

单词 海损

See also:

(coll.) speak sarcastically
one of the 64 trigrams of the Book of Changes (old)

External sources (not reviewed)

第八十四条 共海损 本公约的规定概不影响适用有关共 海损 理 算 的运输合同条款或国内法规 定。
Nothing in this Convention affects the application of terms in the contract of carriage or provisions of national law regarding the adjustment of general average.
i. 对于行李或私人财物或财产,旅客无责任支付或无权接收任何共 海损 分 摊 额。
The Guest shall not be liable in respect of baggage or personal effects or property to pay or be entitled to receive any general average contribution.
我提及我国人民这些微不足道的成果,只是为了 借助实际事例来证明我们的信念,那就是,海地所需 要的是与本国政府密切配合提供的大量而且中立的
[...] 援助,这种援助有助于海地的发展,有助于克服影响 海地和损海地人 民稳定与进步的巨大社会经济困 难和差距。
I mention these results in all the modesty of our people merely to cite practical examples in support of our conviction that what Haiti needs is substantial and impartial aid, closely coordinated with the Government, that contributes to its development and helps overcome
the immense socio-economic difficulties and
[...] disparities affecting Haiti and hindering its [...]
people’s stability and progress.
Need for continuous team support to develop and maintain regional stakeholder and local community buy-in,
[...] especially in tsunami mitigation programmes.
她提请委员会特 别注意该报告第
[...] 7、第 8 和第 9 段,其中提到需要向 由黎巴嫩恢复基金主持的东地海漏 油 损 害 恢 复信 托基金捐款。
She drew particular attention to paragraphs 7, 8 and 9 of the
report on the need for
[...] contributions to the Eastern Mediterranean Oil Spill Restoration [...]
Trust Fund hosted by the Lebanon Recovery Fund.
此外,为了改善沿海和海洋的可持续管 理,提高沿海和海洋生态系统的恢复力,有必要查明哪些潜在驱动因素造 海洋 和沿海生态系统损失和破坏。
Furthermore, with the view to improving the sustainable management of coastal and marine areas and to increasing the resilience of coastal and marine ecosystems,
the identification of underlying
[...] drivers of marine and coastal ecosystems loss and destruction would need to be addressed.
[...] 够控制在“区域”内进行矿物开发所产生的影响以防止 海 洋 环 境造 损 害 , 管 理局必须进一步了解含矿区域海洋环境的状况和脆弱性。
In order to be able in future to manage the impact of mineral development in the
Area in such a way as to prevent
[...] harmful effects to the marine environment, it will [...]
be essential for the Authority to have
better knowledge of the state and vulnerability of the marine environment in mineral-bearing provinces.
[...] 系统,造成我们的飓风升级,珊瑚礁被毁,沿海基础 设施损,海滩流失,使我国已处在无法继续依靠旅 游业代替发展的边缘。
We are on the verge of being climatized out of our reliance on tourism as its development substitute, as climate change wreaks havoc on our weather
systems, intensifies our hurricanes, destroys
[...] our coral reefs, damages our costal infrastructure [...]
and erodes our beaches.
我们还承诺采 取行动,依据收集到的科学数据,不迟于 2025 年显著减少海洋废弃物,防止对 沿海和海洋环境造损害。
We further commit to take action to, by 2025, based on collected scientific data, achieve significant reductions in marine debris to prevent harm to the coastal and marine environment.
(e) 要求重申《海洋法公约》中的基本原则与《协定》第 7 条的基本原则互 不抵触,特别是关于公海和不得在 海 适 用措 施 损 害 沿 海 国 对跨界鱼类种群和高 度洄游鱼类种群采取的措施的效力方面的基本原则。
(e) The Review Conference reaffirm the fundamental principle of compatibility contained in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and set out in article 7 of the Agreement,
with specific reference
[...] to the high seas and the necessity of not applying measures in the high seas that might undermine the efficacy [...]
of the measures applied
to straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks by the coastal State.
