

单词 消防局

See also:

消防 n

fire safety n
fire fighting n
fire protection n


fire control

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 調整西九管理局與政府之間就建造及保養共用設 施及基礎設施的撥款責任 ⎯⎯ 政府負責建造及 保養運輸及共用設施(例如道路、渠務設施 消防 局、公 眾碼頭等及工務工程),因為這些設施都是 為配合整個西九文化區(包括住宅、商業和酒店發 展項目)而設;西九管理局負責建造及保養公眾休 憩用地、穿梭列車系統和停車場,因這些設施與 西九文化區的運作有直接關係。
(c) adjusting the funding responsibility between WKCDA and the Government in the communal and infrastructural facilities - the Government to build and maintain the transport and communal facilities such as roads, drainage, fire station, public pier, etc. and engineering works which are designed to support the whole of the WKCD area (including residential, commercial and hotel developments), and WKCDA to be responsible for the Open Space, Automated People Mover and Car Parks, which have a direct bearing on WKCD's operation.
如有需要,機場管制區以外的鄰 消防局 及 救 護站會 調派消防車和救護車作出支援。
Support fire appliances and ambulances will be deployed from nearby fire stations and ambulance depots outside the airport control area, if necessary.
這區的文物潛力就更不用說,除了有各位議員提到極具考古價值 的龍津石橋外,其實啟德發展區和鄰近範圍亦有數幢建築物和構築物 是同樣具有歷史價值,包括一 消防局 B 和 相關碼頭、跑道中間部分 的風竿、九龍石、機場碼頭、舊跑道、魚尾石和宋王臺的石刻。
The heritage potential of Kowloon East is even greater. In addition to the Longjin Bridge mentioned by Honourable Members, which is of great archaeological value, several buildings and structures in the Kai Tak Development Area and its vicinity, including a fire station B and an associated pier, a wind pole in the middle of the runway, Kowloon Rock, the airport pier, the old runway, Fishtail Rock and Sung Wong Toi Inscription Rock, are also of historical value.
區內也會提供消閒和康樂的發展項目,以及必要 的政府、機構或社區設施( 包消防局、電力支站、垃 圾收集站、公廁、抽水站及警崗等) ,作為西九文化區 的配套設施。
Leisure and recreation developments together with essential
utilities and GIC facilities
[...] (including fire station complex, electric substation, refuse collection point, public toilets, pumping station, police posts etc.) will also be provided to support [...]
the WKCD development.
九龍灣祥業消 防局暨救護設施 興建計劃 工務小組委員會委員在 2011 年 6 月 15 日的會議上,同意向 財務委員會建議,把 172BF 號 工程計劃提升為甲級;按付款 當日價格計算,估計所需費用 為 2 億 1,000 萬元,用以興建 九龍灣祥業消防局暨救護 設施。
PWSC Members agreed at the meeting on 15 June 2011 to recommend to Finance Committee the upgrading of 172BF to Category A at an estimated cost of $210 million in money-of-the-day prices for the construction of a fire station-cum-ambulance facility at Cheung Yip Street, Kowloon Bay.
待屋宇署進行的顧問報告完成後,有關的政策局及部門會研究有否需要 加消防局、醫 院及警署等樓宇的抵禦地震能力。
The bureaux and departments concerned will consider whether there is a need to enhance the seismic resisting capability of buildings such as fire stations, hospitals and police stations upon completion of the BD's consultancy study.
根據其後獲 財委會批准 216 億元一筆過撥款的撥款申請文件( 見 PWSC(2008-09)31 號文件) ,政府將負責提供其他共用設施和政府設施,以及進行相關工 程,例如修建道路、排水渠消防局 、 公 眾碼頭及其他配套設施等, 以支援整個西九( 包括住宅、商業及酒店發展項目) ,並會另行就這些工 程申請撥款。
As foreshadowed in the funding submission for the $21.6 billion endowment fund approved by FC (vide PWSC(2008-09)31), the other communal and government facilities and related engineering works, such as roads, drainage, fire station, public pier and other ancillary facilities, etc. for supporting the whole WKCD (including residential, commercial and hotel developments) will be undertaken by the Government with funding approval for such works to be sought separately.
Chapin 博士还是 NFPA 期刊编审委员会、美国化学学会、美 消防局 / 美 国疾病预防控制中心/美国消费品安全委员会 (USFA/CDC/CPSC) 消防安全委员会,以及美国州级防火长官协会 (State Fire Marshal) 下的学校安全风险治理委员会的成员。
Dr. Chapin also is on the editorial review board of the NFPA Journal and a member of the American Chemical Society, the USFA/CDC/CPSC Fire Safety Council and the National Association of State Fire Marshals' School Safety Committee for Hazard Abatement.
另一方面,與緊急 救援行動有關的現有政府建築物(例 消防局 、 醫 院及警署)的 設計並不符合指明的抗震設計標準。
