

单词 涪陵区



Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan

See also:

name of a river


hill n
tomb n


External sources (not reviewed)

金屬爪具嵌固件的機械特性、尺寸、荷載承載力及個別 專利型號/系列,須展示於呈交屋宇署批准的相關圖則內。
The mechanical properties, dimensions, load capacities and specific proprietary model number/series of metal spider fixing should be shown in the relevant plans submitted for approval.
土家人大多生活在湖南 省和湖北省的陵山区,通 常都是农民。
Most of them live in the Wuling Mountains in the provinces [...]
of Hunan and Hubei, and are farmers.
报道描述了两种不同的自然保护区理念:德国勒恩地区的联合国教科文 组织生物圈保区以及中国陵源山 区 的 联 合国教科文组织世界遗产。
The reportage describes two very
different concepts of
[...] protected areas: the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in the Rhön area in Germany and the UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Wuling Mountains of China.
丹麦报告说,陵兰正在制定法律,通过界定新捕 区 、 为 新捕 区 拟 订离 开条款、为新捕区以外 地区规定报告的义务以及查明新的不允许使用触底渔具 捕捞的地区等做法限制触底渔具的使用。
Denmark reported that Greenland was developing legislation to restrict bottom touching gear by defining new fishing areas, establishing a move away clause in new fishing areas, reporting [...]
obligations in areas
outside new fishing areas, and identifying new areas where fishing with bottom touching gear was not allowed.
公众安全仍然是一个令人严重关切的问题,特别是在德赖和东部 区 的 一陵地区,那 里的许多武装团伙继续在不受惩罚的环境中活动。
Public security remains a matter of serious concern, especially in the Tarai and in some hill districts in the eastern region, where many armed groups continue to operate in a climate of impunity.
合會活動和有組織罪案已伸張爪牙,肆虐本港社會的廣闊部份,包括交通事業、 建造業、學校、酒店、娛樂場所、卡拉 OK 酒吧、以及在旺角、油 ㆞、銅鑼灣及新 界各㆞的店舖。
Triad activities and organized crime have spread their tentacles over a wide segment of our community, that is, transport, construction, schools, hotels, entertainment facilities, karaoke bars and shops in Mong Kok, Yau Ma Tei, Causeway Bay and the New Territories.
据报一些陵地区,包 括科当 和波吉普也有武装团伙活动,基拉特贾纳巴迪工人党继续在那里从事恐吓和勒索 [...]
Armed group activities were also reported
[...] in some hill districts, including Khotang [...]
and Bhojpur, where the Kirat Janabadi
Workers Party continued intimidation and extortion activities.
[...] 的资料包括尼泊尔冲突各方,包括各方下属青年分支和前沿组织,以及在德赖(尼 泊尔南部平原区)和东部丘陵地区活 动 的武装团伙犯下的侵权行为。
The information provided includes violations perpetrated by parties to the conflict in Nepal, including youth wings and front organizations
affiliated with the parties, as well as armed groups operating in the Tarai
[...] (southern plains of Nepal) and eastern hill regions.
z 在加拿大北区和格陵兰的一些区 , 北极环斑海豹及白鲸体内汞的水平在过去25年内已经增加2到4 倍。
z The levels of mercury in Arctic ringed seals and
beluga whales have increased by 2 to 4 times over
[...] the last 25 years in some areas of the Canadian Arctic and [...]
[...] 以举报此类侵权行为,并限制了工作队对这类行为进行例行核实的能力,特别是 在德赖和东部陵地区。
This report does not provide an exhaustive account of violations committed against children, as the security situation makes it difficult for victims and their families to report such
violations and restricts the ability of the Task Force to routinely verify them,
[...] especially in the Tarai and the eastern hills.
北部高原的一些区零星分 布 着低山和陵,其他一些区森林和 农 作物稀疏。
Some parts of the north plateau have small mountains or hills in separate places, and some other parts are the land for sparse forest and crops.
