

单词 涌流

涌流 ()


External sources (not reviewed)

涌流入的 短期资本往往具有高度投机性质,并常常超过经 济体的吸收能力,使得宏观经济管理变得复杂并对金融和经济稳定带来风险。
Waves of
[...] short-term capital inflows, which tend [...]
to be highly speculative in nature and are often in excess of an economy’s
absorptive capacity, complicate macroeconomic management and carry risks for financial and economic stability.
CL 系列电流限制器 - GE Sensing 的 CL 系列 NTC 涌流限制 器可用于降低开关式电源、荧光灯、逆变器、电机等应用中的大 涌 电 流。
CL Series Current Limiters - GE Sensing's
CL series
[...] NTC inrush current limiters are used to reduce large inrush currents in switching power supplies, fluorescent lamps, inverters, [...]
motors, and more.
我们与神之间的爱的关系应涌流出 来 ,成为对其他 人的爱。
The relationship of love we have with God should spill over into love for others.
另有成千上万的人从叙利亚边涌流 而出
Thousands more have poured across Syria’s borders.
其中几处存涌升 流区,其特点是自然变化幅度大。
Several of these areas include upwelling regions that are characterized by high natural variability.
这将确定 TVS 必须承受的峰值涌电流 (Ipp ) 和所需的标准脉冲波形降额因子(如果有的话)。
This will determine
[...] the Peak Surge Current (Ipp) the TVS [...]
must handle, and the correct de-rating factor (if any) required due to the pulse shape.
控制系统(CSD) 就在一个电力分析系统里无缝隙的整合电力分析和电路控制,CSD可以模拟控制设备的运行序列,例如:电磁阀、继电器、控制触头、多序列控制 涌流 控 制器等,CSD可以收集决定返回电压、损耗、全部临界点的任意时间的电流通过的情况和关键报警能量,非常全面的设备库可以为工程师在给定的时间延迟情况下提供快速的建模和模拟继电器联锁控制动作。
CSD has the capability of determining pickup and dropout voltages,
[...] losses, and current flows at any time instance [...]
as well as overall marginal and critical alerts.
这个增强海洋生产力的过程,将再现源自深海水的天然营养物 涌 升 流。
This process of increasing ocean productivity replicates
[...] natural nutrient upwellings from deep [...]
ocean water.
自2004年底流媒体平台建成以来,(原)北京网通本地IP网络经历了几次大的调整与改造,使得依托于其上的CDN网络就近选择状况发生很大变化,对流媒体业务的分发质量产生了很大的影响,因此迫切需要CDN网络随之进行适应性调整与改造;其次,在宽带接入用户数量迅猛增长的背景下,流媒体业务随之迅速发展,特别是直播业务的大量开展和新业务的不 涌 现 , 流 媒 体系统对直播业务的支撑能力表现不足,对新业务的支持能力灵活性不够;流媒体业务发展带来了业务种类的激增,对于业务管理及管理自动化提出了更高的要求,使得系统管理功能需要进一步优化与增强;另外,为配合集团SCDN网的部署,需要进一步发展完善流媒体平台中心节点。
Since the streaming media platform was established at the end of 2004, the local IP network of former China Netcom Beijing has undergone several big adjustments and upgrading, to make CDN network relying on it change a lot for near
selection conditions, greatly affecting
[...] distribution quality of streaming media services, [...]
thus it is urgently required to carry out
adaptability adjustment and reconstruction for CDN network.
30 A 版本的 CKR 系列 22.5mm DIN 导轨固态继电器具有极高的涌电流 额 定 值,可在各类应用中提供增强的可靠性,包括使用断路器保护的应用。
The 30 amp versions of the CKR series 22.5mm DIN rail solid state relays offer an exceptionally high surge current rating for enhanced reliability in applications, including those using circuit breaker protection.
交流输出中采用的是快达获得认可的反并联 SCR 技术,而 DC 输出则采用的是高效 FET,这两种技术均可确保最低的导通功率耗散和很高的额定 涌 电 流 , 使 得 LifePlus 成为了小型电机、电磁阀、加热器与灯具等应用的最佳选择。
AC outputs incorporate Crydom's proven Back-to-Back SCR technology while DC outputs utilize high efficiency FETs, both technologies resulting in the lowest possible on-state power dissipation and high surge current ratings which makes the Crydom LifePlus ED series an excellent choice for applications such as small Motors, Solenoids, Heaters and Lamps.
在每年会出现强度差异较大涌升流 现 象 的东南太平洋(不包括秘鲁鳀鱼)和东 南大西洋,两地的历史渔获量均呈下滑趋势。
In the Southeast Pacific (excluding anchoveta) and the Southeast Atlantic, both areas where upwelling phenomena occur with strongly varied intensity each year, historical catch trends have been downward in both areas.
灰色泥浆甚涌入河流和水道,加 重了环境灾难。
The grey slurry had also spilled into the river and waterways, adding to the environmental catastrophe.
本组织正在支持这些国家的政府满 足这些难民的需要,将继续增加援助,以应对持 涌 入 的 流 离 失 所者。
