

单词 涌線

External sources (not reviewed)

北港線是東涌線沿港 島北岸的延伸部分,從香港站行走至炮 台山站與現有港島線的東部連接。
The EOT is also required for the future North
[...] Hong Kong Island Line (NIL), which is an [...]
extension of the TCL along the north shore
of Hong Kong Island to run from Hong Kong Station through onto the eastern half of the existing Island Line at Fortress Hill.
[...] III期亦包 括 根據1994年中英防衛用地協議商定的解放軍碼頭;機場鐵路和涌 線的掉 頭 隧 道;以及日後的地鐵港島北線。
CRIII would also include a military berth for the People’s Liberation Army as agreed under the 1994 Sino-British
Defence Land Agreement; an overrun tunnel for the Airport
[...] Railway and Tung Chung Line; and the future North Hong Kong Line.
至於對鐵路綜合噪音的評估,本研究會評估大嶼山機場鐵路(包括 涌線 和 機場 快線)和竹篙灣鐵路的累積影響。
For the assessment of cumulative railway noise, the PBRL EIA assesses
the cumulative impact of the Lantau Airport
[...] Railway (both Tung Chung Line and Airport [...]
Express Services) and PBRL noise.
在進行第二次鐵路發 展研究時亦通過了另一項建議,長遠而言把 涌線延 長,在港島東面與港島線連接起來,以增加港島鐵路線 的載客量,並紓緩北角交匯處的壓力。
An additional proposal was endorsed during the Second
Railway Development Study to
[...] extend the Tung Chung Line to connect with the Island Line on the eastern [...]
part of Hong Kong Island
in the long run so as to increase the capacities of the railway lines on Hong Kong Island and relieve the pressure of the North Point Interchange.
北港島線 是 將 現時地下鐵路涌 線沿港島北岸伸延至現時港島線東半 [...]
段的炮台山 站 。
It will be an extension of the
[...] existing MTR Tung Chung Line along the northern [...]
shore of Hong Kong Island to run through
onto the eastern half of the existing MTR Island Line at the Fortress Hill Station.
北港島線是現有涌 線 沿 港島北岸 的 延伸, 提供額外沿港 島北岸 東西行鐵路的載 客 量 ,以紓減 港島線天后至 銅鑼灣段的壓力, 並且把過海乘客分流 往涌 線,以紓緩荃 灣線彌敦道 走廊的擠迫 情況。
Its function is to provide additional east-west rail capacity
[...] along the northern coast of Hong Kong Island to relieve the section between Tin Hau and Causeway Bay on Island Line and the Nathan Road section of the Tsuen Wan Line by redistributing the cross-harbour trips to Tung Chung Line.
北大嶼山公路、㆞鐵涌線以及 竹篙灣 鐵路連接線將可接載遊㆟及在該㆞工作的僱員,故此毋須再在運輸方面作大量額外投資。
The North Lantau
[...] Highway and MTR Tung Chung Line and Penny's [...]
Bay Rail Link will help transport guests and employees to the
site without substantial additional transportation investment.
(iii) 其他政府或市民提出的建議( 如港深西部快速軌道、涌線往 港 珠澳大橋香港口岸的支線或延線、屯門至荃灣的沿海鐵路 線、現有鐵路線新增鐵路站等) 。
(iii) Other new proposals made by the Administration or the public
(e.g. Hong
[...] Kong-Shenzhen Western Express Line, extension or bifurcation of Tung Chung Line to the [...]
Hong Kong Boundary Crossing
Facilities of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, Tuen Mun to Tsuen Wan Rail Link, addition of new rail stations along existing rail lines etc.).
鐵路視察組亦有翻查該車務控制員的當天操作紀 錄,知悉當日一列試驗列車離開九龍站後,該車務控制員於 人手操作時,由於錯誤地給予該列 涌線 列 車 進入機場快線 的路軌,引致今次的事故。
The HKRI also examined the operation records of the Traffic Controller on the day of the incident and noted that after a test train had departed from KOW, he assigned an AEL track to the TCL train during a manual operation process by mistake resulting in the incident.
鐵港島北線,以及機場鐵路和涌線的 掉 頭 隧 道,以便 該 鐵路系統能以最高載 客 量 運作。
the future North Hong
[...] Kong Island Line and an overturn tunnel for the Airport Railway and Tung Chung Line to allow [...]
them to operate at their full capacity.
[...] 在中區填海第三期的範圍內把機場鐵路掉頭隧道伸延 段延長 40 米,基於安全理由,機場線和東 涌線 便無 法以所設計的最高載客量運作。
Without the 40m extension in the Airport Railway Extended Overrun Tunnel to be constructed as early as
possible within the CRIII, the
[...] Airport Express Line and Tung Chung Line cannot operate [...]
at their full, design capacity due to safety concerns.
