

单词 浑汗如雨

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External sources (not reviewed)

像Dave和我这样的朋友关系是不多的,还记得多年前我们在华盛顿州把巨大的干草块一起推上18轮卡车,共同 汗如雨。
Not many friends go as far back as Dave and I do, having shared the
sweat while loading larges bales of hay onto 18-wheelers together in Washington
[...] State what seems like so many years ago.
[...] 须采取坚定的立场,其中包括那些 浑 水 摸鱼,要把 我国重新拉回到死亡和战争年代去的破坏分子。
We must take a firm stand against those who would hinder the achievement of peace in Somalia,
including those destructive individuals who
[...] would fish in troubled waters and act [...]
to return the country to the years of loss and fighting.
本血壓計和袖帶不防水﹐因此應避免 雨汗 水和水。
Protect the
[...] device and cuff from rain, sweat and water.
那些不听指令的人会被受以各种酷刑——开水、柏油、利箭、岩石还有一些早期的武器都 如雨 点 般落在这些人身上。
Uninvited guests were treated to boiling water, tar, arrows, rocks, and other early
[...] weapons of mass destruction rained down on them from [...]
1992 年以来,中国大如雨后春 笋般出现了无数的科技工业区(STIP),以经济激励措施和完备的科技基础设施,吸引中小型企业入驻其中。
Since 1992, numerous Science and Technology Industrial Parks (STIPs) have been established to lure small and medium-sized enterprises with financial incentives and ready technological infrastructure.
在多个会 员国开展的干预措施进展顺利(如 阿 富 汗 和 刚 果民主共和国),在另一些国家开展的活动 [...]
落后于预定计划,到本双年度结束时产生可持续作用的前景受到影响(例如马达加斯加和莱 索托)。
Interventions are well on track in a number of
[...] Member States (e.g. Afghanistan and Democratic [...]
Republic of the Congo), while activities
in some others (e.g. Madagascar and Lesotho) have fallen behind schedule, decreasing the possibility of having a sustainable impact by the end of this biennium.
这一主张通过历史在十九世纪、二十世纪和二十一世纪 在使文化、科学和技浑然一体方面发挥了桥梁作用。
This message connects the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries, uniting culture, science and technology.
在游泳、雨、出汗或擦 拭后重复使用驱蚊产品。
[...] after swimming, rainfall, sweating and wiping.
五楼中庭旁,占地千坪的统一Being Sport健身空间,,让您享受汗如雨的 运 动乐趣吗!
PCSC Being Sport Gym occupies 1,000 pyeong (or 3,306 square metres) at the fifth floor by the courtyard.
在当今全球贸易环境中,供应链在各国和各区域间相互交缠 浑 然 一体 ,如 果与 运输、物流和贸易有关的基础设施和服务不够高效和适足,就会严重阻碍一 [...]
In today’s global trading
[...] environment, where supply chains intertwine seamlessly through countries [...]
and regions, having inefficient
and inadequate transportation, logistics and trade-related infrastructures and services can severely hinder a country’s ability to compete on a global scale.
在冲突后形势中,如伊拉 克、阿汗、巴 勒斯坦被占领土、刚果民主共和国以及西非几个国家的情形 中,该平台仍发挥着其作为受影响总部外办事处和总部迫切需要的协调机构 [...]
In post-conflict environments like Iraq, Afghanistan, the Occupied [...]
Palestinian Territory, Democratic Republic of the Congo,
and several countries in West Africa, the Platform continued its function as a much needed coordination body for the affected field offices and Headquarters.
教科文组织为会员国提供技术援助,用以制订和执行国家高等教育战略( 如在 阿富汗制订 国家科学政策战略;在柬埔寨进行教育研究和师资培养;支持约旦的 [...]
UNESCO provided technical assistance to countries to develop and implement national strategies for higher
education (e.g. development of national
[...] science policy in Afghanistan; education research [...]
and teacher development in Cambodia;
support to higher education reform in Jordan; review of higher education and institutional policy on education for sustainable development in Namibia).
如在阿富汗, 基 于社区的排雷在高风险地区有效运作起来,同时 增强了稳定性。
However, in Afghanistan, for example, community-based [...]
demining had effectively operated in high-risk areas, while enhancing stability.
他们遵循宾克,建筑院子里,但仍然无法抓住他,Norby落入一大桶潮湿的水泥,威高甩出的建设,到后面的垃圾车,和埃迪被困在起重机后, 浑 身 湿 透的胶水。
They follow Bink to a construction yard, but are still unable to catch him, with Norby falling into a vat of wet cement, Veeko getting thrown off the building and into the back of a garbage truck, and Eddie getting stranded on a crane after being drenched in glue.
