

单词 浮息

See also:


buoyancy n
watermark n

External sources (not reviewed)

該無抵押銀行貸款以港幣結算,其賬面值 浮息 利 率 計息及現行市場利率釐 定。
Carrying amounts of the unsecured bank loans
[...] bore interest at floating interest rates and [...]
at prevailing market rates.
該 項 貸 款 乃 由 本 公 司 一 位 執
[...] 行 董 事 給 予 的 個 人 擔 保 扺 押,並浮 息4.86%年 利 率 計 息。
The loan is secured by personal guarantees given by an executive director of the Company and
[...] carries interest at a floating rate of 4.86% per annum.
浮息債務 主要用於資助快速運轉及流動的營運資金,而交易定價及條款中亦計及該等資金成本並因此於營銷活 [...]
Floating rate debt is predominantly [...]
used to fund fast turning and liquid working capital, the funding cost of which is taken
into account in transactional pricing and terms and accordingly sought to be “recovered” in Adjusted EBIT of our marketing activities.
子基金的投資目標乃透過投資於主要包含能夠為子基金帶來穩定收入的人民幣 息 或 浮息 債 務 工具的投資組 合,尋求長遠的人民幣資本增值。
The investment objective of the Sub-Fund is to achieve long-term capital growth in RMB terms through investment in a
portfolio consisting primarily of RMB
[...] denominated fixed rate or floating rate debt instruments [...]
which will generate a steady flow of income for the Sub-Fund.
子基金的投資目標乃透過投資於主要包含能夠為子基金帶來穩定收入的人民幣 息 或 浮息 債 務 工具的投資 組合,尋求長遠的人民幣資本增值。
The Sub-Fund recognises a financial asset or a financial liability when, and only when, it becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.
(a) 由 於 銀 行 借 款浮 息 計 息,故 銀 行 借 款 之 賬 面 值 [...]
與 其 公 允 值 相 若。
(a) The carrying amounts of bank borrowings approximate their fair values as the
[...] bank borrowings are at floating interest rate.
倘若一項貸款或持有至到期投資 浮息 計 息 , 則計量任何減值虧損之貼現率為根據合約釐定之現 時實際利率。
If a loan or held-to-maturity investment has a variable interest rate, the discount rate for measuring any impairment loss is the current effective interest rate determined under the contract.
假設報告期末浮息負債 金額於全年內都未予償清,利率高於/低於50個基準點且所有其他變量保持不變,則截至二零一二年十二月三十 [...]
一 日 止 年 度,G l e n c o r e 的 收 入 及 權 益 將 減 少/ 增 加 1 0 9 百 萬
美 元(二 零 一 一 年:減 少/ 增 加 9 8 百 萬 美 元)。
Assuming the amount of floating rate liabilities at [...]
the reporting period end were outstanding for the whole year, interest
rates were 50 basis points higher/lower and all other variables held constant, Glencore’s income and equity for the year ended 31 December 2012 would decrease/increase by $ 109 million (2011: $ 98 million).
根 據 利 率 互 換,本 集 團 與 其 他 訂 約 方 協
[...] 定 於 每 個指定時期進行轉換,定息合約利率 浮息 利 息 金 額的差額乃參考協定名義金額計算。
Under the interest rate swaps, the Group agrees with other parties to exchange, at specified
intervals, the difference between fixed
[...] contract rates and floating-rate interest amounts [...]
calculated by reference to the agreed notional amounts.
該項貸款乃由本集團若干預付土地租金、樓宇及投資物業(附 註15、16及17)、本 公 司 一
位 執 行 董 事 及 其 配 偶 給 予 的 個 人 擔 保 以 及 本 公 司 最 終 控 股 公 司 給 予 的 公 司
[...] 擔 保 扺 押(附 註33),並浮 息7.66%(二 零 零 八 年:7.74% )年 [...]
利 率 計 息。
The loan is secured by charges over certain of the Group’s lease prepayments, buildings and investment properties (Notes 15, 16 and 17), personal guarantees given by an executive director of the Company and his spouse and a corporate guarantee given by the
