

单词 海防

External sources (not reviewed)

她詢問能否把中九龍幹線由駿發花園移 海防 道, 以及能否在駿發花園前的渡船街天橋部分路段加裝隔音屏障。
She enquired whether CKR could be moved away from
[...] Prosperous Garden to Haiphong Road, and whether [...]
noise barriers could be retrofitted for
the sections of Ferry Street Flyover (FSF) fronting Prosperous Garden.
[...] 笔钱将用于开发安全性较强的登陆设施(包括防波堤、滑道和遮蔽登陆区),改善 詹姆斯湾海防线。
On Saint Helena, the Fund’s allocation will allow for the development of a
safer landing facility (including breakwater, slipway and a sheltered landing
[...] area) and improved sea defences in James Bay.
此外,负责污染问题的政府管理部门、渔业部门、航运部门、 沿 海防 护部 门和气象部门所获得的数据通常不交国际海洋资料和信息交换计划管理。
This highlights the importance of
measuring and processing biological and
[...] chemical variables by GOOS Regional Alliances [...]
that are then analysed in the context
of global system data and socio-economic and public health indicators to gain an integrated view of the status of and changes in coastal ecosystems.
公安部下属的中国防海警部 队属准军事部队,主 要职责为在海防止走 私和贩卖人口行为。
While eleven “dragons” are
[...] involved in South China Sea affairs, five of them currently play minor roles, although this [...]
could change in the future.
[...] 以及环境和自然资源管理中使用与气候风险有关的信息;加强和维护 沿海 防波堤 、河流堤坝、泄洪道和蓄洪池等防护工程;要求基础设施项目、建 [...]
移机制和社会安全网;支持生计多样化方案;在具体的灾后恢复计划中开 展适应活动。
Measures can include incorporating climate riskrelated considerations in development planning processes, macroeconomic projections and sector plans; requiring the use of climate risk-related information in city planning, land-use planning, water management, and environmental and natural resource
management; strengthening and
[...] maintaining protective works such as coastal wave barriers, [...]
river levees, floodways and flood
ponds; requiring routine assessment and reporting of climate risks in infrastructure projects, building designs and other engineering practices; developing risk transfer mechanisms and social safety nets; supporting programmes for diversification of livelihoods; and instituting adaptation activities in plans for recovery from specific disasters.
5 图 29:油类可能困海防建筑 之间(例如这些四脚护堤块), 从而掩盖了已到达海岸的真实油量。
5 Figure 29: Oil may become
[...] trapped between sea defences, such as these [...]
tetrapods, concealing the true amount that has arrived on shore.
為了讓香港市 民,特別是 沒 有 經 歷 過 抗 日戰爭 的
[...] 一 代認識 這 一 段 歷史, 快 將開幕 的 香海防博 物 館 及明年年初 開 放 的 香港歷史博 物 [...]
館 都 會 有 專題展 覽 。
In order to enable the people of Hong Kong, especially those who did not experience the war, to learn about this part of Hong Kong's history, special
exhibitions will be held at the
[...] Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence which will be opened [...]
shortly and the Hong Kong Museum
of History which will be opened early next year.
越南 已把其自北部与中国交界的边境地区至其西南部与柬埔寨 交界的边境地区的 AH1 路段改造升级为三级,而且正在建 海防- 河 内-老街-昆明之间的高速公路——预计这些建造工程将于 2014 年完成。
Viet Nam had upgraded the AH1 from the northern border, with China, to the
south-western border, with
[...] Cambodia, to the class III standard, and was constructing the Hai Phong–Ha Noi–Lao [...]
Cai–Kunming Expressway,
which was expected to be completed in 2014.
新型舰队潜艇使逐渐改变了美国海军对潜艇的认识,由只能进行 沿 海防 御 转 向远洋袭击敌军舰和护航船队,这种思想延续至今。
These new fleet submarines enabled the Navy to shift its submarine
[...] doctrine from coastal defense to open ocean attacks [...]
on enemy warships and convoys critical to enemy logistical support.
