单词 | 浓郁味道 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:(食物或者酒的)浓郁味道 n—bite n See also:浓郁 adj—rich adj • strong adj • intense adj • dense adj 郁—melancholy • dense (growth) 味道 n—taste n • flavourBE n • flavorAE n • flavours pl • smelt n 味道—smell • hint of
葡萄酒中浓郁的味道,可 以影响着每个人口中的感觉神经。 emw-wines.com | Wines possessing intense flavors which seem to affect [...] every sensory nerve in the mouth. en.emw-wines.com |
在入口的一刹那,他们尝到illy咖啡 浓郁 、 香醇 的 味道 , 细 细感受它深沉、平稳的风味,享受它所赋予的特有的乐趣。 parkviewgreen.com | The story is still being written today by President and CEO Andrea Illy, representing a third generation of illy family leadership. parkviewgreen.com |
牛博士薄荷硬糖,浓郁的薄荷味道, 每 颗4克,独立枕式包装,每袋250克,24袋每箱。 st3d.com | Doctor Cow Mint Hard Candy is [...] hard candy with strong mint taste, 4g per piece with [...]individual pillow packing. st3d.com |
经浸泡生产的葡萄酒通常呈"高度提取"的风格,颜色深 , 味道浓郁 , 单 宁明显。 emw-wines.com | This second step usually results in a "highly extracted" style of wine, deeply [...] colored with strong flavors and tannin. en.emw-wines.com |
意味着味道不是很浓郁。 emw-wines.com | Means detecting a slight flavor lightness. en.emw-wines.com |
El Credito 雪茄工厂 邀请本地雪茄客和新手去体验 味道浓郁 而 淳 厚的高级手工制作雪茄,且是在制作现场感受这一雪茄盛宴。 abgcorp.com | El Credito Cigar Factory invites cigar aficionados [...] and novices alike to experience the rich, flavorful, full-bodied taste of the premium [...]handmade cigars rolled in an on-site factory. abgcorp.com |
几乎经常得到积极的评价,和 味道浓郁 的 食 物配搭也很受好评。 emw-wines.com | Nearly always a positive comment and [...] very desirable with highly flavored foods. en.emw-wines.com |
激烈明快 的初感之后,香味变得浓郁,后味属 于 同种芳香,这反映了颗粒小的葡萄酿出的葡萄酒成熟 的单宁口味。 chateau-olivier.com | After a clean, lively attack, [...] the palate develops concentration, and the finish, which [...]continues in the same aromatic vein [...]as the rest, displays ripe, fine-grained tannins. chateau-olivier.com |
而此时Daddy Vad已经集合了一流的艺术家们,如来自英国有感染力的Sabira [...] Jade和抒情奇才MC Pugs Atomz,来共同营造一个富有浓郁和谐 味道 的 真正国际化的团体。 yugongyishan.com | While he is known for traveling the globe in searchof the best musical influences, Daddy Vad has united superb artists, UK [...] soulstress Sabira Jade and lyrical marvel MC Pugs Atomz, to make a truly [...] international collective rich in harmony and flavour. yugongyishan.com |
这些茸毛具浓郁的气息,味辛辣 ,其拉丁文名正是由此而来。 clarinsusa.com | The hairs [...] contain a strong-smelling essence and have a spicy taste which inspired [...]its Latin name. clarinsusa.com |
灌溉可增加单果尺寸和重量,防止各种瑕疵,如果肉坚韧 、 味道浓 烈 、果型不饱满、破 裂、花托腐烂、畸形果等。 wrdmap.org | Irrigation is likely to increase size and weight of [...] individual fruit and to prevent defects such as [...] toughness, strong flavour, poor tip fill and [...]pod fill, cracking, blossom-end rot and misshapen fruit. wrdmap.org |
普洱茶是一种发酵茶,采用云南出产的毛茶压制而成。显然,这种 滋 味浓郁 的 饮 品被许多人视为仙丹妙药,他们认为饮用普洱茶对于从心脏病、消 化 道 疾 病 到减肥等各种健康问题均有良效,而且普洱茶中不含咖啡因。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Apparently this rich bodied drink is seen by many as a wonder elixir, good for everything from heart disease to digestion to weight-loss, and all without caffeine. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