The organization is supporting the Governments of these countries to address the needs
of these refugees and will continue to increase assistance as required by
[...] the continuing influx of displaced populations.
另一方面,随着更多呈男性化尺寸和款式的金表大 涌 现 , 引领 流 的 时尚女孩也对黄金手表青睐有加。
On the flip side, front row style savvy girls, are gravitating to yellow gold watches as the timepiece of choice in more masculine sizes and shapes.
因着值得注意的乐队不涌现,芬兰 流 行 音 乐乐坛可说是风起云涌。
The Finnish pop music scene
[...] is buzzing with an influx of noteworthy groups.
强调需要消除旷日持久的社会经济和政治危机的根源和影响,包括境 流离 失所者涌入联 合国的难民数量不断增加、贩运人口和海盗活动
Emphasizing the need to tackle the root causes and effects of the prolonged socioeconomic and
political crisis, including the increasing
[...] number of internally displaced persons and refugees [...]
in neighbouring countries, human trafficking and piracy
北港島線是現有 東 涌 線 沿 港島北岸 的 延伸, 提供額外沿港 島北岸 東西行鐵路的載 客 量 ,以紓減 港島線天后至
[...] 銅鑼灣段的壓力, 並且把過海乘客流 往東涌 線,以紓緩荃 灣線彌敦道 走廊的擠迫 [...]
Its function is to provide additional east-west rail capacity along the northern coast of Hong Kong Island to relieve the section between Tin Hau and Causeway Bay on
Island Line and the Nathan Road section of the Tsuen Wan Line by redistributing
[...] the cross-harbour trips to Tung Chung Line.
[...] 的一年:科特迪瓦大选后发生的暴力事件已导致科特 迪瓦国内数以万计的居流离失所,近 200 000 人涌 入邻国;利比亚危机使得大约 150 万难民流离失所; [...]
索马里在发生历时数十年的武装冲突后,又遭遇旱灾 和饥饿,导致大批索马里人流离失所,使得索马里难
民总人数激增,达到令人惊讶的 940 000 人,设在肯 尼亚的达达阿布难民营人数已超过其预期容量的五 倍。
It had been an extremely challenging year, marked by three successive crises:
the post-electoral violence in
[...] Côte d’Ivoire, which had displaced tens of thousands of people [...]
internally and almost 200,000
into neighbouring countries; the crisis in Libya, which had created some 1.5 million refugees; and decades-old conflict compounded by drought and famine in Somalia, which had caused a new exodus of Somalis, swelling the total number of Somali refugees to a staggering 940,000 and the Dadaab camp in Kenya to more than five times its intended size.
由於原本預計 的可能突發情況並未有經常出現,該署與香港國際主題公園有限公司商議了
[...] 適當的緊急應變措施,即在有突然激增泊車需要時,會安排遊客的私家車使 用其旅遊車停車場及附近的公用設施場地,或 流 到 位於 東 涌 及 青 衣的其他 泊車設施。
As potential contingencies do not occur as frequently as originally anticipated, the TD and the HKITP have agreed to adopt suitable contingency measures for emergencies, that is, in case of a sudden surge of parking demand, arrangements will be made for the tourists' private cars to use the
Disneyland's coach parks or the nearby utility yard, or to divert them to other
[...] parking facilities in Tung Chung and Tsing Yi.
2010 年,亚洲及太平洋各经济体走出
2008/09 年“大萧条”的低谷而实现强 劲复苏,但他们在 2011 年面临诸多新的挑战,其中包括粮食和燃料危机卷土重来,
[...] 危及来之不易的发展成果;发达经济体复苏乏力;短期资 流 动 大 量 涌 现 ,导致资 本市场动荡不定;资产泡沫积聚;以及汇率升值。
These include the return of food and fuel crises that are threatening hard-won development gains, sluggish recovery in
the advanced economies and a deluge of
[...] short-term capital flows that in turn is leading [...]
to volatility in capital markets,
the build-up of asset bubbles and the appreciation of exchange rates.
對 於 年 齡 較 大 的 幼 海 豚 , 重 要 地 點 包 括 大 澳 半 島 北 面 、 雞 翼 角 附 近 及 分 流 , 其 他
經 常 出 沒 的 地 方 還 有 龍 鼓 洲 東 面 、 爛 角 咀 附 近 、 踏 石 角 和 北 大 嶼 山 的 深 水
[...] 角 , 以 及 西 南 大 嶼 山 的流 東 面 、 狗涌 附 近 及 索 罟 群 島 周 圍 。
Areas considered important for older calves include areas just north of Tai O Peninsula, near Peaked Hill and Fan Lau, with other frequent occurrences of older calves found at east of Lung Kwu Chau, near Black Point, Tap Shek Kok
and Sham Shui Kok in North Lantau, and east
[...] of Fan Lau, near Kau Ling Chung and around Soko Islands [...]
in Southwest Lantau.
