

单词 浓墨重彩

See also:


rich (colors)
profound (effect)
heavy (aroma)
deep (friendship)

External sources (not reviewed)

1969 年,GN 开通了日本 - 俄罗斯 (JASC) 线路,为其一百周年纪念添上 浓墨重彩 的 一 笔。
In 1969, GN marked its 100-year anniversary by opening the Japanese-Russian (JASC) connection.
作为 600 系列低音炮中最具震撼力的一款扬声器,ASW610XP 为宽敞的房间中摆放的高保真或家庭影院系统添上 浓墨重彩 的 、 甚至是画龙点睛的一笔。
The ASW610XP, the most powerful of the 600 Series subwoofers, delivers the finishing touch – or finishing thump – to a hi-fi or home theatre system for larger rooms.
十年前,宾利欧陆GT概念车的发布在宾利家族的历史上增添 浓墨重彩 的 一 笔,标志着以产品为导向的企业复兴之路正式开始。
Exactly ten
[...] years ago, the unveiling of the Continental [...]
GT concept was a defining moment in Bentley’s history, marking the
beginning of the company’s product-led renaissance.
溶剂彩印油墨的重要成分 之一,通过它可以把颜料和 树脂等不同成分混合成匀质 的混合物。
They make it possible to process the various components such as pigments and resins into a homogeneous mixture.
两个办事 处(圣地亚哥墨西哥城)重视教 师地位、工作条件和绩效问题以及国家教师认证的政策和战略问 题。
Two Offices
[...] (Santiago and Mexico City) have also put emphasis on the status, [...]
working conditions and performance of teachers
and on policies and strategies for national teacher certification.
所以,如果您不想坚持上述标准,请确保前后印刷保持一 致的墨浓度。
So if you do not wish to adhere to the standards given above, then ensure you
[...] have some consistent densities [...]
that you will to continue to work with.
拟编列经费 4 100 美元,用于与组办培训班有关的培训材料和制作印刷材 料(传单、海报、大幅图片)使用的特 彩 色 墨 盒 , 以支持维持和平行动。
An amount of $4,100 is proposed to cover the cost of training materials related to the organization of
the training course and
[...] special colour cartridges used for producing print material (fliers, posters and [...]
large photographs)
in support of peacekeeping operations.
一支 2 支彩色多重的墨水筆 和具配以分離安全扣的頸繩。
A 2 colour multiple ink pen and a lanyard with [...]
a breakaway safety release.
这幅美丽的墨水彩地图描绘的是达瓜河和 Sombrerillo 镇,该地区便是后来新格林纳达的西班牙辖区。
This beautiful pen-and-ink and watercolor map shows the [...]
Dagua River and the town of Sombrerillo in what was then the Spanish Viceroyalty of New Grenada.
上 世纪 60 年代,西班牙还在走闭关自守的经济发展道路:当时,西班牙经济有浓重的干涉主义彩,与 周边国家也少有交集,直到其加入了经济和货币同盟, 这一同盟代表着我们当前所承认的经济一体化发展的最高阶段。
Spain has gone from an economic system inherited from the rigid autarchy that prevailed until the 1970s, characterized by a high degree of interventionism and limited integration into its environment, to membership in the Economic and Monetary Union – the most advanced stage of economic integration the country has ever known.
在大多数情况下,左侧墨盒为黑色墨盒,右 墨 盒 为 彩 色 墨 盒。
In most cases, the left
[...] cartridge is black, and the right is a color.
格拉夫珠宝由2001年起参加马斯特里赫特‧欧洲艺术博览会,并在博览会上推出无与伦比的迷人钻饰,包括以两 重 逾 50 浓彩 黄 钻 镶嵌而成的“双子黄钻”耳环,还有重100克拉的D色内无瑕梨形钻石“火焰”。
Graff Diamonds has been involved in TEFAF Maastricht since 2001 where it has unveiled some of the most fabulous jewels in the world, including The Gemini Yellows, a pair of  50+ carat Fancy Intense Yellow diamond earrings and the Flame, an incredible D Flawlesss pearshape diamond of exactly 100 carats.
该车的炮塔有浓重的俄罗斯彩, 采 用了和BMP-3相同配置的 100毫米 主炮和一门同轴并列的 30毫米 机关炮。
The vehicle features a Russian BMP-3-style turret armed with a 100mm main gun and a coaxial 30mm cannon.
2 月 24 日国际原子能机构(原子能机构)总干事
[...] 的报告(S/2012/114,附件), 再次确定伊朗同原子 能机构的合作仍然未获进展,并证实 浓 缩 活动 和重 水项目没有中止。
The report of the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), dated 24 February (S/2012/114, annex), established again the continued absence of progress in Iran’s
cooperation with the Agency and
