

单词 浪费掉的

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External sources (not reviewed)

关于目前的危机,一位专家引用了兰姆·伊曼纽尔2 的 话 “决不会让一 场严的危机白白浪费掉”,表 明必须从失败中 吸 取教训 。
Related to the current
[...] crisis, one expert quoted Rham Emanuel2 saying “you never [...]
want a serious crisis go to waste” to refer
to the need to learn from failures.
同样,在印度,印度管理学院 进行的一项研究报告说,50%的新鲜 食品和蔬菜在运向市场路途 浪费掉。
Similarly, a study in India by the
Indian Institute of Management reports that 50
[...] per cent of fresh food and vegetables are wasted on their way to the market.
所以,农民也需要在这个问题上教育消费者和最终 用户,因为粮食一旦从农村运进城市,便大 浪费掉。
So, farmers also need to educate consumers and end-users about this issue, for once food is moved from the countryside to cities, vast percentages of it go to waste there.
汽油和柴油发动机非常低效,燃料中约有三分之 的 能 量都 被 浪费掉了
Gasoline and diesel engines are not
[...] very efficient, wasting some two-thirds [...]
of the energy contained in the fuel.
教育部的浪费尤为令人震惊:大 的 资 金 被 浪费掉 , 而 文化部门则懂得利用 内部力量来精简其过于陈旧的结构。
It is all the more shocking to
[...] observe the wastage in the Education Sector, where enormous sums of money have been squandered, while the [...]
Culture Sector has been
able to use its internal capabilities to streamline an ageing structure.
这里应当指的是: 这种合作伙伴关系还有助于 提高透明度,消除某浪费乃至 腐败现象。
One comment in this connection: this type of partnership should also help, through greater transparency, to eradicate waste in a number of areas and, in some cases, corruption.
我 认为,根据我们和其他发言者在发言中提到的关于着 手实际开展工的精神,完全不应 浪费掉 已 任 命了 主的那个工作组的可用时间。
I think that, in the spirit of what we and others mentioned in our statements with regard to getting down to work, it would be a shame not to take advantage of the time available to the Working Group for which we actually do have a Chair.
TNR costs much less in financial resources and manpower [...]
than to capture and kill stay cats‖.
充气良的密封件将紧贴料桶边 并防止材料流过柱塞板,从而尽量减 浪费。
A properly inflated seal wipes the sides of the drum and prevents material from passing the plate, to minimize waste.
发现了温水之后,两大挑战摆在了人们面前:一方面,必须保护当地的生态系统,对水进行冷却;另一方面,水 的 热 能 也不应当白 浪费掉。
This situation raised two problems. The first was the need to protect the local ecosystem by cooling the mountain water.
使用碳黑,轮胎的寿命不仅可延长约三倍(5000至15000英里),同时节约了我们的资金(总共约上万亿美元)——否则,这种来自天然 的 物 质 很可能 浪费掉。
Tire life is extended approximately 3-fold (5000 to 15000 miles) with the use of carbon black benefiting
us all in the pocket (collectively trillion of dollars) – and this from
[...] natural gas that may have otherwise been wasted
在对该问题的辩论过程中,保罗·E·德贝雷多·卡内罗先生表示担心在执行局再度出现政治辩的情况,为避浪费时间 ,他建议“执行局成立一个分委员会或工作小组,由几名执行局委员组 [...]
During the discussion on this question Mr Paulo E. de Berrêdo Carneiro, expressing his concern lest the Board again be involved
in arguments of a political
[...] nature, and in order to avoid wasting time, suggested that ‘the [...]
Board should set up a subcommittee
or working group, consisting of some of its own members, who would be responsible between sessions for studying requests for admission that were likely to arouse controversy, obtaining documentary information on the activities of the organizations concerned, holding discussions with their responsible officers and carrying out a meticulous analysis of the contribution they make to the work of UNESCO’ (70 EX/SR.21, paragraph 28.1).
[...] 或审查,以确保工程处资源的接收、保管和处置都遵守规章,确保支出符合财务 条例的规定,检查工程浪费资源的 现 象
The Agency maintains a system of internal controls which provide for an effective examination or review of financial transactions in order to ensure the regularity of receipt, custody and disposal of the resources of the Agency, ensure the
conformity of expenditure with the provisions of the financial regulations and detect any
[...] uneconomic use of the Agency resources.
