单词 | 浸沉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 浸沉 verb —soak v浸沉 adjective —steep adj沉浸 —immerse • permeate 沉浸 adjective —immersed adj沉浸 verb —immerse yourself v • indulge v • steep v • soak v 沉浸 noun —immersion nSee also:浸—immerse 浸 v—soak v 浸 adj—pickling adj 浸 adv—gradually adv
对于那些自己刚刚废弃死刑而沉浸在自我庆祝欣喜之中的人来说,并非每一个人都赞同他们 似乎是难以理解的。 daccess-ods.un.org | For those basking in the self-congratulatory glow of their own recent rejection of the death penalty, it might seem unfathomable that not everyone agreed with them. daccess-ods.un.org |
藉由1080p的解像度,您可以清楚看見各種影像完整而細膩的豐富細節,每一種觀賞及遊戲體驗都更將令人全 然 沉浸 於 其 中。 benq.com.hk | With resolution at 1080p, you see each image in its full magnificent detail, and every viewing and gaming experience becomes more absorbing. benq.us |
A.雙語沉浸式課程 (粵語、韓語 、國語或西班牙語) 雙語沉浸式課 程是為英語學習生和英語為母語學生而設,旨在提高學生的英語和 課程所學目標語的流利程度、加強讀寫能力及提升學能。 sfusd.edu | The Dual Language Immersion Pathway is designed to ensure both English Learners and native English [...] speakers develop high [...]levels of English and pathway language proficiency and literacy, as well as academic competency. sfusd.edu |
沉浸在一 個挑戰的野心,它的歷史主要是實至名歸的兩個大型活動,沙夫豪森和智利,以及印刷或拍攝雨的關注。 zh.horloger-paris.com | A challenge steeped in ambition, [...] whose history largely deserved two mega events, Schaffhausen and Chile, as well as rain attentions printed or filmed. en.horloger-paris.com |
乍一看,他摆出的姿势让人以为他 沉浸 在 胜 利的喜悦中 —— 其实,他身后烟雾弥漫,周围都是从工业国家输出的有害高科技废品。 unicef.org | Only at first glance does his pose seem triumphant; on closer look, he is standing against curtains of smoke, surrounded by the hazardous high-tech waste of industrialized countries. unicef.org |
由於雙語沉浸式課 程的宗旨是培 養具備兩文雙語能力的學生,並期望他們兩種語言均如母語般流利,因此我們十 [...] 分鼓勵學生繼續報讀中學雙語銜接課程,一直至十二年級為止。 sfusd.edu | Because the [...] Dual Language Immersion Pathway aims [...]to produce high level bilingual/biliterate students with native-like proficiency [...]in both languages, all students are strongly encouraged to continue in the Secondary Dual Language Pathway through 12th grade. sfusd.edu |
10)Tebul赎罪(沉浸在天 ),即对谁采取了仪式洗澡条件的人,但谁没有被完全纯化的落日。 mb-soft.com | (10) Tebul yom (immersed at day), ie the condition of the person who had taken the ritual bath, but who has not been perfectly purified by sunset. mb-soft.com |
他强调,重大努力 不一定能带来即时的改善,因为立法变革本身必须 战胜长期以来沉浸在剥 夺社会某些部门的权利这一 习惯中的文化做法。 daccess-ods.un.org | He stressed that significant efforts did not necessarily lead to instant improvements, since legislative changes themselves must override cultural practices that for too long had been steeped in the habit of depriving some sectors of society of their rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
游轮配套的儿童及青少年游乐项目让孩子们日 夜 沉浸 在 欢 乐中。 msccruises.com.cn | Our complimentary children and teenagers programs deliver fun, day and night. msccruises.com.eg |
耀中的学生踏上不一样的教育旅程, 沉浸 于 东 方和西方文化之中,精通中英文双语。 ycis-bj.com | A YCIS student, on our unique education journey, is immersed in Eastern and Western cultures whilst acquiring a high proficiency in English and Chinese. ycis-bj.com |
过去的十年里一系列全新的电影体验已经出现,包括手持式微电影和互动混聚技术,以及电子游戏和虚拟实境的远 程 沉浸 式 体 验,还有互联网世界中的动态影像。 shanghaibiennale.org | Over the last ten years a whole new range of cinematic experiences have emerged, including handheld micro-movies and interactive mash-ups, video games and immersive telepresence in virtual worlds, and the Interenet galaxy of moving images. shanghaibiennale.org |
我们保证您 [...] 会享受到一种非常个性化的培训,能完 全 沉浸 在 德 语交流之 中并进一步加深对德国文化的了解。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | It guarantees very individual training [...] and complete immersion into the German [...]language and culture. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
在此前提下,利 比亚代表团今天寻求使国际社会重点关注解决巴勒 斯坦问题的正确办法,而非继续走徒劳无益的死胡同 和沉浸在所 谓“两国解决方案”的幻想之中。 daccess-ods.un.org | Based on that premise, today the Libyan delegation seeks to focus the attention of the international community on the right approach to resolving the question of Palestine, rather than continuing on a futile path of closed doors and dreaming of the mirage of the so-called two-State solution. daccess-ods.un.org |
隨著樂聲揚起,您可將BeoLab 15 自牆面或天花板滑順地上下左右傾斜,讓您徹 底 沉浸 於 那美妙的時刻之中。 bang-olufsen.com | Music which then reveals BeoLab 15 as it tilts smoothly from the wall or ceiling, focussing your attention completely in the moment. bang-olufsen.com |