新加坡 –
[...] 伟达公关是一家提供全方位传播咨询的国际顾问公司,近日再度与全球最大的在线旅游公司Experia携手,成为2014年新加坡航展及2013年和2015年亚洲国 海防 展 两 个项目的咨询顾问公司。
SINGAPORE – Hill+Knowlton Strategies (H+K Strategies), a full service international communications consultancy, has been re-appointed by Experia Events to drive an integrated communications campaign for two consecutive editions of
Singapore Airshow in 2014 and 2016 and
[...] the International Maritime Defence Exhibition and Conference [...]
(IMDEX Asia) in 2013 and 2015.
適值東江縱隊港九獨立大隊成立71周年,康樂及文化事務署與廣東革命歷史博物館合辦「抗日英雄 ---
[...] 東江縱隊港九獨立大隊文物展」,由明天(4月26日)起至10月23日在香 海防 博 物 館展出約60件珍貴文物及歷史圖片,與市民重溫這支本土部隊保家衞國的歷史與貢獻。
The exhibition ‘Anti-Japanese War Heroes - An Exhibition on the Hong Kong Independent Battalion of
the Dongjiang Column’ opens today at
[...] the Museum of Coastal Defence to commemorate the [...]
71st anniversary of the Hong Kong Independent
Battalion of the Dongjiang Column's founding.
圣赫勒拿于 2008 年 12 月提出了详
[...] 细的融资标书,提出开发安全性较强的登陆设施(包括防波堤、滑道和遮蔽登陆 区),改善詹姆斯湾海防线, 但未能取得与上述工作相符的标书。
St. Helena submitted a detailed bid for funding in December 2008, asking for the development of a safer landing facility (including
breakwater, slipway and sheltered landing
[...] area) and improved sea defences at James Bay, but [...]
has been unable to obtain compliant
bids for the work listed above.
截止2012年12月31日,公司在青岛、上海及越 海防 共 经 营(含合资经营)约67.6万平方米堆场,筹建中的胡志明堆场,预计2013年5月份正式运营,目前堆场服务主要客户包括海丰航运、韩进、APL、CMA、PIL、马士基等。
Until Dec 31th 2012, SITC approximately operates depot of 676, 000sq.m.
[...] in Qingdao, Shanghai,Hai Phong, Vietnam [...]
(including joint ventures) and ho chi minh depot
which will be formal operation in May 2013, Our major clients include SITC shipping, Hanjin, APL, CMA, PIL, Maersk.
我们也同意他提出的基 本前提,即:要遏制海盗活动和 防海 盗 活 动的发生, 就需要有共同一致的措施。
We also agree with his basic premise that convergent measures will be required to
[...] curb piracy and prevent its occurrence.
应当指出,在商船上提防海盗服 务的民间私营保安服务公司可能符合民 间私营保安服务的上述标准,前提是其主要职能是防护性的,而非攻击性的。
It should be noted that private security
[...] companies providing protection services on commercial [...]
ships may meet the above-mentioned
criteria of civilian private security services, provided their primary function is protective, not offensive.
委员会还决定敦促第 5 条国家加
[...] 快海关过关程序并请执行机构解释为在今后的项目提案中 防海 关 过 关问题而采取的措施 (第 26/3 号决定)。
The Committee also decided to urge Article 5 countries to expedite customs clearance procedures and to require
the implementing agencies to explain
[...] steps taken to prevent customs clearance-problems [...]
in future project proposals (decision 26/3).
一路上,Aang和他的朋友們都通過各種追兵追:放逐火國家Zuko王子,前總Iroh, 防海 軍 ​​和海軍上將趙。
Along the way, Aang and his friends
are chased by various pursuers: banished Fire Nation Prince Zuko, former
[...] General Iroh, and Admiral Zhao of the Fire Navy.
各国强调,需要加强防、海关管 制和警察当局之间的合作与协调,以使主 管部门更易于查明和没收非法空运的武器。
States emphasized the need to enhance cooperation and
[...] coordination among border, customs control and police [...]
authorities in order to make it easier
for competent authorities to identify and seize weapons illegally transported by air.
巨大鋼門將自地底升起,阻擋洪水湧來,河口防洪壩緜延數公里,將 防海 水 倒 灌;自動充氣包將封住隧道及地下鐵路,避免水災淹沒。
[...] barrages, many kilometres long, will [...]
hold back storm surges, while giant self-inflating bags, that mould themselves
to contours, will seal off tunnels and underground railways from encroaching water.