[...] confirmed that its enrichment activities and heavy water-related projects [...]
were not suspended.
[...] 项决议的要求采取步骤充分履行其“保障协定”及其他义务,包括执行其“附加 议定书”的规定、执行其“保障协定”的“辅助安排”总则经修订的第 3.1 条、 中浓缩相关活动和中重水相 关活动。
The Director General urges Iran, as required in the binding resolutions of the Board of Governors and mandatory Security Council resolutions, to take steps towards the full implementation of its Safeguards Agreement and its other obligations, including: implementation of the provisions of its Additional Protocol; implementation of the modified Code 3.1 of the Subsidiary Arrangements General Part to
its Safeguards Agreement;
[...] suspension of enrichment related activities; and suspension of heavy water related activities.
戴尔多功能一体喷墨打印机的打印头托架包含一个黑 墨 盒 和一 个 彩 色 墨 盒。
The Dell All-in-One Inkjet printer has a printhead tray that contains one
[...] black ink cartridge and one color ink cartridge.
墨西哥重申其 一贯原则立场:只有依照安全理事会或大会通过的决定或建 [...]
Mexico reaffirms its traditional [...]
and principled position that any type of political, economic or military sanctions imposed
on States can only emanate from a decision or recommendation formulated by the Security Council or the General Assembly.
自我们上次开会(见S/PV.6737)以来,国际 原子能机构(原子能机构)总干事再次报告,伊朗 违反安理会的多项决议,继续扩大和加快其被禁的浓缩活动和重水有关的工作。
Since we last met (see S/PV.6737), the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has reported, yet again, that Iran has continued to expand
and accelerate its
[...] prohibited uranium enrichment activities and heavy water-related work, in contravention of the Council’s multiple resolutions.
然而,如果在没有废物的情况下发现灰泥 中重金属浓度超 过正常范围,应当对灰泥和/或混凝土进行浸出试验(德国技 [...]
术合作公司/豪西蒙公司,2006 年)。
However, in
[...] cases where the concentration of heavy metals exceeds the [...]
normal range found in cements made without waste,
leaching tests on mortar and/or concrete should be conducted (GTZ/Holcim, 2006).
新推出的Kaleidochrome® True CPT™ 化彩色墨粉, 是为CP1025/MI75 引擎特别设计,并提供优秀的黑度和页产量,打印效果可与原装相媲美。
The new Kaleidochrome® True
[...] CPT™ chemical color toners for the CP1025/MI75 [...]
have been designed specifically for this engine
and offer excellent image density, yield and OEM-like print performance.
该设备用于 X 射 线荧光技术,以取代 1983
[...] 年在原子能机构购买、因为长期使用已出现 许多问题的堪培拉多通道分析仪(系列 30),并计划用它来测量哈瓦那空 气污染生物监测重金属浓度。
The equipment was intended for X-ray fluorescence analysis to replace the multichannel analyser (Canberra 30 series) was acquired through IAEA in 1983, which is failing owing to wear
and tear, and was to have been
[...] used to measure heavy metal concentrations in the biomonitoring [...]
of air pollution in Havana.
该决议序言部分第 3 段提 到联合国具有国际性,并指出为避免国家 彩 过 于 浓 厚 起见,秘书处之政策及行 政方法应对于各会员国各种不同文明优美之点及技术才能之专长兼收并蓄,充分 利用。
The third preambular paragraph of that resolution referred to the international character of the Organization and stated that in order to avoid undue predominance of national practices, the policies and administrative methods of the Secretariat should reflect, and profit to the highest degree from, assets of the various cultures and the technical competence of all Member nations.
巴巴多斯是一个宗 教彩浓厚的社会,有一个巨 大的教 会 (包括福音 传道 活 动者)游 说团体,他们 对这个问题有自己的看 法。
Barbados is a heavily religious society and has a tremendous lobby in terms of the church, including activist evangelists, who have their own views on this issue.
虽然 1993 年进行的“关于在外层空间适用建立信任措施的研究”对这些措
[...] 施做出了全面概述,强调确定这种措施的安全、开放和预见性 重 要 性 , 墨 西哥 坚持应进行新的评价,提出具体建议,同时考虑到国际形势的变化、技术进展的 [...]
Although the 1993 study on the application of confidence-building measures in outer space provided a broad panorama of such measures, emphasizing the importance of security, openness and
