。 xinzhu.com | It features advanced visualized operation mode, and that the flexible shotcrete manipulator can allow arm support's movements of 9 degrees of freedom, max. spraying height of 16m, horizontal spraying width of 28m, and max. productivity of 30 m3/h. With technical indexes of leading level in China and advanced level in the world, it breaks the monopoly of overseas equipment in China. xinzhu.com |
为了更长久的保存和防止腐蚀.防腐液可以保证 静 液压传动 和 齿轮长期免于腐蚀.因 为腐蚀会导致短的使用寿命和高的维护成本,防腐蚀保护一般用于下列的应用中. sauer-danfoss.com | For longer periods of storage and [...] shut down corrosion protection is [...] necessary. Preservation fluids guarantee long-lasting [...]protection against corrosion for [...]hydrostatic transmissions and gears. sauer-danfoss.com |
水/油热交换器 公路和越野应用 [...] 我们为挖掘机、推土机、采矿及探钻机、林业设备、农业设 备、压碎及处理机器、物料输送、卡车及公共汽车、施工设 备、道路施工设备、列车、应用于冷却柴油机的特殊压缩 机、液压及传动油、 发电机以及压缩机等提供合适的冷却 解决方案,并且同样为独立运作的应用作业提供简单的机 油冷却方案。 nissens.com | We offer cooling solutions for excavators, dozers, mining and drilling rigs, forestry equipment, agricultural equipment, crushing and processing, material handling, trucks and buses, construction equipment, road [...] construction equipment, [...] trains, special compressors applied for cooling of diesel engines, hydraulic and transmission oil, generators and compressors as well as [...]simple oil cooling for stand-alone applications. nissens.com |
不断增加的外负载意味着马达需要提供更大的扭矩,系统的压力会随之增 加,当系统压力不断加大,油液在静 压传动 的 回路中将被压缩。 sauer-danfoss.com | An increase in load requires more torque [...] from the motor, and consequently, an increase in system pressure. sauer-danfoss.com |
高精密轴加工的其他有用的选项包括 液压 稳 定 支撑装置(可以最大限度地减少轴的 颤 动 和 弯 曲)和曲轴 加工规格。 moriseiki.com | Other useful options for high-precision shaft machining include the hydraulic steady rest, which minimizes chatter and bending of shafts, and specifications for crankshaft machining. moriseiki.com |
请按照生产厂家的建议对空气压缩机 和 液压动 力源进行接地。 graco.com | Ground the air compressors and hydraulic [...] power supplies according to the manufacturer recommendations. graco.com |
高加压/拉力值和高液压动力使 您能够使用较快的动力头(转速超过 1000 转/分)用于传统钻 进和金刚石绳索取心钻进,达到较大的深度。 soilmec.com | The high pull/push values and the high hydraulic power installed lets you use fast rotary speeds (over 1000 rpm) for conventional and wire-line diamond core drilling to great depths. soilmec.com |
为 1.A.所述系统设计或改进的液压、机 械、光电或机电式飞行控制系统 (包括线传飞控系统)。 daccess-ods.un.org | A.1. Hydraulic, mechanical, electro-optical, or electromechanical flight control systems (including fly-by-wire systems) designed or modified for the systems specified in 1. daccess-ods.un.org |
当起动液压系统时,首先打开回油管截 止阀。 graco.com | When starting the hydraulic system, open [...] the return line shutoff valve first. graco.com |
该类机型为履带行走,采用先导控制、电— 液 传动 , 液压 系 统采用开式回路设计,美国“伊顿”技术“H”型接头管路连接,液压油冷却方式为强制式风冷,系统油温低,能有效保证液压元件的工作稳定性,整机可靠性高。 mayastar.com.cn | This machine is crawler travelling, adopts pilot control, [...] Electro-hydraulic Transmission, the hydraulic system adopt [...]open loop design, American Eaton [...]technology, H shape pipeline connecting, The cooling style of hydraulic oil is forced-air cooling, the system oil temperature is low, which can efficiently guarantee the hydraulic parts to work stably, it is very durable machine. mayastar.com.cn |
马 达可实现双向转动;马达上可选配回路冲洗阀以实现闭式回路中工 作 液压 油 循 环冷 却及清洁过滤。 sauer-danfoss.com | They also include an optional loop flushing feature that provides additional cooling and cleaning of fluid in the working loop. sauer-danfoss.com |
通过为系统引入两套液压单元和储能器组件,液压混合动力系统可提供三种车辆驱动方式— — 传 统 机械 驱 动 、 液压 驱 动 、机械与液压共同驱动。 bosch.com.cn | The hydraulic system basically comprises two hydraulic units and their pressure accumulators. The power-split concept allows [...] the vehicle to be driven in three ways: the [...] conventional mechanical way, hydraulically, or by a combination [...]of the two. bosch.com.cn |
自动装配系统中所使用的气动、液压 或 电 动插件工具或螺丝刀通常配备有扭 矩 传 感 器 ,以标明何时应将部件推入或拧紧到位。 solartronmetrology.cn | Pneumatic, Hydraulic or Electrical insert tools or screwdrivers used in automated assembly systems are often fitted with a torque sensor to indicate when [...] a component is pushed or screwed into position. solartronmetrology.com |
电机驱动液压泵,将油传输到 液压马达,液压马达驱动 F 型 初级变速箱的输出驱动轴,泵的扬程大大小于液压马达的扬程。 dbsmfg.com | The electric motor drives a hydraulic pump that delivers oil [...] to a hydraulic motor. The hydraulic motor drives the output [...]drive shaft of the F-type primary speed reducer. dbsmfg.com |
