

单词 海内



at home and abroad
domestic and international


close friend in a distant land, far-flung realms as next door (idiom); close in spirit although far away
absence makes the heart grow fonder

External sources (not reviewed)

解决失业问题、克服社会差距以及 解决沿海、内陆及 边境地区的发展不平衡,都是国家的优先工作。
Fighting unemployment, overcoming social disparities
and addressing the development
[...] imbalance between the coast and the interior and border regions [...]
are national priorities.
这些决定和建议还涉及执行关于可持续利用和养护国家管辖范 内 和 公 海内海 洋生物资源的《21 世纪议程》第 17 章和《约翰内斯堡执行计划》第四章。
These decisions and recommendations have also involved the implementation of Chapter 17
of Agenda 21 and Chapter
[...] IV of the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation on the sustainable use and conservation of marine living resources [...]
in areas under
national jurisdiction and in the high seas.
照会称:“中国对海内岛屿及附近水域拥有毫无争议 的主权,并且在相关水域、海床及底土享有主权和管辖 权”,并提到了有九段线的地图。
The note stated: “China has indisputable
[...] sovereignty over the islands in the South China Sea, and the adjacent [...]
waters, and enjoys sovereign
rights and jurisdiction over the relevant waters as well as the seabed and subsoil thereof”, and then made reference to the map of the nine-dashed line.
德国联邦海洋和水文地理机构估计,爱尔 海内 的 钚 含量为 200 公 斤(制造一颗原子弹只需要 5 公斤钚)。
Germany’s Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency estimates the amount of plutonium in the Irish Sea to be 200 kg [...]
(the production of an
atomic bomb only requires 5 kg of plutonium).
在其领海毗连区——即距其基线 不得超过 24 海里的区域(毗连区)内,沿海国可 行使必要的管制,以防止在其领 土或海内违犯 其海关、财政、移民或环卫法律和法规的行为,或惩治在其领土 或海内违犯这些法律和规章的行为。
In a zone contiguous to its
[...] territorial sea, which may not extend beyond 24 nautical miles from the baselines (the contiguous zone), the coastal State may exercise the control necessary to prevent infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws and regulations within its territory or territorial sea or punish infringement of these laws and regulations committed within its territory or territorial sea.
在某些情况下,沿海 国可以在其海内的外 国船只上行使刑事管辖权,包括当犯罪的后果波及沿海国时, 或如果发生犯罪扰乱了该国的和平或其领海的良好秩序的情况。
In certain
[...] circumstances, a coastal State may exercise criminal jurisdiction on board a foreign ship within its territorial sea, including [...]
when the consequences
of the crime extend to the coastal State, or if the crime disturbs the peace of the country or the good order of its territorial sea.
3. 缔约国在其群岛水域和海内行使 其主权时,根据国与国之间的通行做法,为了在 保护国家船只和飞行器的最佳办法方面进行合作,要向是本公约缔约国的船旗国, [...]
并根据情况,向与该水下文化遗产确有联系,尤其是文化、历史或考古方面的联系 的其他国家通知发现可认出国藉的船只和飞行器的情况。
Within their archipelagic waters and territorial sea, in the exercise of [...]
their sovereignty and in recognition of general
practice among States, States Parties, with a view to cooperating on the best methods of protecting State vessels and aircraft, should inform the flag State Party to this Convention and, if applicable, other States with a verifiable link, especially a cultural, historical or archaeological link, with respect to the discovery of such identifiable State vessels and aircraft.
经 济促进会不断的海内外的 媒体保持联 系,通过电视、广播、纸媒(宣传册、文 章、广告)等方式宣传波兰经济环境和政 策。
It is also responsible for organizing media study tours for foreign journalists, thanks to whom the public opinion and foreign entrepreneurs may learn about the Polish economic situation.
安全理事会曾在第 1816 (2008)号决议中处理索马里沿海海盗问题,决定自 本决议通过之日起为期六个月内,同索马里过渡联邦政府合作打击索马里沿海
[...] 海盗和武装抢劫行为的国家可以同相关国际法允许的在公海打击海盗行为的行 动相一致的方式,在索马里海内采 用 一切必要手段,制止海盗及武装抢劫行 为。
In its resolution 1816 (2008), the Security Council addressed the issue of piracy off the Somali coast and decided that for a period of six months from the date of the resolution, States cooperating with the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia in the fight against piracy and armed robbery at sea off the coast of Somalia were permitted to use all necessary
means to repress acts of piracy and armed
[...] robbery at sea in the territorial waters of Somalia, [...]
as permitted by international law on the high seas.
另一方面,“海上武装抢劫”或“持械抢劫船只” 的罪行具有海盗行为的相同要素,但是是在一国的海内实施的。
On the other hand, the crimes of armed robbery at sea
or armed robbery against ships have the same elements as piracy but are committed
[...] within the territorial sea of a State.
此次国际海洋节作为青岛的一次盛会,吸引着大量 海内 外 游 客,大大提高了夏季青岛机场的客运量。
Meanwhile, this event is also part of the major events taking place in Qingdao, attracting each year a large number of tourists from China and abroad, considerably boosting the passenger traffic in Qingdao Airport in the summer season.
