

单词 海量



You can't judge a person by appearance, just as you can't measure the sea with a pint pot. [idiom.]

External sources (not reviewed)

这也就是说要确保可用于具体分析 海量 生物学相关数据能通过网络快速、毫无干扰地传送给各地的工作人员。
That means
[...] ensuring the vast amounts of data generated, [...]
and then relayed to bio-information for detailed analysis, can travel
at speed, unhampered, through the network.
它支持热部署,还能通过扩展以支 海量 的 元 件。
It supports hot deployment and also enables scalability to support large numbers of artifacts.
首先,各国政府应该重新评估自1970年代以来关于D DT 的 海量 数 据 ,并立刻批准DDT用于室内防蚊。
First, governments should
[...] re-evaluate the voluminous data on DDT that [...]
have been compiled since the 1970’s, and they should
make DDT available immediately for mosquito control indoors.
网络服务运营商(NSP)正努力应对在其3G HSPA/HSPA+网络上传输海量数据 ,并加快LTE部署,从而为用户提供真正的移动宽带体验。
Network service providers (NSPs) are struggling to cope
[...] with massive amounts of data on their [...]
3G HSPA/HSPA+ networks and are now accelerating
their LTE rollouts to deliver a truly mobile broadband experience to their subscribers.
因此,查找根本原因可能需要分 海量 数 据 集、 海量 数 据 中搜索特定数 据点、以及将来自不同来源的数据关联起来。
Therefore, finding the root
[...] cause may involve analyzing very large data sets, searching [...]
for a specific data point in a massive
collection of data, and correlating data from disparate sources.
Business Intelligence: Real-time business decision
[...] making out of massive volume of data.
[...] 服务器、网络设备和其它 IT 硬件中收集到大海量 数据,管理员可在网络活 动和问题对工作效率产生 [...]
不利影响之前,对其进行 监控和诊断。
Massive amounts of data collected [...]
from servers, network devices, and other IT hardware can enable administrators to monitor
network activity and diagnose issues before they adversely affect productivity.
报告《IDC 预测 2013 年:第 3 平台上的竞争》(来源:IDC)指出“2013
年最重要的趋势和事件将围绕在 IDC 所称的 IT 业增长和创新的‘第 3 平台’-
[...] 它由以下因素构建而成:移动设备、云服务、社交技术 海量 数 据,及建于它们之上的新兴高价值行业解决方案和将在下一个八年的大部分增长中扮演非常重要角色的不断浮现的供应商(例如服务提供商和行业 [...] [...]
PaaS 提供商)与客户(例如消费者、中小企业、企业高管及新兴市场客户)。
The report "IDC Predictions 2013: Competing on the 3rd Platform" (source: IDC) identifies “the most important trends and events in 2013 will cluster around what IDC calls the "3rd Platform" for IT industry growth and innovation — built on
mobile devices, cloud services, social
[...] technologies, and Big Data, as well as the emerging [...]
high-value industry solutions built
on top of them, and the rising vendors (e.g., service providers and industry PaaS providers) and customers (e.g., consumers, SMBs, line-of-business executives, and emerging market customers) that will play leading roles in much of the next eight years' growth.
这些团体掌 握海量的信 息,而如果信息被秘藏,那么,由国际法和多数国家的宪法所保障的表达自由 权就受到严重的损害。
These bodies hold a vast wealth of information and, if this is held in secret, the right to freedom of expression, guaranteed under international law as well as most constitutions, is seriously undermined.
虽处于初期阶段,《北部大开发计划》仍然构成了魁北克政府直接与私营部门联手解锁魁北 海量 自 然 资源的 强有力承诺。
Although still in its preliminary stages, the Plan Nord constitutes a strong commitment by the Government
of Québec to work in direct collaboration with the private sector to unlock
[...] Québec’s vast reserves of natural resources.
拥有一海量的知 识库,在线文章,私人技术支持,论坛社区等等,您将发现在这些支持的协助下您能更快的将Chart FX整合到您的应用程序里。
With an extensive knowledge base, online articles, personalized support, community and more, you will find all the assistance you need to quickly integrate Chart FX into your application.
2012 年,CNNIC 在域名服务监测分 析中海量解析 数据进行采集、分析与挖 掘;在 DNS 数据管理中保障大数据分发 与同步;在数据平台中各对互联网调查数 据进行可视化处理;在 BOSS 系统中尝试 对业务数据进行商业智能分析;在 DNS 服务器和抗攻击设备中对异常流量数据进 行分析等,都是为了给广大用户提供更稳 定、更安全的互联网基础资源服务,在大 数据技术方面进行的积极应用。
