单词 | 浩繁 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 浩繁—voluminousless common: exhaustive numerous draining heavy (expenditure) extensive amount of burdensome many and varied exhausting arduous strenuous 浩繁adjective—vastadjExamples:卷帙浩繁—a huge amount (of books and papers) See also:浩—grand vast (water) 繁—complicated in great numbers 物n—objectn mattern thingn
PPV 在田树由蚜虫以一种非 持久性方式树播,但是树感染了病毒的植物繁殖材 料的携树而树播是 PPV 树距离树播的主要 途径。 ippc.int | PPV is transmitted in the field by aphids in a non-persistent manner, but movement of infected propagative plant material is the main way in which PPV is spread over long distances. ippc.int |
他还指出,哈里里案提出了 难以解决的问题,与此有关的司法记录特别复杂而且卷帙 浩繁。 daccess-ods.un.org | He also noted that theHariricase raised difficult issues and that the judicial record relating to it was particularly complex and voluminous. daccess-ods.un.org |
海洋空间规划中采取的措施包括,避开保护区,敏感栖息地,洄游路线 产卵、动物繁殖、 越冬和聚食的地方以及有被污染沉积物的地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | Measures taken in the context of marine spatial planning include the avoidance of protected areas, sensitive habitats, migratory pathways, spawning, nursery, overwintering and feeding grounds and of areas with contaminated sediments. daccess-ods.un.org |
加工、调制、处理、贮藏和包装通过种子和植物繁育产生的产品。 excellencethrou...stewardship.org | Process, condition, treat, store and package products resulting from seed and plant multiplication. excellencethrou...stewardship.org |
它 通常由集体共享,其形式有故事、歌曲、民间传说、谚语、文化价值观、信念、仪式、社区法规、 方言和农业活动(包括植物品种的改良和动物繁衍)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It tends to be collectively owned and takes the form of stories, songs, folklore, proverbs, cultural values, beliefs, rituals, [...] community laws, local language and agricultural practices, including the development of plant [...] species andanimalbreeds. unesdoc.unesco.org |
通过实施 该项目,在这片沙漠中使柳树类和其他植物繁殖复苏 是我们的梦想和使命。 itochu.co.jp | In pursuing this project, our mission and our hope is to grow willows or other plants in the desert. itochu.co.jp |
RFID应用浩繁,各种应用的需求也千差万别,读写距离从几厘米到几百米,成本要求从几分到几百美元,同时读取标签数从一个到几百个等等,这些差异要求不仅存在于不同RFID应用系统,也同时存在于同一RFID应用系统,同架构超限技术融合主被动通讯技术在不同或同一RFID系统中能使不同通讯技术发挥其互补的性能特点和成本在同一体系下满足RFID应用的不同要求。 wynlink.com | Applicationof RFIDvoluminous,variousapplication [...] requirements also differ in thousands of ways, read distance ranging [...]from a few centimeters to several hundred meters, cost requirements from a few hundred dollars, while reading the number of tags from one to hundreds, and so on, these differences requires not only exists in different RFID application system, also exist in the same RFID application system, the same architecture - technology integration passive communication technology in different or the same RFID system can make different communication technology plays its complementary characteristics and cost in the same system to meet the different requirements of RFID application. wynlink.com |
寄主植物生物学/育种方案:用于繁殖和筛选在指定隔离田间释放的 未获授权植物的寄主植物繁殖生物学或育种方案,无需额外测试即可 确认植物特征和转基因纯度。 excellencethrou...stewardship.org | Biology of the host plant/breeding protocol: The reproductive biology of the host plant or the breeding protocol used to propagate and select the unauthorized plants destined for confined field release may be such that identity and transgenic purity can be confirmed in the absence of any additional testing. excellencethrou...stewardship.org |
对Martène工程(1654年至1739年)对教会和寺院的仪式(1690年1700-2)和anecdota他的收藏品(1700,1717和1724年至1733年)最 浩繁,他被杜兰德协助。 mb-soft.com | The works of Martène (1654-1739) on ecclesiastical and monastic rites [...] (1690 and 1700-2) and his collections of anecdota (1700, 1717, and [...] 1724-33) aremost voluminous; hewas assisted [...]by Durand. mb-soft.com |
传统东方发酵蔬菜制品的制法,是将蔬菜风乾并存放在环境温度 下让微生物繁殖,加盐、香料及调味料,然後密封在一个厌氧的环境中(以 产生乳酸)。 cfs.gov.hk | Traditional Oriental fermented vegetable products are prepared by air-drying vegetables and exposing them to ambient temperatures so as to allow the microorganismsto flourish; the vegetables are then sealed in an anaerobic environment and salt (to generate lactic acid), spices and seasonings are added. cfs.gov.hk |
在这方面,行预咨委会 指出,预算文件仍然浩繁冗长,其设计看起来既不能 加快秘书处的编制过程,也不能加快大会的审议过程。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that regard, the Advisory Committee noted that the budget document remained voluminous, and did not appear to be designed to accelerate either its production by the Secretariat or its consideration by the General Assembly. daccess-ods.un.org |
为保护生物多样性,欧洲有史以来最 浩繁的物 种普查鉴别正在公园内进行。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | The biggest inventory ever taken in Europe is currently under way, with the aim of identifying species to help protect biodiversity. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
最近采用异丁烯酸甲酯单体在小鼠中进行的动物繁殖研究表明,当异丁烯酸甲酯单体的使用浓 度比人体允许的8天加权时间平均浓度110 ppm高13.3倍时,未发现其对胎仔数和再吸收产生 不良影响。 wmt.com | Recent animal studies of reproduction in mice, using methyl methacrylate monomer have shown no adverse effect on litter size and resorption when the monomer was used in a concentration 13.3 times higher than the permissible 8-day weighted time average of 110 ppm for humans. wmt.com |
(a) 在该地区几乎所有国家都制定了消耗臭氧层物质许可证制度,因此为各类氟氯 烃淘汰调整这些制度所涉的必要工作不会比编订一项新制度更浩繁 multilateralfund.org | (a) Nearly all countries in the region have ODS licensing systems and that the necessary work to adjust these for HCFCs is not as extensive as developing a new one multilateralfund.org |
这是浩繁的欧洲残酷战争史中一种特有的残忍 做法,使世界良知为之震惊。 daccess-ods.un.org | This represents a uniquely monstrous practice in the voluminous annals of brutal warfare in Europe and has shocked the conscience of the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
青椰⼦壳再利用,马来西亚 该项⽬寻求利用青椰⼦在果肉被刮出以及椰汁被用作饮料后剩下的椰 ⼦壳废料,因为青椰⼦的外壳在植物繁殖和育苗期间可用作塑料袋的 替代品。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The project seeks to use the waste of young coconuts husks after its pulp is being scraped and the water is used as a drink since the skin of young coconuts can be used as a substitute for plastic bags during plant propagation and growing seedlings. unesdoc.unesco.org |
从控制食物安全的角度来说,冰冻饮品有潜在的风险,若在制作过程中受污染,再置于不适当环境下,便可引致微生物繁殖,造成食物中毒。 cfs.gov.hk | If the iced drinks are contaminated by bacteria or virus during the preparation, and further kept in improper conditions, the bacteria or virus contained can multiply and cause food poisoning in those who takethe drinks. cfs.gov.hk |