它售买的每种食品都来自本地的有机产品生产商 , 味道 保 证 纯正, 香 浓。 visitfinland.com | Every food article on sale comes from local [...] organic producers, guaranteeing a rich, pure flavour. visitfinland.com |
白葡萄品种,有浓郁的水果味和高 酸度,通常为干性,未经过橡木桶熟化。 emw-wines.com | White variety with pronounced fruit and high [...] acidity; the wines are usually dry and unoaked. en.emw-wines.com |
Patagonia的冰淇淋有着很濃郁的巧克力 味道。 4tern.com | The Patagonia [...] ice cream has a rich chocolate flavor. 4tern.com |
Made in土佐的雪糕系列包括米飯、鹽、黑糖、煎茶、紅茶和雞蛋共六種選擇,全以雲呢拿雪糕為基 本 味道 — —米飯雪糕在細味下,可嚐到一顆顆以日本高知縣出產的二期作白米,口感黏韌, 米 味 濃 郁 ; 以 日本土佐黑潮町的海鹽製成的鹽味雪糕,保留了海鹽的礦物質成份,入口初段甘甜,最後才滲出陣陣鹹味,配以米飯雪糕同吃鹹味更濃;紅茶雪糕亦即是奶茶,吃時就像呷著一杯冰凍奶茶;煎茶雪糕用上來自池川的綠茶調製,茶味甘濃;雞蛋雪糕每口都是強烈的蛋香和奶香融和,卻不會太甜;黑糖雪糕則從邊緣已可看見密佈的小顆黑糖結晶。 think-silly.com | Kochi-Ice’s ‘Made in土佐’ ice cream [...] flavours stretch from rice, salt, brown sugar, Sencha, English tea to egg, with vanilla as a ‘base’. Rice grown locally in Kochi-ken is used in its rice ice cream, adding a touch of sticky texture; sea salt from Kuroshio-cho gives a punch of saltiness to the sweet [...]flavour, with health enhancing [...]minerals – even more so when eaten with rice ice cream; English tea ice cream is like chewing (or sipping, depending on your habit) through an iced white tea; Sencha sourced from Ikegawa has a bitter undertone; protein-packed egg flavour is a layering of milk and egg, and not too sweet; brown sugar ice cream is scattered with crystalised sugar pieces. think-silly.com |
因此,新的“RISERVA”品牌为美食鉴赏家提供了新的质量保证,而对那些热爱 风 味浓郁 而 又 不过于刺激的人们, Grana Padano 奶酪是一种恰到好处的选择。 knowfood.cn | The new “RISERVA” brand thus provides new guarantees of quality for the [...] discerning connoisseurs, and who loves [...] the intense but never over-strong flavour for which Grana [...]Padano cheese is justly famous. knowfood.cn |
自1990年至今,《勇闯天涯系列》凭借其新颖独特的主持风格、独具匠心的路线安排以 及 浓郁 厚 重 的历史文化内涵,在国际上屡获重要奖项――如《旅行家杂志》“最佳电视节目银奖”、世界戏剧节“独立摄像银奖”及美国有线电视杰出奖“休闲与娱乐类特别金奖”、“最佳主持人奖”等等,并迅速成为美国公共广播公司(PBS)、美国探索(DISCOVERY) 频 道 、 英国BBC广播公司、英国旅游 频 道 、 法 国游记 频 道 、 日 本J HK 频 道 、 欧 洲旅游 频 道 及 香 港亚洲电视台、中国旅游卫视台等国际知名频道最受欢迎的旅游节目。 obeauty.com | Since 1990, Globe Trekker series have won numerous international awards, such as [...] Wanderlust Readers’ Award Best TV [...] Travel Show - Silver Award, Worldfest, Houston International Film Festival Silver Award for Individual On-camera Talent, Cableace Award, USA Recreation and Leisure, Special or Series and Magazine Host for Ian Wright. The series have become one of the most popular travel programs in all kinds of famous channels such as PBS and Discovery Channel in US, BBC and Travel Channel in the UK, Voyage France, JHK in Japan, Europe Travel Channel, Asia TV in Hong Kong and The Travel Channel in China. obeauty.com |
这一微博应用以Mike隋主演的互动Flash视频为主角,吸引网友“体验”白咖啡的丝滑口感 和 浓郁 香 味。 labbrand.com | The Weibo application features an interactive [...] flash video featuring Mike Sui that engages netizens to “experience” the [...] smoothness and wonderful smell of the white coffee. labbrand.com |
