

单词 海啸

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

国际联盟还制订了一个题为“控制气候变化对安达曼海和南亚 海啸 影 响地区的珊 瑚礁和沿海生态系统的影响”的项目(另见下文第 174 和第 [...]
215 段)。
The International Union had also developed a project entitled “Management of climate change impacts
on coral reefs and coastal
[...] ecosystems in tsunami-affected areas of the Andaman Sea and South Asia” [...]
(see also paras. 174 and 215 below).
[...] 安全的举措,其中一些举措涉及不容许 海啸 等 自然灾害易发地区建 造这些设施。
The representative also offered to share his country’s initiatives on enhancing the safety of power plants, some of
which involved the inadmissibility of constructing such installations in areas prone to
[...] natural hazards, such as tsunamis.
地震海啸等 其 他自然灾害也对农业发展产生负面影响。
Other natural disasters such as
[...] earthquakes and tsunamis can also have [...]
negative impacts on sustainable agricultural development.
根据《联合检查组章程》第 11 条的规定,总干事将下列联合检查组 的报告连同他本人的评论和意见转交给执行局审议:进一步采取措施,加 强联合国系统对非洲发展新伙伴关系的支助的报告(JIU/REP/2005/8); 联合国系统监督制度的缺陷的报告(JIU/REPORT/2006/2);第二次审查
联合国系统各组织缔结的总部协定的执行情况:东道国提供总部办公房地 和其他便利的情况的报告(JIU/REPORT/2006/4)和争取建立一个负责救
[...] 灾和减灾工作的联合国人道主义援助方案:从印度 海啸 灾 害 中得到的教 训的报告(JIU/REPORT/2006/5 [...]
和 Corr.1)。
In accordance with Article 11 of the Statute of the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU), the Director-General transmits the following JIU reports to the Executive Board for consideration, accompanied by his own comments and observations: JIU/REPORT/2005/8 Further measures to strengthen United Nations system support to the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD); JIU/REPORT/2006/2 Oversight lacunae in the United Nations system; JIU/REPORT/2006/4 A second review of the implementation of Headquarters agreements concluded by United Nations system organizations: Provision of Headquarters premises and other facilities by host countries; and JIU/REPORT/2006/5 and Corr.1 Towards a United Nations
humanitarian assistance programme for disaster response and reduction: Lessons learnt
[...] from the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster.
干旱、洪涝、 龙卷风、泥石流、地震海啸是世 界不同区域所发生灾害现象的主要类型。
Droughts, floods, cyclones, landslides,
[...] earthquakes and tsunamis are the major [...]
types of disaster phenomena occurring in
different regions of the world.
[...] 的健康来维持可持续的生计和发展,因为它们是主要的食物和收入来源,同时 还提供不受风暴海啸和海岸侵 蚀的保护。
The Ministers recognized that millions of the world’s inhabitants depend on the health of coral reefs and related marine ecosystems for sustainable livelihoods and development as
they are a primary source of food and income and also provide for
[...] protection from storms, tsunamis and coastal erosion.
政府还拟完海啸后重建工作,解 海啸 造 成的 国内流离失所者的住房需求。
The Government also intends to
[...] complete post-tsunami reconstruction efforts and to address the housing needs of persons internallydisplaced by the tsunami.
经社会指出,由于日本地震海啸和 东 南亚洪灾造成了区域和全球供应链的破坏,并认为,如果不处理共同的脆 [...]
Noting the disruptions that had occurred in regional
and global supply chains as a result of the
[...] earthquake and tsunami in Japan and the [...]
floods in South-East Asia, the Commission
held the view that regional economic integration and growth could not be attained if shared vulnerabilities and risks were not addressed.
他作为亲善大使的第一份工作是访问联合国儿童基金会于哥本哈根的供应司,亲眼见到了基金会为帮助150万南亚 海啸 影 响 的儿童所开展的重要工作。
Within days of his appointment, Mr. Beckham travelled to UNICEF’s Supply Division
in Copenhagen to see the crucial work being done to aid children affected by the
[...] devastating 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.