所涵盖的主题 是:(a) 绿色发展;(b) 节约资源和环保型社会;(c)
增加非化石燃料在自然 能源组合中的比例;(d)
[...] 提高能效和降低二氧化碳排放量的措施;(e) 改革补 贴,以便减少化石燃的使用和浪费 , 并 提高资源效率和改进减贫努力;(f) [...]
电子贸易和交流;(g) 能源和水综合规划;(h) 绿色发展计划,以应对气候 变化影响。
emissions; (e) reforming subsidies to
[...] reduce fossil fuel use and waste and improve resource [...]
efficiency and poverty reduction
efforts; (f) electricity trade and exchange; (g) integrated energy and water planning; and (h) addressing climate change impacts with green development plans.
[...] 以前交付的多得多,原因(1)城市有新来的居民,他们需要新的更赚利润的农产品,这 的 原 因 是大大掉了铁路运费,(2)通过对天然成 的 土 壤 应有的回报,(3)通过所拥有土地的正当的、公平合理 的 和 自 然 条 件 ; ( 4
The rate-rent that which will be readily paid by farmer, small occupier, and allotment holder, would be considerably greater than the rent he paid before: (1) because of the presence of a new town population demanding new and more profitable farm products, in respect of which railway charges can be largely saved; (2) by the due return to the soil of its natural elements; (3)
by the just,
[...] equitable, and natural conditions on which the land is held and (4) by reason of the fact that the rent now [...]
paid is rate and rent,
while the rent formerly paid left the rates to be paid by the tenant.
(i) 《财务条例》第 7.1 条规定的列为杂项收入的所有其它收入(联合国开发计 划的支助费除外),掉汇率 调整和借款利息开支,并考虑比额分摊制的 币值波动帐户的结存。
(i) all other income classified as miscellaneous income within the definition of Article 7.1 of the
Financial Regulations except
[...] UNDP support costs, net of exchange adjustments and interest costs on borrowing, [...]
and taking into account the balance of the currency
fluctuation account of the split-level assessment system
以前租用的網路空間常浪費掉99%的 使 用 配額以及連帶成本,」黃克龍先生表示,「但利用Web [...]
Renting a web-hosting space
[...] with ISP results in wasting 99% of the quota, [...]
along with its joint costs, '' Mr. Huang explained,
'' but all these can be avoided with Web Station, which is truly a bliss during the economic downturn.
但是,这数千亿美元购置的武器对于根本不存的 敌人起不到任何作用,这些钱被白 浪费掉 了 ,对 于拱卫国家安全没有起到任何作用。
However, as all those hundreds of billions of dollars were being spent on weapons that did not work against enemies that did not exist, they were just money down the drain and did nothing to bolster the country’s security.
不过,代表们强调,尽管有必要变革以利新的和有前途的活动出现,但是,34 C/4 不应当掉 目前的优先事项和目标的连续性。
However, delegates emphasized that, while changes were necessary to allow for new and promising activities to emerge, document 34 C/4 should not lose continuity of present priorities and objectives.
城市化和私人使用机动车的增加导致了前所未有的拥挤、能 的浪费使 用 、机动车排放量增加,给城市的空气质量、生活条件、能源安全和公共卫 [...]
Increasing urbanization and increased use of private
motor vehicles have resulted in
[...] unprecedented congestion, wasteful use of energy [...]
and increased motor vehicle emissions, with
serious negative impacts on urban air quality, living conditions, energy security and public health.
鼓励和促进拟定一项 10 年方案框架,以支持区域和国家的倡议,加速 转向可持续消费和生产,在生态系统的承受能力范围内促进社会和经济的发 展,通过改进资源的使用和生产过程的效率和可持续性并减少资 的 退 化、 污染浪费,处 理经济增长与环境退化,并酌情使其脱钩。
Encourage and promote the development of a 10-year framework of programmes in support of regional and national initiatives to accelerate the shift towards sustainable consumption and production to promote social and economic development within the carrying capacity of ecosystems by addressing and, where appropriate, delinking economic growth and environmental degradation through improving efficiency and sustainability in the use of resources and production processes and reducing resource degradation, pollution and waste.
