单词 | 浓缩的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 浓缩的 adjective —concentrated adjSee also:浓缩—concentration • concentrate (a liquid) • espresso coffee 浓—concentrated 浓 adj—thick adj 缩 v—reduce v • shrink v
咖啡杯温杯 您可以使用热水或蒸汽对咖啡杯温杯,越 是 浓缩的 咖 啡 ,温杯就越为 重要。 juragastroworld.de | You can warm the cups in advance with hot water or stream. The smaller the quantity of coffee, the more important the warming of the cups. juragastroworld.de |
贫铀是铀浓缩的副产 品之一,并与其他铀化合物一样,具有化学和辐射毒性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Depleted [...] uranium (DU) is one of the by-products of uranium enrichment and, like [...]any other uranium compound, has both chemical and radiological toxicity. daccess-ods.un.org |
该添加剂GammaMIX50是一种浓缩的导电介质颗粒,以适当的比例,保持放电加工的一致性。 gfac.com | The additive GammaMIX 50 is a concentrate of conductive dielectric particles, in the correct proportions, to create consistent EDM. gfac.com |
随着鱼粉价格继续上涨,浓缩的植物 蛋 白(大豆蛋白浓缩、加拿大油菜蛋白浓缩、豌豆蛋白浓缩和玉米/小麦麸皮)将在 [...] 高营养层养殖物种和甲壳类水产饲料中得到比一般植物蛋白粉更显著的地位。 fao.org | With the continued rise in the fishmeal [...] price, plant protein concentrates (soybean protein concentrate, canola protein concentrate, [...]pea protein concentrate and corn/wheat gluten meals) will gain increasing prominence over regular plant protein meals within aquafeeds for high-trophic-level cultured species and crustaceans. fao.org |
我们还注意到,伊朗带着偏见解读该协定,存心 把它看作是进行无限度浓缩的理由,断然拒绝制裁和 原子能机构的视察,并且作为避免同 [...] E3+3 讨论其核 计划的托辞。 daccess-ods.un.org | We have also noted Iran’s biased reading of the [...] agreement, choosing to view it as a justification [...] for unlimited enrichment, a definitive [...]rejection of sanctions and IAEA inspections, [...]and an alibi to avoid discussing its nuclear programme with the E3+3. daccess-ods.un.org |
该产品是高度浓缩的表面活性剂,品质高、1, 4-二恶烷含量低,适用于洗浴用品和化妆品。 cn.lubrizol.com | Excellent quality, low 1, 4 dioxane, highly concentrated surfactant for use in toiletries and cosmetics. lubrizol.com |
该 倡议所包含的各项保证使得成员国能够保留和平利 用核能的权利、获得先进技术的权利、进行 铀 浓缩 的权利 ,以及以公平价格、不受歧视地获 得 浓缩铀 的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | That initiative contained assurances whereby member States would retain the right to peaceful uses of nuclear energy, to obtain advanced technology, to uranium enrichment and to obtain enriched uranium at fair prices and without discrimination. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果不出意外,策展人难免会提出这样的问题:这样在既定场馆举办一场展览,展出带有寓意深刻的图画和高 度 浓缩的 艺 术 作品,其本身能否成为一种终极沉淀呢? shanghaibiennale.org | As a possible result, the curators cannot help but pose the question: can an exhibition as such, with metaphorical sketches, condensed and intense gestures in a designated pavilion ever be a final distillation in and of itself? shanghaibiennale.org |
预加工的木片或浓缩的纤维 在磨浆机盘片之间被投入,磨浆机盘片配备了刀片。 schaeffler.cn | Pretreated wood chips or a thickened fiber suspension are fed between the refiner disks that are equipped with blades. schaeffler.us |
SEG.S平衡螺旋用于将浓缩的纸浆均匀地输入分散机。 voith.com | The equalizing screw SEG.S is used for homogenizing previously thickened stock to achieve a uniform input of the disperser. voith.com |
日本已经敦促伊朗遵守原子能机构理 [...] 事会和联合国安全理事会关于该国核计划的所有相关决议的规定,包括暂停一切 有关铀浓缩的活动 ,并批准及执行附加议定书。 daccess-ods.un.org | Japan has urged Iran to comply with the obligations and requirements in the relevant IAEA Board of Governors and United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iran’s [...] nuclear programme, including the [...] suspension of all enrichmentrelated activities [...]and the ratification and implementation of the Additional Protocol. daccess-ods.un.org |
