

单词 海北

北海 noun ()

North Sea n
hokkaido n

北海 ()

Beihai, park in Beijing the Northwest the Forbidden City
the North Sea (Europe)
Lake Baikal
Beihai prefecture level city and seaport in Guangxi
Bohai Sea



Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture in Qinghai


Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: Mtsho-byang Bod-rigs rang-skyong-khul) in Qinghai

北海道 n

Hokkaido n

External sources (not reviewed)

今天,康维明拥有两个生产工厂:第一个,创建于1996年,在意大利的戈里齐亚,第二个,于2011年在中国张家港开业,在距 海北 部 约200公里处。
Today Coveme has two production sites: the
first, built in 1996 in Gorizia, Italy, and the second opened in 2011 in Zhangjiagang,
[...] China, around 200km north of Shanghai.
地中海邮轮的航线遍布全球,航线区域包含地 海 、 北 欧 、大西洋、加勒 海 、 北 美 洲 及加拿大、南美洲、南非和阿拉伯湾。
MSC Cruises sail around the world, from the
[...] Mediterranean to Northern Europe, the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean & the Antilles, South America, South Africa, Red Sea, The United Arab [...]
阿拉伯世界指西起大西洋东至阿拉海、北起地 中海南至印度洋非洲之角这片 地区说阿拉伯语的国家。
The Arab World refers to Arabic-speaking countries stretching from the
Atlantic Ocean in the West to
[...] the Arabian Sea in the East, and from the Mediterranean Sea in the North [...]
to the Horn of Africa
in the Indian Ocean in the South.
To the east, Norway shares borders with Sweden,
Finland and Russia, and to the north, west and south the country is surrounded by ocean: the Barents Sea, the
[...] Norwegian Sea, the North Sea and the Skagerrak.
以都市地區露天空間和綠化公園的狀況而論,你認為的香港與其他主要中國城市比較,例如廣州、 海 、 北 京 等 ,屬於好D定係差D?
In terms of open space and green parks in the urban
area, do you think Hong Kong is better or poorer than major Chinese
[...] cities like Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, and so on?
展览包括WAI在北京和圣胡安的个展,WAI参与联合展览,包括伦敦、纽约、洛杉矶、巴塞罗那、东京、大阪、 海 、 北 京 、 布拉迪斯拉发、圣地亚哥、布宜诺斯艾利斯、波尔图、柏林、赫尔辛基、奥斯陆、鹿特丹、巴黎、布鲁塞尔及都柏林。
Exhibitions include WAI’s solo shows in Beijing and San Juan, and group exhibitions in
London, New York, Los Angeles,
[...] Barcelona, Tokyo, Osaka, Shanghai, Beijing, Bratislava, [...]
Milan, Santiago de Chile, Montevideo,
Buenos Aires, Berlin, Helsinki, Oporto, Paris, Brussels and Dublin.
我建議政府應該成立一個基 金,以5年為期,撥款20億元,利用香港貿易發展局和其他機構在內
地的網絡,由它們牽頭為企業打入內地市場,以建立一個專用平台, 向內地企業及消費者推銷香港的lifestyle,亦為港商打造品牌,做聯
[...] 繫的工作,建立網絡,為中小企尋找商機,並且協助香港產品及服務 業進入廣東、海、北京、 成都等城市,藉此打進整個內地市場。
I suggest that the Government should set up a five-year fund with a total provision of $2 billion, to help enterprises enter into the Mainland market through the networks of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and other organizations on the Mainland; establish an exclusive platform for marketing the Hong Kong lifestyle to Mainland enterprises and consumers; building brands, establishing contacts and networks for Hong Kong businessmen; finding business opportunities for SMEs; as well as assisting Hong Kong products and
service sector in entering such
[...] cities as Guangdong, Shanghai, Beijing and Chengdu, and [...]
thereby entering the whole Mainland market.
欧洲三大河流:莱茵河(Rhine)、罗纳河(Rhone)及因河(Inn)均发源于瑞士,分别流入不同 海 洋 : 北海 、 地 中海和黑海。
The Rhine, Rhone and Inn all take their source here, although their waters flow into
[...] three seas: the North Sea, the Mediterranean and [...]
the Black Sea.
高级时尚与奢侈品管理课程还分别在 海 、 北 京 和 深圳举办了多次 中法时尚管理沙龙活动,吸引了几百名国内外专家学者与时尚产业 的高级管理人才和专业人才,一起交流中国时尚产业领军人才的培 训与发展,以及中国如何打造世界一流品牌等关键问题。
The China-France Fashion & Luxury Salon attracts several hundred domestic and foreign experts, as well as senior managers and professionals in the fashion and luxury industry, to exchange views on key issues such as the training and development of the leading figures of Chinese fashion and luxury industry, and how Chinese enterprises can build world-class brands.