应当指出,在 2009 年 6
[...] 月国际海事组织的“关于预防和制止海盗和持械抢劫船只行为的船 东、船舶营运人、船长和船员指南”中,曾建议使用水龙来 防海 盗 和 持械抢劫者的登船企 图。
It is worth noting that in accordance with the International Maritime Organization’s circular “Guidance to ship owners and ship operators, shipmasters and crews on preventing and suppressing acts of piracy and armed robbery against ships”
of June 2009, the use of water hoses is recommended
[...] as a means to prevent an attempted boarding by pirates and armed [...]
此外,海事组织向航运界定期发送关于威慑和 防海 盗 攻 击的防御性安全措 施的海事安全委员会通知,而且目前正在更新它送发国家政府、船东、船运公司、 船长和船员的指导性通函及其《调查海盗和武装抢劫船舶罪行实用规则》,同时 [...]
In addition, IMO periodically issues Maritime Safety Committee circulars
to the shipping
[...] community on preventative security measures to deter and prevent piratical attacks, [...]
and is currently updating
its guidance circulars to Governments, shipowners, ship operators, shipmasters and crews, as well as its Code of Practice for the Investigation of the Crimes of Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships, while continuing to provide technical assistance to States to build institutional and legal capacity for counter-piracy operations.
尼日利亚注意到,特别顾问提出了旨在 防海盗 活动的一系列措施。
Nigeria notes the Special Adviser’s suggested cluster
[...] of measures for preventing piracy.
[...] 太平洋地区诸岛遭受的海啸)所带来的严峻挑战,自然科学计划和首当其冲的防灾减灾计划,政府间海洋学委 员会继续开展的各项工作,特别是在 防海 啸 预 警系统方面的国际合作以及水资源管理等,应在这方面发挥最 最主要的作用。
In the light of the major challenges of global warming and its devastating effects (such as the natural disasters which recently struck the Philippines, the earthquake which ravaged the island of Sumatra and the tsunami which wreaked havoc on several islands in the Pacific), the natural sciences programme is required
to play a key role,
[...] starting with risk prevention and preparedness, continued IOC undertakings, [...]
in particular, international
cooperation with regard to tsunami warning systems, and water management.
这些部门为中国公安防海警部队、中国海 关缉私局、海事局、国家旅游局和环境保护部。
Carlyle A. Thayer, “Efforts
[...] to Ensure Maritime Security”, presentation to the 2nd Tokyo Defense Forum Seminar organised by the Ministry of Defense (Japan), 16 March [...]
2012; “China, Vietnam
agreement on sea dispute”, United Press International, 12 October 2011.
乌克兰深信有必要加强联合国在打击和 防海 盗方面的作用,于 2009 年 12 月 1 日举行了一次互动 [...]
式讨论,讨论如何按照大会题为海洋和海洋法的议程 项目 76(a)加强联合国对打击海上海盗行为的贡献。
Strongly convinced of the necessity to
strengthen the role of the United Nations
[...] in countering and preventing piracy, Ukraine convened [...]
an interactive discussion on 1
December 2009 on strengthening the contribution of the United Nations to countering maritime piracy, in connection with General Assembly agenda item 76 (a) entitled Oceans and the law of the sea.
[...] 门改革的法律法规(国家防卫政策、军人规约、军法、军人行为守则、国家警察、防、海关特 别规约、设立保护生物多样性和保护区机构的法令等等)。
The steering committee for the reform of the security sector, set up by presidential decree, is fully operational and has permitted the drafting of laws and regulations on the reform of the security sector (national defence policy, statute for members of the armed forces, code of military justice, code of conduct for members of the armed forces, special
statutes for the national
[...] police, civil protection officers and customs officers, decree [...]
establishing a corps of conservation
officers for biological diversity and protected areas, etc.).
其他与会者建议关注的优先领域包括:气候变化 防 灾 备 灾、通过资源可持续 管理减少生物多样性的损失、可再生能源、国家科学与技术战略的制定、促进地方和本地知识系 [...]
Other suggested areas of priority attention included: climate
[...] change, disaster prevention and preparedness, [...]
minimizing biodiversity loss through
sustainable management of resources, renewable energies, the formulation of national strategies in science and technology, the promotion of local and indigenous knowledge systems as well as improving the links between scientists and decision-makers.




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