ultimate holding company of the Company (Note 33), and
[...] carries interest at a floating rate of 7.66% (2008: [...]
7.74%) per annum.
編 製 該 項
[...] 分 析 時 假 設 於 結 算 日浮息銀 行 貸款及銀行結餘及存款於全年內仍未償還。
The analysis is prepared assuming the
[...] amount of variable-rate bank loans and [...]
bank balances and deposits at the balance sheet
date was the amount outstanding for the whole year.
為能在市場利率波動的情況下仍能維持本集團利息支出的穩定,集團安排了利率掉期 以對浮息銀行貸款的利率變動風險。
To stabilise the interest expenses of the Group against interest rate fluctuations in the market, the
Group had arranged interest rate swaps to hedge against the interest rate
[...] risk on the Group’s floating rate bank borrowings.
基金無須面對重大的現金流量利率風險,因為 其持有的主要金融工具並不浮息金 融 工具。
The Fund is not exposed to material cash flow interest rate risk because it has no major financial instruments
[...] bearing interest at a floating rate.
此 乃 主 要 由 於 本 集團浮 息銀行貸款面對的利率風險所致。
This is mainly attributable to the Group’s exposure to interest rates on its variable-rate bank balances and deposits.
倘利率上升╱下降50個基點而所有其他因素維持不變,本集團於截至二零零八年三月三十一日止年度 之溢利應減少╱增加約34,000港元(二 零零 七年:減少/增加約5,000港元),主要歸因於本集團 浮息 銀行借貸面對利率風險。
If interest rates have been 50 basis points higher/lower and all other variables were held constant, the Group’s loss for the year ended 31st March 2008 would increase/decrease by approximately HK$34,000 (2007: decrease/increase by approximately HK$5,000).
利率風險是由集團的高級管理人員根據既定的政策 管理,通過定期檢討決定適合目前業務組合 浮息 ╱ 定 息 資 金 來源策略。
The Group is most vulnerable to changes in Hong Kong dollar interest rates. Interest rate risk is managed by the Group’s senior management in accordance with defined policies through regular
review to determine the strategy as to
[...] having the funding in floating/fixed rate mix appropriate [...]
to its current business portfolio.
典型的 例子是股票掛鈎票據、信貸掛鈎票據、反 浮息 票 據 及累計價 浮息存 款等。
Typical examples are equity-linked notes, credit-linked notes, inverse floaters and ranger accruals.
浮 息 及 定 息 發 行 之 借 款 分 別 使 本 集 團 面 對 現 金 流 量 利 率 風 險 及 公 平 值 利 率 風 險。
Borrowings issued at variable rates and at fixed rates expose the Group to cash flow interest rate risk and fair value interest risk respectively.
[...] 部分銀行將一按及二按的利率分開計算,部分以全數貸款額計算;利率的計 算方法不一,有每年變更的或全數單 浮息 的。
There are also different ways of calculating the interest rate, and the interest rate may
[...] change yearly or float for the entire [...]
mortgage period.
[...] 有三种类型的抵押贷款:固息抵押贷款 浮息 抵 押 贷款和货币市 场抵押贷款。
There are three main types of mortgage in
[...] Switzerland: fixed-rate, variablerate [...]
and money-market mortgages.
本集團已發行之定息或股票掛鈎債券及票據備有相關掉期 合約安排,將其利率及有關條款轉成 浮息 為 基 礎。
The fixed rate or equity linked bonds and notes issued
by the Group have associated swaps arrangements in place to convert the rates and
[...] related terms to a floating rate basis.
浮息銀行 結餘 假如利率調高30個基點(二零零八年:100個基點),而其他所有變數保持不變,本集團本年度除稅後 [...]
If interest rates had been [...]
30 basis points (2008: 100 basis points) higher and all other variables were held constant, the
Group’s profit after tax for the year would increase by approximately HK$52,000 (2008: decrease in loss after tax by approximately HK$187,000).