原油泄漏正在对 处于湾区的美国沿海地区造成损害, 还可能殃及佛罗里达东部沿海地区和古巴。
The oil spill is damaging the coastal areas of the United States in the Gulf, and could also damage the coastal [...]
areas of east Florida and Cuba.
通过与美国地质调查部门、欧洲联盟、教科文组织减少地 海 地 区地 震 损失 ( RELEMR)计划以及评估和减轻阿拉伯地区地震危害计划(PAMERAR)合作,提高了各 [...]
Enhancement of national and regional capacities in natural disaster reduction was accomplished through the cooperative United States Geological Survey,
European Union and UNESCO Programme on
[...] Reduction of Earthquake Losses in the Expanded Mediterranean [...]
Region (RELEMR) and the Programme
for Assessment and Mitigation of Earthquake Risk in the Arab Region (PAMERAR).
在塞浦路斯(2003 年 9 月)、约旦(2004 年 1 月)和斯 里兰卡(2003
[...] 年 10 月)举办了关于评估减少地海地 区地 震 损 失 计划(RELEMR)、评估 和减轻阿拉伯地区地震危害计划(PAMERAR [...]
Synthesis workshops in Cyprus (September 2003), Jordan (January 2004) and Sri Lanka (October 2003) were
organized to review the programme on
[...] Reduction of Earthquake Losses (RELEMR), the Programme [...]
for Assessment and Mitigation of
Earthquake Risk in the Arab Region (PAMERAR) and the Asian Programme on Reduction of Earthquake Losses in the Asian Region (RELSAR).
联大“赞赏地注意到政府间海洋学委员会和 会员国在建立地区和国家海啸预警和减灾系统方面取得的进展 [……]” ,“注意
到政府间海洋学委员会和世界气象组织的 2011 年‘海洋资料浮标遭破坏问题:
[...] 事件,影响和回应’报告”,“敦促各国采取必要行动,在联合国粮食及农业组 织、政府间海洋学委员会和世界气象组织等相关组织内开展合作,处 海 洋 资料 浮损害问题[……]。
The Assembly “takes note with appreciation of the progress made by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and Member States towards the establishment of regional and national tsunami warning and mitigation systems […]” and “notes the 2011 report on ocean data buoy vandalism – incidence, impact and responses by the IOC and the World Meteorological Organization” and “urges States to take necessary action
and to cooperate in relevant organizations, including the FAO, the IOC
[...] and WMO, to address damage to ocean data buoys […].
IZIIS 将与教科文组织其他国际计划和平台协作,执行教科文组织的战略性计划目标,
[...] 诸如减少地震灾害国际平台(UNESCO-IPRED )、减少扩大的地海地区地震损失 (RELEMR)计划、减少北亚地区地震损失(RELNAR)计划、减少中亚地区地震损失 [...]
IZIIS will contribute in the implementation of UNESCO strategic programme objectives in synergy with other UNESCO international programmes and platforms, such as the International Platform for Reducing Earthquake Disaster
(UNESCO-IPRED), the Reducing
[...] Earthquake Losses in the Extended Mediterranean Region (RELEMR) programme, [...]
the Reducing Earthquake
Losses in the North Asian Region (RELNAR) programme, the Reducing Earthquake Losses in the Central Asian Region (RELCAR) programme, and, the Reducing Earthquake Losses in the South Asian Region (RELSAR) programme.
为了将音损失降至最少海绵耳 垫采用特殊的闭孔泡沫制成,这有助于改善声音耦合。
To minimize the loss of volume, foam ear cushions are made of a special closed-cell foam, which helps improve acoustic coupling.
同样也是在 2011
[...] 年,亚太区域继续成为世界上受灾最严重的 区域,前三大灾害造成了最大的经 损 失 :东日本大地震 海 啸 造损失估 计达 2,100 亿美元、泰国发生的历史性水灾的损失达 460 亿 [...]
美元,新西兰地震的损失为 160 亿美元。
In 2011 as well, Asia and the Pacific continued to be the most affected region in the world with the top 3 major
disasters causing
[...] highest economic losses: the Great Eastern Japan earthquake and tsunami at an estimated [...]