On the other hand, existing Government buildings relating to emergency and rescue operations (e.g. fire stations, hospitals and police stations) are not designed to specific seismic-resistant design standards.
為有效率地接送潛水員進行這些訓練,擬建靠 泊設施亦可方便潛水員在潛水訓練中心登上潛水船隻,前往適合的外 海水域受訓,而無須前往其他滅火 消防局 登 船
To achieve efficiency in conveying divers to undergo such training the proposed berthing facilities will also facilitate divers to board the diving vessels there for travelling to suitable sites in the open sea for training, without the need to travel to other fireboat stations to board the vessels.
除了具有考古價值的龍津石橋遺蹟外,啟德發展區內亦有數幢建築 /結構物同樣具有歷史價值,包 消防局 B、舊跑道、九龍石及宋皇臺石刻。
Apart from the Lung Tsun Stone Bridge remnants which are of archaeological
value, several buildings and structures
[...] in KTD including Fire Station B, ex-runway, [...]
Kowloon Rock and Sung Wong Toi Inscription
Rock, are of historic interest.
由署方負責維修的產業計有斜坡、醫院、診所、環境 生設施(例如街市 和公廁) 、文康設施(
[...] 例如公園及室內運動場) 、政府和受資助學校、以及 政府樓宇( 例如警署消防局和政府辦事處)。
Properties maintained include slopes, hospitals and clinics, environmental hygiene facilities (e.g. markets and public toilets), recreational and cultural facilities (e.g. parks and indoor games halls),
government and subvented schools, and government buildings (e.g. police
[...] stations, fire stations and government [...]
注意 来自媒体、市町村消防局、警察局 的信息。
Listen carefully to information from news agencies, municipal offices, fire department and emergency care services.
而且,現時於尖沙消防局 的潛水組總部將會遷往擬建中心,以便密切監察中心內開辦的潛水訓 練課程,以及為潛水行動提供支援。
Moreover, the Diving Unit head office currently at Tsim Sha Tsui Fire Station will also be re-provisioned to the proposed training centre to closely monitor diving training programmes at the centre and to provide support to diving operations.
我想請問政府,除了會盡快完成顧問報告和向市民交代結果 之外 ─ 局長在主體答覆還提消防局、醫 院及警署等建築物,在一般可 能發生的地震烈度時,基本上仍然是安全及不會受到嚴重損毀的 ─ 局長 如何釐定“一般”和“嚴重”的程度呢?
May I ask the Government, apart from completing the consultancy report as soon as possible and explaining the findings to the people …… The Secretary mentioned in his main reply that buildings such as fire stations, hospitals and police stations were basically safe and would suffer no serious damage in the event of an average earthquake that may occur in Hong Kong.
我們需要在警崗附近 闢建附設救護車站消防局,以確 保 能夠為香港 迪士尼樂園第一期提供足夠的 緊急服務。
To ensure provision of adequate emergency services to HKD Phase 1, we need to construct a fire station with ambulance depot adjacent to the police post.
在九龍塘興建設 有九龍消防總區 總部消防局暨 救護站 向財務委員會建議,把 125BF 號工程計劃提升為甲級;按付 款當日價格計算,估計所需費 用為 1 億 90 萬元,用以在九 龍塘浸會大學道興建設有九 龍消防總區總部的九龍消 防局暨救護站。
To recommend to Finance Committee the upgrading of 125BF to Category A at an estimated cost of $100.9 million in money-of-the-day prices for the construction of Kowloon Tong fire station-cum-ambulance depot with Kowloon Fire Command Headquarters at Baptist University Road, Kowloon Tong.
基本建设总计划办公室还与美国环境保护署、纽约 消防局 、 警 察局 和运输局进行协调。
The Office of the Capital Master Plan also coordinates with
the United States
[...] Environmental Protection Agency and with the New York City Fire Department, Police Department [...]
and Department of Transportation.
關於第 7 段 (f)項,根據有關西九管理局與政府就西九用地共用及
基建設施撥款責任的融資安排建議,西九管理局會負責對該局營運有 直接影響的公眾休憩用地、穿梭列車系統和停車場,而政府則會負責 為服務整個西九,包括西九管理局核心責任以外的住宅、辦公室及酒
[...] 店發展項目而設計的交通及共用設施( 例如道路、排水系統消防局、 公眾碼頭及工程項目等) 。
On paragraph 7(f), according to the proposed financing arrangements for the WKCD in respect of the funding responsibility between the WKCDA and the Government for the communal and infrastructural facilities within the WKCD site, the WKCDA would be responsible for the public open space, the Automated People Mover and the carparks which have a direct bearing on the WKCDA’s operation, while the Government would be responsible for the transport and communal facilities (such as roads, drainage, fire station, public pier and engineering works etc)
designed to serve the whole WKCD, including residential, office and
