

单词 海洛因


heroin (loanword)

See also:

old name of several rivers (in Henan, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Anhui)
surname Luo

External sources (not reviewed)

自 2000 年以来,调查和治疗数据显示,大 麻、甲基苯丙胺海洛因使 用有所下降,但“摇头丸”或可卡因的使用却并 没有下降。
Since 2000, surveys and treatment data show declines in the use of cannabis,
[...] methamphetamineand heroinbut not in the use of “ecstasy” orcocaine.
[...] 措成功地在其合作伙伴之间建立了相互信任,并促进了以情报为主导的行动, 通过这些行动缉获海洛因片、吗啡、大麻树脂和前体。
The initiatives were successful in building mutual trust and confidence among their partners and
prompted intelligence-led operations that resulted
[...] in seizures ofheroin,opium,morphine, [...]
cannabis resin and precursors.
在供应方 面,非法种植罂粟和古柯树的情况仅限于少数国家,海洛因卡因的产量 仍然很高。
On the supply side, illicit cultivation of opium poppy and coca bush was limited to a few
[...] countries, butheroin and cocaine manufacture [...]
levels remained high.
防止清洗非法贩运烈性药物和前体(用于生海洛因)得资金,并与 私营部门建立关系,以防犯罪所得合法化(洗钱)。
Preventing the laundering of funds received from illicit
trafficking in potent substances and
[...] precursors (used for heroin production) and [...]
building relationships with the private
sector with a view to preventing the legalization (laundering) of criminal proceeds.
法国当局指出海洛因型批发 价格大幅上涨(从 2009 年的每千克 10,000 欧元上涨到 2010 年的每千克 12,000 欧元),瑞士当局报告 2010 海洛因短缺海洛因典型纯度在批发层 面和零售层面均下降(批发的纯度从 2009 年的 40%降至 2010 年 23%,零售的 纯度从 2009 年的 21%降至 2010 年的 16%)。
Authorities in France noted a substantial
[...] [...] increase in the typical wholesale price ofheroin (from10,000 euros per kilogram in 2009 to 12,000 euros per kilogram in 2010), and authorities in Switzerland reported sporadic shortages of heroinin 2010, with the typical purity [...]
of heroinbase falling both at the wholesale
level (from 40 per cent in 2009 to 23 per cent in 2010) and at the retail level (from 21 per cent in 2009 to 16 per cent in 2010).
海洛因使用的主 要类阿片,但也有报告称合成类阿片如芬太尼和丁丙诺啡在一些国家已取海 洛因别是在爱沙尼亚和芬兰。
Despite heroinbeing themain opioid used, there are reports that synthetic opioids such as fentanyl and buprenorphine might have displaced it in some countries, [...]
notably in Estonia and Finland.
在 2004-2009 年期间,这两个国家中每个国家缉获海 洛因似乎有非常密切的关系,但 2010 年明显偏离这一趋势,伊朗伊斯兰共 和国海洛因量继续增加,而土耳其的缉获量减少(见图八)。
During the period 2004-2009, the
[...] total amountof heroin seized in each of the two countries appeared to be very closely related, but 2010 saw a marked departure from the trend, with seizuresof heroinin the Islamic [...]
Republic of Iran continuing
to increase, while such seizures decreased in Turkey (see figure VIII).
为了进一步减海洛因大来源,还必须在阿富汗增进安 全、发展和治理。
In order to further reduce the
[...] biggest source ofheroin,theremust also [...]
be better security, development and governance in Afghanistan.
[...] 毒和酗酒问题采取了各项措施,但在校学生因酗酒而需要治疗和受到惩罚的人数 有所增加,而使海洛因 性毒品的儿童人数众多。
However, it notes with serious concern that, despite the measures taken by the Government to address drug and alcohol abuse by children, the number of children facing rehabilitation and
sanction in schools due to alcohol abuse has increased, and the number of children using
[...] hard drugs, such asheroin,is high.
尽管如此,据信大海洛因续从缅甸 北部经中国云南省进入中国。
Nevertheless, it is believed that
[...] large amountsof heroinalso continued [...]
to enter China from northern Myanmar via Yunnan Province of China.
在消费量最大的区域,虽然传统的滥用药 物海洛因卡因)情况趋于稳定或有所减少,这项成果却因合成药物和处方 [...]
While there are stabilizing or decreasing trends for traditional
[...] drugs of abuse (heroin and cocaine)in regions [...]
of greatest consumption, this gain is
being offset by the considerable increase in the use of synthetic and prescription drugs.
这些缉获量可能更密切 地反映零售而非批发市场,但联合王国边境管理局缉获海洛因度也有类 似的下降,尽管下降不太明显,从 2009 年第三季度的 58%降至 2010 年最后一 个季度的 31%(见图九)。
These seizures likely reflect more closely the retail rather than the wholesale market, but a similar, albeit slightly less pronounced, decrease was also observed in the purity of seizures made by the United Kingdom Border Agency, which fell from 58 per cent in the third quarter of 2009 to 31 per cent in the last quarter of 2010 (see figure IX).
