单词 | 涕唾 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 涕唾—nasal mucus and spittleExamples:拾人涕唾—plagiarize [idiom.] See also:涕n—tearspl 涕—nasal mucus 唾—saliva spit
梨荣幸:有时鼻涕,有时阳光普照的水果,有时花瓣,它本身的解释。 zh.horloger-paris.com | The pear is honored: sometimes dewdrop, sometimes sun-drenched fruit, sometimes petal, it lends itself to interpretation. en.horloger-paris.com |
在受疟疾影响严重的国家,非政府组织正努力促 进有效的疟疾控制方式,而不依靠在矢量控制中持续使用滴滴涕。 ipen-china.org | In malaria-stricken countries, NGOs [...] are working to promote effective malaria-control measures that do not rely on the [...] continued use of DDT invector control. ipen-china.org |
唾液硫氰酸盐:吸烟的化学指标,第二次环境规划和管理问题 国际会议记录,德黑兰。 daccess-ods.un.org | Saliva thiocyanate: a chemical indicator of cigarette smoking, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Environmental Planning and Management, Tehran. daccess-ods.un.org |
一旦被发现,戴乃迭显示她仇恨,猫头鹰,猫头鹰吃了她的宠物鼠,流鼻涕,几年前她讲述的故事。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When discovered, Gladys reveals her hatred toward the owls as she recounts the story on how an owl ate [...] her pet rat, Sniffles, years ago. seekcartoon.com |
在这样的国家,负责任的管 理法规,应该禁止进口和使用像涕灭威这样的农药,帮助农民识别有效的,低毒害的替代品。 ipen-china.org | In such countries, the responsible regulatory approach should [...] be to prohibit the import and use of [...] pesticides suchas aldicarb andto help [...]farmers identify effective, less-hazardous alternatives. ipen-china.org |
第一宗原子弹轰炸恐 怖罪行的罪魁祸首应受到历史的唾弃。 daccess-ods.un.org | The perpetrators of the first atomic bombardment, a crime of staggering proportions, were among the most loathedin history. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据《关于 [...] 持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》,各国可继续将滴滴涕用于室内滞留喷洒, 但需遵循世卫组织的导则和建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under the Stockholm Convention on [...] Persistent Organic Pollutants, countries can [...] continue touse DDT for indoor residual [...]spraying, provided that the guidelines [...]and recommendations of WHO are followed. daccess-ods.un.org |
经验和常识表明,被人们普遍接受为善政内容的许多要素, 如法治、有能力和独立的司法、人权、安全部门改革、有生气的民间社会、独立 [...] 的新闻媒体、倡导容忍、对话和流动、唾弃僵化和不公正的认同理念的政治文化, [...]往往也有助于与保护责任有关的目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | Experience and common sense suggest that many of the elements of what is commonly accepted as good governance — the rule of law, a competent and independent judiciary, human rights, security sector reform, a robust civil society, an independent press and a [...] political culture that favours tolerance, dialogue [...] and mobility over therigidities [...]and injustices of identity politics — tend [...]to serve objectives relating to the responsibility to protect as well. daccess-ods.un.org |
大多数美国人都患有口乾症,原因在於他们可能须服用某些药物、出现唾液腺功能障碍,以及须接受放射性疗程和化学治疗医治癌症。 colgate.com.tw | A large majority of people in the United States are [...] suffering from dry mouth due to medications they [...] may be taking,salivary glanddysfunction [...]and those who may be going through radiation [...]and chemotherapy treatment for cancer therapy. colgate.com |
居家护理可以做的是每天至少用含氟牙膏刷牙两次并使用牙线,进餐的时候饮用水或是不含糖的饮料,吃无糖薄荷糖或嚼口香糖来刺激唾液流动以及尽量不用嘴呼吸。 colgate.com.tw | Home remedies may include brushing the teeth at least twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste, flossing daily, drinking water or unsweetenedfluids with meals, using sugar-free mints or gum to stimulate salivaflow and trying not to mouth breathe. colgate.ca |
因此,花粉热患者通常会伴随着突然打喷嚏、流鼻涕、眼睛红肿发痒、流泪等病症。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | People with hay fever experience sudden sneezing; a runny nose; and red, swollen and runnyeyes that feel itchy. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