自1985年协会奠基以来,随着时间的推移实现了一个目的在于认知时尚,推广时尚,发展时尚的这么一个有组织的政策,通过此事,在意大 海内 外 都 拥有了一个高水平的形象。
Right from the year of its foundation, in 1958, the Association has pursued a policy of organisational support aimed at
the knowledge, promotion and development of Fashion through events with a highly
[...] intellectual image in Italy and abroad.
成为本地商家的首选商会,作为联系世界华商的有效平台, 海内 外 企业的合作搭建桥梁,这是我们一贯的宗旨,也是我们不懈的追求。
Our mission and earnest pursuit is to become the choice Chamber for local enterprises, an effective platform for the global Chinese business community, and a contact point connecting businesses at home and abroad.
Workshops were also organised
[...] for local and overseas artists with [...]
or without disabilities to share and to exchange their experiences in the arts.
围绕着既定的方针,总商会目前已经积极展开多项会务,其中包括举办商团大会,以加强各商团间的联系;通过刚成立的企业发展与服务中心,协助政府落实各项政策与援助计划;组织多项考察、交流活动,推 海内 外 商贸往来;采用先进科技,提高秘书处的服务效率与素质;吸引青年才俊挺身而出,为总商会服务,使会务工作跟得上时代的潮流。
Moving along such strategic directions, the Chamber has already embarked on many relevant projects; these include staging a Trade Association Congress to strengthen relations among trade associations; assisting the government to implement various policies and assistance schemes through the recently-established Enterprise Development Centre @ SCCCI; organising numerous business
missions and networking
[...] activities to promote domestic and international [...]
trade relations; adopting the latest infocomm technology in the Secretariat
to enhance the quality of our services; recruiting younger entrepreneurs to serve in the Chamber, and to ensure that our Chamber keeps up with the times.
华人世界》依托“中国概念”和“中国力量”,关注一个正在逐步融入国际主流社会的华人圈,传递华人声音,展示华人财智,报道华人动态, 海内 外 财智华人代言,弘扬财智华人的价值观,彰显华人财智的竞争力。
Chinese World relies on “China concept” and “Chinese power”, focuses on a Chinese circle gradually integrating into the international mainstream community, passes the sound of Chinese people, shows the wisdom of Chinese people, reports Chinese people’s
dynamic, speaks for intelligent Chinese
[...] people at home and abroad, promote values [...]
of them and demonstrate the competitiveness
of intelligent Chinese financial people.
北京国际电影节海内外的 电影界代表汇聚一堂,为这些业内人士提供了一个探讨专业与创新的交流平台。
This festival brings together national and international representatives from the film industry and offers them a professional and innovative exchange platform.
众多有实力的线束设备制造企业蔚然成军,催生出中国国内首个专业线束设备展——2010年4月9日-11日在深圳会展中心举办的第75届中国电子展(75thCEF)上新设立的“线束加工设备展区”,他将致力于为快速发展中的线束工业企业提供一站式的线束加工设备采购与交流平台,全面展 海内 外 最 新线束加工设备与技术,展品涵盖电线末端加工设备、自动化线束加工装备、集成线束制造系统(线束加工中心)、喷码设备、线材及相关配件等整个线束加工流程。
There are many equipment manufacturers harness the strength of Ran into the military, gave birth in China's first professional harness equipment exhibition - April 9, 2010 -11 days held in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Centre 75th China Electronics Fair (75thCEF) the newly established "wire processing equipment exhibition," he will be dedicated to the rapid development of industrial enterprises in the wiring harness wiring harness processing equipment provides one-stop sourcing platform
with a comprehensive presentation of the
[...] latest home and abroad, wire processing [...]
equipment and technology The exhibits cover
the wire end of the processing equipment, automated wire processing equipment, integrated manufacturing systems Harness (Harness processing center), marking equipment, wire harnesses and related accessories throughout the machining process.
此外,许多亚得里海和内海的水下考 古遗址也经常遭到盗窃。
Furthermore, many underwater archaeological sites in
[...] the Adriatic Sea and inland waters are the [...]
subject of dramatic looting.
自2011年讲座开设以来,美国晨晖儿童治疗中心负责人理卢幼慈(Professor Norma Y. Leben)教授,国际多元智能学会常务董事Julie Viens,香港明德儿童启育中心专业理疗师柏安妮(Ann Bridgewater),新加坡国际学校幼儿园园长Joanne Tsang女士,中国音协奥尔夫专业委员会幼教中心主任曹利等多 海内 外 权 威儿童教育专家应邀出席,对家长们最关注的问题进行了讲解,并在讲座现场针对家长提出的疑问给予了专业的建议和最实用的指导,从而帮助家长朋友们运用更科学的方法培育孩子,让孩子们拥有最好的未来。
Since the inception Ivy Schools Distinguished Speaker Series in 2011, many outstanding and authoritative early childhood educators around the world, such as Professor Norma Y. Leben, the founder of US Morning Glory Treatment Center; Ms. Julie Viens, the managing partner of MI Institute; Ms. Ann Bridgewater, an occupational therapist from Hong Kong’s Child Development Centre; Ms. Joanne Tsang, the Head of Preparatory Years Department at the Singapore International School in Hong Kong; Ms. Li Cao, all delivered informative sessions.