憑藉本集團於香港、海、北京、新加坡及吉隆坡的高檔住宅、甲級寫字樓、豪華酒店及服務式公寓市 場享有顯著地位,加上穩建的資產負債表,將有助我們在該等市場中挑選具吸引力的發展及投資機會。
Our solid balance sheet will enable us to seek out attractive development and investment opportunities in premium residences, Grade A offices, luxury hotels and service apartments in markets where the Group has already established a significant presence operationally, such as Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.
地中海邮轮是地中海邮轮市场的领导者,我们在此区域全年都有邮轮航行。同时,我们提供世界范围内的季节性邮轮航程供您选择,包括北欧、大西洋、加勒 海 、 北 美 洲、南美洲、南非。
MSC Cruises is a leader in the Mediterranean cruise market, sailing in the region throughout the year, as well as offering a wide range of seasonal itineraries in
Northern Europe, the Atlantic Ocean,
[...] the Caribbean, North America and Canada, South America, South Africa and the Arabian Gulf.
确认尽管地海北岸各目的国努力接待逃离北非的移徙者和寻求庇护 者,而邻近的北非国家也加强了努力,但这给它们造成了极大负担,赞赏这些国 家的政府和人民、人道主义行动者,包括联合国难民事务高级专员办事处、国际 [...]
Recognizes the efforts made by countries of
[...] destination on the northern shores of the Mediterranean sea to host migrants [...]
and asylum-seekers fleeing
recent events in North Africa, as well as the greater efforts made by neighbouring north African countries, which impose on them a disproportionate burden, and commends, for their solidarity, the Governments and people of those countries, humanitarian actors, including the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the International Organization for Migration, the International Committee of the Red Cross, international and local non-governmental organizations and those Governments and individuals who have supported their activities
These considerations have important implications for the design and implementation of the observing system.
界线位于法国认为存在第6条第1和第2 款所述“特殊情形”的区 域,即:比斯开湾、格兰威尔湾、以及与法国海岸相向的加 海 峡和 北海海区。
If it lies in areas where, in the Government’s opinion, there are ‘special circumstances’ within the meaning of article 6, paragraphs 1 and 2, that is to say: the
Bay of Biscay, the Bay of
[...] Granville, and the sea areas of the Straits of Dover and of the North Sea off the French coast.
加莱,在法国北部加莱是一个部门的当前区域包围的北部 - 加来海峡Nord和索姆河和英吉海峡和 北海 部 门 的组成部分。
Pas-de-Calais is a department in northern France forming part of the current
region of Nord-Pas-de-Calais surrounded by the departments of Nord and Somme
[...] and the English Channel and the North Sea.
据一名中国分析人 士说,南海舰队现在得到的预算 北海 和 东 海舰队都 大。
According to a Chinese analyst,
[...] the South Sea Fleet now receives the biggest budget as compared with the North Sea and East Sea fleets.
第一个地区性渔业机构是国际海洋考察理事会,成立于 1902 年,任务是组织 对东北大西洋(包北海和波 罗的海)及其资源的合作调查和监测。
Such coordination is essential to reduce duplication of effort and to harmonize the use of observations among various regional users having distinct requirements.
暫時看來,我們不認北海道的牛隻或牛奶因發生目前的情況而受污 染。
For the time being, we do not think that the cows or
[...] the milk in Hokkaido have been contaminated [...]
due to the present situation.
在 2012 年 3 月 10 日接受一个国 家媒体采访时北海舰队政委王登平表示,中国拥有三 百万平方公里的海域,完全有理由拥有一艘航空母舰。
In a state media interview on 10 March 2012,
[...] Wang Dengping, PLAN’s North Sea Fleet Political Commissioner, [...]
said China was justified
to possess an aircraft carrier because it had 3 million sq km of maritime territory.
政府承认爱奴族人民有自 己的语言、宗教和文化,他们是日本北部地区,特 别北海道的原住民。
The Government had recognized that the Ainu people had their own