在一个客 [...] 户定制的阀块中使用插装阀,设计师能够创造出一个液压集成回路(HIC),从而提 供一个用于液压控制的紧凑组件,比 起 传 统 的 液压 系 统 ,它使用管件更少,安装和 服务更便捷,且泄漏点更少。 comatrol.com | Using cartridge valves in a custom manifold, a designer can create a hydraulic integrated circuit (HIC) that provides a compact package for hydraulic [...] control with reduced plumbing, easier installation, easier service, and fewer [...] leak points than traditional hydraulic systems. comatrol.com |
在对防火性能要求高的双组分产品的注射成型过程中, ELASTOSIL® LR 3170/40能够比传统液体硅 橡胶实现更高的生产 自 动 化, 提高生产效率。 wacker.com | In the production of two-component injection molded products, the bonding behavior of ELASTOSIL® LR 3170/40 [...] allows manufacturers to [...] increase automation to a level previously unattainable with flame-resistant liquid silicone rubber. wacker.com |
调节汽轮发电机蒸汽供给用电动液压 控 制 (EHC)的高压和 高温环境,也要求用抗燃流体降低会造成高昂代价的火灾风险和 潜在危险。 mobilindustrial.com | Electro Hydraulic Controls (EHC) used for governing steam supply to turbine generators are also applications in which high pressures and temperatures [...] dictate the use of [...]fire-resistant fluids to mitigate the potential for dangerous and expensive fires. mobilindustrial.com |
试管在位传感器、安全门传感器、试剂液位传感器、蒸汽发生器 的 液 位 / 过 压传 感 器 为操作者的安全提供保证。 foss.cn | Sensors monitor tube in place, safety doors, reagent levels, [...] water level and over-pressure in the steam generator [...]providing safe conditions for users. foss.nl |
公司在全球供应柱式驱动和皮带/齿轮齿条传动转向系统,以满足小型汽车市场(柱式驱动)和较大的轻型车市场(皮 带 传 动 ) 的需求,并为电动转向(EPS)和 电 动液压 转 向 (EPHS)架构提供电动助力转向系统。 trw.cn | The company supplies both Column Drive and Belt/Rack drive steering systems globally to meet the needs of the small car market (Column Drive) and [...] larger light vehicle [...] markets (Belt Drive) and offers electric power steering in both EPS and Electro-Hydraulic Power [...]Steering (EPHS) architectures. trw.com |
通过利用多个刀塔,为汽车、液压/气 动 设 备的零部件,以及带 Y 轴功能的形状复杂的零部件的 [...] 大批量生产提供高效率的加工。 moriseiki.com | By taking advantage of the multiple turrets, [...] they offer high-efficiency machining for mass [...]production of automobile, hydraulic/pneumatic [...]equipment parts, and for complex shaped parts with the Y-axis function. moriseiki.com |
预稀释器为玻璃管,配气动搅拌 器以及对稀释容量进行控制 的 液 位 传 感 器。 malvern.com.cn | The pre-diluter [...] is a glass chamber with pneumatic stirrer and level sensors for dilution volume control. malvern.com |
该产品系列,无论是液压或气动版的 ,均 适用于所有种类的设备。 使用本系统,您可以更好的控制您的能源消耗(系统只在磁化和退磁过程中需要电力供 应),为您的可持续发展策略助力。 staubli.com | Through the use of this system, you monitor your energy consumption (power supply required only during the magnetisation/demagnetisation phases) in keeping with a sustainable development policy. staubli.com |
报告提供了关于应对吸毒者中 艾滋病毒/艾滋病和其他经血液传染疾 病的全球形势的概述以及毒品和犯罪问题 办公室在 2010 年和 2011 年开展的有关活动的概况。 daccess-ods.un.org | The report provides an overview of the global [...] situation with regard to [...] responding to HIV/AIDS and other blood-borne diseases among drug users and a summary of relevant activities implemented by UNODC in 2010 and 2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
现代城市人经常埋首于办公室的繁琐工作或过于久坐,而忘了活动放松,以致腰酸背痛,久而久之就会引起颈椎等疾病,而有了这个简单小巧的按摩器,只需把两 块 传动 贴 片 轻轻一贴在要按摩的部位,选择自己喜欢的揉捏,捶打,自动按摩,针灸, 指 压 等 方 式,再加以力度选择(10段不同的力度),就可以达到如同真人的按摩感觉,边工作边按摩,充分利用时间,使你精力更充沛,工作更持久,是不可多得的贴身帮手,两片贴片可同时按压穴位道,有效消除疲劳;可模拟8种真人按摩运动---揉捏,捶打,自动按摩,舒筋,指压......利用高频率刺激穴位,加快体内气血循环,有助于快速消除疲劳。 fengfanlp.com | The modern city people often hammered away at the office work or too trival sedentary, and forgot about the activities that waist sour backache, relax, as time passes can cause cervical vertebra disease such as, and have this simple small [...] massage device, only to [...] the two pieces of transmission patch a stick to massage gently in the site, choose your favorite kneading, knock, automatic massage, acupuncture, finger pressure, again to choose way [...]efforts (10 section [...]different strength), can achieve human like massage feel, and work at massage, make full use of our time, make you more energetic energy more lasting, is rare and personal assistant, two pieces of patch can also press the point way, effectively eliminate fatigue; Can simulate the 8 kinds of real massage exercise--kneading, knock, automatic massage, relaxes the muscles, refers to the pressure... By using high frequency stimuli, speed up the points in the body blood circulation, help to fast eliminate fatigue. fengfanlp.com |