与亚洲博闻有限公司共同举办「国际羊绒交易会」的中国食品土畜进口商会会长边振瑚先生指出:“香港是国际贸易中心丶时尚之都,本届交易会在这里举办,相信会给业内人士带来更多商机,也 海内 外 朋 友深度了解中国羊绒产业提供更便捷的通道。
Mr. Bian Zhenhu, president of the China Chamber of Commerce for Import & Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce & Animal By-Products (CFNA) who are the coorganisers of the fair along with UBM Asia Ltd, remarked, “As a major international trading hub, Hong Kong brings even more opportunities for the Chinese cashmere business as it provides a fitting venue for the world to learn more about this noble fiber.
自1985 年以来,中国政府在西部省份和自治区――西藏自治区、四川、海、内蒙古 和新疆――执行了一系列政策,表面上其目的是实现畜牧业现代化和 [...]
Since 1985, the Chinese authorities have implemented a range of policies in the western provinces and
autonomous regions—Tibet Autonomous
[...] Region, Sichuan, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang—ostensibly [...]
aiming at modernizing
the animal husbandry industry towards commodification, while at the same time addressing the degradation of pasture lands and preventing natural disasters in the lowlands of China.
包括联合国副秘书长莫里斯•斯特朗和英国皇家工程院院长艾里克等在内的诸多知名专家与学者,纷纷给予宏源无极灯以高度好评和广泛赞誉 海内 外 各 大主流媒体也争相报道了无极灯在行业内的先进性与引领性。
Many famous specialists and scholars including Morris Strong, the UN Under-Secretary-General and Eric, President of the Royal Academy of Engineering, spoke highly of Hongyuan induction lamps.
随着社会进步和时代的发展,互联网的出现引起触角敏锐的黄先生注意,经过调查认为互联网这个新鲜产物必将成为社会发展和传播的主要途径,所以在2001年黄生找到东莞网为我司设计和创作了网站,并做了大量推广,让广 海内 外 的 客户了解和注意到昌发,让昌发省模 海内 外 有 良好的声誉,我们昌发人也在不断努力,不断吸收国内外技术的精华,为客户加工出最好最优质完美的模具,十多年以来精光高精度模件达几十万件,产品和规模在同行业中遥遥领先,并是很多国外知名品牌电脑、音响和家电产品,如(索尼,三星,苹果,爱华,飞 [...] [...]
Rangchang made province die in at home and abroad has good of reputation, we Chang made
people also in
[...] constantly efforts, constantly absorption at home and abroad technology of essence, for customer processing [...]
out best most quality
perfect of die, more than 10 years yilai cleaners high precision die pieces up hundreds of thousands of pieces, products and scale in industry in the far ahead of, and is many abroad famous brand computer, and audio and home appliances products, as (Sony, Samsung, Apple, aihua, Philips, Casio, Lenovo, jinzheng, KONKA, TCL, Haier sth sth ) Mold processing specified outward mould polishing factory.
处于底层捕捞可能探索或捕捞到的水深范 内海 山 和海 山复合区的位置更为明确和直观。
Locations of seamount and seamount complexes with depth ranges potentially explored or exploited by bottom fisheries were localized better and visualized.
阿富汗海关局计划将 Mazar-e-Sharif 的 地区海关办公室和内海关仓 库移至 Shirkhan Banda 边境口岸,这可能会给阿富汗的私 营部门提供一个机会,让他们对小型物流中心进行投资。
Afghan Customs Department plans to move regional customs office and ICD from Mazar-e-Sharif to the Shirkhan Banda border crossing point and this might give an opportunity for Afghan private industry investing in a small logistics centre.
虽然通过海军巡逻等措施,海盗袭击事件的频 率已经得到控制,但最近又有船只被获,这再次说明, 最终解决海盗问题的办法在于支持索马里,使索马里
[...] 能够重新成为一个具有有效体制机构的主权国家,有 能力维护秩序,遏制内海盗,为索马里人民提供基 本服务。
While measures such as naval patrols have checked the incidents of attacks, the latest seizure demonstrates once again that the ultimate solution to the problem of piracy lies in supporting and enabling Somalia to regain its standing as a sovereign entity with working institutions
having the capacity to enforce law and
[...] order, rein in pirates on its territory and [...]
provide basic services to the Somali people.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中
[...] 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区 之间、印度洋和印度东北内陆地 区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 [...]
目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项
目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a
transportation corridor between the Indian
[...] Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei [...]
Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
[...] 写的一份文件,内容是有关对“区域 内海 洋 环 境的经济评估和使用区域管理工 具养护生物多样性的若干考虑(ISBA/14/LTC/5)。
In addition, the Commission had available to it a document prepared by the Secretariat in response to a request by the Commission at the thirteenth
session, on considerations for an economic
[...] assessment of the marine environment in [...]
the Area and the use of area-based management
tools to conserve biodiversity (ISBA/14/LTC/5).




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