In 2012, CNNIC conducted acquisition, analysis and mining of big data of resolution in the monitoring and analysis of domain name service, ensured the dissemination and synchronization of big data in DNS data management, visualized the Internet survey data in the data platform, attempted to conduct business intelligence analysis of the business data in BOSS system, and conducted analysis of the data with abnormal flow in DNS server and anti-attack devices.
在这样一个有海量数据 和永无休止的技术竞争、几乎不可能紧跟潮流的世界,Equinix [...]
In a world where big data and a perpetual [...]
technology arms race make it almost impossible just to keep up, Equinix gives
you the ability not just to keep up but to stay ahead.
彼 現 任 長 城 科 技 股 份 有 限 公 司(香 港 聯 合 交 易 所 有 限 公 司 之 上 市 公 司)執 行 董 事、中 國 長 城 計 算 機 深 圳 股 份 有 限 公 司(深 圳 證 券 交 易 所 上 市 公 司)董 事、深 圳 長 城 開 發 科 技 股 份 有 限 公 司(深 圳 證 券 交 易 所 上 市 公司)董事長、深圳開發磁記錄股份有限公司董事兼總裁、開發科技(香港)有限公司董事、昂立光通信(集團) 有 限 公 司(香 港 聯 合 交 易 所 有 限 公 司 之 上 市 公 司)董 事 會 聯 席 主 席、非 執 行 董 事 及 薪 酬 委 員 會 主 席、昂 立 光 通 信 有 限 公 司 董 事、昂 立 光 信 息 技 術(深 圳)有 限 公
司 董 事 長、ExcelStor Group Limited董 事、深 圳 易 拓 科 技
[...] 有 限 公 司 董 事、深海 量 存 儲 設 備 有 限 公 司 董 [...]
事 及 深 圳 東 紅 開 發 磁 盤 有 限 公 司 副 董 事 長。
Limited (a company listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange), the director and president of Shenzhen Kaifa Magnetic Recording Company Limited, the director of Kaifa Technology (H.K.) Limited, the co-chairman of the board, non-executive director as well as the chairman of remuneration committee of O-Net Communications (Group) Limited (a company listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited), the director of O-Net Communications Limited, the chairman of the board of O-Net Communications (Shenzhen) Company, a director of ExcelStor
Group Limited, a director of ExcelStor Technology (Shenzhen) Limited, a director
[...] of Shenzhen Hai Liang Storage Products Co.
调查表明,客户最需要处海量测试 数据的能力,因此分析流程的输入既要能是来自单一测试的单个时域数据文件,也可以是来自多次测试的众多时域数据文件。
One of the key requirements coming out
of the customer clinics was the capability
[...] to manage large volumes of test data, so [...]
the input to the process chain is a “region”
which can either be a single time-data file from a single test or a collection of time-data files from multiple tests.
该系统实现对飞机机载设备QAR(快速存取记录仪)和FDR(飞行数据记录仪)采集 海量 数 据进行译码和加工处理,通过模型分析飞行数据、参数和警告信息等,并借助三维飞行仿真引擎实现飞行数据三维影像回放,提供性能和成本分析结果,最终为飞机的运行和安全提供有力保证。
It implements the functions of collecting large data from QAR (Quick Access Recorder) and FDR (Flight Data Recorder) on the plane, analyzing flight data, parameter and warning message by data model, replaying 3D flight video with 3D flight simulation engine, and providing analysis result of performance and cost, all supported by a strong guarantee for operation and flight safety.
还有比 superpages.com 更好的合作伙伴吗 — 业界最负盛名的公司之一! 除使用海量商务类别搜索外,您也可以说出任何国内著名连锁品牌直接搜索,如家得宝或星巴克等。
In addition to accessing their great business category search, you can also directly voice-dial any big-name national chain like Home Depot or Starbucks.
CCTF3G Enterprise Desktop通过结海量数据库,进行各种类型的大规模数据挖掘与分析,节省了时间、减少了技术投入,提供了单个网络内和竞争者网络的基本性能,同时保持基本性能报告中高端统计数据和低端诊断数据的连接,还可以让用户从高端性能统计深入分析单独呼叫或者数据组的基本消息和测试参数,充分提高了特殊路测的价值。
Through a mass database, CCTF3G Enterprise Desktop can analyze every kind of data, saving a lot of time, decreasing technical investment and providing basic performance for single network or competitors’; meanwhile, it can not only keep the connection between high-end statistics data and low-end diagnostic data in basic performance report, but also enable users to deeply analyze the single call or basic information and testing parameters of data group from high-end performance statistics, fully improving the value of special driving test.