[...] 全球的区域性的回收物料处理平台,能够实现对回收物料的处理过程进行跟踪直至回收处理完成,确保 浪费一 切可以利的资源 并实现废弃物的环保处理。
Overseas, the company cooperated with excellent environmental service providers in Asia, Europe, Latin America, and Africa to build regional recycled materials disposal platforms and track the recycled materials disposal process till the recovery disposal is
completed, thus ensuring no resources
[...] that can be used will be wasted and realizing environmentally [...]
friendly disposal of waste.
管理支助处与维和部和外勤部合作审查现行的业务流程,力求减少人力和 物质资的浪费和过 度使用,以便简化和改进业务流程并建设秘书处内的能力。
The Management Support Service, in partnership with DPKO/DFS, examines current business processes in an effort to reduce waste and overuse of labour and material resources, so as to streamline and improve business processes and develop the capacity within the Secretariat.
例如这种做法造成产量下降、水源耗尽( 过渡使用浪费),表 层土壤流失,包括蜜蜂在的传播花 粉 的 昆 虫的消失,以及使用不可持久的农用 化学品。
This is illustrated by falling grain yields, depletion of water (overuse and waste), erosion of top soils, the disappearance of pollinating insects including bees and the use of unsustainable agrochemical inputs.
这类程序可以采取多种形式,其中包括:旨在防止挥霍 浪费 而 不 是旨在 清算或重整破产财的程序;旨在防止损害投资者而不是损害所有债权人的程 序(在这种情形下,程序还可能不是一个集体程序);或者赋予外国破产管理人 [...]
They may take various forms, including
proceedings that
[...] are designed to prevent dissipation and waste, rather than to liquidate or reorganize [...]
the insolvency estate;
proceedings designed to prevent detriment to investors rather than to all creditors (in which case the proceeding is also likely not to be a collective proceeding); or proceedings in which the powers conferred and the duties imposed upon the foreign representative are more limited than the powers or duties typically associated with liquidation or reorganization, for example, the power to do no more than preserve assets.
[...] 推动经济发展,使矿物或化学品资源的使用与国内生产总值的增 长脱钩;(b) 促进可持续消费和生产模式及可持续交通运输;以及(c) 提供就业 和获取基本需的机会 ,同时尽量减少拥堵 浪费 、 污染和能源使用。
The key was to: (a) facilitate economic development, which would decouple the use of resources; whether minerals or chemicals, from the growth of gross domestic product (GDP); (b) promote sustainable consumption and production patterns and
sustainable transport; and
[...] (c) provide access to employment and basic needs, while minimizing congestion, waste, pollution and [...]
energy use.
我們 當 然 不 能 期 望 新 機場一開張,貨 運 量便能夠高 出 啟 德 機場一倍 , 但 新 機場目前近乎零 增 長的貨 運 量 , 也 或多或 少 反 映 了過去 1 年 , 新 機場一的 航 空 貨 運 設 施 是 白浪費 掉 。
Certainly, we should not expect the new airport to handle 100% more air cargoes than Kai Tak once it has commenced operation. But the virtually nil increase in the volume of air cargo handled by the new airport does, to a certain extent, serve to reflect the fact that the excellent air freight facilities at the new airport have been laid to waste.
在制冷剂管理计划项目提案编制过程中搜集的信息表明,64 家维修厂各类 CFC 消费 量为每年 12.9 ODP 吨;其中 4.4 ODP 吨 CFC 是由三家冰厂消掉的。
Information gathered during the preparation of the RMP project, indicates that the CFC consumption by 64 service workshops amounted to 12.9 ODP tonnes of CFCs/year; of this amount, about 4.4 ODP tonnes of CFCs were consumed by three ice factories.
在第 297
[...] 段中,人口基金同意审计委员会的建议,即:(a) 只将与其费用 回费有关的部分记作收入;(b) 将未完全掉的预付 款部分记作负债;(c) 不 将第三方采购所产生的支出作为自己支出的一部分。
In paragraph 297, the Board recommended that
UNFPA (a) only account
[...] for the portion that relates to its cost-recovery fees as income; (b) account for the [...]
portion of the advance
payment that is not fully utilized as a liability; and (c) derecognize the expenditure incurred for third-party procurement as part of its own expenditure.




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