单词 | 海北藏族自治州 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 海北藏族自治州—Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: Mtsho-byang |
一年前的今天,一次强烈地震侵袭了青海省玉树藏族自治州。 embassyusa.cn | One year ago today, a powerful earthquake [...] struck the Yushu Tibetan AutonomousPrefecture in Qinghai province. eng.embassyusa.cn |
鉴于2008 年在西藏自治区和其他藏族自治州、县发生的事件以及2009年 及后来在新疆维吾尔自治区发生的事件,请提供资料,说明 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to the [...] events in Tibet Autonomous Region andotherTibetan prefecturesand [...]counties in 2008, as well as the [...]events in Xingjian Uighur Autonomous Region in 2009 and thereafter, please provide information on daccess-ods.un.org |
森林,疏林,在灌木中; 低于1600米广东,广西,贵州,海南,湖北,湖南,四川,西藏东南部,云南。 flora.ac.cn | Forests, sparse forests, among shrubs; below 1600 m. [...] Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan,SE Xizang, Yunnan. flora.ac.cn |
该项目成功地促使许多当地的合作伙伴参与有关活动,如在中国,有中国社会科学院 (CASS)社会学研究所、中华全国妇女联合会(ACWF)、华东师范大学、云南社会科学院哲学 [...] 所、地方当局(大连市政府、金堂县政府(2002 年)、云南迪庆藏族自治州)以及中国教 科文组织全国委员会。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The project has been successful in involving many local partners such as, in China, the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), All China Women Federation (ACWF), East China Normal University, Institute of Philosophy, Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, the local authorities (Dalian City Government, [...] Jintang Country Government (2002), [...] the Yunnan Diqing TibetanAutonomousPrefecture) and [...]Chinese National Commission for UNESCO. unesdoc.unesco.org |
气候变化项目侧重于 Bosawas 生物圈保护地的活动,水和卫生及文化 与发展项目正在大西洋海岸的南北区域自治区(分别是北大西洋区域自治区和北大西洋区域 自治区)进行。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The climate change project is focusing its activities on the Bosawas biosphere reserve, while the water and sanitation and the culture [...] and development [...] projects are being carried out inthe northand southern regional autonomous zones of the Atlantic [...]coast, known respectively as the RAAN and the RAAS. unesdoc.unesco.org |
友谊慈善会于 2008 年 10 月在中国青海省海南藏族自治州贵南县的民政局注册成立。 friendshipcharity.org | It was registered with the Civil Affairs Bureau, [...] Guinan County,Hainan TibetanAutonomous Prefecture, Qinghai [...]Province, PR China in October 2008. friendshipcharity.org |
正是这段历史将散居海外的非洲人联系在一 起;无论是生活在南卡罗来纳州海岛上的Gullah人 或Geechee人,还是非洲裔的巴西人,共同的历史 将他们捆绑在一起,正如塞拉利昂或几内亚北部海岸的Mende族稻米种植者和安哥拉的Mbangala人有 着共同的经历一样,他们戴着脚镣,沿着海岸被带 到要塞,等待船只带他们驶上跨大西洋的“中间航 程” 。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is that history that connects Africans in the diaspora; whether it is the Gullah or Geechee people in the Sea Islands of South [...] Carolina or the [...] Afro-Brazilian, they are all bound by their shared history, just as the Mende rice growers in Sierra Leone or from the upperGuinea coast and theMbangala from Angola had a common experience when they were [...]shackled and led country [...]true to its founding principles. daccess-ods.un.org |
草地,辽阔的牧场,顶点,暴露岩石,岩石裂缝山坡上,在高山的山坡上的距骨; 3300-4300米云南西北部(Lijiang纳西族Zu自治县,中甸县)。 flora.ac.cn | Grasslands, broad pastures, summits, exposed [...] rocks, rock crevices on slopes, talus on alpine slopes; [...] 3300-4300 m. NW Yunnan (Lijiang NaxiZu Zizhixian, Zhongdian Xian). flora.ac.cn |
