

单词 消长

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抓住和 平进程消长起伏 需要超出利用基准衡量的范围之 外,而且安全理事会作出的战略指导也需要尽可能立 [...]
Capturing the ebbs and flows of a [...]
peace process needs to go beyond benchmarking, and strategic guidance from the Security
Council needs to be based on as comprehensive a picture as possible.
叙利亚国内和整个地区的数百万儿童正在见证他们的过去和未 消 失 在这 场 长 期 冲 突带来的废墟和毁灭之中。
Millions of children inside Syria and across the
region are witnessing their past and
[...] their futures disappear amidst the rubble and destruction of this prolonged conflict.
社会保护对可持续经济长、消除贫 穷和社会稳定都会产生短期和长期的收 益。
Social protection has both short- and long-term benefits to sustainable
[...] economic growth, poverty eradication and social [...]
[...] 问题,必须首先探究气候变化的起因,如能源消耗、全球化、地貌景观分割、自 然资源开发、经济无限制长、消费 与生活方式问题等。
If solutions are to be found, it is important to start looking at causes for climate change such as: energy consumption, globalization,
landscape fragmentation, exploitation of natural resources,
[...] unlimited economic growth, questions of consumption and life style.
[...] 迎柬埔寨设立机制,确保对基本权利的保护,包括经济、社会和文化权利,尤其 欢迎柬埔寨促进两性平等、就业、经济 长 和 消 除 贫 困。
Malaysia welcomed the mechanisms established to guarantee the protection of fundamental rights, including economic, social and
cultural rights, and in particular the promotion of gender equality,
[...] employment, economic growth and poverty alleviation.
我们呼吁所有国家制订和实施符合持续、包容各方和公平的经 济长、消除贫 困和实现可持续发展目标的政策。
We call on all countries to formulate and implement policies consistent
with the objectives of sustained, inclusive and
[...] equitable economic growth, poverty eradication and sustainable [...]
[...] 内总产值的增加,资源的绝对消耗量也不断增加,而且,自 2000 年以来,随着 各个新兴经济体的迅速长,消耗情 况甚至加快。
Still, absolute consumption of resources has continued to increase with population and gross domestic product in
both developed and developing countries and has even accelerated since 2000
[...] with the rapid growth of emerging economies.
Kemal 先生(消除种族歧视委员会主席)说,他感 谢第三委员会对于长消除种 族歧视委员会会议时 间的支持,并向代表团保证,委员会正在尽一切努 [...]
力提高工作方法的效率,特别是确保有效使用会议 时间。
(Chairperson, Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination) said that he
appreciated the Third Committee’s support
[...] for the extension of his Committee’s [...]
meeting time and assured delegates that every
effort was being made to enhance the efficiency of its working methods, in particular to ensure that the meeting time was used effectively.
执行委员会希 望,在今后两年内,巴基斯坦将继续执行其国家方案、与氟氯烃淘汰有关的国家淘汰活 动,以及与使用氟氯化碳的计量吸入器淘汰有关的剩余活动,并在根据其对《蒙特利尔议 定书》的承诺实长期淘汰消耗臭 氧层物质方面取得突出成就。
The Executive Committee is hopeful that in the next two years, Pakistan will continue with the implementation of its country programme, national phase-out activities relating to HCFC phase-out and remaining activities relating to CFC MDI phase-out, with outstanding success to achieve sustained ODS phase-out in line with its commitment under the Montreal Protocol.
日历的创造可以帮助品牌提高在公众中的曝光度,并进一步 长消 费 者 对于公司和产品的了解。
Creating a calendar can help some
brands to increase their exposure to the public
[...] and further develop consumers’ knowledge of [...]
the companies and their products.
以上三大因素让“六大趋势”日渐显现:包装食品需求长;消费者 需求多样化;食品生产与零售市场瞬息万变;食品 [...]
安全意识增强;竞争压力日趋激烈;企业研发绿色解决方案的 必要性日益迫切。
These three drivers will be the catalyst for six “mega trends”:
increased demand for packaged food; greater
[...] diversification of consumer needs; changing [...]
dynamics in food manufacturing and retailing;
more food safety awareness; rising competitive pressure; and acceleration in green solutions as a “musthave” for businesses.
该公司计划完成在2010收购资产的整合,大大加快有机 长 , 消 费 者 支出的复苏在巴西。
The company is planning to complete the integration of
assets acquired during 2010 and substantially
[...] accelerate organic growth with the recovery in consumer spending in Brazil.
[...] 对发展中国家产生影响的所有国家加紧努力,拟订符合发展中国家持续 长 、消 除贫穷和可持续发展目标的政策。
In order to complement national development efforts, we call on all countries whose policies have an impact on developing countries to increase their efforts to formulate
policies consistent with the objectives
[...] of sustained growth, poverty eradication and sustainable [...]
development of developing countries.