油评:十月橄榄油芳香馥郁清新,口 味浓郁 , 带 有浓浓的水果味,相对较咸,带有新鲜绿叶的色泽;十一月橄榄油呈现出现烤苹果的香郁,相对较干,口感柔和并带有干草的的清香,很好地掌握了成熟的时机;十二月橄榄油带有西红柿、爆米花及成熟水果的浓郁果香,口感丝滑柔和,芬香馥郁。 tmedco.com | SECOND: HORIZONTAL TASTING: We decided to share our experiences with all lovers of our oils, so that we would make a small contribution to the better understanding of the complex world of olive products, fun but at the same time a serious learning exercise: the discovery of how the same olive evolves from fruit harvested during three consecutive months. tmedco.com |
甘蔗生长在肥沃的火山土里,收割后马上进行榨汁,以保证最为纯正 、 浓郁 的 风 味。 lvmh.cn | The canes are gently pressed shortly after harvest to extract [...] the purest, most flavorful juice. lvmh.com |
遵循1516年德国的酿造法则,我们只使用最为上等的原料酿制出不含香精,口感柔软的纯正啤酒, 其 浓郁 和 苦 涩的口感不禁令人 回 味 无 穷。 diningcity.com | Brewed according to the famous 1516 German Law of Purity with our own [...] high-tech equipment, the characteristics of our beer are [...] initially soft, bitter, of sufficient body, and free from off flavors. diningcity.com |
它擁有咖啡濃郁味道又帶有甜味。 4tern.com | It is dense and sweet. 4tern.com |
为满足食品厂商对香草香精的巨大需求,Govanil™ 香草香精系列产品带来了一种浓郁持 久 的独特 口 味。 rhodia.com.cn | Designed for food players that rely heavily on [...] vanilla flavor, the Govanil™ range provides a unique intense and a long-lasting flavor in mouth. rhodia.com |
从左边到右边,唯一比较‘现代’的部分是对整个 楼 道 的 一个像草稿一样的透视图,画法非常潦草随意,像是没有画完,或者像是另一个人画的,然后再给我画,而旁边有一只拢中小鸟,原本希望画的色 彩 浓郁 一 些 ,笔法更加工整,可是那时突然我想起了摄影,一张没有被拍的色彩饱满的照片被冲洗了出来,如果面临抱怨,也一定是抱怨这张照片的技术问题,而不是审美问题:模模糊糊,低精度,无所谓。 shanghaibiennale.org | Next to it is a wispy bird. I had originally planned to make the colours a little more vivid, the lines a little smoother, but at that moment I suddenly thought of photography. shanghaibiennale.org |
瓦莱面包是一种相对较平的圆形黑麦面包,面包皮酥脆,里面紧致 , 味道 很 浓。 swissworld.org | A flattish, round rye loaf, with a cracked crust and dense texture and a pronounced flavour. swissworld.org |
此黑胡椒粒起源於印度,是由最優秀的胡椒造成,亦是世界上最著名、最受追捧的香料品種 , 味道 濃 郁 而 充 滿豐富果味。 sfgourmet.com | Being one of the most sought after spices in [...] the world, it’s rich in aroma and taste. sfgourmet.com |
晴天和非常炎热的夏天能够促成果 味浓郁 , 风 味 集 中 的成熟葡萄,而十分寒冷的冬天能够帮助藤蔓更好地休眠一段时间,来年就能够结出性格分明,展现自我特色的葡萄。 antinori.it | The very cold winters help the vines to repose for the necessary time and then produce grapes of intensely varietal personality. antinori.it |
黑芝蔴油:由己烘焙過的芝蔴榨取,香氣 濃 郁 , 味道 比 冷 榨芝蔴油強,一般亞洲菜常會使用。 daydaycook.com | Dark sesame oil: pressed from toasted sesame seed, has a [...] nuttier, richer flavor, commonly used in [...]Asian recipes. daydaycook.com |
比我以前做的做出完美的–【低脂轻乳酪蛋糕】面粉含量稍高,但是因为用了原味乳酪 , 味道 更 浓 厚 , 口感非常柔软润湿。 maomaomom.com | The two most common problems in making a cheesecake are over-shrinking after it cools and cracks developed through the middle of the cheesecake after baking. To overcome these, you’ll need to be patient during the preparation of the batter, beat egg white in a consistency that is not too stiff or too soft, and use the right temperature and method while baking. maomaomom.com |