第 54/8 号决议请会员国采取适当措施,在查明犯罪组 织用于转移或偷运麻醉药品和精神药物非法制造中常用前体化学品的新路线和
作案手法方面,加强国际合作和信息交流。在第 54/8 号决议中委员会还注意到
[...] 国际麻醉品管制局为分别遏制苯丙胺类兴奋剂以海洛因卡因转移用途而 同各国合作启动的“棱晶项目”和“聚合项目”迄今所取得的积极成果,鼓励 [...]
Also in resolution 54/8, the Commission, taking note of the positive results achieved through Project Prism and Project Cohesion, launched by the International Narcotics Control Board in cooperation with States to
stem the diversion of amphetamine-type
[...] stimulantsandheroin and cocaine precursors, [...]
respectively, encouraged Governments to
continue contributing to the efforts of the Board, especially through the Pre-Export Notification Online system for pre-export notification of precursor chemicals.
还是在第 51/1 号决议中,麻委会回顾在定向打击贩运活动区域通信、专门 知识和培训举措框架内,2007
[...] 年 5 月 29 日和 30 日在维也纳举行的管制用于制海洛因体《巴黎公约》专家圆桌会议核准的行动计划;还回顾其第 [...]
50/1 号决议,其中麻委会欢迎为推进《巴黎公约》举措,俄罗斯联邦政府同毒品和
犯罪问题办公室合作于 2006 年 6 月 26 日至 28 日在莫斯科举行的阿富汗毒品贩 运路线问题第二次部长级会议取得的成果;并吁请《巴黎公约》合作伙伴促进 关于打击阿富汗产阿片剂贩运活动的各项国际和区域举措,并加强同该区域正 在进行的行动如通道行动、遏制行动和 Elena 行动的合作。
Also in its resolution 51/1, the Commission recalled the action plan approved at the Paris Pact
expert round table on the control of
[...] precursors used in the manufactureof heroin, heldin Vienna [...]
on 29 and 30 May 2007 within
the framework of the Targeted Anti-trafficking Regional Communication, Expertise and Training (TARCET) initiative; also recalled its resolution 50/1, in which it welcomed the outcome of the Second Ministerial Conference on Drug Trafficking Routes from Afghanistan, organized by the Government of the Russian Federation in cooperation with UNODC and held in Moscow from 26 to 28 June 2006, in continuation of the Paris Pact initiative; and called upon Paris Pact partners to promote international and regional initiatives against trafficking in opiates from Afghanistan and to strengthen cooperation with ongoing operations in the region, such as Operation Channel, Operation Containment and Operation Elena.
多数西欧国家海洛因使情况似乎 正在减少,但与使海洛因的伤害似乎正在增加,这反映海洛因成 的死亡人数上。
Heroin useappears to be decreasing in most Western European countries, although the harm associated with heroin use seems to be increasing, as reflected in heroin-induced deaths.
美洲似乎形成了一个相当独立的阿片剂非法市场;少数例外情形包海 洛因洲进入加拿大以及数量有限海洛因西非进入美国。
The Americas appeared to constitute a largely self-contained illicit market for opiates; the few exceptions included heroin from Asia entering Canada and limited quantities of heroin entering the United States via West Africa.
Drugs are easily available on the streets, mainly
[...] “brown sugar”andheroin.
最近一个值得关注的趋势是使海洛因海洛因 在艾滋病毒感染率已经很高的地区正在出现与注射吸毒有关的艾滋 病毒风险,特别是在东部非洲,但也在非洲其他地区,例如在肯尼亚、利比 亚、毛里求斯和坦桑尼亚联合共和国,以及已报告有注射吸毒问题的地区,例 如在博茨瓦纳、马拉维、纳米比亚、尼日利亚、塞内加尔和南非。
A recent trend of concern is that heroinuse, that is injection of heroin, and the risk of HIV associated with injecting are emerging in regions with already high rates of HIV, in particular in East Africa but also in other parts of Africa, such as in Kenya, Libya, Mauritius and the United Republic of Tanzania, and injecting drug use has been reported, for example, in Botswana, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal and South Africa.
据报告注射 使用的主要药物是:类阿片,特别海洛因丙胺类兴奋剂,如甲基苯丙 胺;以及“快克”可卡因。
The main substances reported to be injected are
[...] opioids, especially heroin; amphetamine-type stimulants such as methamphetamine; and “crack”cocaine.
成果与投入的资源相称,因为 已有大量鸦片海洛因啡和大麻被查扣,许多毒 贩网络被摧毁。
The results had been commensurate
with the resources invested; large
[...] quantities of opium, heroin, morphine and marijuana [...]
had been seized and numerous trafficking networks had been dismantled.
中亚区域信息和协调中心在试运行阶段协 助捣毁了 12 个跨海洛因网络,缉海洛因200 多公斤。
During its pilot phase, the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre supported the dismantling of 12 transnational heroin smuggling networks and the seizure of more than 200 kilograms of heroin.
2010 年,哥伦比亚和厄瓜多尔海洛因量也达到了创纪录的水平(哥伦比亚为 [...]
1.7 吨,是 2009 年缉获量的 两倍以上,厄瓜多尔为 853 千克,几乎是 2009 年缉获量的 5 倍),而墨西哥的 缉获量增加不太明显(从 2009
年的 283 千克增至 2010 年的 374 千克)。