合国和机构间常委会内的非政府组织及其加强人道主义紧急情况两性平等指导 方针工作的密切观察员/伙伴,并与其他联合国组织,特别是开发署、人口基金 和儿童基金会密切合作,以应对在特定人道主义状况下,例如在巴基斯坦的水灾
[...] 和地震以及联合国对 2004 年印度洋地震海啸的反应中,与妇女权利有关的问 题。
UN-Women, through the former UNIFEM, has been a close observer/partner with the United Nations and NGOs in the IASC and its work to strengthen gender equality guidelines for humanitarian emergencies and has worked closely with other United Nations organizations — particularly UNDP, UNFPA, and UNICEF — to respond to issues related to women’s rights in specific humanitarian contexts, such
as the floods and earthquake in Pakistan and the United Nations response to the 2004
[...] Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami.
根据德勤中国全国上市业务组,2012年香港和中国大陆(以下简称‘A股市场’)IPO市场双双创下自2009年金 海啸 以 来的最疲弱表现。
According to the National Public Offering Group of Deloitte China, both the
IPO markets of Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland in 2012 saw the weakest performance
[...] since the financial tsunami in 2009.
[...] 世界首脑会议的目标,尤其是发展和协调全球海洋观测系统(供社会用来预报沿海和海上情况) 海啸 及 与海 平面 有关的其他灾害预警和缓解系统、海洋与沿海环境与资源评估,以及提高国家和地方在海洋科学方面的能 [...]
This role has supported the objectives of United Nations Conference on Environment and Development and World Summit on Sustainable Development, notably in developing and coordinating for societal use a global ocean observing system to forecast coastal and
marine conditions, early warning and
[...] mitigation systems for tsunamis and other sea-level [...]
related hazards, assessments of ocean
and coastal environments and resources, and national and local capacity development in marine science and transfer of technology for the sustainable management of ocean uses and their resources.
[...] 特别注意到日本作为亚太统计所的东道国政府持续为之提供慷慨的资助,并 说,尽管该国于 2011 年间遭受海啸灾难,但它继续向亚太统计所提供资 [...]
The Commission took particular note of the continued generous support that Japan, the host
government for SIAP, had maintained for SIAP in
[...] spite of the 2011 tsunami and the increased [...]
in-kind contributions it had directed
towards upgrading the training environment at SIAP.
注意海啸受灾 国家的恢复与重建工作取得的进展,并注意到,仍然需要开 展工作和提供援助,以重新建立长期可持续发展的基础
Noting that progress has been achieved in the recovery and
[...] rehabilitation efforts of tsunami-affected countries, [...]
and noting also that efforts and assistance
are still required to re-establish the basis for long-term sustainable development
虽然香港一直获得国际经济金融组织的高度评价,司长指出由欧元区主权债务问题和美国经济不景气所引发的全球经济危机比2008年金 海啸 对 全 球经济的冲击可能更为严重,香港亦不能独善其身。
Though Hong Kong has been highly ranked by international economic / financial organizations, Mr. Tsang pointed out that the external economic uncertainties caused by the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis and sluggish economy in the United States could bring a more serious blow to the global economy than the 2008 financial tsunami.
灾害对沿岸社区的影响海啸(地 质)、 风暴潮和洪水泛滥(水文)、海岸和湖岸风暴(气象)导致的次海洋事件中特别 显著。
The impacts of disasters on coastal communities
are particularly pronounced in
[...] the case of subsea events resulting in tsunamis (geological), [...]
storm surges and coastal flooding
(hydrological), and coastal and lakeshore storms (meteorological).
然而,评价总结认为海啸的对策错过了制订 更有效政策消除这三个国家原来存在的营养不良和孕产妇死亡率的根本原因的 [...]