报告还将详细研究 2009 至 2010 年间出现的四个小型组织;它们分别出现在 西爪哇的万隆、中爪哇的克拉登、 北苏门答腊的棉 兰及苏门答腊的楠榜,楠榜的组织最终与棉兰组织结 盟。
It also examines in detail four small groups that emerged in 2009-2010 – in Bandung, West Java; in Klaten, Central Java; in Medan, North Sumatra; and in Lampung, Sumatra, that ended up in alliance with the Medan group.
德国勒恩联合国教科文组织生物圈保 区 和 中国 武 陵 源 山 区 世 界 遗产 已将长期的自然保护列为首要议程。
The long-term conservation of nature is very high on the agenda in both the Rhön UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and the Chinese World Heritage Site in the Wuling Mountains.
(a) 抽取樣本比率最少應為每個相關具代表性玻璃幕牆 爪具類型的 1%或 3 個,以較多者為準,而測試樣本 的設置方式須配合經批准圖則內的建議嵌固件細 節。
(a) Sampling rate should be at least 1% or 3 numbers, whichever is more, of each representative type of the spider components concerned, and the test specimens should be set up in such a manner that is compatible with the proposed fixing details given in the approved plans.
勃艮第如画的人行道,沿着它的许多河流和运河和自然教育径,树木茂密, 陵 地 区 的 Pa rc de Morvan的。
Burgundy offers picturesque walkways along its many rivers and canals and nature trails in the wooded, hilly area of the Parc de Morvan.
我相信,社會各界只要同心同德,共同塑造一個關懷下一代的社 會,讓他們健康地成長,這樣便能鞏固他們對毒品說“不 ”的決心,亦可 以為已經誤墮毒海的青少年提供協助,拯救他們脫離毒品的魔爪。
I believe that as long as various sectors of the community could pull their hearts and minds together for the shaping of a society that cares for the next generation for them to grow up healthily, their determination to say "No" to drugs could be reinforced, and assistance could also be provided to young people who have inadvertently picked up the habit, thereby saving them from the claws of drugs.
在 东部陵地区活动 的一个基于身份组成的组织 Pallo Kirat Limbuwan [...]
全国阵线, 据控利用 4 名儿童进行“募捐”活动。
The Pallo Kirat Limbuwan National Front, an
identity-based organization operating in the
[...] eastern hill districts, allegedly used [...]
four children for “fund-raising” activities,
and the Tharuhat Autonomous State Council provided training in martial arts to children in Dang district.
针对安全局势不断恶化,政府在 2009 年 7 月
[...] 宣布了一项新的特别安全计划,其中包括向德赖、中西部和东部 陵 地 区 派 驻武 警部队,并总体增加警力。
In response to the deteriorating security situation, the Government announced a new special security plan in July 2009 which includes an extension of
the Armed Police Force and an overall increase in police presence in the Tarai,
[...] mid-western and eastern hill districts.
鉴于计划在 2010 年 5 月颁布新宪法,以及就新的联邦结构进行辩论,可
[...] 能会有更多以族裔为基础的抗议和暴力,特别是在有着强大的族裔组织的地区, 如德赖和东部陵地区。
In view of the planned promulgation of a new constitution in May 2010 and the debate regarding a new federal structure, there is potential for more
ethnically based protests and violence,
[...] especially in the areas with strong [...]
ethnic organizations such as the Tarai and the eastern hills.
70 图3-38 客人来到湖 南省陵山区保靖 县的陇木洞村时, 当地居民用音乐和 舞 [...]
龙 表 演 表 示 欢 迎。
When guests arrive the inhabitants of
[...] longmudong in the Wuling Mountains of Hunan Province [...]
like to greet them with music and a dragon dance.
2008年和2009 年当地粮食产量大幅下降,造成一些 陵 地 区和 山区粮食严重短缺。
Natural calamities, including drought, landslides and floods, contributed to a significant decline in