4.凡是目的地为宁夏回族自治区、青海省、新疆维唔尔自治区、西藏自治区、云南省、甘肃省、 广西省、海南省、内蒙古自治区、四川阿坝州等离藏区较近的偏远地区的货件,每箱增加$7.00 的运费。 aplus100.com | 4.whatever destined for Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, QinghaiProvince, Xinjiang Uygur Well Uygur Autonomous Region, Tibet Autonomous Region, Yunnan Province, Gansu Province, Guangxi, [...] Hainan, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan Aba Tibetan areas closer to remote areas shipment plasma,Per case increased $ 7.00 shipping. en.aplus100.com |
百慕大是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国管理的一个非自治领土,领土位于大 西洋西部,距美利坚合众国北卡罗莱纳州海岸(最近的大陆海岸)以东约 917 公里。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Territory is located in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean, [...] about 917 kilometres east of the nearest continental shore, the NorthCarolina coast of the United States of America. daccess-ods.un.org |
政府承认爱奴族人民有自己的语言、宗教和文化,他们是日本北部地区,特 别是北海道的原住民。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government had [...] recognized that the Ainu people had their ownlanguage, religion and culture and that they were indigenous inhabitants of the northern part of Japan, particularly Hokkaido. daccess-ods.un.org |
小山斜坡,林缘,扰乱潮湿的长满草的地方; 300-2500米福建,广东,广西,贵州,海南,河南,湖北,湖南,江西,四川,西藏,云南,浙江 [孟加拉国,不丹,印度尼西亚,马来西亚,尼泊尔,菲律宾,斯里兰卡(引进栽培),印度东北部,泰国 ]. flora.ac.cn | Hill slopes, forest margins, disturbed moist grassy places; [...] 300–2500 m. Fujian, [...] Guangdong, Guangxi,Guizhou,Hainan, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan, Zhejiang [...][Bangladesh, Bhutan, [...]NE India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka (introduced), Thailand]. flora.ac.cn |
超过30间不同类型的公司,以及来自北京、上海、重庆和山东省的4家投资代理,都非常关注在巴塞罗那和加泰隆尼亚自治区的营商机会。 chi.mazars.cn | More than 30 companies from a [...] large range [...] of sectors and 4 investment agencies from Beijing ,Shanghai,Chongqing and Shandong provinces haveshowninterest in the business opportunities [...]offered by both [...]the city of Barcelona and the region of Catalonia. mazars.cn |
自治区、自治州、自治县的人民代表大会常务委员会中应当有实行区域自治的民族的公民担任主任或者副主任。 daccess-ods.un.org | The administrative head of anautonomous region, prefecture or county shall be a citizen of the nationality, or of one of the nationalities, exercising [...] regional autonomy in the region concerned. daccess-ods.un.org |
由德国的Christoffel Blindenmission、己故何英杰先生及香港上海汇丰银行捐助,在过去12年基金会协助了中国数间盲校在山东省青岛市、吉林省长春市成立了国家级及在广西壮族自治区南宁市、贵州省贵阳市及江苏省南京市成立了省级盲人教育资源中心,令更多视障学生有机会在主流学校接受正规教育,此举可让视障学生可在他们居住农村随班就读,大大增加其接受教育的机会。 afpb.org.hk | With funding from Christoffel Blindness (CBM), the late Mr. Y.C. Ho and the Hong Kong Bank, AFPB has, in the past 12 years, assisted a number of blind schools in China to set up National and Provincial Education Resource Centres in Shandong (Qingdao), Jilin (Changchun), Guangsi (Nanning),Guizhou (Guiyang),Jiangsu [...] (Nanjing) Provinces [...]respectively so that blind students can have access to education, i.e. can study in mainstream schools in the villages where they live. afpb.org.hk |
据外国驻华记者俱乐部(FCCC) [...] 报道,尽管这些法规改善了外国记者的整体报道条件,但政府和国家安全官员仍继续关押、骚扰和恐吓外国记者;外国记者如需前往西藏藏族自治区和新疆维吾尔族自治区,仍需向当局提出申请,而地方当局一般不会予以批准。 embassyusa.cn | The FCCC reported that although the regulations improved overall reporting conditions for foreign journalists, the government and state security officials continued to detain, harass, and intimidate foreign journalists; they were [...] also still required to apply for the rarely granted official [...] permits to visit the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR) [...]and XUAR. eng.embassyusa.cn |