換言之,當日該車務控制員即使誤將機場快線的路段派予該 列涌線列車 ,但由於列車自動保護系統 (ATP) 發揮了作 用,該路段的前及後方是沒有其他列車同樣地使用,保障了 列車的安全,因此,事故並沒有對行車安全構成影響。
In other words, although the Traffic Controller concerned had assigned an AEL track to the TCL train by mistake, the tracks ahead and behind were not used by other trains because the ATP had discharged its function to safeguard train safety.
(一 ) 現時港鐵公司營運的鐵路線,計有觀塘線、荃灣線、港 線、 東涌線、將 軍澳線、迪士尼線、東鐵線、馬鞍山線、西鐵線 [...]
(a) The railway lines currently operated by the MTRCL
include the Kwun Tong Line, Tsuen Wan
[...] Line, Island Line, Tung Chung Line, Tseung Kwan O [...]
Line, Disneyland Resort Line, East Rail
Line, Ma On Shan Line, West Rail Line and the Airport Express, totalling 84 MTR stations and 215 platforms.
兩間公司的列車均行走特定鐵路線,而兩間公司所營運的每條鐵路線 皆個別設有車廠,為該條鐵路線的列車進行日常維修(惟地鐵小濠灣車廠同時 為涌線及機場快線提供服務)。
In both corporations, rolling stock is specified for and dedicated to a line, and both corporations have a maintenance depot for each line, which carries out routine maintenance on the
rolling stock for that line (except MTRCL Siu Ho Wan Depot which
[...] services both Tung Chung Line and Airport Express Line).
地鐵北港島線將 會是現有地鐵涌線的延 續,沿港島北岸而建,由香 港站至炮台山站,然後連接現有地鐵港島線的東半 段。
The NIL is an extension of the existing MTR TCL along the north shore of Hong Kong Island to run from Hong Kong Station through onto the eastern half of the existing MTR ISL at Fortress Hill.
從 這兩項數 據 顯 示 ,地鐵涌 線和機 場 線 單 獨 來看, 可能無甚 [...]
盈 利,甚至可能虧蝕。
The two data show
[...] that the Tung Chung Line and Airport [...]
Express of the MTR may not generate profits and may even incur losses.
同 時,地鐵 的年報 亦 披 露 , 市 區線的列車 與前車 距 離 的 車 程 , 在
[...] 繁忙時 間大約兩分鐘 , 但涌 線和機 場 線相距 時 間大 約 10 [...]
分 鐘 。
It has also been disclosed in the annual report of the MTRCL that the distance between trains on the urban lines is
approximately two minutes during peak hours but the
[...] distance on the Tung Chung Line and Airport [...]
Express is approximately 10 minutes.
P2 道路網須最遲在 2006 年建成,以紓緩預計中區填海第一期工 程帶來的交通流量增長,而機場鐵路掉頭隧道伸延段亦須盡快完 成,以確保地鐵機場線和東涌線的 安 全運作。部分需於填海土地 上興建的 P2 道路網會在建造中環灣仔繞道的填海土地上興建,因此 無須為工程而進行額外的填海。
As the part of Road P2 network that needs to be built on reclaimed land will be built on reclaimed land for the CWB, no additional reclamation is needed for its construction.
荃葵青區擁有多條鐵路線,既有在1982年全線通車的荃灣線,也有於1998年通車的 涌線 及 機 場快線。
They are the MTR Tsuen Wan Line which began service in
[...] 1982 and the Tung Chung Line together [...]
with the Airport Express, both established in 1998.
土地也為地鐵提供機會,延展香港站的掉車隧道,從而提高 涌線 和 機 場快線的運作效率。
The reclaimed land will also offer MTR opportunities to extend the Hong Kong Station overrun tunnel.
因此, 我個人 認為基 於涌 線 的 歷 史 經 驗 , 如果政 [...]
府在考慮鐵 路 發展 時,特 別 是發展北環線 鐵 路 時,必 須一併 考慮附 近 市 鎮 的發展。
Therefore, I personally think that, basing on the
[...] experience of the Tung Chung Line, the Government [...]
should also take into account the development
of adjacent towns when considering railway development projects, especially the NOL project.
[...] 的擬議位置應處於日後西九龍商業及旅遊區的中心地帶,連同 鄰近的機場線/東涌線九龍 站,以及九龍南線柯士甸站,將 發展成為香港一個主要鐵路樞紐。
In response to The Professional Commons' proposal, the Administration explained that the proposed location of XRL terminus should be at the heart of the future business and tourist areas in West Kowloon and, together with the adjacent Kowloon
Station of AEL/TCL and Austin Station of
[...] Kowloon Southern Link (KSL), it would become [...]
a major railway hub of Hong Kong.