您可以在爱彼遍布全球的零售商处和我们独一无二的专卖店 内 沉浸 于 您 对我们时计的迷恋中。 audemarspiguet.com | You can indulge your fascination with our timepieces at retail locations and at our exclusive boutiques, all over the world. audemarspiguet.com |
就像是 生活在 海边: 让自己 沉浸在 大自然 的怀抱 中,或 是在木 质的平 台上放 松自己, 就像躺 在沙滩 上。 hansgrohe.com.cn | Like a day by the sea: immerse yourself in a natural pool or relax on a wooden platform as though on the beach. hansgrohe.hr |
在艺术创作中,“沉浸”特 指来自建立于人机交互和虚拟现实等科技之上,在三维环境中创作的虚拟艺术,引导观看者深度进入并体验以美学-科技为逻辑与表达,并在计算机科学环境中创作的艺术作品。 shanghaibiennale.org | In the artistic field, IMMERSION specifically refers [...] to Virtual Art, very often in a three dimensional environment, using [...]interactivity and Virtual Reality (VR) to immerse the viewer into a computer art world based on aesthetic-technological logic and expression. shanghaibiennale.org |
如果想让自己完全沉浸于这 迷人的汽油、速度和精确计时的完美世界里,请进入我们的图库点击那令人惊叹的电影视频。 oris.ch | To fully immerse yourself into the [...] fascinating world of gasoline, speed and precise timing, please visit the gallery and check out the stunning movie. oris.ch |
它是人们想要沉浸其中 的重要元素,使人们会不远万里来到Bonnaroo [...] Music & Arts Festival 2013的原因。 ba-repsasia.com | It’s serious stuff that [...] people want to immerse themselves in [...]and travel all the way to the Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival 2013 to experience. ba-repsasia.com |
BeoVision 7 系列完美地结合了领先的科技优势、最新的同步配件以及最经典声音和视觉技术,让您以前所未有的观赏体 验 沉浸 在 娱乐体验和享受之中,随心随性。 bang-olufsen.com | The BeoVision 7 Series combine leading edge, perfectly synchronised components with our signature sound and vision technologies to provide a viewing experience that will engage, entertain and inspire you like never before – all on your own terms. bang-olufsen.com |
这款应用让我沉浸在颜 色和图形基元的世界中,受此启发,我又在 2007 [...] 到 2008 年开发了 Sketchpad,为的是在浏览器中整合一款“比画图好用”的应用。 html5rocks.com | Which immersed me into the world of [...] colors, and graphic primitives; inspiring the creation of Sketchpad (2007-2008) in an [...]effort to put together an application “better than Paint” in the browser. html5rocks.com |
最新一代的PCIe 2.0 x2和6Gb/s [...] SATA技术将性能、容量和可扩展性提高一倍,适用于游戏和视频编辑 等 沉浸 式 应 用。 marvell.com.cn | Latest generation PCIe 2.0 x2 and 6Gb/s SATA [...] technology to double the performance, capacity and [...] scalability for immersive applications [...]like gaming and video editing. marvell.com |
随着霍加利事件的周年纪念日越来越近,阿塞拜疆就 1992 年霍加利居住区 事件再次沉浸在对 亚美尼亚的抹黑运动中。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the anniversary of the incident in Khojaly draws near, Azerbaijan is yet again immersed in its anti-Armenian smear campaign in relation to the 1992 events in the settlement of Khojaly. daccess-ods.un.org |
手錶迪奧2011年,未開發的在它的歷史篇章,將自 己 沉浸 在 這 個令人難以置信的遺產Haute Couture的,因為他離開迪奧打開它的集合。 zh.horloger-paris.com | The watches Dior opens its collections 2011, unexplored chapter in [...] its history by immersing himself in this [...]fabulous heritage Haute Couture as he left Christian Dior. en.horloger-paris.com |
其早先神圣的书籍是沉浸在多神教,其中它的增长,以及世界pantheistic认为,对此它是事后承诺,有死猪一样拖进了迷信,悲观绝望停滞池中重量是,而且不道德。 mb-soft.com | Its earlier sacred books are steeped in the polytheism out of which it grew, and the pantheistic view of the world, to which it was afterwards committed, has been like a dead weight dragging it hopelessly into the stagnant pool of superstition, pessimism, and immorality. mb-soft.com |
珠海,中国一月20号,2007)当一些车队和车手 还 沉浸 在 圣 诞和新年的喜悦中的时候,FRD决定在珠海国际赛车场组织一场特别的冬季比赛。 old.frdsports.com | ( Zhuhai , China ¨CJanuary 20, 2007)While some the teams and drivers are still enjoying their Christmas and New Year winter break, FRD decided to organize a special winter race at Zhuhai International Circuit, the Formula Renault Winter Race in January so to provide an opportunity for the drivers to maintain their racing condition and prepare for the season to come. old.frdsports.com |
其實綜觀全球,不少設計師都在追求永續世界願景,最近在英國倫敦水晶體裝置裡,西門子播放的「未來生活」影片相當吸引人,其中描述未來永續城市居民如何過得健康、自治、有益、愉快,例如在紐約市摩天大樓的垂直農園裡摘採蔬果,或 是 沉浸 在 哥本哈根港口的戶外社區泳池,都顯得相當誘人。 thisbigcity.net | The Siemens Future Life film at the crystal installation in London recently caught my eye through its explanation of how tomorrow’s sustainable city dwelling can be healthy, communal, beneficial and fun. thisbigcity.net |