为实现资源和市场的有效链接,集团将进一步加大市场开发力度,充分发挥北京、上海、重庆、广州等中心城市公交以及大型运输企业长途客货专线的示范引领作用,使LNG车辆开发得到大幅提升;进一步深化与长航集团「气化长江」合作,加快推动LNG动力船舶在内河、湖泊的应用;进一步促进LNG燃料在油田钻机应用上的进一步拓展;加快格拉线(青海格尔木-西藏拉萨)LNG铁路安全运输研究,推动LNG集装箱铁路运输早日实现。 stock.pingan.com.hk | With a view to realise effective linkage between resources and the market, the Group will increase its marketing efforts by taking Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing and Guangzhou as exemplary citiesin public transportation, long-distance passenger and cargo routes of large transport companies as demonstration to substantially promote the development of LNG vehicles. In addition, the Group will further consolidate [...] the “Gasifying Changjiang” collaboration [...]with China Changjiang National Shipping (Group) Corporation to speed up the application of LNG vessels in inland rivers and lakes and further promote the utilisation of LNG as fuel energy for oilfield drilling rigs. stock.pingan.com.hk |
我们极为关注中国正在恶化的人权情况,尤其在西藏自治区和临近省份的其他藏族人地区。 embassyusa.cn | We are extremely concerned about the deteriorating human rights [...] situation in China and in particular [...] in theTibet AutonomousRegion and other ethnic Tibetanareas in neighboring [...]provinces. eng.embassyusa.cn |
新项目在 57 个会员国设有工作组,专业领域涵盖了板块构造、资源、地下水可用性、沿海治理、自然灾害、环境/气候变化(澳大利亚、巴西、保加利亚、加拿大、智利、中 国、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、古巴、捷克共和国、埃及、法国、格鲁吉亚、德国、希腊、危 地马拉、匈牙利、印度、意大利、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、日本、毛里求斯、墨西哥、摩洛哥、 新西兰、尼加拉瓜、挪威、巴拿马、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、斯洛伐克、西班牙、瑞士、突 尼斯、土耳其、乌克兰、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The new projects have working groups in 57 Member States and cover plate [...] tectonics, resources, groundwater availability, coastalmanagement,natural hazards, environmental/climate change (Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Italy, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Japan, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and NorthernIrelandand United States of America). unesdoc.unesco.org |
人口基金中国办事处也一直积极参与设计和制定“文化和发展伙伴关系框 架”,这项为期三年(2009-2011 年)的联合国联合方案直接针对四个少数民族聚居的省份——云南、贵州、青海和西藏。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNFPA China has also been actively involved in the design and formulation of the Culture and Development Partnership Framework, a three-year (2009-2011) United Nations [...] joint programme that [...] targets directly ethnic minoritygroups in four of the provinces in which they are concentrated: Yunnan, Guizhou, QinghaiandTibet. daccess-ods.un.org |
一项政府报告称,少数民族占全国各地方人大代表的12%,其中占新疆维吾尔族自治区人大代表的比例是 62.7%,占西藏藏族自治区人大代表的 68.2%,占广西人大代表的 58.8%,占宁夏全国人大代表的 59.8%和占内蒙古全国人大代表的 40.7%。 embassyusa.cn | A government report stated that ethnic minority representation in local people's congresses nationwide was 12 percent, including 62.7 percent in the XUAR, 68.2 percent in the TAR, 58.8 percent in Guangxi, 59.8 percent in Ningxia, and 40.7 percent in Inner Mongolia. eng.embassyusa.cn |
1924 年,苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟设立北方委员会,目的是管理北方少数 民族的事务(土着群体都被列为“北方少数民族”,但雅库特人和科米人是例外, 他们有自己的自治共和国)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 1924, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [...] established the Committee of the North, designed to administer the [...] affairs of northern minorities (indigenous groups were designated as“northern minorities”, except for the Yakuts and the Komi, which had theirownautonomous republics). daccess-ods.un.org |
