

单词 海傍

See also:

depend on
(slang) have an intimate relationship with sb.

External sources (not reviewed)

鑑於該委員會的任務之 一,是研究辦 法 提 高 公 眾 的
[...] 參與程度,因此我們會撥出若干資 源 ,支援旨在 美海 傍並具有 意義的公眾參與項目。
As one of the tasks of the Committee is to consider means to enlist greater community participation, we
will redeploy some resources to support worthwhile community participation projects
[...] aiming at enhancing the harbour-front.
legco.gov.hk 此外,拓展署指出在灣海傍及銅 鑼灣避風塘的新抽 水站亦會加設抽水分隔間,供需要冷卻用水供應的新 [...]
devb.gov.hk Furthermore, TDD has pointed out that additional pumping
station cells at the new pumping stations
[...] at the Wan Chai shoreline and in the Causeway [...]
Bay typhoon shelter are also provided
for new development sites which may require their own cooling water supply.
從工程角度 看,抽水站選址海傍是合乎邏輯的,因為可符合冷 卻水系統的水力要求。
Site selection at the seafront is a logical engineering [...]
solution for satisfying the hydraulic requirements for the cooling water pumping systems.
[...] 布會成立共建維港委員會,與有關人士和廣大市民共同建立一個充 滿活力而又容易到達海傍。
In appealing for legal disputes to be put to an end, the Government announced the intention to set up a Harbour-front
Enhancement Committee to work with stakeholders and the community at large on developing a
[...] vibrant and accessible waterfront.
(c) 進行相關工程( 例如把機房遷海傍分區警署現址後 面,以騰出地方施工) 。
(c) associated works required (e.g. relocation of the plant rooms to the rear of the existing WFDIV site to make room for the construction work).
財務委員會在 2006 年 6 月批准把 243LP 號工程計劃「中區警區總部及
[...] 中區分區警署搬遷計劃」提升為甲級,按付款當日價格計算,估計所需費用 為 2 億 4,320 萬元,用以興建一幢附翼大樓,以及改建/擴建現 海傍 分區 警署的設施,供中區分區海傍分區 合併後使用。
In June 2006, the Finance Committee approved the upgrading of 243LP “Reprovisioning of Central District Headquarters and Central Divisional Station of the Police” to Category A at an estimated cost of $243.2 million in money-of-the-day (MOD) prices to construct an Annex Block and
[...] modification/expansion of facilities in the exiting Waterfront Divisional (WFDIV) Station for use after [...]
the amalgamation
of Central Division and WFDIV Station.
沿海濱長廊的商用地段則只會供 海傍 相 關的 商業消閒用途,如設置低矮的零售商店和茶座/餐廳, 以供市民和遊客享用。
The commercial sites along
[...] the promenade are meant for waterfront related commercial [...]
and leisure uses such as low rise retail
shops and cafes/restaurants to complement the function of the promenade for the enjoyment of citizens and tourists.
鑑於該委員會的任務之 一,是研究辦 法 提 高 公 眾 的 參與程度,因此我們會撥出若干資 源 ,支援旨在 美海 傍並具有 意義 的公眾參與項目。
We have, for example, to provide support to the planned Advisory Committee on Enhancement of the Harbour-front to be set up shortly. As one of the tasks of the Committee is to consider means to enlist greater community participation, we will redeploy some resources to support worthwhile community participation projects aiming at enhancing the harbour-front.
2.9.1 《1994 年中英防衛用地協議》規定:「在中環及灣仔填
[...] 海計劃藍圖中,香港政府將於威爾斯親王軍營附近預 留 150 米的最後永海傍,供 1997 年後興建軍事碼頭 之用。
2.9.1 The 1994 Sino-British Defence Land Agreement provides, inter alia, that “the Hong Kong Government will leave free 150 meters of the eventual
permanent waterfront in the plans for the
[...] Central and Wan Chai Reclamation at a place close [...]
to the Prince of Wales Barracks for the
construction of a military dock after 1997.
因此,在新的要求下,除須有足夠面積外,也希望有一 海傍 設 施 ,可 以達到我剛才所說的運輸作用。