However, the evaluation
[...] concluded that the tsunami response missed [...]
the opportunity to develop more effective policies to
address the underlying pre-existing causes of malnutrition and maternal mortality in the three countries.
在印度尼西亚遭海啸袭击 后发生的一件伟大 的事情是,各非政府组织首次提出:“好吧,我们想 [...]
The great thing that
[...] happened after the tsunami in Indonesia was [...]
that, for the first time, NGOs came forward to say, “Okay,
we want to be helpful here, but we want it to be consistent with the Government’s plan”.
委员会希望亚太经社会的印度洋和东南亚国家防 海啸 、 灾害和 气候变化多方捐助者信托基金能够成为一个增进本区域抵御各种灾害 [...]
The Committee hopes that the ESCAP
[...] Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Tsunami, Disaster and Climate [...]
Preparedness in Indian Ocean and Southeast Asian Countries
becomes a more proactive mechanism to improve regional resilience to disasters and, in that regard, appeals to the international community for additional support.
最终,杜尔马丁和其他人决定在亚齐设立安全基地,认为既然反自由亚齐运动(Gerakan Aceh
[...] GAM)已在那里与印尼军队交战长达30年,这本身就说明亚齐确实具备合适的地形;而且,与印尼其他省份不同,亚齐有授权实行伊斯兰法,并且许多当地领袖都亲伊斯兰教法;一些在20 04 年 海啸 后 在亚齐设立分支机构的强硬派团体也是潜在的盟友。
In the end, Dulmatin and the others went along with the idea of setting up a secure base in Aceh, believing that since the rebel Free Aceh Movement (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka, GAM) had fought the Indonesian army there for more than 30 years, it had suitable terrain; alone among Indonesian provinces, it was authorised to apply Islamic law and many community leaders
were pro-sharia; and a number of hardline groups that had set up shop in Aceh
[...] after the 2004 tsunami were potential allies.
开发署的灾后恢复工作,诸如 其在印度海啸或海地地 震中采取的干预措施,帮助相关国家从人道主义救援阶 段迅速过渡到恢复和发展阶段。
UNDP’s work on disaster recovery,
such as UNDP interventions in
[...] the Indian Ocean tsunami or in the earthquake in Haiti, has helped [...]
countries speed the transition
from the humanitarian phase to recovery and development.
以2011年3月11日发生在日本东北外海的9级地震 海啸 给 日 本及世界经济带来的影响,本文对本次日本强震所引发的冲击和应对方式进行深入探讨,以使读者了解此次日本大地震对于不同产业(汽车行业、半导体行业)所造成的影响与冲击,与各企业应变与恢复运作的措施,进而更深入了解企业应如何执行营运持续管理及供应链风险管理。
Drawing upon the economic consequences for Japan
and the world following the magnitude-9
[...] earthquake and the tsunami that happened [...]
on 11 March 2011 north east of Japan, this
article initiates an in-depth discussion on the shock triggered by the temblor and the response aiming to help readers understand the impact of the earthquake in different industries (automobile and semiconductor industries), the measures of resilience and the recovering operation, and learn more about how companies should implement business continuity management and supply chain risk management.
海啸两年后,Aceh 非熟练建筑工人的工资增长 了 30%,半熟练建筑工人的工资增长了 65%。
Two years after the tsunami, wages in Aceh had [...]
risen by 30% for unskilled construction workers and by 65% for semi-skilled construction workers.