它继续拒绝提 供关于福尔道燃料浓缩厂的原定 用途和时间表的充分信息,并且尚未提供关于已 宣布的兴建新的浓缩设施 和反应堆的计划的资料。 daccess-ods.un.org | It continues to refuse to provide sufficient information about the [...] original purpose and chronology of [...] the Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant and has not provided information regarding its announced plans to construct new enrichment facilities and [...]reactors. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,如果乳状液不稳定,浓缩的消 散剂可能能 够将其分解,从而将其中的水分释放出来,并使 [...] 得所产生的相对液态的油类能够通过二次施用消 散剂得以消散。 itopf.org | However, if the emulsion is [...] not stable, concentrate dispersants [...]may be able to break it, releasing the water and allowing [...]the relatively liquid oil produced to be dispersed by a second application of dispersant. itopf.org |
方案 4 中将 减少核查范围,从生产定义中消除所有涉及民用核燃料循环中所 用 的 低 浓缩 铀 , 即低于 5%的 浓缩铀的活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Option 4 would decrease the verification scope by removing from [...] the definition of production all activities related [...] to LEU used in the civilian nuclear fuel cycle, i.e. at less than 5%. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然最新一轮的伊朗核危机的导火索是库姆附近的 秘密设施于 2009 年 9 月遭曝光,中国却认为其根 源是之前要求伊朗中止铀浓缩的联合 国决议留下了 悬而未决的问题。 crisisgroup.org | In Beijing’s view, the latest round of the crisis, though set in motion by the September 2009 revelation of the secret facilities near Qom, stems more fundamentally from unresolved issues in previous UN resolutions calling on Tehran to cease uranium enrichment.116 Qom caught China by surprise, so it was unable to mount a meaningful defence of Iran at the IAEA.117 The IAEA’s determination that Iran had violated its obligations was followed by a position adjustment in Moscow on support for the resolution, causing China to be isolated. crisisgroup.org |
根据发动机类型和生产商的不同,有的耐磨损内衬密封条是 用 浓缩的 芳 纶 纸(NOMEX)蜂窝芯做成,而有的则由表面有硅树脂耐磨损涂层的内空玻璃丸做成。 boyuhezhong.com | Depending on the engine type and manufacturer, the abradable liner seal is made from a potted nomex honeycomb, or a silicone abradable coating charged with hollow glass beads. boyuhezhong.com |
伊朗为何将浓度为 20%的浓缩铀的生产 转 移到库姆设施,这是一个为军事用途设计、秘密建造 的地堡式设施,很容易迅速改装生产浓度高于 20%的 浓缩铀。 daccess-ods.un.org | Why is it transferring production of 20 per cent enriched uranium to the Qom facility, a bunkerized installation designed for military use — an installation that was built secretly and that could be easily and quickly reconfigured so as to produce uranium enriched at a rate higher [...] than 20 per cent. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些 信号包括:宣布将 20%的浓缩铀的生产能力提高两倍, 却没有令人信服的用途,并在 [...] 2009 年之前一直不为国 际社会所知的秘密建造的库姆工厂安装首批离心机。 daccess-ods.un.org | They include the announcement of a three-fold [...] increase of 20 per cent enriched uranium production [...]capacities without credible purpose, [...]and the installation of the In conclusion, the Committee may rest assured that it can count on my delegation’s full cooperation in order to ensure the success of the work of the Committee. daccess-ods.un.org |
20% 的浓缩设施开展的核查只需要确认这一事 实,而像原子能机构那样的充分核查将适用于宣布生产浓度超过 2 0% 的浓缩铀的 设施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Similarly, a proponent of the “unirradiated direct use material” definition suggested that under that definition, verification of enrichment facilities declared to be producing less than 20% could be aimed at confirming this fact, while “full ‘IAEA like’ verification” would apply to those declared to be producing more than 20%. daccess-ods.un.org |