[...] hotel developments outside WKCDA’s core responsibility.
此外,學校跟 社區機構如培根課後計劃、三藩 消防局 及 三 藩市警察局緊密合作,合辦各類有益活動。
The school community partners with community agencies such as Beacon After-School Program and the San Francisco Police and Fire Departments.
当美消防局发起居住用房中的生命挽救行动之时,Dosedlo 先生在美国消防协会 (NFPA) 专责小组中代表 [...]
UL 提出了住宅消防喷淋装置测试和认证的安全新标准。
When the U.S. Fire Administration initiated action [...]
to save lives in residential occupancies, Mr. Dosedlo represented UL
on the NFPA task force to develop a new Standard for Safety for testing and certifying residential fire sprinklers.
此外,學校跟三藩消防局及三藩市警察局攜手合作,把安全及支援相關的資訊灌輸給 學校社區。
Presidio Middle School is partners with community agencies as well as the SFFD/SFPD to work on safety and support issues in our neighborhood.
消防處 會 按 實 際 需 要 , 靈 活 調 配 各 區 的 救 護 車 資 源 , 在有需 要 時,會調 派 救 護 車 往 其消防局 或 救 護 站 候 命 , 從 而加強 整體救 護 服 務的成效和改善 緊 急 救 護 服 務的召 達時 間 。
To improve the coverage and the response time of EAS, the FSD will flexibly deploy the ambulance resources of different districts and, if necessary, move up ambulances to other fire stations and ambulance depots as stand-bys having regard to the actual needs.
此外,教職員和學生每月與三藩 消防局 合 作,進行防火演習 ;另定期進行地震和緊急封鎖校園演習。
Additionally, the students and staff practice monthly fire drills in conjunction with the SF Fire Department as well as periodic earthquake and lockdown drills.
(b) 刪除附表內的3個會社(
[...] 處九龍訓練中心的民眾安全服務隊長官會所(九龍)、九龍尖沙 咀廣東道333號尖沙消防局大樓 306室的香港消防處主任級人 [...]
員俱樂部,以及香港金鐘道政府合署高座17字樓1714室的土地 註冊處員工康樂會);及
(b) remove 3 club-houses (namely, Civil Aid Service Officers’ Mess (Kowloon) at Civil Aid Service Kowloon Training Centre, 204, Argyle Street, Kowloon; Hong Kong
Fire Services Officers’ Club at Room 306,
[...] Tsimshatsui Fire Station Complex, 333, [...]
Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon and The
Land Registry Staff Recreation Club at Room 1714, 17/F, Queenwsay Government Offices, High Block, Hong Kong) from the Schedule; and
正如 2008 年 6 月向工務小組委員會就申請一筆過撥款給予西九管 理局以發展西九所提交的文件中預告,政府將負責提供其他共用設施 和政府設施,以及進行相關的工程,例如修建道路、排水渠 消防局、 公眾碼頭等,以支援整個西九計劃( 包括住宅、辦公室及酒店發展項 目 ) ,並會另行就這些工程申請撥款。
As foreshadowed in the Public Works Subcommittee (PWSC) paper submitted to the PWSC in June 2008 regarding the upfront endowment to the WKCDA for the WKCD project, the Government will provide other communal and government facilities and related engineering works, such as roads, drainage, fire station, public pier, etc. which are designed to support the whole WKCD project (including residential, office and hotel developments).
在 联几建和办的技术和财政援助下,主管这一进程的国家技术独立混合委员会完成 了3 024名警官的登记工作,包括 407
[...] 名女警官和 2 617 名男警官,这些警官来 自于公安警察、移民局、边防警卫 消防局 和 安 全情报处。
With technical and financial assistance from UNIOGBIS, the National Technical Independent Mixed Commission in charge of the process finalized the registration of 3,024 police officers, including 407 female and 2,617 male officers, from the
Public Order Police, immigration services, the
[...] border guard, the firefighter department and the security [...]
information service.
关于向环戊烷转换问题,报告强调,地 消防局 部 和劳动安全检查部门必须参与项 目设计工作,从而缩短批准和设备试运行的时间,避免出现像中国制冷剂项目那样的长期 [...]
With regard to conversion to cyclopentane it was
[...] emphasized that local firefighting bureaus and labor safety inspection [...]
agencies must be involved
with the project design so as to shorten the time to approve and commission the equipment and to avoid lengthy implementation delays which plagued a refrigeration project in China.
此外,學校跟區內團體例如日落青少年服 務處(Sunset Youth Services)、培根中心、三藩消防局及 三藩市警察局攜手合作,把安全及 支援相關的資訊帶入學校社區,教導學生接納多元文化、學習包容、了解個人權責,及認識社會及校區法 律、規則與條例。
Students receive instructions on acceptance of diverse cultures, tolerance, personal responsibility and an understanding of the laws, rules, and regulations of our society and school district.




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