除了各拍卖公司使浑身解数开拓市场、赢得市场话语权及努力推动中国 艺术品拍卖行业的发展,中国拍卖行业协会自2011年9月份启动了“第一届中 国文物艺术品拍卖标准化达标企业评定”,立足拍卖业首个行业标准《文物 艺 术 品 拍 卖 规 程 》( SB/T 10538-2009)的宣贯实施,根据116项严格的评选标 准,对拍卖行业的经营管理、库房设施等现场调查和全面分析,最终在74家参 评的文物艺术品拍卖企业中,评选出44家达标企业。
In addition to auction houses pulling out all the stops to expand the market, win market authority and promote the development of China’s art auction market, in September 2011, the China Auctioneers Association published its first “Standard for auction of cultural relics and art works market standardisation assessment” based on the publicised implementation of the auction market norm “Standard for auction of cultural relics and art works” (SB / T 10538-2009).
然而,随着 时间的推移,与阿拉伯国家联盟的合 如雨 后春 笋般地发展,现已囊括了西亚经社会所 覆盖的所有实质性领域。
Over the years, however, cooperation with LAS has mushroomed and encompasses all substantive areas covered by ESCWA.
孟买自1991年解放后,先后见证了多次经济腾飞:90年代中期金融业蓬勃发展,以及21世纪信息科技、出口、服务及外包业 如雨 后 春 笋般兴起。
The city witnessed an economic boom since the liberalization of 1991, with a finance boom in the mid 90s and the IT, export, services and outsourcing boom in 2000s.
我们希望在波恩即将召开的会议将是又一次以真诚 方式开展讨论的机会,商讨如何制定措施来应对政治
[...] 和安全问题方面的共同挑战并拟订更多消除极端主 义、好战成性、恐怖主义和贩毒的办法,以 如 何按 照阿汗人民 的愿望,在所有邻国和区域国家的积极 参与下,为增进阿富汗经济繁荣铺平道路。
We hope that the upcoming meeting in Bonn will be another occasion to discuss in a sincere manner ways to develop measures aimed at addressing common challenges in political and security issues and to elaborate further ways to eliminate extremism, militancy, terrorism and drug
trafficking, as well as to pave
[...] the way for greater economic prosperity for Afghanistan, with the active [...]
participation of all the
neighbouring and regional countries, in line with the wishes of the Afghan people.
和平与安全执行委员会负责处理和平与安全方面的关键交叉性问题,在出现迫 切安全问题与潜在冲突局势时制定行动方针。54 和平与安全执行委员会不是常设机
[...] 构;每月召集一次,有时为需要进行较长时间深入分析的问题设立工作队 ( 例 如 阿富 汗、人权、千年发展目标、建设和平、法治、苏丹和恐怖主义问题)。
The Executive Committee on Peace and Security (ECPS) deals with critical crosscutting issues of peace and security and delineates courses of action in situations of immediate security concern and potential conflict situations.54 ECPS is not a standing body; it is convened once a month and sometimes establishes task forces for issues requiring
in-depth analysis over an extended period
[...] of time (e.g. Afghanistan, human rights, [...]
MDGs, peacebuilding, rule of law, the Sudan and terrorism).
[...] 管理信息系统(MIS),或在一些国家进行试点,为扫盲和继续教育决策提供支持 如 阿富 汗和不丹的管理信息系统--非正规教育(MIS-NFE),社区学习中心-越南管理信息系统)。
A Management Information System (MIS) for the non-formal sector is being developed or piloted
in some countries to support decision-making in literacy and continuing education
[...] (e.g. MIS-NFE in Afghanistan and Bhutan; Community [...]
Learning Centre-MIS in Viet Nam).
评估提出改进这一领域的伙伴关系 如 阿 富 汗 发 展 成果的评估指出,“应更多利 用联合国专门机构在可持续生计领域的执行能力” [1 ]。
Improving partnerships in this area is suggested,
[...] as noted in the Afghanistan ADR, “greater [...]
use should be made of UN specialized organization
execution in the area of sustainable livelihoods” [1].
在 2011 年 7 月 7
[...] 日给安全理事会主席的信(S/2011/419)中,秘书长宣布他 任命科特迪瓦问题专家组四名成如 下 :伊 尔 汗 · 贝 尔 科尔(土耳其,海关-运输 专家)、奥马伊拉·贝穆德斯-卢戈(美利坚合众国,钻石专家)、若埃尔·沙莱克 [...] [...]