北极地区蕴藏着大量的能源和矿产资源,该地区的冰块正在融化,对缩短海运行程的预期,以及人们对于科技发展以及成熟的治理环境将确保北极的稳定、和平利用的信心,北极开发正受到越来越多的关注,”麦恒力表示。 dnv.com.cn | Interestin the Arcticisgrowing rapidly, fuelledby melting sea ice,promises of vast energy and mineral resources, prospects of shorter shipping routes and confidence that enhanced scientific knowledge and maturinggovernance processes will ensure Arctic peaceand predictability,” [...] says Knut [...]Ørbeck-Nilssen, COO at DNV’s division Norway, Russia and Finland. dnv.com |
1988 年 2 月 20 日,纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫自治州地方自治政府机构中的亚 美尼亚族裔代表通过一项决议,寻求将(苏联境内)该自治州自阿塞拜疆苏维埃社 会主义共和国移交给亚美尼亚苏维埃社会主义共和国。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 20 February 1988, the members of the [...] Armenian community [...] represented in the local self-government institutions of the NKAO adopted a resolution seeking the transfer of the autonomousoblast from the Azerbaijan SSR [...]to the Armenian SSR (within the USSR). daccess-ods.un.org |
我们欢迎最近对通过 1 号门和 [...] 31 号门的货物进 行安全检查,以及欧洲联盟驻科索沃法治特派团(欧 盟驻科法治团)和科索沃警察的联合巡逻,欢迎欧盟 驻科法治团打算继续加强其存在和活动,以便更有效 地应对科索沃北部的法治挑战,包括全面恢复海关控制。 daccess-ods.un.org | We welcome the recent conduct of security checks of freight going through gates 1 and 31 and the joint patrolling of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) with Kosovo police, as well as the intention of EULEX to continue to increase its presence and activities in [...] order to address more [...] efficiently the rule of lawchallenges in northernKosovo, including the restoration of full customs controls. daccess-ods.un.org |
广东,广西,贵州,海南,台湾,西藏,云南 [孟加拉国, 不丹, 柬埔寨,印度(包括Andaman 和Nicobar岛),印度尼西亚,日本(Ryukyu岛),老挝,马来西亚,缅甸,菲律宾,泰国,越南;澳大利亚(威尔士王子岛,昆士兰北部) ]. flora.ac.cn | Forests; 100-1500 m. Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Taiwan,Xizang,Yunnan[Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India (including Andaman and Nicobar Islands), Indonesia, Japan (Ryukyu Islands), Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam; Australia (Prince of Wales Island, [...] N Queensland)]. flora.ac.cn |
研究报告的第三部分将探讨勘探和开采海底矿藏的经济、环境和政治因素,以及与当前和未来的冶金和采矿技术有关的问题, 对陆地和海底作业进行比较。 daccess-ods.un.org | The third part of the study will [...] examine the economic, [...] environmental andpolitical considerations of the exploration and mining ofseabed deposits and [...]issues related to present [...]and future metallurgical and mining technologies, comparing land-based and seabed operations. daccess-ods.un.org |
按照稳定团的任务规定,政治事务科的工作重点包括支持海地正在进行的政 治进程,包括通过秘书长特别代表进行斡旋,并就所有此类问题向后者提供政治咨询;与海地政府和其他行为体合作,促进包容各方的政治对话和民族和解;确 保政府推进在海地重建计划制订的改革工作,并促进稳定团内部有关海地政治问题的所有事项的政策连贯性。 daccess-ods.un.org | In line with the mandate of the Mission, the focus of the Political Affairs Section includes supporting the political process under way in Haiti, including through the good offices of the Special Representative of the [...] Secretary-General, and with the [...] provisionof politicaladvice to the latter on all such matters; promoting an all-inclusive political dialogue and national reconciliation, in cooperation with the Government of Haiti and other actors; ensuring that the Government carries forward the reform work laid out in the Haitireconstruction plan; and promoting policy coherence within the Mission on all matters relatingtopolitical issues in Haiti. daccess-ods.un.org |