為了讓機場線和東涌線以最 高載客量運作,香港站西面現有的交匯點須清 拆,並在香港站東面重置,同時須設有足夠長度(約 500 米 )的隧道供列車掉頭。
In order to operate AEL and TCL to full design capacity, the existing crossovers west of Hong Kong Station have to be removed and re-provisioned east of Hong Kong Station and an overrun tunnel of sufficient length (approximately 500m) for trains to reverse is required.
香港在 1997 年回歸前,單單是在 1992 至 95 年間動工的大型基建項目, 便包括北大嶼山快速公路、青馬大橋、汲水門大橋、香港國際機場、西區海 底隧道、汀九大橋和大欖涌隧道;而在鐵路方面,則有機場鐵路及地鐵涌 線。
Prior to the reunification in 1997, major infrastructure projects launched between 1992 and 1995 included the North Lantau Highway, Tsing-Ma Bridge, Kap Shui Mun Bridge, Hong Kong International Airport, Western Harbour Crossing, Ting Kau Bridge, and Tai Lam Tunnel.
乘客於90分鐘內,以八達通卡連續繳付港島區4A, 4B, 4C, 4S(由石排灣往香港仔中心), 39C, 51, 51S, 59A, 63A(往香港仔中心)或63號線(往瑪麗醫院或海怡半島)及 線 ( 往 鰂 魚 涌 ) 兩 程 車費,第二程將享有$1.0車費優惠。
Passenger may enjoy $1.0 fare discount on this trip (Quarry Bay bound) when interchange from HKI GMB route 4A, 4B, 4C, 4S (from Shek Pai Wan to Aberdeen Centre), 39C ,51, 51S, 59A, 63A (Aberdeen Centre bound) or 63 (Queen Mary Hospital/ South Horizons bound) by using the same Octopus Card within 90 min.
政府當局提出增加該兩個區議會民選議席數目的建議,應 可提供所需的空間讓選管會重劃涌 和 將軍澳的區議會選區, 以維持每個議席相對的人口在標準人口基數的±25%之內,而無 須大幅改動區內其他區議會選區的分界。
Its proposal of increasing the number of elected seats on these two DCs should provide EAC with the necessary scope to redraw the DCCAs in Tung Chung and Tseung Kwan O in such a way as to bring the population-to-seat ratio to within 25% of the population quota without causing substantial changes to the boundaries of other DCCAs in the districts.
(2) 代表委任表格及授權簽署該表格之授權書或其他授權文件(如有)或經公證人證明之該等 授權文件之認證副本,最遲須於大會或其任何續會之指定舉行時間48小時前送達本公司之
[...] 總辦事處及主要營業地點(地址為香港新界 涌 葵 喜 街1-11號達利國際中心11樓),方 [...]
為 有效。
(2) To be valid, forms of proxy and the power of attorney or other authority (if any) under which it is signed or a notarially certified copy of that power of attorney must be deposited at the head office and principal place of business of the Company
at 11th Floor, High Fashion Centre, 1–11
[...] Kwai Hei Street, Kwai Chung, New Territories, [...]
Hong Kong not less than 48 hours before
the time appointed for holding the meeting or any adjournment thereof.
根據董事會函件,富宏擁有的該等物業為位於香港新界 涌 和 宜 合道131號恆利中 心的7樓A室、12樓B室、11樓、16樓及19樓A室及B室,該等物業包括一幢26層高工業 樓宇(其鋼筋混凝土工程於1992年竣工)內的8個工業單位。
According to the Letter from the Board, Richmind owns the Properties at Workshop A on 7th Floor, Workshop B on 12th Floor, Workshops A and B on 11th, 16th and 19th Floors, Henry Centre, No. 131 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong which comprise 8 industrial units within a 26-storey industrial building of reinforced concrete construction completed in 1992.
該等建議包括為往來機場與涌的機場路綫(一般稱為「A」 綫 )和對外路綫(一般稱為「E」綫 )增設巴士轉乘優惠計劃,以方便 乘客及節省車資;加推不同巴士公司之間的巴士轉乘優惠計劃, 以進一步改善巴士網絡的覆蓋範圍;推出更多分段收費以惠及短 途乘客;以及盡量在合適路綫上為機場員工提供票價優惠。
Such proposals include, for example, more BBIs between the airport routes (commonly known as “A” routes) and external routes (commonly known as “E” routes) serving the Airport and Tung Chung for added convenience and fare savings, new inter-company BBIs to further improve the bus network coverage, as well as more section fares for short-distance passengers, and possible fare discounts to airport workers on suitable routes.
由于大批民主刚果(刚果金)难涌 入 刚 果共和国(刚果布)北部 利库阿拉地区,对国家工作队内部专题教育团体在应急教育方面的活动,教科文组织办事处 应给予同样的协助。
Following a massive influx of refugees from the Democratic Republic of the Congo into the Likouala department in the northern part of the Republic of Congo, the Office is also coordinating the UNCT’s education thematic group’s activities in regard to emergency education.




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