利率掉期合約將有浮息貸款的利率由 香港銀行同業拆息加 0.75% 轉換為 2.725%。
The interest rate swap contract swaps the
[...] interest rate on the floating rate loan from [...]
HIBOR plus 0.75% to 2.725%.
於 二 零 一 零 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日,倘 貸 款 之 利 率
增 加 ╱ 減 少10個 基 點,而 所 有 變 數 維 持不變,本年度本集團及本公司之除稅後溢利將分別減少╱增加28,684美元(二零零九年:
[...] 5,981美元)及1,991美元(二零零九年:無),主要因 浮息 貸 款 之利息開支增加╱減少所致。
As at 31 December 2010, if interest rates on borrowings had been 10 basis points higher/lower with all other variables held constant, the Group’s and the Company’s posttax profit for the year would have been US$28,684 (2009: US$5,981) and US$1,991
(2009: Nil) lower/higher respectively, mainly as a result of higher/lower
[...] interest expenses on floating rate borrowings.
浮 息分 別 以二 零 零九 年及 二 零一 零 [...]
年十 二 月三十 一日 的當時利 率作 出估計。
Floating-rate interest is [...]
estimated using current interest rate as at 31 December 2009 and 2010 respectively.
(ii) 利率風險 本集團之若干其他應收款項(於附註23披露)、若 浮息 銀 行 結餘(於附註29披露) 浮息 有 抵 押銀行 借貸(於附註34披露)按現行市場利率及中國人民銀行人民幣貸款利率計息,故本集團承擔市場利率波 動所引致之現金流量利率風險。
The Group is exposed to cash flow interest rate risk due to the fluctuation of the market interest rate on certain other receivables as disclosed in note 23, certain variable rate bank balances as disclosed in note 29 and secured variable-rate bank borrowing as disclosed in note 34, which carry interest at prevailing market interest rates and the People’s Bank of China Renminbi Lending Rate.
M&G 及 Prudential Capital 持有的債務證券一般浮息債券 ,因此市值對利率變動的敏感度有限,所以任何利率 變動均不會對利潤或股東權益構成重大影響。
Debt securities held by M&G and Prudential Capital are in general variable rate bonds and so market value is limited in sensitivity to interest rate movements and consequently any change in interest rates would not have a material impact on profit or shareholders’ equity.
下表列載本集團及本公司的非衍生金融負債於結算日的餘下合約期限,基準為合約未貼現現金流量 (包括按合約利率,或如浮息,則 按結算日當時利率計算的利息付款)及本集團及本公司須予支 [...]
The following tables show the remaining contractual maturities at the balance sheet date of the Group’s and the Company’s non-derivative financial liabilities, which are based on contractual undiscounted cash flows (including
interest payments computed using
[...] contractual rates, or if floating, based on rates current [...]
at the balance sheet date) and the
earliest date the Group and the Company can be required to pay.
倘利率增加╱減少 25 基點(2010 年:25 基點),而所有其他變數維持不變,則集團截至 2011 年 12 月 31 日止年度之溢利將減少╱增加 12,082,000 港元(2010 年:5,628,000 港元),主要為集團浮息銀行 貸款及最終控股公司貸款承受利率風險所導致。
If interest rates had been 25 basis points (2010: 25 basis point) higher/lower and all other variables were held constant, the Group’s profit for the year ended 31 December 2011 would decrease/ increase by HK$12,082,000 (2010: HK$5,628,000).
[...] 合,過往年度亦會訂立利率掉期合約,當中本集團同意於特定時段交換透過參考議定的名義本金金額計算 得出的息及浮息金額的差額。
The following table demonstrates the sensitivity to a reasonably possible change in interest rates, with all other variables held
constant, of the Group's profit before tax
[...] (through the impact on floating rate borrowings) and [...]
the Group’s and the Company’s equity.




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