单词 | 涂脂抹粉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 涂脂抹粉 —prettifyput on makeupSee also:脂粉—cosmetics 涂抹 v—apply v • paint v • spread v 涂抹 n—smear n • application n 涂抹—erase • apply (makeup etc) • obliterate • doodle
在 O 形圈的外表 面和底座 (212◆) 的内部啮合面上涂抹薄薄一层润 滑脂。 graco.com | Apply a light film of grease to the outside surface of the o-ring and the inside mating surface of the base (212◆). graco.com |
當然,共產 黨也無須我來為它塗脂抹粉,無 須我來為它美言。 legco.gov.hk | Certainly, the CPC does not need me to put cosmetics on it, nor does it need me to speak well of it. legco.gov.hk |
按照文中说明,给供电电源密封 (18a),一些密封杆 部件 (26) 和某些流体管接头涂抹绝缘脂 (40) 。 graco.com | Lubricate the power supply seal (18a), some packing rod parts (26), and certain fluid [...] fittings with dielectric grease (40), as specified [...]in the text. graco.com |
塗脂抹粉,只 能令傷 口暫時隱蔽,但如果未能真正對症下藥,傷患始終會惡化,令人擔心最終變 [...] 成無藥可救。 legco.gov.hk | Cosmetics will only cover the [...] wounds for the time being and if no right medication is prescribed, the problem will only [...]deteriorate and what worries people most is that in the end it may become incurable. legco.gov.hk |
给密封 (21)涂抹润滑脂,装 在阀座底部周围的锥 面内。 graco.com | Lubricate seal (21) and install in the bevel around the bottom of the seat. graco.com |
给供电电源的密封 (18a) 涂抹绝缘脂 (40)。 graco.com | Lubricate the power supply seal (18a) with dielectric grease (40). graco.com |
博纳 Gel 还可用于在两层漆的涂抹间歇 对表面的细 小 粉 尘 进行清洁,以及对细小的划痕进行填补,从而提高填补能力,同时改善地板外观。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | Bona Gel can also [...] be used between coats to clean the surface of fine dust and fill [...]minor scratches, which improves both [...]the filling ability and the appearance of the floor. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
使用长柄眼影刷沾取适量粉雾眼影, 涂抹 于 眼褶,并沿眼褶处向上晕染,创造色彩渐层效果。 cosme-de.com | Apply along the eyelid fold and blend upward for a gradation effect. cosme-de.com |
現在既然我們仍能暢所欲言,我們便 [...] 要本着良知,而非助紂為虐;我們更不要以所謂的低調來包庇自己的懼 怯,為國家主權和共產黨塗脂抹粉。 legco.gov.hk | As we can still freely express our ideas now, we should act according to our conscience instead of aiding and abetting injustice; and we [...] should not conceal our fear with the so-called low-profile [...] approach and embellish our country's [...]sovereignty and the CPC. legco.gov.hk |
对于大多数 [...] 类型,先在一个粘合表面涂抹一层固化剂(引发剂) 并在另一个粘合表面涂抹一层树脂, 然 后再将两部 分组合于一起。 quadrantplastics.com | In most types a thin layer of hardener (initiator) is applied to one [...] surface and a layer of resin to the other, after [...]which they are assembled. quadrantplastics.com |
由于这两种乳胶粉能够 改善膨化聚苯乙烯板(EPS)和其他有机基底用砂浆的粘附性, 它们也是节能型外墙外保温系统的理想用料, 与SILRES®有机硅树脂抹灰等 产品一起使用, 外墙保护可变得更为持久、 高效和灵活。 wacker.com | Since both powders improve the bonding of mortars to EPS boards and other organic substrates, they are ideal for use in energy-saving external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS). wacker.com |
给 O 形圈涂抹非硅润滑脂,部件号 111265。 graco.com | Lubricate [...] the o-ring with non-silicone grease, Part No. 111265. graco.com |
有些人完全否定當天的立場;有些人是噤若 寒蟬,沉默不敢言;有些人還要否決這項議案,為殺人的政府 塗 脂抹粉。 legco.gov.hk | Some were in total silence, and some others even voted against this motion so [...] as to do the whitewash for the murderous [...]government. legco.gov.hk |
涂料、粘合剂、墨水、浆糊、树脂聚 合 物、玻 璃 粉 末 、陶 瓷 粉 末等 涂敷、 印刷、电镀的零部件,由于材料部分可以和涂料、墨水、电镀部分机械分离,因此都是均 质材料。 ricoh.com | A part applied with paint, print or plating can be [...] mechanically separated into material part and coating of paint, ink or plaiting. ricoh.com |
相反,看到而不去相信,這個相信只是 盲目的愛國,甚至是表面的愛國,實質只是希望為我們的國家、為我們 的共產政權,以人民的鮮血來塗 脂抹粉。 legco.gov.hk | In substance, it is a hope of doing whitewash for our country and our Communist regime with the blood of the people. legco.gov.hk |