Hence, given the new requirements, we hope that, in addition to
[...] adequate size, the waterfront facilities can [...]
be provided to achieve the transportation
function as I explained earlier.
區填海第㆔期工程是為了提供土㆞,以建造㆗環灣仔繞道和 P2
[...] 道路網等必要的運輸基建項目,及重置現有 海傍 設 施 (例如為㆗ 區樓宇供應冷卻用水的抽水站、㆝星碼頭和皇后碼頭)。
CRIII is needed to provide land for essential transport infrastructure including the Central-Wanchai Bypass
(“CWB”) and Road P2 network and to
[...] re-provision existing waterfront facilities (e.g. [...]
pumping stations providing cooling water
for buildings in Central, Star Ferry piers and Queen’s Pier).
這個系統最適合位海傍的建築物使 用。
This system is most suitable for
[...] buildings near the sea water front
提供更多行人自動扶梯連接半山區 海傍 , 無 助於減少港 島北岸的東西行車輛。
More pedestrian escalators linking
[...] Mid-levels to the harbour front will not [...]
help reduce traffic running between the eastern
and western parts of the northern shore of the Hong Kong Island.
另一方面,現時來說, 各位議員可能也明白,全港約有 7 個這類總體的轉運站,大部分是採用靠近 海邊、以船運的方式運作,將來東南九龍的回收及轉運站,我們也希望是處海傍,使 廢物除了可以回收外,也可以集中裝箱,以較清潔的方法透過船 舶運輸,直接送到例如新界西北的堆填區,這便可大大減少在整個地區內垃 圾車對交通造成的影響。
It is our hope that the future recovery and transfer station for South East Kowloon could also be built along the waterfront to facilitate waste recycling as well as centralized packing to enable waste to be directly transported to landfills, such as those in North West New Territories, by vessels, which is a cleaner approach, thereby greatly alleviating the impact of refuse trucks on the traffic in the entire district.
在中區填海第三期工程中,9 號和 10 號碼頭一共 會有 12 組重置的公眾登岸梯級,這些設施全都鄰接中海傍的碼頭群,以便乘客享用附近的交通基建設施。
A total of 12 sets of landing steps will be
[...] reprovisioned within CRIII through Piers No. 9 and 10 adjacent to the pier cluster in the Central Waterfront so that users [...]
may benefit from the
transport infrastructure in the vicinity.
為更有效運用土地資源,我們會制訂計劃,陸續將灣海 傍三座政府辦公大樓內的 27個決策局/ 部門遷往其他地 區。
To ensure more efficient use of land resources, we will formulate plans to gradually relocate the 27 policy bureaux/departments in the three government office buildings at the Wan Chai waterfront to other districts.
學會亦支持沿海濱 長廊劃出少量土地,興建低矮的樓宇作 海傍 有 關的商 業及消閒用途,例如零售商店及茶座/餐廳,以增海 傍的吸引力。
It also supports that such
[...] limited commercial use along the promenade be designated for waterfront related commercial and leisure uses such as low rise retail [...]
and cafes/restaurants to serve as attractions.
(2) y 搬遷天星小輪碼頭到近永安廣場、新尖東巴士總站和尖東港鐵站 海傍 ,及 把天星小輪碼頭改建成海港或小輪博物館。
(2) 10 y Relocate the Star
[...] Ferry Pier to the waterfront near the Wing [...]
On Square, new TSTE bus terminal and TSTE MTR station,
and change the Star Ferry building into a museum of the harbour or ferry.
5.6 林健鋒議員察悉,政府計劃陸續將灣 海傍 3 座 政 府辦 公大樓內的27個政策局/部門遷往其他地區,並會研究使用舊 工廠大廈重置受影響部門的可行性。
Mr Jeffrey LAM noted that the Government planned to gradually relocate the 27 policy bureaux/departments in the three government office buildings at the Wan Chai waterfront to other districts, and would study the feasibility of making use of old industrial buildings in the relocation of the departments affected.
例如將來海濱長廊如何打通 的問題,我們在司法及法律事務委員會也討論過,便是法院大樓應靠海傍,因為環境較優美,樓層較高(例如有四十多層高)的樓宇應建 在其後。
For instance, the question of how a harbourfront promenade should be constructed in future has been discussed by the Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services, and it was considered that the Law Courts Building should stand by the harbour as the environment would be better.