同样的,我们应当鼓励国际机构协调政策和方案,在业务和 国际方面实现统一,以实现《千年宣言》有关持续经济 长 、 消 除 贫 穷和可 持续发展的目标。
Similarly, we should encourage policy and programme coordination of international institutions and coherence at the operational and international levels to meet the
Millennium Declaration development goals of
[...] sustained economic growth, poverty eradication and sustainable [...]
随着止汗剂和除臭剂产品(AP/DEO)全球市场的 长 , 消 费 者 的要求也在不断提高。
As the global market for antiperspirant and deodorant products
[...] (AP/DEO) is growing, the consumer requirements [...]
are increasing.
与会者表示赞赏和支持该方案以及经济和社会事务部在促进维持经济长、消除贫 穷和推进可持续发展(包括将性别平等纳入社会、经济和环境各方面 [...]
Appreciation and support were expressed for the programme and the important role of the Department of Economic and Social
Affairs in facilitating efforts to
[...] sustain economic growth, eradicate poverty and [...]
promote sustainable development, including
gender mainstreaming, in the social, economic and environmental areas.
在此背景之下,面对哈瓦那第 14 次不结盟运动首脑会议以来国际局势所
[...] 危机的范围和严重性,及其对发展,包括实现持续、包容和公平的经济 长、 消除贫 穷和可持续发展,特别是对发展中国家的不利影响,关注其对包括千年 [...]
In this context, and as one of the main challenges featuring the current international situation since the 14th NAM Summit held in Havana, the Ministers underlined their deep concern with the scope and seriousness of the international financial and economic crisis affecting the world today and its severe adverse impact on development, including the realization of sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth and poverty eradication and sustainable development, particularly for developing countries, as well as for the attainment of the internationally agreed development goals, including
the Millennium Development
[...] Goals and therefore the Ministers recognized the need to work [...]
collectively in order to reform
the international financial and monetary architecture and economic governance structures with a view to improving the functioning of the international economic system and mitigating the impacts of the crisis on development.
在我们寻求长、消除贫穷和可持续发展的共同努力中,一项至关重要的挑 战是为调集国内公共储蓄和私人储蓄创造必要的内部条件,维持生产性投资的足 [...]
够水平,增强人的能力,减少资本外流,遏制非法资金转移,为建立有利的国内 环境加强国际合作。
In our common pursuit of growth, poverty eradication and sustainable [...]
development, a critical challenge is to ensure the
necessary internal conditions for mobilizing domestic savings, both public and private, sustaining adequate levels of productive investment, increasing human capacity, reducing capital flight, curbing the illicit transfer of funds and enhancing international cooperation for creating an enabling domestic environment.
[...] 展目标和行动协调一致并得到落实等方面发挥重要作用,我们决心与所有其他多 边金融贸易和发展机构密切合作,加强联合国系统内部协调,以支持经济持续长、消除贫困以及可持续发展。
We further reaffirm the need for the United Nations to play a fundamental role in the promotion of international cooperation for development and the coherence, coordination and implementation of development goals and actions agreed upon by the international community, and we resolve to strengthen coordination within the United Nations system in close cooperation with all other multilateral financial, trade and
development institutions in order to support
[...] sustained economic growth, poverty eradication and sustainable [...]
长、消除贫 穷、实现社会平等和减少社会排斥现象是重要的,而且对铲除极端主义和暴力行 为造成社会不稳定和局势紧张的主要原因也变得更加重要了。
It has been made clear during this conference that broadening access for young people and youth to education beyond elementary and basic education is not only important for economic growth, eradication of poverty, achieving equality and reducing social exclusion, but becomes highly important for eradication of extremism and violence which are the main causes of social instability and tension.
经社部 2010-2011
[...] 年拟议战略框架阐明了该部的总方向和目标,即促进和支 持为人人谋求持续经济长、消除贫 穷和饥饿以及可持续发展而进行的国际合 作。
The proposed strategic framework for the Department for 2010-2011 articulates its overall orientation and objective of promoting and supporting
international cooperation in the pursuit of
[...] sustained economic growth, the eradication of poverty [...]
and hunger and sustainable development for all.
会议认为,国家自主性对受害者援助相关活动 长 期 可 持续性 至关重要。
It was also recognised that national ownership is
[...] essential to the long-term sustainability [...]
of victim assistance-related activities.
大会第 60/210 号决议重申,两性平等对于实现经济持续 长 、 消 除 贫穷 和可持续发展至关重要。
As was reaffirmed by the General Assembly in its resolution 60/210, gender equality is of fundamental importance for achieving sustained economic growth, poverty eradication [...]
and sustainable development.