给两轴端的 O 形圈和联轴销涂抹油脂,插入联轴销并 推上联轴套。 highvolt.de | Lubricate the O-rings and coupling bolts at both shaft ends, insert the coupling bolt, and slide on the coupling sleeves. highvolt.de |
食典委注意到,修订食品添加剂法典通用标准食品分类系统(FCS)的新工作(见 附录 VII),涉及确保食品分类系统与通过 的 脂 肪 涂抹 物 和 混合涂抹物标准(见附录 IV) 所包括的产品更加一致的必要性。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission noted that the new work on the revision of the Food Category System (FCS) of the Codex General Standard for Food Additives (see Appendix VII) addressed the need to ensure better correspondence of the FCS and the products covered by the adopted Standard for Fat Spreads and Blended Spreads (see Appendix IV). codexalimentarius.org |
将 O 形环放到这两根手指之间,轻轻拉动 O 形环涂抹润滑脂,直 至一层薄薄的润滑脂完全盖住 O 形环的表面。 mesalabs.com | Place the O-Ring between these two [...] fingers and gently pull the O-Ring through the [...] grease until a light coating of grease completely [...]covers the surface of the O-Ring. mesalabs.com |
安 装前应给 O 型环涂抹少许油脂。 highvolt.de | Grease them slightly before mounting. highvolt.de |
告诫 不要用油脂涂抹联接块的对接表面,以免积聚灰尘和 其他污物。 graco.com | To avoid accumulation of dirt and other [...] contaminants, do not apply grease to mating surfaces [...]of coupling block. graco.com |
给喉管填料 (M)涂抹润滑脂,将其安装在喉管填料 座 (3)内,让 V 形填料或 U 形圈的唇缘朝下,每 次一个。 graco.com | Lubricate throat packings (M), and install them in throat cartridge (3) one at a time with the lips of the v-packings or u-cup facing down. graco.com |
在市場橫行霸道的情況 下,所謂的企業社會責任形同虛設,有時更可能成為商家短視和貪婪 本質的塗脂抹粉。 legco.gov.hk | Under circumstances where the market rules by force, the so-called corporate social responsibility has virtually become non-existent, and sometimes may have even turned into cover for the short-sighted and greedy nature of businessmen. legco.gov.hk |
给 O 形圈和密封稍稍涂抹非硅润滑脂。 graco.com | Lightly lubricate [...] o-rings and seals with non-silicone grease. graco.com |
给交流发电机的 O 形圈 (19a*) 涂抹非硅润滑脂, 部件号 111265。 graco.com | Lubricate the alternator [...] o-ring (19a*) with non-silicone grease, Part No. 111265. graco.com |
我質疑王國興議員純粹是為了 “保皇”,為了替新特首塗脂抹粉, 而把錯誤的立論、政策、做法亂說 一通。 legco.gov.hk | I question Mr WONG Kwok-hing's intention in advancing those fallacious arguments, policies and practices which, I think, is purely to defend the Government and to dab cosmetics on the new Chief Executive. legco.gov.hk |
大陸最近也出 現罷工事件,一宗“富士康”事件便給我們最大的啟發,曾幾何時,在中 [...] 國實行極端社會主義的時代,以階級鬥爭為綱的極左時代,與資本主義 有少許關係也要死,如果塗脂抹粉、 買香水,連命也沒有,穿一件較好 看的衣服、穿一條較短的裙子,已被人“鬥到七彩”。 legco.gov.hk | Anyone who wore beautiful clothes or a short skirt would be greatly purged. legco.gov.hk |
化工行业:树脂、涂料、 工业药品、化妆品、油漆、中 药 粉 等。 mayastar.com.cn | Chemical industry: resin, coating, industrial drugs, cosmetics, paint, Chinese medicine powder and etc. mayastar.com.cn |
这款毛刷帮助您均匀、方便、光滑地 涂抹粉 底 , 得到完美无瑕的妆效。 clarinsusa.com | The brush helps distribute foundation evenly, easily and smoothly for a perfect, flawless complexion. clarinsusa.com |
很多人千方百計地找理 由,為這件事塗脂抹粉,但大家細心想想,如果這是一件好事,或正如 很多人所說是一件值得提的事,以中國共產黨或中國政府的做事方式, 便應該大事慶祝。 legco.gov.hk | If this is something commendable, or if, like what many people have said, it is a matter worth mentioning, following the way of working of the Communist Party of China or the PRC Government, there should be a big celebration. legco.gov.hk |
由於香港在世界上的重要性,它沒有需要 要求特首不成比例地令全世界注視香港,亦沒有需要令特首試圖替中央政府 塗脂抹粉,甚至將是非黑白扭轉過來。 legco.gov.hk | Nor is there any need for it to make the Chief Executive attempt to whitewash the Central Government or even distort what is right and wrong. legco.gov.hk |