local food production in both 2008 and 2009, resulting in severe food
[...] shortages in several hill and mountain districts.
尼泊尔几乎一半的县缺粮,估计 2
[...] 500 万人粮食极其无保障,主要在中部和 远西部的陵区和山区。
Nearly half of Nepal’s districts are experiencing food shortages, and an
estimated 2.5 million people face extreme food insecurity, mainly in the mid- and
[...] far-western hill and mountain regions.
(2) 在特殊情况下,有关丹麦当局可以在征得有关 陵 兰 当局同意后决定由 丹麦当局负责完成某些具体事项。
(2) The Danish authority concerned
may in special cases and subject to
[...] agreement with the Greenland authority concerned [...]
decide that certain specific matters
shall be finalised by the Danish authorities.
安德烈娅于2008年至2010年之间曾数度访问 陵 兰 沿海 地 区 , 以 便观察 陵 兰 居 民的生活方式及其身份特性受到气候变化和现代社会的何种影响与挑战。
Between 2008 and 2010, she made several trips to Greenland and travelled along the coast to see how Greenlander’s way of life and identity is affected by climate changes and challenges of a modernising society.
他们住在林密的森林(通常竹)在mountanous和 陵 地 区。
They live in heavily wooded forests (often of bamboo)
[...] in mountanous and hilly regions.
发动机刚熄火 汽车就被4个拿着铜 锣 手鼓和笛子的载歌载舞的乐手围住 陇木洞村今天很冷 湿气穿透了每一个人 的外套 很不舒适 然而 没有什么能阻 止中国湖南省陵山区这个 小村庄的乐手 们奏起传统音乐陪伴客人们来到村里的广 场 广场上早已架起了一面红色大鼓 一 位老人正在用硕大的鼓锤敲奏出舞龙的节 奏 6名男子抬着鲜艳的龙头 后面拖着5 米长红黄相间的龙身 图3-38
Today, in the village of Longmudong with its 96 families, much of what has always been there has been conserved: music and dances, pipes and home-grown tobacco and, of course, the typical large, dark-brown, slate-roofed houses which, from afar, look as if they were nestling up to each other.
公司现已承担了铜陵长江公路大桥路灯LED照明改造、 陵 市 市 区 道 路LED照明改造及铁山头矿业井下巷道LED照明改造工程等一批重点工程项目。
The company has undertaken the tongling changjiang river highway bridge street lamp LED lighting renovation, tongling city urban road LED lighting transformation and iron mountain underground mining of LED lighting reconstruction project and a number of key projects.
一些野蛮人似乎限制后死亡的好(与恶人灭绝)的存在,作为尼加拉瓜,或职级的人,因为Tongas,而 陵 兰 , 新几内亚的黑人,以及其他一些对人的一种可能性第二次的死,在其他世界或在它的方式。
Some savages seem to limit existence after death to the good (with extinction for the wicked), as the Nicaraguas, or to men of rank, as the Tongas; while the Greenlanders, New Guinea negroes, and others seem to hold the possibility of a second death, in the other world or on the way to it.
各位部长强调,必须让以色列按照有关的国际决议,特别是第1701号决 议,撤出所有的黎巴嫩领土,包括沙巴阿农场、Kfarshou ba 丘 陵 和 铝盖杰尔村属 于黎巴嫩部分,撤到蓝线之后;并表示其支持黎巴嫩,包括其人民、军队和抵 抗力量有权解放或收回沙巴阿农场、Kfarshou ba 丘 陵 和 铝 盖杰尔村属于黎巴嫩部 分,以及通过所有可用的合法手段保卫黎巴嫩抵御外来侵略,并进一步强调黎 巴嫩对安全理事会第1701号决议的承诺。
The Ministers emphasized the necessity to have Israel withdraw from all Lebanese territories including Shebaa Farms, Kfarshouba Hills and the Lebanese part of Al Ghajar village up until behind the Blue line, in accordance with relevant international resolutions and in particular resolution 1701; and expressed their support for Lebanon’s right, including its people, army and resistance, to liberate or return the Shebaa Farms and Kfarshouba Hills and the Lebanese village of Al Ghajar, and to defend Lebanon against any aggression by all legitimate means available, and further emphasized Lebanon’s commitment to Security Council Resolution 1701.




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