In 2010, seizuresof heroinalso reached record [...]
levels in Colombia (1.7 tons, more than twice the level in 2009) and Ecuador
(853 kg, almost five times the level in 2009), while in Mexico the increase was less pronounced (from 283 kg in 2009 to 374 kg in 2010).
在搜查行动中,找到了一个小包,后来发现里面有 0.11 海洛因
During the search, police officers discovered a small package that later appeared to
[...] contain 0.11 grams of heroin.
[...] 《巴黎声明》(S/2003/641,附件)形成了《巴黎公约》,通过该声明,部长们商 定,除其他外,各国应共同努力增强国家能力,发展区域伙伴关系,从而对付 由产自阿富汗的鸦片海洛因 运构成的问题的所有各个方面,强调这种行 动是国际安全所必需的。
Through the Paris Statement (S/2003/641, annex), issued at the end of the Conference and which created the Paris Pact, Ministers agreed, inter alia, to combine their countries’ efforts to step up national capabilities,
develop regional
[...] partnershipsandhence tackleall the aspects of the problem posed by the traffic of opium and heroin producedin Afghanistan, [...]
that such action was an international security imperative.
也是在第 51/1 号决议中,麻委会赞扬现有培训中心和机构为加强禁毒执法 机构的能力而提供的投入,并强调有必要探讨为阿富汗、其邻国和中亚国家及
[...] 犯罪问题办公室和“聚合项目”特别工作组的指导下,针对在阿富汗制海洛 因使 用的前体发起的定向打击贩运活动区域通信、专门知识和培训举措,并 [...]
Also in its resolution 51/1, the Commission commended the input provided by existing training centres and institutions in enhancing the capacities of drug law enforcement agencies and underscored the importance of exploring additional possibilities and modalities for organizing training courses for drug law enforcement officers from Afghanistan, neighbouring States and States in Central Asia and in other subregions; welcomed the launch, under the guidance of UNODC and the Project Cohesion
Task Force, of the TARCET initiative,
[...] targeting precursors usedin the manufacture [...]
of heroin in Afghanistan, and urged Paris
Pact partners to cooperate closely with the initiative in order to ensure its success; and encouraged time-bound operations focusing on trafficking in precursors, in particular acetic anhydride.
[...] 政府已投入大量资源,打击向世界其他区域非法贩运 可海洛因品,因此也希望外国伙伴能协助 该国打击使用大麻行为。
His Government had devoted considerable resources
to curbing the flow of illicit drugs,
[...] especiallycocaine and heroin, toother regions [...]
of the world, and it called on its
foreign partners to reciprocate by supporting its efforts to combat the misuse of cannabis.
在阿富汗,鸦片产量增加反映在麻醉品成瘾人数的增长率上:2005 年 至 2009 年,经常吸食鸦片的人数从
[...] 150,000 人跃升至 230,000 人海洛因使者的人数也从 50,000 [...]
人增至 120,000 人。
In Afghanistan, the increase in opium production has been reflected in the growth of rates of addiction to narcotics: between 2005 and 2009, the number
of regular opium users jumped from 150,000 to 230,000,
[...] while the number ofheroin users increased [...]
from 50,000 to 120,000.
在北美洲和欧洲 的主要消费市场,传统药物滥用(可海洛因情况呈现平稳或减少的 趋势,而合成药物和处方药的使用则大幅度增加,亚洲部分地区也观察到这种 [...]
In the major consumption markets in North America and Europe, there is a stabilizing or
decreasing trend in use of traditional
[...] drugs of abuse (cocaine andheroin), whilethere [...]
has been a considerable increase in the
use of synthetic and prescription drugs, as also observed in parts of Asia.
此外,阿富 汗和伊朗部队及阿富汗和巴基斯坦部队于 8 月 2 日展开一轮新的联合行动,缴获
[...] 了大量非法药物,包括 80 千海洛因130 千克鸦片和 55 千克大麻叶,并逮捕 [...]
了 15 名以上的走私者。
Moreover, a new round of joint operations was conducted on 2 August by the Afghan and Iranian forces and by Afghan and Pakistan forces, resulting in
significant seizures of illicit drugs,
[...] including over 80 kg ofheroin,130 kgof opium [...]
and 55 kg of hashish, and in the arrest of more than 15 smugglers.
自 2003 年以来,先后应法国和俄罗斯的 倡议而在巴黎获得通过并在莫斯科获得延续的《巴黎
[...] 公约》,使我们得以在打击从阿富汗贩海洛因 框架内开展行动合作,并使人们真正意识到转变化学 [...]
Since 2003, at the initiative first of France and then of Russia, the Paris Pact, renewed in Moscow, has made it possible to implement
operational cooperation within the framework of
[...] the fight against heroin trafficking out [...]
of Afghanistan, and to raise genuine awareness
of the problem posed by the diversion of chemical precursors.




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