然而,由于邦特兰沿海有大量海盗民 兵活动,加 上在 2009 年期间,加尔古杜德和希兰两州的暴力升级,因而给邦特兰的军火市 场带来更多的需求。
However, the
[...] activities of large pirate militias along the Puntland coast, and the escalation [...]
of violence in the Galguduud
and Hiraan regions during 2009 have generated additional demand in Puntland arms markets.
然而,鉴于海洋储存如此多量,海 洋 温 度的改 变反映了储存在海洋的热量变化,与空气温度的变化比 较,海洋温度是气候变化的更好指标。
However, given
[...] that the ocean stores so much heat, a change in ocean temperature, which reflects a change in the amount of heat stored [...]
in the ocean, is a
better indicator of change in the climate than changes in air temperature.
进一步研究结果表明,人类可能很快会接近干扰全球磷循环、全球淡水使量、海洋酸 化和全球土地用途变化的界限。
Further findings suggest that humanity may soon be approaching the boundaries for
interference with the global phosphorous cycle, global
[...] freshwater use, ocean acidification and [...]
global change in land use.
美利坚合众国承认,鉴于其地域狭小,责任领域很多,马耳他在处理量 海上非正常移民问题时面临许多挑战。
The United States of America recognized the many
challenges Malta faced in dealing with a
[...] large number of seaborne irregular migrants, [...]
given its small size and large area of responsibility.
全球范围内继续开展对珊瑚和珊瑚生境的制图工作;近几年,在大西洋、西 南太平洋和印度洋对量海脊、海山 和 斜坡水域进行了调查。
Mapping of corals and coral habitats continues worldwide and, in recent years, significant portions of ridge, seamount and slope waters in the
Atlantic, South-West Pacific,
[...] and Indian Ocean have been investigated.15 Many of the mapped areas were fished historically [...]
or constitute
potential bottom fishing areas.
其主要目标是量海洋的 含盐量,以确定长期的气 候模式,这对研究气候变化十分重要;该卫星还测 [...]
量大面积的地表湿度,以协助开发洪水和疫情预警 系统。
Its main objective was to measure
[...] the salinity of seas and oceans in order [...]
to establish longterm climate models, which were
vitally important to the study of climate change; it also measured largescale ground humidity to aid in the development of early warning systems for flooding and epidemics.
还确认量海道和 制作海图对于海上航行和生命的安全、环境保护(包括保 护脆弱的海洋生态系统)和全球航运业的经济效益都至关重要,并鼓励进一步努 [...]
力采用电子制图,这不仅能大大增加安全航行和船舶航行管理的好处,而且能提 供数据和资料用于可持续渔业活动和海洋环境的其他部门性用途,用于划定海洋 界限和保护环境
[...] further that hydrographic surveys and nautical charting are [...]
critical to the safety of navigation and life at
sea, environmental protection, including the protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems, and the economics of the global shipping industry, and encouraging further efforts towards electronic charting, which not only provides significantly increased benefits for safe navigation and management of ship movement, but also provides data and information that can be used for sustainable fisheries activities and other sectoral uses of the marine environment, the delimitation of maritime boundaries and environmental protection
政府根據多個指標來量 海 外 推廣活 動 的 成效, 包括出 席 人數、傳 媒 報 道 的 篇 幅、參加者 的 興趣及 反應、隨 後 接獲的 垂 詢、訪 客 人數及有關國 家 /界別 在港增 設的商 業 機 構 數目。
In assessing the effectiveness of promotional activities, the Government makes reference to various indicators, such as attendance rate, media coverage, participants’ level of interest and feedback, follow-up enquiries, number of visitors and new business operations from the targeted countries/sectors.
以船隻運載受危險品條例管制貨物的運貨 ㆟,在船隻抵達本港水域時,須向港口管理當局遞交㆒份船貨單,詳列所運載貨物 的性質及量;海事處 每㆝處理這類船貨單約 200 份。
Shippers carrying goods subject to control under the Dangerous Goods Ordinance must, on arrival in Hong Kong waters, submit to the port
authorities a manifest detailing
[...] the nature and quantities of the goods being carried and some 200 such manifests are processed daily by the Marine Department.




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