language, religion and culture and that they were indigenous
[...] inhabitants of the northern part of Japan, particularly Hokkaido.
e. 日本的版圖縮小,變成以往的基本四個島嶼:本州 北海 道 、 九州及四國。
To transform Japan into a democratic country where people could enjoy individual rights in an atmosphere of peace.
索要资料所涉领域包括:关于管理局当前的活动和职能的一 般信息;海洋法会议;北极权利;西 北海 峡 的 捕鱼活动和航行;海底块状硫化物 矿床的可持续开采;甲烷水合物及管理局在这方面的工作;企业的建立;以及关 于海底块状硫化物矿床的一般资料。
Some of the areas for which requests were received included: general information on the current activities and the
functions of the
[...] Authority; law of the sea conferences; rights to the Arctic; fishing and navigation in the north-west passage; sustainable [...]
mining of sea
floor massive sulphide deposits; methane hydrates and the work of the Authority in this area; the establishment of the Enterprise; and general information on sea floor massive sulphide deposits.
北海拥有 2000多年历史,曾经是古代海上丝绸之路的主要枢纽。
Over 2,000 years old, the city was once a major hub on
[...] the ancient Marine Silk Route.
为了给有特殊教育需要的学生创造平等 机会,主要北海国家 (丹麦-爱沙尼亚联合项目“把有特殊需要的学生融入主流 学校”北海和波 罗的海国家联合项目“人人可读的学校”, 挪威-爱沙尼亚培训 项目“主流学校中有特殊需要的学生”),但也与大不列颠、荷兰等国家,开展了 成功合作。
To create equal opportunities for pupils with special educational needs, there has
been successful cooperation
[...] primarily with the Nordic countries (Danish-Estonian joint project “Integration of pupils with special needs in mainstream schools”, joint project of Nordic and Baltic countries “School [...]
for all”, Norwegian-Estonian
training project “Pupils with special needs in mainstream schools”), but also with Great Britain, the Netherlands, and others.
[...] 个国家中心,促进尊重爱奴族人的文化,并正在收集 有北海道以 外爱奴族人生活条件的数据。
The council was working on a project to build a national centre to promote respect
for the culture of the Ainu people and was collecting data on living conditions of
[...] the Ainu people outside of Hokkaido.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中
[...] 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区 之间、印度洋和印度 北部 内 陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 [...]
目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项
目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a
transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and
[...] India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei [...]
Development Project
which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
此外,新南威尔北海岸的 另类集市,如在 Nimbin 的集市,也值得一看。
Alternative markets on
[...] the New South Wales north coast, such as the one [...]
at Nimbin, are also worth a visit.
我们还欣见 8 国集团领导人在日北海道宣 布,将坚定不移地开展工 作,以实现在苏格兰格伦伊格尔斯所做各项承诺,包括与 [...]
2004 年相比,与其他 捐助方一道,到 2010 年将向非洲提供的官方发展援助每年增加 250 亿美元。
We also welcome the declaration by the leaders of the Group
[...] of Eight in Hokkaido, Japan, that [...]
they are firmly committed to working to fulfil
their commitments made at Gleneagles, Scotland, including increasing, compared to 2004, with other donors, ODA to Africa by $25 billion a year by 2010.
俄罗斯联邦 根据其“到 2030 年俄罗斯联邦交通运输战略”正 在通过执行若干项目发展交通运输基础设施,包括西伯利亚铁路 北海线 路 、“中国西部-西欧”国际走廊、海港和陆港、以及通过公私营合作方 式可能具有实施吸引力的许多其他项目。
The Russian Federation, in line with the “Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation to 2030”, was undertaking projects to develop transport
infrastructure, including the
[...] Trans-Siberian Railway, Northern Sea Route, international corridor “Western China – Western Europe”, as well as sea and dry ports, [...]
with many of the projects
being potentially attractive for implementation through the PPP modality.




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