担无法持续承受的问题,而且现行的债务解决体制仍然将债权人的利益置于债务 国及其国内穷人的利益之上,而到目前为止在纠正这种不公平状况方面没有取得
[...] 多少进展,为此吁请加紧努力制订有效和公平的机制,以取消或大幅度减少所有 发展中国家的外债负担,特别是 海啸 和 飓 风等自然灾害及武装冲突严重影响的 发展中国家的外债负担
Regrets the absence of mechanisms to find appropriate solutions to the unsustainable foreign debt burden of middle- and low-income heavily indebted countries, and that, to date, little headway has been made in redressing the unfairness of the current system of debt resolution, which continues to place the interests of the lenders above those of indebted countries and the poor in those countries, and therefore calls for an intensification of efforts to devise effective and equitable mechanisms to cancel or reduce substantially the foreign debt burden of all developing countries, in particular
those severely affected by the devastation of natural
[...] disasters, such as tsunamis and hurricanes, and [...]
by armed conflicts
赞扬印度洋和东南海啸预警 安排多方捐助者信托基金开始运作,邀请各国 政府、捐助国、相关国际组织、国际和区域金融机构、私营部门和民间社会考虑 以捐款和技术合作的方式为信托基金提供捐助,支助按印度洋和东南亚各国的需 要建海啸预警 系统,让信托基金协助建立一个有足够资源的一体化预警系统, 形成一个由多个协作中心组成并与全球系统连接的网络
Commending the operationalization of
the Multi-Donor
[...] Voluntary Trust Fund on Tsunami Early Warning Arrangements in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia, and inviting Governments, donor countries, relevant international organizations, international and regional financial institutions, the private sector and civil societ y to consider contributing to the Trust Fund through financial contributions and technical cooperation to support the establishment of the tsunami early warning system in accordance with the needs of the countries of the Indian Ocean and Southeast [...]
Asia so that the Trust
Fund contributes to the development of an integrated early warning system based on adequate resources and comprising a network of collaborative centres connected to the global system
红树林可作为重要的沿海缓冲 屏障,起到提供保护、防海啸和起自海洋的极端天气事件的作用;不过,还需 要进行更多的研究,以确定在不同程度的危害中这一保护职能的范围和效果。
Mangrove forests may serve as important coastal
buffers providing
[...] protection against tsunamis and extreme weather events originating over oceans; however, [...]
additional studies are
needed to determine the extent and effectiveness of this protective function in relation to different levels of hazards.
泰国参与加强区域抗灾能力,特别是通过 设立联合国亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员 海啸 区域信托基金为本区域建立预警系统,并邀请感兴趣的 [...]
Thailand had been involved in strengthening regional disaster
resilience, especially through the
[...] establishment of the Tsunami Regional Trust Fund [...]
of the United Nations Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific to set up an early warning system for the region, and invited interested donors to contribute to that Fund.
本报告所述期间一系列的突发灾害――包括日本的地震 海啸 、 巴基斯坦和 泰国的洪水、菲律宾南部的热带风暴天鹰以及土耳其东部的地震――也造成了流 [...]
A series of sudden-onset disasters
during the reporting period – including the
[...] earthquake and tsunami in Japan, floods [...]
in Pakistan and Thailand, tropical storm
Washi in the southern Philippines, and the earthquake in eastern Turkey – also resulted in displacement, although not all of these disasters required a coordinated international response.
2011年,进口进一步增长16%,达到174亿美元,也是2011 年早海啸袭击日本的结果海啸对 受影响区域的该国生产能力有影响,损毁船 队、水产养殖设施、加工场和港口基础设施。
In 2011, they grew by a further 16
percent, reaching US$17.4 billion,
[...] also as a consequence of the tsunami that struck Japan in early 2011, [...]
which had an impact on
the country’s production capacity in the affected area, with damage to the fleet, aquaculture facilities, processing plants and port infrastructure.
例如,关于安全理事会会议的报道、关于刚果民主共和国、格鲁吉亚、索马里、 苏丹和加沙问题记者招待会的报道;为《世界人权宣言》60
[...] 周年、在墨西哥举行 的第十七次国际艾滋病大会和南 海啸 四 周 年制作的专题新闻报道。
Examples include coverage of Security Council meetings and press conferences on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Georgia, Somalia, the Sudan and Gaza; and news features produced for the sixtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, the XVII International AIDS Conference, held in Mexico, and the fourth
[...] anniversary of the tsunami in South Asia.




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