In a letter addressed to the President of the Security Council dated 7 July 2011 (S/2011/419), the Secretary-General announced
his appointment of four members of the
[...] Group of Experts as follows: Ilhan Berkol (Turkey, [...]
customs/transport expert), Omayra
Bermúdez-Lugo (United States of America, diamond expert), Joel Salek (Colombia, finance expert) and Manuel Vazquez-Boidard (Spain, regional expert).
一些如包括阿富汗、哥 伦比亚、刚果民主共和国、菲律宾、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、也门等国家均遭到上 述各种障碍因素的困扰。
[...] affected by these constraints include Afghanistan, Colombia, the [...]
Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Philippines,
the Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen.
尽管达尔富尔全体公民完全选择和平,接受《多 哈和平文件》,但有人继续与和平为敌,企图利用达 尔富尔地区人民的状浑水摸鱼。
Despite the fact that all the citizens of Darfur fully opted in favour of peace and agreed to the Doha Peace Document, peace continues to have enemies among those who prefer to profit from the situation of their people in Darfur.
该报告审视了大量适当技术和相 关管理做法,包括传统做法(如雨水集 蓄和储存)以及新技术和新兴技术(例如地 [...]
理信息系统),并讨论了为加速推广和采用这些技术和做法需要采取进一步行动 的关键领域。
It reviews a host of appropriate technologies and associated management practices,
including traditional
[...] practices (such as water harvesting [...]
and storage) and new and emerging ones (such as geographical information
systems), and discusses key areas for future action to accelerate the diffusion and adoption of those technologies and practices.
雨如磐的 几年里,他花了族长的宝座,而他是对拉丁人的交战,他谈判的穆斯林哈里发的穆斯林统治下的保护基督徒和圣地的照顾,并进行反对各种东部对争议异端,亚美尼亚,Paulicians等他在信件的兴趣从来没有减弱。
During the stormy years he spent [...]
on the patriarch's throne, while he was warring against the Latins, he was negotiating
with the Moslem Khalifa for the protection of the Christians under Moslem rule and the care of the Holy Places, and carrying on controversies against various Eastern heretics, Armenians, Paulicians etc. His interest in letters never abated.
一 個入伙 不 足 3 年居屋單位 , 便 有 鋁窗鬆脫 掉 到 街 上;一個居屋單位的鹹 水 喉 設計錯誤, 以 致 喉 管外露 在 客 廳 , 並因曾 爆裂令
戶 主 損 失 傢俬和裝修;一個 居 屋單位因住 戶 在 走 廊洗地
[...] 而 令 樓下走 廊 的 天 花 出現裂縫,如雨 下;一個 入 伙 不 久 的 屋 苑的走 廊牆磚, [...]
數 以 萬 計相繼 脫 落 ;最後 , 一個公屋屋 的 食 水 喉
錯 駁 用作廁 所水的鹹 水。
An aluminium window of a Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) flat hardly occupied for three years fell off onto the street; owing to mistakes in design, the toilet water pipe of an HOS flat protruded into the sitting room and burst, damaging the furniture and furnishings; the occupant of an HOS flat in washing the corridor caused leakage to the ceiling
of the corridor beneath and water
[...] poured down as if it was raining; the wall tiles [...]
of a recently occupied HOS flat fell
off in tens of thousands; the fresh water pipes of a public housing estate were wrongly connected to the toilet water supply.
我们想在秘书长的下一次报告中得到更多关如何将阿富汗族群和阿汗妇女列入有关方案的规 划和执行工作的信息,其中包括为了执行第 1325(2000)号和第 1889(2009)号决议。
We would be interested in receiving more detailed information in the next
report of the
[...] SecretaryGeneral on how Afghanistan’s ethnic communities and the women of Afghanistan are included [...]
in the planning and
implementation of relevant programmes, including with a view to the implementation of resolutions 1325 (2000) and 1889 (2009).
教科文组织在实施 具体活动的同时也制定相应的准则,努力
[...] 使决策者意识到批准现有国际文书已势在 必行如阿富汗和伊 拉克批准《关于在武 装冲突的情况下保护文化财产海牙公约》 [...]
UNESCO, through its standard-setting action carried out in parallel with its operational action, has endeavoured to alert decision-makers to the
compelling need to ratify existing
[...] international instruments, such as the Hague Convention [...]
for the Protection of Cultural Property
in the Event of Armed Conflict (1954) as in the case of Afghanistan or Iraq.




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