流感症状通常表现为突发的高烧、咳嗽、全身酸痛、头痛、疲倦乏力、流鼻涕、咽喉痛,或任何这些症状的并发症。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Influenza symptoms usually appear as an [...] abrupt onset of high fever, cough, body aches, [...] headache, malaise, runny nose,sore throat, [...]or any combination of these. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
那些对阿勒颇的情况痛哭流涕,要求安理会开会者,正是支持恐怖主义和武 装恐怖组织而造成悲剧者。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those who are shedding tears over what is occurring in Aleppo and demanding that the Security Council should be convened are the very same parties that caused the tragedy through their support of terrorism and their arming of terrorist groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
在遵守世卫组织和《关于持久性有机污染物的斯 德哥尔摩公约》的导则和建议的情况下,各国可视需要长期适量用滴滴涕做室内 滞留喷洒,直到当地可提供成本-效益高的适当替代品,从滴滴涕过渡到其他可 持续喷剂。 daccess-ods.un.org | Countries can use DDT for indoor residual spraying for as long as necessary and in the quantities needed, provided that the guidelines and recommendations of WHO and the Stockholm Convention on [...] Persistent Organic Pollutants are complied with [...] and until locally appropriate, cost-effective alternatives are available for a sustainable transition away from theuse of DDT. daccess-ods.un.org |
组胺会让液体进入鼻部组织,从而引起鼻塞、鼻痒和流鼻涕。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Histamine also allows fluids to enter the nasal tissue, resulting in congestion, [...] itching and a runnynose. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
但这种脆弱的立场维持不了多久,美 国不遗余力地寻找“站得住脚”的借口,转移国际上的注意力,把厄立特里亚妖 魔化,将其描述为一个“一心要破坏非洲之角区域稳定的遭唾弃的国家”。 daccess-ods.un.org | But this tenuous position could not be maintained for long and the United States spared no efforts to find “plausible” pretexts so as to divert international attention and to portray and demonize Eritrea as a “pariah State bent on destabilizing the Horn of Africa region”. daccess-ods.un.org |
笔者提出的问题,并非要留难政府或其他机构,而是希望各界明白民意调查有其科学要求和专业操守,不是唾手可得。 hkupop.hku.hk | The question that the author raised is not to put the government or other organizations in a difficult position, but this is to hope that they understand the importance of the scientific aspects and professional ethics of conducting public opinion polls. hkupop.hku.hk |
我们吁请科索沃特派团利用它根据第 1244(1999)号决议拥有的后备力量,恢复该省遭到分 离分子唾弃的合法法律框架。 daccess-ods.un.org | We call on UNMIK to make use of its reserved powers under resolution 1244 (1999) and to restore the province’s legitimate legal framework discarded by the secessionists. daccess-ods.un.org |
由 于更先进的设备和技术变得唾手可得,因此我们不遗余力地挖掘这些技术的力量和潜力。 datapath.co.uk | As more sophisticated equipment and techniques become readily available, so we are there to exploit the power and potential that this technology presents. datapath.co.uk |
请世界卫生组织、联合国儿童基金会和各捐助机构为那些选用滴滴涕作为室内滞留喷剂的国家提供支助,以确保其使用符合国际规则、标准和指导方针, 并向疟疾流行国家提供一切可能的支助,有效管理这一干预措施,特别是防止用 作室内滞留喷剂的滴滴涕和其他杀虫剂污染农产品 daccess-ods.un.org | Requests the World Health Organization, the United Nations Children’s Fund and donor agencies to provide support to [...] those countries which [...] chooseto useDDT for indoor residual spraying so as to ensure that it is implemented in accordance with international rules, standards and guidelines, and to provide all possible support to malaria-endemic countries to manage the intervention effectively and prevent the contamination, in particular, of agricultural productswith DDT and other insecticides [...]used for indoor residual spraying daccess-ods.un.org |
按照医生和卫生署的资料,甲型H1N1流感(人类猪型流感)主要是透过打喷嚏或咳嗽的「飞沫」(唾沫)和接触过「飞沫」的对象(包括手指等)而传播。 catholic.org.hk | According to the information provided by doctors and the Department of Health, Influenza A (H1N1)[Human Swine Flu] is mainly transmitted through droplets expelled during sneezing or coughing and through objects in contact with these droplets, such as fingers. catholic.org.hk |