US$ 210 billion,
the historic floods in Thailand at US$ 46 billion and the earthquake in New Zealand, US$ 16 billion.
在世界气象组织-海委会海洋学和海洋气象学联合技术委员会的工作范围内,数据浮标 合作小组(浮标组)发表了一份报告和一项行动计划,以减少对系泊海洋观测系统的人为破 坏,其中不仅对海洋观测而且对海啸预警系统提供了必要支持(DBCP-TD-41,《故意损 海洋数 据浮标—事故、影响和应对措施》)。
Within the work of the WMO-IOC Joint Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM), the Data Buoys Cooperation Panel (DBCP) issued a report and an action plan to mitigate vandalism to moored ocean observing systems, which are providing essential support not only to ocean observation but also to tsunami warning systems (DBCP-TD-41, Ocean Data Buoy Vandalism – Incidence, Impact and Responses).
而底层延绳钓可能接触损害海洋底层动物,使底层物体位置 不规范,延绳钓渔业的确有潜力在捕鱼时不对生境造成严重损害,并按照相对节 [...]
While bottom-set
[...] longlines may snag and damage benthic epifauna [...]
and irregular objects on the bottom, longline fisheries
do offer the potential to conduct fishing without severe habitat damage and to do so in a relatively energy-conscious manner.
根据《公约》其他条款,管理局还承担一些其他特定责任,例如依照《公约》 第八十二条第 4
[...] 开发活动的缴款或实物,以及根据《公约》第 145 条和第 209 条制订国际规则、 条例和程序,以防止、减少和控制“区域”内活动对海洋环境的污染,保护和养 护“区域”的自然资源,并防损害 海 洋 环 境的植物和动物(即生物多样性)。
The Authority has a number of additional specific responsibilities under other provisions of the Convention, such as the responsibility to distribute to States parties to the Convention payments or contributions in kind derived from exploitation of the resources of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles pursuant to article 82, paragraph 4, of the Convention, and the responsibility under articles 145 and 209 of the Convention to establish international rules, regulations and procedures to prevent, reduce and control pollution of the marine environment from activities in the Area, and to protect and conserve the
natural resources of
[...] the Area and prevent damage to the flora and fauna (that is, the biodiversity) of the marine environment.
在其第十六届会议上最后拟订“区域”内多金属硫 化物探矿和勘探条例,鼓励在“区域”内富钴铁锰 结壳探矿和勘探条例方面取得进展,并重申管理局 必须按照《公约》第一四五条继续拟订确保切实保
[...] 护海洋环境的规则、条例和程序,以便,除其他外, 保护和养护“区域”的自然资源,防止“区域”内 活动可能产生的有害影损害海洋环 境中的动植 物;34.
Notes the progress made by the Authority in its deliberations, urges the finalization at its sixteenth session of the regulations for prospecting and exploration for polymetallic sulphides, encourages progress on the regulations for prospecting and exploration for cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts in the Area, and reiterates the importance of the ongoing elaboration by the Authority, pursuant to article 145 of the Convention, of rules, regulations and procedures to ensure the effective protection of the marine environment, for, inter alia, the protection and conservation of the natural resources
of the Area, and for
[...] the prevention of damage to the flora and fauna of the marine environment [...]
from harmful effects that may arise from activities in the Area
第 61/105 号决议和本决议中关于海底捕 捞活动对脆弱海洋生态系统影响的段落丝毫损害沿海国对 其大陆架拥有的主权,也 损 害沿 海国按《公约》特别是第 77 条所述国际法对大 陆架行使的管辖权”。
nothing in the paragraphs of its resolution 61/105 and the present resolution addressing the impacts of bottom fishing on vulnerable marine ecosystems
prejudices the sovereign rights
[...] of coastal States over their continental shelf or the exercise of the jurisdiction of coastal States with respect [...]
to their continental
shelf under international law as reflected in the Convention, in particular article 77”.