生产这么多 20%的 浓缩铀,没有任何可信的民用理由。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is no credible civilian justification for producing that [...] much — 20 per cent — enriched uranium. daccess-ods.un.org |
Trionet™是一种用温水稀释的浓缩液体,提供更好的乳房与毛巾清洁。 delaval.cn | Trionet™ is a concentrated liquid which [...] dilutes in luke warm water to provide excellent udder and towel cleaning. delaval.cn |
报告 指出,该国的核方案是令人严重关切的事项,关于建 造一个新的铀浓缩设施 和轻水反应堆的信息令人深 感不安。 daccess-ods.un.org | The report states that that country’s nuclear programme is a matter of serious concern and [...] that information about the construction of [...] a new uranium enrichment facility and a [...]light-water reactor are deeply troubling. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,如果伊朗 同意“向外界公布铀浓缩能力的进展 ,并由国际机构而 非伊朗本身执行任何工业规模行动”将很有帮助。 crisisgroup.org | It would also be helpful for Iran to agree to “stretch [...] out over time the development of its enrichment capability [...]and to have any industrial-scale [...]activity conducted not by Iran but by an international consortium”. crisisgroup.org |
在豆类中,来自豌豆和羽扇豆的蛋白 浓缩 粉 是 商业上可获得的,用于配合动 物饲料,包括水产养殖饲料。 fao.org | Among the pulses, protein concentrate meals from [...] peas and lupins are commercially available for use within compounded animal [...]feeds, including aquaculture feeds. fao.org |
借助ProFoss™,可持续得到过滤之后产品 中 的浓缩 乳 清 蛋白 / 浓 缩 牛 奶蛋白的实时结果,根据以上结果,ProFoss可随时将其调整,大大地减少了生产波动变化,使生产更接近产品性能规范。 foss.cn | Based on these results ProFoss helps to make adjustments that will significantly reduce production variation, bringing production closer to specifications. foss.us |
自我们上次开会(见S/PV.6737)以来,国际 [...] 原子能机构(原子能机构)总干事再次报告,伊朗 违反安理会的多项决议,继续扩大和加快其被 禁的 铀浓缩活动和与重水有关的工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since we last met (see S/PV.6737), the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has reported, yet again, that Iran has [...] continued to expand and accelerate its [...] prohibited uranium enrichment activities and [...]heavy water-related work, in contravention [...]of the Council’s multiple resolutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
它特别 重视核废物管理和辐射对环境的影响,并且认为, 处置或降级武器级材料、反应器转换、逐步保证高 浓缩铀库存的安全或消除高浓缩铀库 存,以及促进 多边化的具有成本效益和政治中立的燃料循环,是 一些充满希望的时机。 daccess-ods.un.org | It attached particular importance to nuclear waste management and the environmental effects of radiation and [...] viewed as promising [...] opportunities the disposal or downgrading of weapons-grade material, conversion of reactors, gradual securing or elimination of highly enriched uranium stockpiles [...]and promotion [...]of a multilateral, cost-effective, politically neutral fuel cycle. daccess-ods.un.org |
有鉴于此,国际社会必须强烈谴责北韩公然违反 安全理事会第 1718(2006)号和第 1874(2009)号决议 [...] 的行为,并敦促它充分遵守安理会其它有关决议,特 别是以可核查和不可逆方式彻底放弃包括 铀 浓缩计 划在内的所有核计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that regard, the international community must strongly condemn North Korea’s clear violation of Security Council resolutions 1718 (2006) and 1874 (2009) and urge it to fully comply with other relevant Council resolutions, especially by [...] abandoning all of its nuclear programmes, [...] including its uranium enrichment programme, in a complete, [...]verifiable and irreversible manner. daccess-ods.un.org |