[...] 略框架和方案预算中所承诺的产出,与其总目标(促进和支持为人人谋求持续经 济长、消除贫 穷和饥饿以及可持续发展而进行的国际合作)关联不紧。
In particular, many stakeholders perceived weak links between outputs promised in the Department’s strategic framework and programme budget and its overall objective “to promote and support international
cooperation in the pursuit of sustained
[...] international growth, the eradication of poverty [...]
and hunger and sustainable development for all”.
应将生产能力、就业、体面工作和社会保护置于 2015 年后发展议程中更加
[...] 突出的位置,并根据《千年宣言》的原定核心价值观和各项目标,尤其考虑到其 对实现长、消除贫 穷和不平等现象的重要性,制订各项适当目标和指标。
Productive capacities, employment, decent work and social protection should be made more prominent in the post-2015 development agenda, with appropriate targets and indicators in line with the original core values and
objectives of the Millennium Declaration, particularly in view of their
[...] importance in addressing growth, poverty and inequality.
在此有多种字段类型,如简单的短文文本输入 长消 息 文 本区(如客户问题描述)、国家和地区下拉选择器,以及操作员和部门下拉及单选按钮两种选择器。
Choose what information is collected when a visitor
[...] requests a live chat, such as the visitor's name, email, preferred department, etc. There are several field types, including simple text input for short text, [...]
text area for longer
messages (like description of the customer's problem), drop down selectors for country and state, and both drop down and radio button selectors for operators and departments.
他注意到在多哈举行的审查蒙特雷共识执行情 况的发展筹资问题后续国际会议的成果,与会代表 在会上决心加强联合国系统与所有其他多边金融、 贸易和发展机构之间的协调,以支持全世界的经济长、消灭贫 穷和可持续发展,并决定就世界金融 和经济危机及其对发展的影响举行高级别会议。
Noting the outcome of the Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus, held in Doha, where representatives had resolved to strengthen the coordination of the United Nations system and all other multilateral financial, trade and development institutions to support economic growth, poverty eradication and sustainable development worldwide, as well as to hold a high-level conference on the world financial and economic crisis and its impact on development, he expressed regret that, rather than supporting such innovative and constructive multilateral efforts, the draft resolution would take the Organization back to a discredited approach from almost 35 years earlier.
关于妇女权利,它重申阿富汗批准了 消 除 对 妇 女一切形式歧视公约》,并按照该《公约》,制定了保护妇女免遭暴力的法律, [...]
Regarding women’s rights, it was
reiterated that Afghanistan had ratified the
[...] Convention on the Elimination of All Forms [...]
of Discrimination against Women and had in
place a law to protect women from violence, in conformity with the Convention, in order to give women an appropriate share in the Government and social life in Afghanistan.
[...] 与更广泛民众之间的现行教育差距;开展对非洲人后裔的民族教育;增强非裔厄 瓜多尔人的民间社会;采取措消除 传 媒中的种族主义和种族歧视现象;进一步 [...]
鼓励非裔人参与公共行政事务;建立一个非裔厄瓜多尔人研究中心;深入开展免 费法律援助服务;在监察专员署内设立一个主管与非洲人后裔相关问题的分支单
The concrete measures recommended by the Working Group include the adoption of specific legislation on non-discrimination; the development of a national campaign to promote multiculturalism and respect for the dignity of the Afro-Ecuadorian people; the adoption of measures to reduce the educational gap that exists between Afro-Ecuadorians and the wider population; the introduction of ethno-education for people of African descent; the
strengthening of Afro-Ecuadorian civil
[...] society; measures to eliminate racism and discrimination [...]
in the media; further efforts
to encourage participation of persons of African descent in public administration; the establishment of a centre for Afro-Ecuadorian studies; the further development of free legal aid services; the creation within the office of the Ombudsman of a sub-unit dedicated to issues related to people of African descent and the creation of special programmes to promote the education of women of African descent.
[...] 边排水和卫生相关的问题,恢复恶化了的水生态系统,对正 消 失 的 水资源进行研究、预防 和解决与水资源问题有关的冲突问题,建立分地区水观察站、研究某些生态系统、尤其红树 [...]
Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of countries of the region to secure sustainable and safe drinking water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and peri-urban drainage and sanitation, the
rehabilitation of degraded water
[...] ecosystems, research on disappearing water resources, [...]
aspects of conflict prevention and resolution
in relation to water issues, the creation of subregional water observatories, research in the sustainability of certain ecosystems and in particular of mangrove systems, as well as drawing on local knowledge for the protection of the environment.




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