结果表明:与对照组相比,(1)切断海马伞-穹隆通路明显延缓了大鼠运动平衡能力的恢复;(2)切断海马伞-穹隆通路后,银杏类黄酮(FGb)失去了促进脑挫伤后运动平衡能力恢复的作用;(3)原位杂交显示, 损 伤 后 海 马 DG (齿状回)和CA3区中生长相关蛋白(GAP-43)mRNA的水平明显提高;(4)FGb促进 损 伤 后 海 马 DG 和CA3区中的GAP-43 mRNA水平的上调。
The results showed that: (1)the recovery of locomotive equilibrium ability was remarkably impeded after transsection of fimbria-fornix in rats following TBI; (2) after transsection of fimbria-fornix, FGb could not facilitate the recovery of locomotive
equilibrium ability after
[...] TBI; (3) the results of hybridization in situ showed that the level of GAP 43 mRNA in the DG and CA3 region of hippocampus rised remarkably after TBI; (4) FGb improved the raised level of GAP-43 mRNA in DG and CA3 region of hippocampus after TBI.
欧洲联盟报告,西班牙为 2008/09 年、2009/10 年和 2010/11 年宣传活动 编写了严损害脆弱海洋生态系统和议定书执行情况的风险初步评估报告,以履 行南极海生委规定的义务,这就是有船只希望参加底层捕捞活动的缔约方从 2008 年 12 月起提交评估报告。
The European Union reported that Spain prepared a preliminary assessment of the risk of serious harm to VMEs and protocol performance for the 2008/09, 2009/10 and 2010/11 campaigns in order to meet the obligation in CCAMLR requiring Contracting Parties whose vessels wish to participate in any bottom fishing activity, as from December 2008, to submit such an assessment.
非法从格鲁吉亚阿布哈兹出口惰性材料,完全无视生态安全规范,不可修复损害了黑海沿岸的独有和脆弱性质,特别是格鲁吉亚阿布哈兹的独特残遗环 境,等于是给整个高加索区域带来生态灾难。
conducted in complete disregard for
the norms of
[...] ecological safety, irreparably injures the unique and fragile nature of the Black Sea coastline, especially [...]
the unique and relict
environment of Abkhazia, Georgia, and amounts to an ecological catastrophe for the whole Caucasian region.
[...] 员或乘客,凡违反国际法规则,意图为自己或他人谋取物质或非物质利益,或意 图对他人造成重损害,在公海或任 何国家管辖范围以外的地方,非法对另一船 只或飞机或该船只或飞机上的人或财产实施暴力行为、拘留或任何形式的抢劫, [...] [...]
应被判处 1 至 10 年监禁。
(1) A crew member or passenger on a vessel or aircraft other than military ship or aircraft and public ship or aircraft, who in breach of rules of international law with intention of acquiring material or non-material
gain for himself or other
[...] or causing great damage to other, on the high seas or in a place that [...]
is outside of jurisdiction
of any State, unlawfully commits an act of violence, detention or any kind of pillaging against another vessel or aircraft, persons or property on board of such vessel or aircraft, shall be given a prison sentence of between one and ten years.
如果我们把海军行动的额外 开支、区域国家旅游业的收入损失、港口被封和贸易 受阻损失计入海盗行 径的费用,更不用说原材料及 工业和其他货物的运输费的增加,那么总的费用确实 可观,并且在今后几年中将不可避免地继续上升。
If we factor into those costs of piracy the additional costs for naval operations and the revenue losses to the countries of the region associated with tourism, blocked ports and impediments to trade, to say nothing of the increase in the cost of transporting raw materials and industrial and other goods, then the total costs are significant indeed — and will inevitably continue to rise in the coming years.
各国代表团特别表示关注以下问题:生物多样性和相关服务 损 失 ; 对脆 弱海洋生 态系统,包括珊瑚的影响;资源过度开采;有害的补贴;海洋废弃物 和微型塑料碎片;外来入侵物种;水下噪声;化学品和海洋过度营养物的累积。
In particular, delegations expressed concern over the loss of biodiversity and related services; impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems, including corals; overexploitation of resources; harmful subsidies; marine debris and microplastics; invasive alien species; underwater noise; and the accumulation of chemicals and excessive nutrients in the oceans.




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