根據董事會函件,富宏擁有的該等物業為位於香港新界 涌 和 宜 合道131號恆利中 心的7樓A室、12樓B室、11樓、16樓及19樓A室及B室,該等物業包括一幢26層高工業 樓宇(其鋼筋混凝土工程於1992年竣工)內的8個工業單位。
According to the Letter from the Board, Richmind owns the Properties at Workshop A on 7th Floor, Workshop B on 12th Floor, Workshops A and B on 11th, 16th and 19th Floors, Henry Centre, No. 131 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong which comprise 8 industrial units within a 26-storey industrial building of reinforced concrete construction completed in 1992.
該等建議包括為往來機場與涌的機場路綫(一般稱為「A」 綫 )和對外路綫(一般稱為「E」綫 )增設巴士轉乘優惠計劃,以方便 乘客及節省車資;加推不同巴士公司之間的巴士轉乘優惠計劃, 以進一步改善巴士網絡的覆蓋範圍;推出更多分段收費以惠及短 途乘客;以及盡量在合適路綫上為機場員工提供票價優惠。
Such proposals include, for example, more BBIs between the airport routes (commonly known as “A” routes) and external routes (commonly known as “E” routes) serving the Airport and Tung Chung for added convenience and fare savings, new inter-company BBIs to further improve the bus network coverage, as well as more section fares for short-distance passengers, and possible fare discounts to airport workers on suitable routes.
由于大批民主刚果(刚果金)难涌 入 刚 果共和国(刚果布)北部 利库阿拉地区,对国家工作队内部专题教育团体在应急教育方面的活动,教科文组织办事处 应给予同样的协助。
Following a massive influx of refugees from the Democratic Republic of the Congo into the Likouala department in the northern part of the Republic of Congo, the Office is also coordinating the UNCT’s education thematic group’s activities in regard to emergency education.
政府當局提出增加該兩個區議會民選議席數目的建議,應 可提供所需的空間讓選管會重劃涌 和 將軍澳的區議會選區, 以維持每個議席相對的人口在標準人口基數的±25%之內,而無 須大幅改動區內其他區議會選區的分界。
Its proposal of increasing the number of elected seats on these two DCs should provide EAC with the necessary scope to redraw the DCCAs in Tung Chung and Tseung Kwan O in such a way as to bring the population-to-seat ratio to within 25% of the population quota without causing substantial changes to the boundaries of other DCCAs in the districts.
(2) 代表委任表格及授權簽署該表格之授權書或其他授權文件(如有)或經公證人證明之該等 授權文件之認證副本,最遲須於大會或其任何續會之指定舉行時間48小時前送達本公司之
[...] 總辦事處及主要營業地點(地址為香港新界 涌 葵 喜 街1-11號達利國際中心11樓),方 [...]
為 有效。
(2) To be valid, forms of proxy and the power of attorney or other authority (if any) under which it is signed or a notarially certified copy of that power of attorney must be deposited at the head office and principal place of business of the Company
at 11th Floor, High Fashion Centre, 1–11
[...] Kwai Hei Street, Kwai Chung, New Territories, [...]
Hong Kong not less than 48 hours before
the time appointed for holding the meeting or any adjournment thereof.
13 个职业类主管人员中的每个人都将继续负责审查申请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评估的候选人,担任其负责范围内的专家组的秘书并合并专家 组的结论和面试报告以提交外地中央审查机构,监测其分管的职业类职位在外地 行动中的在职率,管理其分管的名册,编制外地行动方案主管人短名单并确定何 时应进行外联活动,以处理名册中存在的差距,特别是性别均衡和地域代表性方 面的差距,确定外地在职工作人员 流 动 机 会,以便工作人员在相关工作地点之 间轮调。
Each of the 13 Occupational Group Managers would continue the responsibilities for reviewing applications, identifying candidates for further assessment by subject matter experts, that is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or her purview and consolidating findings and interview reports from the panel for presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies, monitoring incumbency rates in the field operations for positions in his or her occupational group, managing his or her assigned roster, developing shortlists for programme managers in the field operations and determining when outreach activities should be conducted to address gaps in the roster, especially in gender and geographic representation, and determining the mobility opportunities for staff members currently serving in the field so as to rotate staff among relevant duty stations.




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