predictability in the definition of this
[...] type of measure, Mexico would emphasize the [...]
advisability of conducting a new evaluation
with specific recommendations which take into consideration changes in the international context and technological advances and generate elements conducive to the adoption of effective action promoting a cooperative climate of confidence.
之后,每块版材均应放在印刷机上,在打印参考版材之前应获得均匀的 墨浓 度。
Each plate should then be put on the printing
[...] press, and an even ink density should [...]
be achieved before printing reference sheets.
委員要求政府當局就以下事項提供書面回 應 ⎯⎯ (a) 《持久授權書條例》( 第 501章 )(下稱 " 該條例")現行第15(1)條 ( 該條文強制
規定授權人必須委任受權人以共同行 事或共同和各別行事) 背後的政策原 因;及 (b)
[...] 當局能否在訂明表格的版面設計方面重着墨,提醒授權人注意沒有在 《 2011年持久授權書(修訂)條例草案》 [...]
(下稱"條例草案")擬議附表2表格2的 A 部第2 段中指明其委任的多於一名受
權人是共同行事還是共同和各別行事 所招致的法律後果。
(a) the underlying policy reason for the existing section 15(1) of the Enduring Powers of Attorney Ordinance (Cap. 501) ("the EPA Ordinance") which provided for the mandatory requirement for appointing attorneys to act jointly or to act jointly and severally; and (b) whether more emphasis could be made in the presentation of the
prescribed form to draw the attention of the donor
[...] to the legal consequence of a failure [...]
to specify whether the appointment of more
than one attorney should act jointly or jointly and severally in paragraph 2 of Part A of Form 2 in the proposed Schedule 2 to the Enduring Powers of Attorney (Amendment) Bill 2011 ("the Bill").
為展示該館的彩水墨藝術 藏品,該館現正計劃舉 辦連串專題展覽,包括在 2010 [...]
年 3 月舉行吳冠中作品展, 以及在同年較後時間由一位國際知名的藝術策展人策劃一 項大型當代水墨藝術品展覽。
To showcase its
[...] spectacular collections of ink art, the Museum is [...]
planning a series of thematic exhibitions, including the
one on Wu Guanzhong’s works in March 2010 and a major contemporary ink art exhibition to be curated by an internationally renowned art curator later in the year.
西班牙买方和巴基斯坦卖方订立了 1,920 箱重 12.920 公斤的冷墨鱼的 买卖 合同,当事双方对货物质量问题发生争议:部分产品(5.589 [...]
公斤)据称不合 格,被卫生当局下令销毁,其余部分质量低于合同规定的质量,而且数量不 足,只有 12.740 公斤。
The Spanish buyer and the Pakistani seller, which had concluded a contract for
the sale and purchase of
[...] 1,920 boxes of frozen cuttlefish having a net weight of 12.920 kg were [...]
in dispute over the quality
of part of the merchandise: part of the product (5.589 kg) had been declared unfit and destroyed by order of the health authorities, while the rest had been inferior in quality to that contracted for and the quantity was also smaller, at 12.740 kg.
全新海军上将杯AC-One 45 帆船赛腕表传承着Admiral’s Cup 海军上将杯系列自1960 年问世以来的经典特徵,亦同时体现了昆仑表为系列创造腕表时所秉持的三大宗旨:揉合高创意技术与传统制表技艺丶体现品牌与航海界的联系,以及 浓 厚 品牌 色 彩 的 独 特设计。
Embodying all the classic features of the Admiral’s Cup collection created in 1960, the new Admiral’s Cup AC-One 45 Regatta model powerfully reaffirms Corum’s fundamental triptych: top-flight mechanics combining technical innovation and grand watchmaking traditions; a DNA firmly anchored in the sailing world; as well as a strong and instantly recognizable design.
从左边到右边,唯一比较‘现代’的部分是对整个楼道的一个像草稿一样的透视图,画法非常潦草随意,像是没有画完,或者像是另一个人画的,然后再给我画,而旁边有一只拢中小鸟,原本希望画的 彩浓 郁 一 些,笔法更加工整,可是那时突然我想起了摄影,一张没有被拍的色彩饱满的照片被冲洗了出来,如果面临抱怨,也一定是抱怨这张照片的技术问题,而不是审美问题:模模糊糊,低精度,无所谓。
Next to it is a wispy bird. I had originally planned to make the colours a little more vivid, the lines a little smoother, but at that moment I suddenly thought of photography.




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