3.7.2 政府的理想是把維港塑造成為港人之港、活力之港,讓 市民可以容易地到達及享海傍。
3.7.2 The Government’s vision is
to make the Victoria Harbour a harbour for the
[...] people and a harbour of life, easily [...]
accessible for the enjoyment of all.
很多時候,我不知道這究竟是政府還是發展商的陰招,先海傍興建數幢樓宇,相隔數年後又 海傍 之 外 多建數幢,屏風外有 屏風,例如四小龍873號地盤,我真的覺得哀哉。
Very often, I cannot tell if this is a trick of the Government or the
developers to build several
[...] blocks along the waterfront first, then a couple more near the waterfront a few years [...]
later, just like layers of screens.
研究進一步指出海傍容許 寵物、攤販進入、進行遊 戲和其他活動等,應會廣受多居民和遊客的歡迎。
The study further says that allowing pets,
games, street vendors, and other
[...] activities will help waterfronts become more popular [...]
among both residents and visitors.
(v) 在魚類批發市場大樓沿海傍一帶興建闊 5 米和長 90 米的 簷蓬作屏障,以阻隔起卸活動及繫泊船隻所發出的聲音
(v) The wholesale fish market building will be constructed
with a 5metre wide and 90-metre long
[...] canopy along the waterfront to provide screening [...]
for the noise emitted from loading
/ unloading activities and from berthed vessels
3.7.3 正如上文所述,因建造有關的基建設施而所需的土地, 可以提供一個難得和獨有的機會,在港島北岸發展一條 充滿活力的海濱長廊,由中環商業區到灣仔,讓市民直 達及享海傍。
3.7.3 As mentioned before, the land required for the essential infrastructure items will provide an exceptional and unique opportunity for a vibrant waterfront promenade on the northern shore of Hong Kong Island extending from the CBD to Wan Chai for the access and enjoyment by the community.
海 傍區的總評分為所得星的數目總和。
The overall
[...] ranking of each waterfront is based on its [...]
total number of stars.
當局有沒有計劃在2007年6月底解散共建維港委員會;若有,將由甚麼組織負責就維多利亞港現有和 海傍 的 規 劃、土地用途和發展、如何提高公眾 海傍 規 劃及設計的參與程度等工作向政府提供意見;以及如何確保社會各界繼續參與維多利亞港的規劃?
whether the authorities plan to dissolve HEC at the end of June 2007; if so, of the organization to be responsible for advising the Government on the planning,
land use and
[...] developments along the existing and new harbour-front of Victoria Harbour, and the means to enhance public [...]
participation in the
planning and design of the harbour-front; and how to ensure that the community will continue participating in the planning of Victoria Harbour?
在共建維 港委員會成立後,我們會在進行維 海傍 的 宣 傳活動,及 海傍的 建 設工作建立社會共識時,聽取委員會的意見。
With the setting
[...] up of the Harbour-front Enhancement Committee, we will take advice from the Committee in mounting pro-harbour publicity and building community consensus in harbour-front enhancement work.
當我們把興建中環灣仔繞道所需的上述必要配套和 受影響並須重置海傍設施計算在填海範圍內,保護海 港協會的方案能夠減少的填海面積便顯然只屬假象。
When the seawall structure for the CWB and the affected facilities to be reprovisioned to the waterfront are added back to the reclamation, any reduction in the extent of reclamation under the SPH’s alternative is more apparent than real.
為了配合以上的想法,財政司司長曾俊華在2008-2009年度的財政 預算案中,進一步提出從經濟發展及土地資源運用的角度來看,並非 所有政府辦公大樓都必須位於核心商業區,亦會“積極” ⎯⎯ 我重申 是會“積極” ⎯⎯ 研究把位於灣海傍的3座 政府辦公大樓,即稅務大 樓、灣仔政府大樓及入境事務大樓遷離現址。
To dovetail with this line of thinking, Financial Secretary John TSANG further proposed in the 2008-2009 Budget that, from the angle of economic development and use of land resources, not all government office buildings must be located in central commercial areas.




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